"Everyday We Stray Further From God's Light..."

It's here, comrades. It's finally here. "Womb transplants" for men to give birth like Arnie in Junior:


How tolerant should "the tolerant left" be? Is there really such a thing as d-generacy (fuck the word filter) or am I just spooked out if I don't fuck with abortion, ain't cool with butsecks being taught in the same lesson as the reproductive system in school and think the state should take your kids away if you take them to a Pride Rally?

I know us commies are supposed to wanna hang Porky on a meat hook for all the proles to see and all that Marxist shit as our #1 cause, but should a socialist society care enough bout these social issues to pass laws against them "for the good of the people"?

kys nazbol

Nazbol don't let black people join. It's in their official party manifesto.

Gay pride is ultimately a liberal tool and reactionary when it's past its liberation stage. "Pride" sentiments, whether in regards to sexuality or nationality, are the same and are born through the same process.

I'm aight with gay shit as long as it's done behind closed doors to be honest. People do a lotta weird shit to each other sexually so it should be treated as a kink like BDSM and ecosexuality, but not put on the sane default level as sex between a man and a woman.

kys hotep

Body modifications are the future but in-vitro babies would be a better cause.

Anyways, I honestly don't see the point in bothering yourself with such petty shit. Who cares if someone wants to fuck ass or get an abortion? It's not affecting you personally. Honestly, I get the impression the black community is pretty spooked when it comes to these topics.

every day is two words in the context OP uses it and this thread is shit

Don't worry Afroplasm, these liberals obsessed over idpol to the point where they call it sexist that only women give birth or who wanna take away your kids if you don't attend pride parades are in my opinion doing all this Westboro Baptist Church shit in reverse.

For example, I have noticed that that it has something to do with education. Liberals who are well-read and don't just take everything from twitter don't really go too far with idpol.

In my opinion, if you are dumb, it doesn't really matter if do dumb shit to your kids in a liberal way (like declaring them gay) or in a conservative way (banning them from watching cartoons because they are "satanic").

Solution is to teach these liberals that liberation is the only thing that matters. Once each gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and transsexuals are liberated, any liberation past that point is meaningless, and you should either advocate liberation movements in less enlightened countries, or you should move on to economic problems like indebted college students, healthcare, workplace democracy and other such socialist themes that currently lack the sufficient manpower.


Tripfags really are fucking cancer.

If that triggers you. You're spooked. Read Stirner.
Also I found some of your posts on 4chan's /x/, I'm trying to see if you have a YouTube channel, it seems that you don't have videos which is good.

You always ask for people to make videos but you're spooked, it's good that you're not making them rn. You have to read more before doing that, you don't want to end up like Holla Forumstards. We won't make the same mistake, we study here.

grow up read. smh

namefags proving their worth once again.

sage for your continuing retardation

kys nazbol

Are you a real black person, or are you larping?

Technology is truly amazing.
I for one welcome any effort to help these people.

You're spooked as fuck and need to go back to reddit.

3/4 of this thread's replies don't even contribute to the discussion, half of them are just "kys" or "lel namefags" and other half is strinerfags saying "haha triggered spook" despite the amount of LARPing with "(x) Pride".

As for the topic, this kind of thing is what motivates Holla Forums and other right-wing bullshit and further distorting their view of the left. Rather than focusing on actual worker rights, we have shit like this that just fuels the controversy which brings in money for the media. Newspapers, info outlets, social networks are all eating that sweet user data which they sell to advertisement agencies.

Twitter needs to die.

we do the same shit to liberals and lolberts

namefag here isnt worth the discussion

But you bump this shit anyway, gg.

Women practically consider an abortion a rite of passage these days and men are clamoring to cut their gentials off and insert uteruses in their body.

Is this hysteria and breakdown of biological norms something we can blame on capitalism?

Oh no it's /leftycuck/, large elements of capitalist degeneration such as homosexuality and trannies are supposed to be celebrated because even "real" leftists lack the courage to move on from their internalized SJW worldview and vulgar Whiggish history!

Really sears your steaks.

These things are results of medicalization which is a product of capitalism, where the health industry brings larger and larger pieces of society under its power.


Positively CLAMORING to cut their genitals off, sex change surgeons can hardly sleep they have so many patients!

This post was a mistake. Afroplasm out.😐✊

Get a life. I swear to Christ, this board sometimes…

They have to find something to do while they're pumping themselves full of the opposite sexes hormones.

hello liberal

What did you expect? 50% of this board is homosexuals/trans doped up on idpol.

who gives a shit

You are probably not wrong the capitalism is shaping this thing, or ethical and cultural norms, in a decisive way.
But you are an idiot for thinking it could be any other way or can be turned back. The only way forward will be through capitalism, through these increasing cultural mutations, and hope to build out of it something better. Something like making all human reproduction a more collective and democratic process after all existing norm have corroded away as they necessarily must under capitalism.

There's literally nothing wrong with this you big fucking baby.
god damn


a good thread died for this shit

We already have IVF, unless you mean creating humans from scratch, which is in its planning stage.