YouTube keeps inserting race realist videos into my recommended feed...

YouTube keeps inserting race realist videos into my recommended feed, despite the fact that I don't view or engage with any of these far-right channels. So fucking tired of this bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

You probably still watch political stuff on yt anyway so that is how that bullshit gets to your recommendations

Get used to it. Billionaires are getting desperate and are aligning with hardcore reactionaries in order to maintain control. Unfortunately it looks like it is going to work in the short term.

ikr? I'm watching anti-reactionary vids, and YT suggests a reactionary vid to me.

You are no better than the liberal who gets offended by the "too many white men in advertising".

This. The alt right, like all fascism, is full of rich people who want to keep non whites and the poor in line. It's social darwinism, embodied by people like Trump.

Unironically kill yourself.

Its so obvious youtube is a right wing leaning site. Google in general is pro nazi. We must stop this.

I remember I watched a communist folk music, and afterwards I got recommendations for literal Fascist channels, and I looked into it further and apparently some Fash guy was liking socialist folk music for some bizarre reason, and it was linking us both as the same group.

the video in question that linked us:

does the youtube algorithm believe in the horseshoe theory or something? lol

Get these and you'll be able to block pic related. As far as why you're being shown those, that's analytics cancer. Don't log on to view crap, and use noscript, adblock and requestpolicy extensions to prevent them from watching you watch their vids. Also use a proxy.

fix the fucking cuckcha you've had years to do it you lardass waste of life

Funny how alt-right says the same except that to them, Google and Youtube are jew-run cultural marxist leftist corporations. Their justification for their success on youtube is that "they value shekels from alt-right viewership more than leftism".

Poe's Law is making this a difficult post to approach.

Human intelligence and psychology are not objective the way human height or physical traits are. They do not exist independent of the mind and the biases we all possess. Those entire fields are littered with white supremacists and reactionaries who always look for any evidence that supports the existing socioeconomic status quo. Evopsych in particular is just rehashed phrenology.

I wouldnt be surprised to saw that either

A>They're doing it for sheckles
B>They're doing it to attract randos


And this is why the media has a bigger freak out over Slavoj Zizek preferring Trump over Hillary than over him wanting their CEO's killed in bloody revolutionary terror.

I just love the Random ass BadMouse

Do you watch things that possibly many people from 4chan watch? Subscribed to a vidya channel or something? Maybe that effects it I don't know I'm not google.

But why?

Loki's Wager

What evidence do you have that intelligence and psychology don't objectively exist? Do you not believe that the brain exists, and that physical processes within it influence our actions? Or do you believe in some sort of magical soul that controls everything?

Even though that's exactly what you're doing. Always looking for evidence that rejects the socioeconomic status quo, and rejecting evidence that is inconvenient to your world view. It's like how creationists use things like the pig's tooth hoax to "prove" that evolution is a lie.

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of Autism Level tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

oh no guys, I'd better be totally submissive to right-wing propaganda otherwise I'm an SJW!


What do you mean by this?

Google is a worker's co-op? I didn't know that.

user is saying that the alt-right holds those views, not he himself.

Reading is 2hard4me


IDpol can fuck off!

This. Go take a look at the categories. There isn't a "reactionary" and "SJW" category, just "Politics". The reason this shit is so common is there are so many more of these people than us. It doesn't look good for when the next crisis hits. Fascism is probably going to be the game plan unless we get our shit together and do more outreach.

I hope you're scared.



I can just weasel my way out of your dystopia, but you, you're going to be living in it.

No, but you will be when you realise that the regime you support bases its appeal solely on aesthetics, and solidifies its control through murder, war, and extremely high levels of repression. Your board will be one of the first things censored, and you will either bow to the will of the leaders, who will act solely for their own benefit, or be as prossecuted as us. All because you were incapable of the critical thinking necessary to see that perhaps placing a tiny set of leaders in charge and giving them absolute power is not such a great idea.

By all means, run to some obscure corner of the earth. It's better that way. I hear Venezuela is nice this time of year.

I could literally copy and paste your post in regards to Marxism-Leninism.

It is a good thing that I am also against marxism-leninism then. I thought that flag, and the type of arguments used, would have given that away.

inb4 you're an establishment center-rightist with a uniform fetish

Right, because tacking on a complete lack of structure and having a fanbase in the THOUSANDS will surely bring about your victory.


Perhaps you should look into anarchist theory. There is no defence of struturelessness, but a realistic atitude towards the nature of power. In simple terms: if you give someone power, they will tend to want to keep that power, and to use it for their own gain. You can't really get rid of power, because there will always be differences of power in human interations. What you can do is STRUCTURE your society in such a way that these differences of power become lessened. The way this is achieved is through direct democracy, recallable delegates, and a bottom-up structure. All of it set up in such a way as to prevent someone from abusing the power that they are given, and using it unjustly.
To structure a society without barriers when it comes to the unjust use of power is to guarantee that it can be used unjustly. A fascist society is one of these. The leader is allowed to use his power in whatever unjust way he wishes, and nobody has any power to stop him. You are essentially cucking yourself in hopes that the leader will get the people of other races out of your country. This is too high a price to pay. You will be selling your individual rights, and your power, just so you can walk the street without being bothered by the sight of someone with a difference race. You must understand that there ought to be solutions to the problem of multiculturalism that do not involve selling yourself to a dictatorship.


Step right up, march, push
Crawl right up on your knees
Please, greed, feed (no time to hesitate)

I want a little bit
I want a piece of it
I think he's losing it
I want to watch it come down
Don't like the look of it
Don't like the taste of it
Don't like the smell of it
I want to watch it come down

All the pigs are all lined up
I give you all that you want
Take the skin and peel it back

Now doesn't that make you feel better?

Shove it up, inside, surprise!
Lies, stains like the blood on your teeth
Bite, chew, suck away the tender parts

I want to break it up
I want to smash it up
I want to fuck it up
I want to watch it come down
Maybe afraid of it
Let's discredit it
Let's pick away at it
I want to watch it come down

All the pigs are all lined up
I give you all that you want
Take the skin and peel it back

Now doesn't that make you feel better?

The pigs have won tonight

Now they can all sleep soundly

And everything is all right


You can discuss intelligence, but you should be very wary of all attempts to pin it to politics.

Because the social-linguistic terms we use to define intelligence and psychology are heavily subjective and marred with the history of colonialism, white supremacy, slavery and genocide, through institutions like the Pioneer Fund.
Sure the brain exists, and its processes should be studied. But the individual brain is irrelevant compared to the general scope of human society. I don't believe in a magical soul. I am simply extremely sceptical of the history of the field of race and intelligence, for good reason.
Science is a weapon to be wielded and is always political. It can be used for good (eradicating smallpox, exploring space) or bad (eugenics, Tuskegee, Drapetomania, de Gobineau, nuclear weapons), depending on who is in power. And yeah, changing the socioeconomic status quo for the betterment of all is better than concentrating power with an elite who see themselves as born to rule and will exploit people on the grounds of "science".

You can kill all the jews in the world, it won't solve our problems. You just want to be what you imagine they are.

The struggle for power isn't new and your attempts to pin it on the nearest scapegoat you can think of is pretty funny, but it's fucked how many of you morons are out there who really believe that if you get rid of one demographic capitalism is fixed forever

Is this verbatim? because I feel like it applies to me.
I abhor things like genetics, race realism, hereditarianism, etc. because it would force me to reconcile my own inadequacies.