Wow… maybe it's true… leftists ARE da real racists….
Wow… maybe it's true… leftists ARE da real racists….
tranny gulag when
This is embarrassing the kid with the flag looked like 12. Seriously why does ANTIFA hate being filmed when they have masks? They suck at propaganda.
What's this all about?
Peak ideology
Why don't black people like us?
I let a black comrade fuck my girlfriend in solidarity ALL THE TIME and he still never shows up to the DSA meetings I invite him to.(USER WAS BANNED FOR NOT SHARING HIS BLACKED PORN FOLDER)
Sup Holla Forums. Any new vides I should be aware of? I'm sure you keep up to date with that sort of thing after all.
The Nicole Aniston gets BLACKED™ video is lit.
Enjoy your heart attacks
are you fucks even going to try anymore
You guys suck at having fun.
I know the post is fake, but I kind of feel that the black people aren't committed to the resistance. If we had more black people there is no way the right would get physical.
The last time they were properly committed they were literally assassinated by the feds. I'd probably keep my head down for a few decades
BLM has been out there fighting the good fight for a while now. Where were the smashies in Ferguson?
Yes I agree brother we petit bourgeois white men are too weak and non intimidating to participate in physical confrontation we need more based black men in our movement. We can lure them in by letting them fuck out girlfriends and mothers.
Those aut right will never fucked a black man that is why they need to fuck our girlfriends (make sure you let them fuck your girlfriend AFTER the confrontation though black men are tricky they may fuck your gf before the confrontation and then not show up).
Holla Forums you're drunk. Stop posting. This isn't your blog.
What's wrong I just want more black men to be enticed by communism I go to my KFC and buy chicken for poor youths to try to get them to join our movement but they just end up beating me up I don't get it. I thought youths love fried chicken?
Name and explain a single political conviction you have not related to sex or cucking
Building communism with our black comrades.
Orcs v Men lmao
The entire working class regardless of identity is who we want to unite. Try again faggot. We are materialists here.
Don't they have their own board. So sick of the shit posting.
Shame nobody smacked that little shit with the flag. Fuck he was annoying me.
Yes we need more black men in our ranks I know. Let them fuck your gf. It works!
BBC porn is just porn to me muddafucka
thats why
They're much too autistic to follow basic guidelines, that's why they're obsessed with being ruled over and think everyone else needs hierarchies to function too
Speaking from experience I assume?
Yes I let my girlfriend fuck black men to show solidarity. My flag is Buddhist.
This is a volcel board, no girlfriends here.
Well then you're useless then.
They read two infographs on COINTELPRO so they think they're master at subversion.
Blacks have a history of crumbling and surrendering in 10 minutes in any sort of war or conflict beyond on a schoolyard. I would rely on the average violent black gang member type for any sort of real revolutionary conflict. Unless by the "resistance" you mean groups of retarded liberals and conservatives shouting at each other at Trump rallies, then maybe a few violent black thugs might beat up some conservatives, which would then lead to the conservatives bringing in their big guns - former football players, bikers, etc., and it would spiral to a point where people start getting shot, the media shrieks in horror, everybody "condemns the violence" and the world goes back to its normal lives.
oh no it's frying my leftyliberal brain because we all worship black person and think they can do nothing wrong oh noo