Is it valid for a reactionary to claim "the left", from tankies to liberals, caused them to become like that?

Is it valid for a reactionary to claim "the left", from tankies to liberals, caused them to become like that?
Personally I think it's bullshit, like an excuse a little kid would come up with not wanting to take responsibility for their own decisions.

It's an admittance of weakness, that the locus of control is external. Pathetic.

The reactionary thought process:

There you go.

It's not. They simply seek a justification for anti-social behaviour.

If that causes someone to turn into a reactionary and politicians and CEOs constantly fucking everyone over doesn't elicit the same reaction it's time for them to think over their priorities.

On an emotional level I think that going full reactionary is a valid response to the suffocating environment that liberal identity politics creates for people who aren't oppressed on the basis of their identity. Getting told that your viewpoint doesn't matter because of your identity sucks, and I can see why embracing an identitarian politics that affirms their identity is a common response.

On a political level it's utter nonsense and it goes against their material interests. It's dumb and irrational.

Of course not. They became like that of their own volition. You still choose how to react to the actions of other people, and you can choose to not be an irresponsible faggot who blames other people for his own shortcomings and faggotry.

This may sound similar to "well why don't poor people CHOOSE to not be poor". Suck my dick, faggot, it's not.


xexizy had a good tweet about this. said something like "you were never a centrist who was 'pushed to the right by leftists', you're just a right-winger who beforehand was never challenged"

Nah the sea of hostile somalians and Arabs and their white/Jewish post colonialist enablers made me who I am.

Since when do reactionaries make valid claims?

Just a general clensing of our history, culture even genetics for the purposes of profit seeking and cowing the population.

Sames been asked of the commies.

Don't lie. You got bullied by a black kid in primary.

Yes negros are generally horrible primitive sociopaths that should be confined to the jungles of Africa.

Needs should be chained to their rigs so you don't bother us normal folk.

Nerds, excuse me.

your brains should be confined to a brick wall

This. The best thing you can do is attempt to persuade them they are being manipulated against their own interests. Even I had a reactionary phase back in my teens because muh sjws, and I'm from a middle class spic immigrant family. The horizon of liberal identity politics can be really bleak and suffocating, there are certain roles from which you are not supposed to deviate.


Nobody is forcing white people to become unironic Nazis but it's true to an extent that white men are excluded from the left by retarded COINTELPRO idpol. Ultimately crushing the SJWs will strangle the fascists too.

I think you all are a bit off-base in your analysis of these kinds of statements coming from reactionaries

the idea that I've generally seen stated isn't "I hate SJWs so much that I'm fascist because that's the polar opposite and fuck those people." (Although you could definitely argue that this is what occurs in some instances.)

The idea behind a statement such as "I became turned on to Not Socialism (or what have you) because of SJWs/liberals/communists" is more along the lines of "the alienation that I felt from these ideologies was so powerful that I was inspired to investigate their polar opposites, and I discovered that those philosophies resonated with me."

Not everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot or a baby.

meant to write "national socialism" here, thanks auto correct

Communist-Alan-Iverson mentioned this on twitter today. pic related

Holla Forums boards can institute word filters. On leftypol, Miss O'gynist becomes "woman hater", a phrasing which makes it much more obvious when someone is making bullshit accusations to stir shit. The 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧triple parenthesis🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Nazis use to call out Jews turn into UK flags, but previously turned into shamrocks, depending on which racial group we're ironically attributing all the world's problems to (pic related). Nat.Soc. filters into the more accurate Not Socialism to counter-troll liberals who try to compare us to Nazis.


Real groundbreaking intellectual discourse. This isn't how you forward the movement; you're no better than people trending Twitter hashtags and calling it "activism".

Have you even read the thread? Most of the replies are fairly thoughtful and treat alt-righters like human beings. Talking shit on their political views isn't necessarily bad as long as you take them seriously.

Have you? We must be seeing parallel-universe versions of the same thread. Besides, my point is that we have had endless repetitions of this thread format for weeks now, and very rarely are there insightful comments as you claim. Mostly it's just people congratulating themselves by talking about how shitty people are for disagreeing with them and how they are stupid and wrong for doing so. See figure a., the thread you just told me to read.

Asking if it's valid for right wingers to claim the left pushed them to hold their beliefs isn't just another "Why are right-wing people so x" circlejerk. Sure, it might not be the most original thread, but there doesn't appear to be a reason to doubt that OP was asking it in good faith.

their decision was based on what they perceived. it's perfectly valid, just not very smart.

That's a fair comment, to some degree I associated the thread with the format I mentioned because I was getting sick of it, but I still don't think that was entirely unfair to do. It's still inviting a circlejerk, and I don't want us to go down a Holla Forums-esque road where we are incapable of criticizing ourselves. Sage again for meta.
