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Activism #17
Fucking Liberals, destroying Leftism
Mexico-USA border wall might include solar panels if/when built
Global Meltdown Thread
Anyone else a bit scared of the unrestrained advancement of technology?
What do you think about this guy?
The Gays
This kills the anarchist
Why do you say that Mutualism is not socialism?
The Economic Calculation Problem
Can someone explain this to me?
Infowars reporter gets BTFO by tankie
What do Holla Forums think of Slavoj Zizek?
Pinko Pill me on fidel
Democrats Slaughtered In Special Elections, Republicans Win 5 Out of 5 Seats
The right wing is violen-
Fuck work
New branco cartoons
Historical Materialism-Pseudoscience?
Daily News Thread 6/21
Leftist politics around the world
How do you avoid depression and defeatism?
Is this dialectical enough? Or should I escort myself to Gulag?
Not here to troll, serious question
How come so many liberals believe that war isn't natural?
So… aside from the lingering IdPol I think this is a pretty interesting video still today...
Rooftop farms
Read pannekoek
If dialectical logic is actually logic...
Ancaps at it again
Has anyone here been required to withdraw from university?
/poltard/ gets commiepilled
So what kind of economic policy do nazbols support? Central planning, markets? What do nazbol economics look like?
Cleanliness is a Spook
General Cop/Bootlicker Hate Thread
So what are the current arguments for/against raising the minimum wage in burgerland...
Is North Korea a leftist state?
You are presented a button
Why does the far-left have an obsession with father figures?
Holla Forums is doxxing some family because the daughter wore a shirt they didn't like
The Belt and Road is How
TFW your demographic candidate loses
I'm so confused about North Korea. How bad is it really? I have a favorable opinion of Kim Il Sung...
Would you?
Are pirates proto-communists?
Suggest to me an ideology
Rules of the game: show me more cringeworthy pol/acks than Hungarian pol/acks and you win
Cultural Commodification
Questions and topics that don't deserve their own thread general
"The most profound gap between Clinton and Sanders supporters wasn’t about policy" Fucking hell Vox
Looks like the US is going to war boys
Why this board defend refugees?
Torrenting is literally Communism
Debunk this shit
Rosa Luxemburg General
I'm lonely, I'm depressed to the core, all I do all day is browse internet...
Is it all hopeless?
What was youtube thinking
Why are libertarians so ridiculous?
Can any Anarchist tell me what is wrong with the idea of a Red Police?
Daily News Thread 6/20
If the shift of power from aristocrats to bougoisie caused the alienation of the worker...
Was the holodomor genocide y/n
Is intersectionality bringing us towards the world of Beyond Good and Evil 2?
Tfw no commie gf/comrade [spoiler]with puffy vulva[/spiler] to revolt with
GA-06 Congressional Special Election Today
Was it justified?
Women are less likely to be employed in highly competitive jobs
What I've learned hunting down shills
Bernie has highest popularity overall
Hey guys, technocrat tripfaganon here, what does Holla Forums feel about Irish Republicanism/Nationalism...
Starts liberating france from feudal aristocrats that had been oppressing their people for generations
What is your political ideology?
Say you hate liberals
Well, was he right?
Mods feel free to delete this if needed
Women in vidya
Halfchan is unbearable
How do you feel about the VIOLENT LEFT narrative currently being pushed in America...
Otto Warmbier, U.S. student sent home from North Korea dies
Hello, Holla Forums. I've been browsing Holla Forums a long time but recently it's had a sharp increase in cuckoldry...
Ideology Survey
Communism and Laziness
New board owner of /sjw/ here. I know Holla Forums has mixed feelings about social justice for sure...
New SCOTUS decision on 1st amendment
Why is anime so popular for white nationalists, despite it is made by Gooks?
Thoughts on national capitalism?
Ben Garrisons autism of the week
Why are so many anarchists trannies?
Do I have to go full racism to become a NazBol/Asserite? I like some of the ideas but many of my comrades IRL are PoC
Daily News Thread 6/19
No… that's not true! That's impossible!
French Legislative Elections
Hegel General
Food & Cooking thread
Should work be compulsory?
How do we avoid a "race war", there are many people on both sides pushing for it
Okay, /leftypol, who is your favourite Spanish Civil War faction/group/alliance and why?
Anarchists are basically just the people who think "The government does bad stuff some times...
Make a theory related thread
Friendly reminder that "proletarian state" is an oxymoron as the state is a tool of class opression and it is necessary...
US shoots down Syrian government aircraft
Explain this shit to me
Finsbury Park Terror Attack (No fucking spastics edition)
Finsbury Park Terror Attack (UK)
Is this the AnPrim manifesto?
The Right its Molopoly on Aesthetic
Donald Trump calls a cabinet meeting and makes every member state his name, position, and something nice about him
So, if we get a successful revolution and we transition from Socialism to Communism...
So, what is Holla Forums general view on criminals and criminality...
Introducing: Spectre Rouge
Any prerequisites for reading Marx?
Who was in the wrong here?
Are U.S. veterans as shitty, entitled, and unbalanced as they come off to a non-american?
I know you guys hate the Wolffy, but the discussion on human nature (32 minutes) is really interesting
Communism is the Middle Term
Life inside the 'coffin cubicles' of Hong Kong
Actual redpills
Mike Pence wrote about being victimized by the movie Disney movie "Mulan" in 1999
PJW is now suggesting that the people who survived the fire...
Martin Shkreli
Can someone tell me what's going on here? What political ideologies reside here?
What does Holla Forums think of psychedelics?
ITT: Explain honestly who you are
Is Russia good or bad?
Is Jacobin worth subscribing to?
Does leftypol like Kaiserreich?
Your father, leftypol, let's talk about him
Obama on Father's Day vs Trump. I miss him
KFC is putting a sandwich in near space just so it can falsely advertise that it put a sandwich in space...
What does Holla Forums think of pic related? I haven't read it
Why are so many NEETs/incels/betas attracted to extreme right wing idealogies
What differentiates Zizek from all those clows analyzing pop culture like Harry Potter?
Empire Files: Venezuela Economy Minister—Sabotage, Not Socialism, is the Problem
What is the most rational and scientific technique that we can use to achieve socialism or communism?
Any good meme's for refuting Holla Forumss autistic "Race +IQ" nonsense?
Rojava General: Post-Cyclical Edition
Dutch people are so strange
Ex-Holla Forums Cringe and Regret Thread
Poc are underrepresented in the lgbtq movement
House of Cards
So the most favourite tactic of the alt-right and "Rationalists" tends to be the Gish Gallop
How do NotSocs, Fascists and other Traditionalists reconcile with capitalism?
Have ye taken the /cult/ pill yet mateys?
Is this the Das Kapital of our generation?
Right wing Cringe thread
Syrian Conflict General
Tfw you still don't know the difference between socialism and communism
How is fascism opposed to capitalism?
Exploring into the Left
Xexizy is currently having a debate with Evalion (Now a Strasserist)
Stop opposing imperialism
Post your dankest anti liberal memes
Fathers are the worst parents on earth
Max Stirner
Respect to all who seed book torrents
Is grime the proletarian music of the 21st century?
As a homosexual...
What's more important to society? Freedom or security?
American only thread
Ok this pissed me off big time. My blood is fucking boiling...
Why don't some socialists consider Muslims to be reactionary...
Lads, the new English Stirner translation has been uploaded online
Edge General
Do I belong here?
Why do so many neo-""leftists"" push for open immigration?
Raising communist children
We need to put nationalism to bed
Psychoanalysis thread
So how would we make Cuba a sucessful socialist country??
How can you distribute resources within a socialist system without massive centralization? if so...
How do you know which behavior is cultural and which is genetic?
Is sex a social construct?
How come nearly everyone that has personal experience living under communism hated it but Holla Forums loves it?
Tfw 27 y/o khv wagecuck
Nazbols are fascists
Getting insanely triggered by a 400 year old play is the new counter culture. deal with it
What was better ?
Ideology as idpol
How to piss off Trumpanzees!!!
Is there a gender wage gap? I know that question will be rather useless in a communist society...
He took home as little as 67 cents a week
Bunkermag or new leftypol inspired journal
Support for right-wing populist parties has fallen considerably in Europe since Trump's election
How do we stop right wing scientists, psychologists...
Telesur posting Holla Forums memes
I for one support freeze peach. If it was illegal for nazis to advocate for nazi shit...
Looking for reading lists
Does anyone have any good examples of Libertarians supporting fascism...
New PragerU refutation dropped by muke
Is it over, guys?
Are dogs counter revolutionary?
Was he right about Islam?
Trump announces changes to Cuba policy (WATCH LIVE)
Marx and Bakunin
Really takes that noggin for a joggin'
The people who tend to win guerrilla battles are the people who have the support of the common folks in the countryside...
Who will pay for hobbies under communism ? are they considered spook?
Daily News Thread 6/16
What career/field are you in, Holla Forums? And do you enjoy it?
Marx overrated?
Watches from a marxist point of view
Thoughts on encyclopedia dramatica ?
What the hell was his problem??
The united nations may finally make cultural appropriation illegal
National Anarchism
Why are a lot of older people who have worked shit tier wagecuck jobs most of their lives huge classcucks...
If marxism is a science, why isn't it taught in STEM courses? Checkmate
I'm sick of being lied to
Can Holla Forums debunk this webm?
Ex-Konami employees can't put their years of experience with the company on their resumes or Konami will sue...
New Ben Garrison
Branco Cringe Thread
Corbyn meme thread
Leftypol BTFO by Debate.com intellectuals
Communist Parties
Tankie general
Hey Holla Forums I need your help in making the following symbols of the alt right
Political Ideology Dickgirls Episode 1
MAGA Hats Are the Newest Form of Pre-Teen Rebellion
People are flocking to the profile page of a man identified as the suspect in a shooting at a Congressional baseball...
Were they /our guys/?
ITT Socialists or Left Populists Murdered or as good as by the US state:
Rally the forces
Daily News Thread 6/15
Why is Holla Forums so obsessed with resentful fantasies of retribution?
Checkmate, brocialists
What about prostitutes?
Why did he go right wing and not try and start his own form of left wing nationalism ?
Spend time and effort trying to convince people sex and gender are two different things
Why are white fucking males so excellent?
Why can't women fight?
What is it about liberal faggots that makes them so afraid of guns? How can they not love the sweet blast of the recoil...
Bernie Supporters:
Real communism
Fetishization of "Hard Work"
Why is the Anime Left so much more cool to talk to than the Anime Right?
Accelerationism/ accelerationist praxis general
Can the PRC be retaken from capitalists and revisionists?
Can we have a 'Shit Liberals Say' thread? I'll start:
What is leftypol's take on cultural appropriation?
If you're homophobic/transphobic/mysogynistic/racist/etc you aren't anti idpol, you're just a spooked reactionary
How can I despook my good friend?
Be honest leftypol, how many people in this picture do you think you could fight?
A confession
What exactly was the point of preserving Lenin's body?
I'm told that THIS is the one they despise the most, and their people have worked very hard to wipe it from the web
Fish Hook Theory
TFW there are more crazed shooters that worked on Bernie's campaign than on Trumps
What's your favourite movie Holla Forums ?
Google is beta testing "feudalism"
How do I stop being a nationalist?
Any expatriates on this board?
Why are SocDems so bloodthirsty?
Leftypol book club
Mfw a co-worker is highly productive near me
Investment, profit and growth
Is this accurate?
It was fun while it lasted but GG guys
Mods please sticky this
Prison Thread
What's some essential Leftypol fiction?
The Putin Interviews
James T Hodgkinson, the hero Holla Forums deserves
"The answer to the problem of society is the integrity of the individual"
Can we talk about the massive threat big data poses to all humanity? This is not even a leftist issue...
Can we get a liberal cringe thread going here?
Daily News Thread 6/14
Honestly, how do you respond criticism of Communism? This is a solid video (just wait past the introduction)...
Philosopher King
HAPPENING: Congressman shot
What does Holla Forums think about pirating media?
Do ancaps and lolberts even read keynes?
Today is Che's birthday
Grenfell Tower, London: Major Incident Declared
Gief ideology pls
The value of every commodity is determined by the quantity of socially necessary labour time spent on its production
Gen Z
What's the 411 on Kamala Harris...
Trolling Ancaps, Anyone?
Why does leftypol continue to deny the fact that we do live in a white supremacist system...
[Tech] Pirate Bay founder: We’ve lost the internet, it’s all about damage control now
PJW Nem retarded video
Animals can consent
BadMouseProductions on Holla Forums
Hahahaha you leftist cucks don't you know that cummunism killed 100 millions people and that islam is the worst...
Is this good parenting advice?
Just a reminder Holla Forums
What will the entertainment industry be like under communism?
Why haven´t you read "The society of the spectacle" yet leftypol??
Nazbol flag added to Holla Forums
Daily News Thread 6/13
Has anyone here ever thought of developing a new ideology? I mean an actual serious one with proper theory...
Young man socially isolated gets unusual fetishes via excessive porn consum and even ends up liking traps, trannies...
New flags on 4/pol/
What's up with some of you retards calling me a SWERF...
Murray Bookchin on the immorality of the Left (1986)
Are women oppressed?
Guys what has been happening lately? There was never soa much secterianism then ever before...
I don't understand the point of this board
Who unironically /jimjones/ here?
Hermits, Lone Wolves, and the Asocial as Egoist Anarchist
I'm bored. Suggest me some leftist games
How do you guys deal with being surrounded by fucking idiots? Everywhere I look...
A problem of Marxism
Is it just me or are there more tankies here than there used to be?
Gulag archipelago
It's a former Communist citizen doesn't understand the different types of socialism episode
The dictatorship advocated by marxism is necessary because it cannot be unanimously accepted and furthermore it will...
Dissenting opinions are not tolerated
As a small business owner. Why should I become a socialist? What's in it for me?
Go shopping at midnight
Web M
Ive been learning about Marxism-Leninsm lately and I dont know why so many people are opposed to it...
The left and the culture war
Cute Commies
New Jason Unruhe rant
Holla Forums
Who else /scientologist socialist/ master race here?
When we will gulag baby boomers?
Fetish Thread?
Tfw you create a meme so powerful, people are still posting it 100 years later
I know people will think I'm concern trolling here but why do I see so much shit like this?
[email protected]/* */
So what do you guys think of Max Stirner (aka pic related)?
How come I see no Bookchinfags anymore? Is the gommunalist yoke finally over?
"hello my fellow leftists"
Mfw I realized being anti-idpol is a bigger waste of time than idpol because at least idpol will at least occasionally...
New Ben Garrison Comic
What do we do about the shitty redditors that come here ?
Lefty pill
What do you think of Anarcho-Militarism ?
How are MLs leftists?
DSANew Member Handbook
2# /soccon/ thread, bourgeois decadency edition
Anyone else feel like something is going to happen soon or am I just paranoid
Economy of Donetsk People's Republic: Nationalization of factories
Whaddyal think of centrism?
Israel or Palestine?
Tfw Corbyn, Sanders, Melenchon and Wagenknecht will never hold a massive international rally together
Left Unity-LGBT DSA Drama
Daily News Thread 6/12
Fascism with socialist characteristics
Cultural Anarchism doesn't exi-
This is the source of the cancer
Stop being a beta leftist
Holla Forums's opinion on feminism
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!
Wtf I hate IWW now
Should Lefties hate African-Americans?
Free market bad?
Shitposting thread
Holla Forums elections
Can somebody tl;dr the big leftcom thinkers and how they differed?
ITT worst flag of the season
Why do we glorify the French revolution when it was a liberal, capitalist revolution over feudalism?
Degeneracy that leftypol supports
IRL Organizing
*Zizek Voice* "Pure Intersectionality"
Socialism without nationalism will always fail. Love your people
Epic Kekistan larper getting btfo by Oath Keepers
What will actually happen when a true AI is created?
So this board has been getting more and more visitors the past few months
Every Communist Revolution was a Nationalist Revolution because the Revolution was done for the country and the people...
Lesser known history photos thread
How do you feel about civic nationalists fighting against white nationalists...
How do communists defend this?
Was Lucifer /ourguy/?
What did he mean by this Holla ForumsCould Idubbbz be /ourclosetguy/
What is the argoument for letting mass immigration continue?
/liberty/ here. What "inherent contradictions" are there in capitalism that are supposed to make it collapse...
Why is eastern europe so racist?
ITT: post your income percentile
Porky the meme
What are some good lefty fiction writers?
How do I apply a Maoist struggle session to myself? Do I yell at my mirror image and beat myself up?
How old is alunya?
Is doing agitprop on 4chan Holla Forums a lost cause?
Go to Holla Forums
Class is idpol?
Is organized crime anti-imperialist?
Nicola bombacci
White ANTIFA gang attacks black guy
America is now a dictatorship and you are its dictator. What kind of new rules can we expect?
NEW OC thread
Thoughts on the soviet-afghan war ?
Help protect the flag, comrades
What would transhumanist socialism be like ?
Why do normies believe garbage like this
How many people on here don't realize that nazbol is a joke?
National Bolshevism
The protesting Left in the U.S. should return to it’s trollish and creative roots à la the Yippies in the 60’s...
Are liberal pundits under Trump slowly reaching Alex Jones levels of insanity?
/polk/ here, if you guys hate capitalist so much why don't you also hate jews? Jews own the US federal reserve...
What are some myths about the Soviet Union that need de-bunking?
Buzzfeed Beta Male
How do we convince rightists that private property is based off of theft, exploitation and profit...
What is Holla Forums's opinion on the NATO intervention?
I'm an unironic Anarch-Capitalist
Communists WATCH OUT!
Is this guy the future of every white supremacist?
Bernie did it
Black Flag
Why didn't Marx, while he was alive, address and nip Marginalism in the bud?
Drug crisis pushes up mortality rate for Americans in their prime
So how exactly do you turn a company into a cooperative. What happens to the stocks...
Daily News Thread 6/10
What's up with this chick? was randomly watching her videos...
How many years left scientists will figure out how to breed humans into Centaurs?
Pony version of Max Stirner
You hear good things about the DSA
Is Richard Spencer /ourguy/
Daily reminder that NEETs are true revolutionaries...
Kraut appreciation thread
Are all forms of feminism idpol trash?
How to argue with an Ayn Rand kike?
Why does the left wing love to suck the cock of Islam?
We're coming buckos
The IRA did nothing wrong
Is she right?
Ethnonationalist in the streets
Totalitarianism appreciation thread
Universal Basic Income
What did he mean by this?
Free Speech
Why are americans so ignorant when it comes to socialism
Which region in Europe (note that I didn't say nation) is the most left-wing?
Who else is /social conservative/ here?
Agitate, educate, and organize, and one day, you can help achieve the revolution
Based AnCAP Cleanses Supermarket of Normies
Threat of Attack by Alt-Right Extremists
Why are the Alt-right such hypocrites?
How would findom work in a communist society? How is a pay pig supposed to pay tribute to his dom without any money?
Be me
Do anarcho-primitivists actually exist...
What's the future of arts under Capitalism?
Capitalism hate
Why does Zizek get called a "fascist" or a "crypto-fascist"?
I might have just 'achieved communism' (bare with me here), and it sucks. Something is wrong...
Yfw roajava has a ba'athist party
Political Correctness
ITT: histories biggest losers
Socjus radlibs and "allies"
He overdid it with Trump's muscles on this one
Co-ops are socialism
Why should i come further left?
So guys I just got busted for simple possession of marijuana last night
make a succdem manifesto that is so radically leftwing (by british standards) that your rightwing political opponent...
Daily News Thread 6/9
Daily reminder that electoral politics will do fuck all and supporting Corbyn is useless
What exactly is wrong with parliamentary democracy? How is it an organ of the bourgeoisie...
Neo-nazi """"theory""""
What's the difference between democratic market socialism and social democracy with co-ops?
Catalonia plans October independence vote defying Spain
Uncle Toms thread
Why do ugly people hold right wing views?
Schoolchildren Draw the Revolution (1917)
Why are there no commie / socialistic parties that have strict immigration?
When the boss tells me I'm his favorite worker
I made the mistake of going to Holla Forums
Do we need more Blanquists around?
A humble request
The stirner conspiracy
Whatcha doing, Holla Forums?
Please post any books, article, videos etc. you have regarding Left Communism or Communization theory
Leftists and Islam
Today a formerly lolbert and then socdem friend of mine made a status asking the few anarchists in my circle why they...
Any other Balkanfags on here? How do we fix this entire region? It seems like it'll never happen. Cath vs. Ortho...
Forsaking NatSoc
Why have trans issues become so important to the left?
Hey, you! Yeah, you…
Who would have run the ussr best ?
If gender is a spectrum why can't weak willed beta males who identify as masculine strong men demand that their doctor...
Varg is /ourguy/
Liberal Explains How Automation Will Fuck Themselves Over Unwittingly
[Japan] Imprisoned Japanese Red Army founder Shigenobu holds out hope for revolution
According to Stern, Stone asks Putin if he’d take a shower in a submarine with a gay man
Why do some """""leftists""""" here defend or try to justify murderous dictators like Mao and Stalin?
Is Holla Forums watching Twin Peaks? How about the older first two seasons? Personally speaking, I love the series...
Useful idiot nazis
Show me what you get
Was Kropotkin a Marxist?
Why does nobody talk about South Korea's India/Brazil tier slums? I didn't even know these existed until today...
Can someone give me a brief rundown on Posadism
You can't be a leftist if you dont support Gay rights/trans rights/anti-ableism/anti-racism!!!
Ywn serve in the NVA or any other socialist army
I'm new here so I was wondering;
Wtf is their problem?
What's the critique on cryptocurrencies?
Nazis socialist or capitalist
Debunking Rand's Objectivism
Roo utterly DESTROYS Jeremy Corbyn
Left-wing market anarchism
Have you ever successfully redpilled a liberal to leftism?
I gave up on socialism and took the black pill
I can't help myself but to watch Capitalist's videos from time to time
Government taking your produce is LITERALLY COMMUNISM
The threat that is meguca Holla Forums
Zionist antifa activists
Trump statement on terrorist attack in Tehran
Stop not having complete Faith and Trust in your Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ
Titoism and jugoslavia
Daily News Thread 6/7
Post your new ideology
Hey, newfag to communism/socialism here...
Iran under attack. Saudi Arabia behind it?
What IS the fate of sissy whitebois when the revolution is finally complete?
Dailystormer is finally becoming a Nazbol
Why is this such an extremely heated topic amongst left-leaning liberals and even a lot of leftists...
What should be done about the gypsy problem?
Who's /polpot/ here?
Why do leftists defend this guy?
Startup buys young blood, injects it into older people
Guilty Pleasures ITT
If Holla Forums were a battalion in the International Brigades or the International Freedom Battalion...
Bill maher, nigger controversy
I understand you are leftists. What is your opinion on George Lincoln Rockwell...
We're the good guys
The Jewish Question
Holla Forums is getting fucked over right now. Which one of you is doing it?
Leftism is dying
Russian Hacking Protests
How does leftypol feel about Henry George/ Georgism?
Why are there so many nazbols here
Consumerist demand is artifically manufact-
Anyone else think these flag-burning antifa tankie larpers on r/socialism and r/communism are super harmful to any real...
Foreign Policy aside, how would you rate this president in terms of domestic growth? Did he actually help poor people...
Hillary had slaves
Tfw you will never have a Stras.serist gf who makes you lemon potatoes with katyusha playing in the background
Next level fake news
Pride month
What's your opinion on Nazi historical revisionism?
What's wrong with social conservationism?
White people
If communism was so great, then why do all Russians literally hate communism?
Tfw this will be the face of communism over the next few years
I'm starting to be convinced that porn have a negative effects on people minds...
It is 1917 and you have somehow ended up meeting vladimir lenin
All Worked Up and Nowhere to Go
Wtf i'm imperialist now
Wait, so where does leftypol stand on the Russian hacking thing?
ITT: redpilling films
There is a thread on cuckchan right now by a former antifa ratting out antifa fags
Is the Intercept compromised now?
Banned for using the word "dumb"
Was the USSR socialist? I'm currently reading Towards a New Socialism, which argues that it was...
Daily News Thread 6/6
Shit……maybe they have a point, bros……
Post your twitter accounts (if you are posting lefty related) I wanna support your shitposting
How cancerous can Hollywood get?
Harry Potter Politics
In the early to mid 20th century, there were tons of famous socialists, like Charlie Chaplin, Ernest Hemmingway...
NatCap Debate Thread
Is this everything that is wrong with modern "anarchists"?
Thoughts on the Qatar crisis?
When Debate is Too Dangerous
NEETs are not my comrades. They leach of the hard work, fortitude and dedication of the working class...
What do you think of graffiti?
Capitalists who accidentally said socialist things
The NSA Leak on Russia 'Hacking' the Election
Why aren't you studying?
How to debate Right-Wingers
OH SHIT GUYS! They found our board twitter bot!
Hey anprims, what do you think of Amish folks?
When will the left rediscover its complete disregard for the law and rules?
Cool discovery: Engels' ''Synopsis of Capital''
>White Nationalist movement is so bad that even reactionaries don't want to be a part of it
What are some Holla Forums approved documentaries ? (no particular topic in mind)
What will we do with manlets after the revolution?
Is there some sort of unwritten rule that says you have to be incredibly handsome to become a communist leader?
How can you call yourselves Anarchists (supposedly therefore in favour of maximum individual liberty)...
Dumping girlfriend over spooks
Are NazBols unironic?
Is Israel possibly Britain's most hilarious mistake?
Ancap utopia
Not looking for any particular vicious argument, I'd in fact like to hear your point of view
Sum up your flag in one image
If everyone is given their "fair share" of the resources no matter what their ranking is...
How do we make the chans left wing again?
White Europeans will be almost extinct in less than 100 years
Daily News Thread 6/5
Virtual currencies -> virtual labor vouchers?
Anarkidies BTFO
Megyn Kelly embarrasses herself
Socialism is about more than just MoP ownership
Give me one (1) good reason why all Muslims living in the West shouldn't get the Hoxha treatment at this point in time
Anyone else here unironically pro globalism?
My Parents Are Poor
Greek extremists go abroad for training in revolution
Burger here, I'm thinking about moving to Europe because I'm bored of USA. I hear France sucks. Where should I move to?
Billionaire says "If you are poor at 35, it's your fault"
Is dialectical materialism indistinguishable from magic?
Four different middle east countries, including Saudi Arabia...
Praxis/think tank
What do you think of workers who have a bad day (or more than one) and are assholes to other workers, clients...
Why is everyone on this board so cute?
Does anyone else feel anachronistic? (also general feels thread)
Tech bubble?
Tea Discussion Thread
Face it, your politics are boring as fuck
Does leftypol support the Houthis in their struggle against Saudi-US aggression?
Is liking gulags a bad thing?
What if class consciousness never emerges?
Who here /wageslave/
White/black/asian/etc. nationalism
Daily Theory Thread
Any ex Holla Forumsacks?
Why aren't you anarcho-pinkpilled yet?
Have you thought on making your own ideology/ system? If yes how would it look like?
Why aren't you a National Egoist, Holla Forums?
Why is Communism hated in Indonesia?
Ok who of you fuckers did this?
Le commie arts
Thread Genocide
What is socialism?
No Thread Bout This Yet? Well, I Hate To Be The Bearer Of Bad News
Britain gets close to electing their first threat to neoliberalim
What is the Marxist analysis of fidget spinners?
Make Stirner Gr8 Again
What, in your opinion, is the biggest thing rightists don't understand about the world?
Empirical Marxian Thread
Socialist Economy is the only way forward - You win
It's not fair that my boss gets more money than me!
What kind of people are you
We often hear about how alt right is the new counterculture, but is it true...
Communist from Holla Forums keeps opening threads on Holla Forums
Islamism is delegitimizing neoliberalism
How can Anarchists resist Imperialism, since it is decentralized and disorganized?
'Van hits pedestrians' on London Bridge in 'major incident'
The liquid porky
Urbandictionary entries for Black Panthers
Hungary today
Who could have become the american Lenin?
This is getting ridiculous
How Socialism Ruined My Country
Did he do anything wrong? I need the truth. Did he only kill reactionaries and nazis...
How do we stop the infighting between Marxists and anarchists?
Global Warming
Deleting FB debate
Daily News Thread 6/3
The worst crime of the USSR right here
The Origin of Capitalism
Tfw no qt momentum bf
Wtf I love Trump now!
Tranny fucking general
The Fall of the Nation-State
If you oppose the use of fossil fuels as an energy source then you should know that nuclear power is the only realistic...
Most Common US Job Likely the First to be Fully Automated
Marxist Media: Teaser for my next video
Are dress codes and uniforms a tool of the bourgies?
Is it the end?
Holla Forums I used to believe in god when I was a Holla Forumsack...
What the fuck
Hi, I used to be very far right, and have only moved to the far left after reading Conquest of Bread a few months ago
Trump will be bad for our econom-
Communism is literally the most selfish ideology possible
Political simulator
Is the Paris Climate Accord a scam?
If Holla Forums had to take a stance on this dichotomy, which would it take?
Capitalism is a good thing
Mfw a tankie calls himself leftist
What is the purpose of life to a communist? Personal pleasure?
Why do reactionaries whine about "radical Islam" why ignoring much more prevalent radical christian/white supremacist...
Nazis actually believe this
Macron recommends everyone to read Karl Marx
Be bus driver
It's beginning. Get ready folks
The Lumpen Question
Daily News Thread 6/2
What animal is a good symbol for communism?
You Die If You Work
Leftists "against marriage"?
Userbase of leftypol is like 3% Trot at best
What do we think about him?
Get invited to a discord
Are you man enough to debunk this image?
Why are Nazbols allowed on here? Why is there even a Nazbol flag? They are consistently the worst posters on this board...
Anyone else here pro-imperialism and pro-colonisation?
"But What If The Daughter Consents Tho?"
No bully
Let's say tommorow the leader of your country gives the order that they will forcefully deport all muslims...
This is the level of ideology we're dealing with
Where Did This 180 on Islam Come From?
Boss lets you have drinks with him
Are all politics involving trans people idpol? Can we really allow trans politics to have a place in leftism?
Ask a vietnamese maoist anything
What the fuck is national syndicalism ?
Why do so many of you retards hate America?
Will we have to ration weed under communism?
Sex as Revolutionary Tool
In the rambling letter made public Tuesday, bin Laden blamed the 2007-8 U.S...
Do you support income tax, Holla Forums?
Great short Lenin Biography
Another fucking garrison picture just came out
Who are your favorite economists ? I've heard Richard D. Wolff is pretty popular...
Political Ideology Catgirls Ep. 15
Farcry 5 is """whitŠµ genocide"""
Can you guys stop being so fucking boring?
Jezza confirmed class traitor
U. S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement
Anybody have that weapons guide for poorfags?
Showcasing the miserable lunatic userbase of Holla Forums
IDK. he may be right about this one
Issues in modern feminism
I thought you guys were joking when you talked about the "cult of the entrepreneur" surrounding people like Musk...
Clean your room
Bernie Sanders
The Economist is now an anarchist paper
New insane Hillary Clinton interview: 1000 Russian hackers
The Fourteen Words are not problematic, to say they are is racist against whites
How can you explain communism/socialism to a libertarian who mostly hangs out with right wingers, randroids...
If farmers want to maximize profit why don't they withhold grain to the point where people are so hungry they are...
Refute this claim, "Venezuela was caused by socialism" pic unrelated
Arthur Chu
This is Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Daily News Thread 6/1
I'm an immigrant living in Sweden
Right wing cringe thread
I don't understand how anuddah shoah can even be ignored by anyone paying attention at this point...
Post your face when the Team Fortress 2 economy constitutes an active and observable hard-line refutation to the labor...
End of Capitalism
Why do you people worship this lunatic? He is a fucking murderer
What did the soviets do in Afghanistan, and why did 2 million civilians die? Were the Mujahideen justified...
Why do commodities have value? I know it comes from socially necessary labour time, but why does that give them value?
Was Marx a satanist? Is Marxism "satanic"?
Cenk interviews Senator Elizabeth Warren
Perverting George Orwell
Abolish the state
Will there still be slags and bimbos under communism?
Lol the memers here are so stupid Clinton was the real accel–
There are communists on this board who are shilling for a restriction of free speech under capitalism
Any Longites here?
New to socialist theory here
Hello leftists...
Leftist videogames
/Interracial Thread/
How can communists and socialists appeal to the mainstream in a place like Missouri if they must advocate for...
I notice Holla Forums likes stirner for his enlightment spook busting. Why then...
/anprim/ general
So things are about to radically change in my life and I am about to actually have enough money to make it to Syria to...
I give up on life
Leftie Kino Thread
We have reached the final step of right wing thought. The ultimate synthesis of Holla Forums spookery
If you had the choice, would you have rather lived in the Soviet Union instead of the West till 1991?
Where were you when you realised Hitchens got btfo by a gender bending babe?
Why is that "material conditions" are brought up every time a muslims bombs something/someone...
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...