Seriously, how can any rational person not be a Market Socialist?
I still see it as the most logical system for the initial transitory period. It accounts for the ideological imprint that Market Capitalism has left on the world (economic and social mobility, hierarchical structures of society, American Dream type bullshit). While also maintaining a system capable of efficiently providing for the commodity needs of the population yet also giving the workers a more democratic control over the means of production, and helping level the general income of society by eliminating roles like CEO's and MD's who become huge vacuums of labour value in society.
While the Centralized Cybernetic system that Cockshott advocates for may be ideal, there's currently almost nowhere near enough research in Cybernetics that could allow this kind of society to be seamlessly implemented, if it were it would have to be the result of years of highly funded research into how to convert current manufacturing procedures and institutions to fit the Cybernetic system, as well as figure out the ins and out of how his Credit system would work, which even Cockshott admits has its problems.
Yugoslavia's debt at its worst still wasn't as bad as the current debt of all the Ex-Yugo countries put together, also I never see people who complain about Yugo unemployment explain its connection to Market Socialism. Yugoslavia wasn't even purely Market Socialist in the sense that many firms weren't socially owned by their employees and structured on workers' self-management. But its geopolitical position during the Cold War was hardly ideal, Yugoslav companies had difficulty selling and buying goods on both Western and Eastern markets and the Oil Crisis only damaged the economy to the point that US influence was inevitable.
Yeah because it's a transitory system. There's no way you can do things like abolish money and the state in a revolution from a Capitalist to a Communist system straight away. It would be too radical a change to be able to function properly and would encounter heavy resistance from people inside the country too used to the Market way of exchange as well as from major powers outside the country who want to protect their own financial interests that would be damaged by that.
So now your turn leftypol, how is your armchair theory any more practical than Market Socialism?