Where Did This 180 on Islam Come From?

Guys, I don't use Holla Forums much outside of this board and half chan's lit. FIVE times today on Facebook and 4chan I've seen an interest in Islam with a particular interest with Sufism. Every-time they compared Sufism to wahhabism and quoted Rumi or other Arabic thinkers.

,Granted I don't care because I'm not paranoid about Islam but where did this 180 come from? It's clearly a meme based on the consistent fixation with Sufism as an "appropriate" form of Islam complete with a need to distinguish from bad kinds of Islam like Wahhabism and Sunni Islam (even though they clearly don't understand that Sufism is not a different branch).

Has the "Islam is the cure for fun" meme taken off? Is it the new edge lord religion for would be neo-pagans?

Sufiism has a history in America. It was huge in the seventies or eighties I believe. I have a great uncle who converted back then and he's pretty devout still

I've seen a few people mention this, is this the first time you've mentioned this here?

Yeah, I just noticed this trend today. What gives?

Sufiism is the most "[email protected]/* */" of all the Islamic sects dude. Rumi and the rest of the poets were drunk all the fucking time and did gay stuff with each other. They also allow music and dancing

islam is the light

Yeah but its the "soft" form of Islam when compared to Wahhabism.

These people don't have to be educated to come up with a meme. I saw one guy not realise you could by a Shia Sufist.

If they wanted to push the "Islam cures muh degenewacy meme" why would they push the most degenewate of all the sects, dumbass? Your logic makes no sense

Given how quickly it's cropped up I'd say there could be a few causes
1) People need something contrarian to move onto now that Holla Forums's white nationalism has been found to be a dead duck
2) Concerted paid shills from one of the oil rich countries
3) 4chan for some reason has gained large amounts of reach recently, also explaining why quality has dropped in the last month (according to other users here) across the board. Muslims have been dragged in too.

Not unless you don't know that its not just mystical bullshit, like some of these posters do.

Anyway where does it come from? What's why I am asking?

That's probably it. Has anyone esle noticed this trend?