How do I apply a Maoist struggle session to myself? Do I yell at my mirror image and beat myself up?
How do I apply a Maoist struggle session to myself? Do I yell at my mirror image and beat myself up?
you're a tankie, your whole life is a struggle session
Staying true to your own beliefs and not making concessions to capitalism is exhausting something, that's right
You can't, get your friends to do it or pay a dominatrix to yell stuff at you if you want to be humiliated.
tankie, do you have friends who will help you?
a single-person struggle session sounds really sad
I just feel bad about something I did today.
Tell us what you did, tankie.
Probably crossed a picket line or shot striking workers
jerked it to mises institute writings
my girlfriend is black and I made a stupid racist nigger joke and it was hurtful for her because she was told these jokes by racist bullies in high school, but as the autist I am I didn't apologize instead I said she doesn't understand satire
Aw. You need to apologize
ASAP man, clock is ticking.
That's actually pretty bad mang
Ya fucked up dude, apologize to her ASAP. Don't beat yourself up too much about this either, I've done insensitive hurtful stuff to my gf too, just as long as you apologize, do your best to make it up to her, and be more understanding of her in the future you've learned your lesson.
Yeah I will apologize. All this stupid Molymeme tier "not an argument" autistic "debate culture" on the Internet has made me socially and empathically dumb.
Been there man. Most important thing to remember to ditch from leftypol for instance is "SPOOKS". GF get's mad at you, you can't call her emotions spooks and just walk away. I've tried.
This is the cutest struggle session ever.
it really is
Yeah, it did the same thing to me for a bit too. Idk if Molymeme types have any intimate relationships, bc that shit doesn't fly for them at all.
Glad I never bought into this spook meme. But sometimes I'm really autistic, I think about "rebuttals" and all that constantly where I should just surrender myself to the way humans communicate and connect.
Well isn't he divorced and his wife went to court or something?
I didn't know that, but it doesn't surprise me at all.
didn't some user post a story about her wife being a therapist and allowing him to eavesdrop and even interject in her therapy sessions with patients?
I do this as well. Several friends have pointed out that I do this but honestly, it is the one autistic thing I will never let go off.
This is serious fedora-tipping shit but I feel completely alienated to the concept that most normies discuss for the sake of leisure, chit-chat or simply human interaction and don't actually concern themselves with arguments or what has actually been said.
When I see one of my normie friends sharing an "inspirational speech" by a politician or a famous person, it's feels commodified to me. As if you consume the speech like you'd consume a chocolate bar, and then move on with your life.
Record yourself yelling and insulting yourself with your microphone then play it back to yourself a week later when you start to forget what you said.
Tell her not to be a stereotypical black person and actually educate herself on a little something called gallows humor.
Jokes help people deal with sensitive situations and events that are difficult to process.
yes im sure lecturing her on being humorless for not wanting her bf to call her a nigger is the way to go
Eventually it would toughen her up and she would realize that words and jokes cant actually hurt people.
She would become a better person because of it.
Yeah. You just gotta take the normie pill when it comes to stuff like that since it's how capitalism makes us interact, gotta accept it as a part of life. I like to have reading circles with comrades so I can actually vent and engage in deeper levels of discussions
I would apologize for inadvertently hurting her feelings, but I don't know that I would apologize for telling a shitty joke.