Support for right-wing populist parties has fallen considerably in Europe since Trump's election.
Support for right-wing populist parties has fallen considerably in Europe since Trump's election
Once again Americans are ahead of the curve. Euros saw where right wing populism would take them and said "lol nope."
does this open the avenue of revolution then?
Although I do agree with the other three, UKIP's fading is really more attributed to them achieving their goals and the voters rejoining the Conservative ranks
It's funny how butthurt all of the burgers and Holla Forumsyps are about this. It's brilliant. They thought they would be ahead of the curve - and then everyone would naturally follow.
If you start to look at the numbers, loads came back to Labour too.
This obviously means Donald Trump was actually a jewish plant to make nationalism and the far right look bad.
Donald Trump is a fucking moron and an economic liberal. If he was neither of those things - hell, even if he was only one of those - chances are things would be different, and we should be thanking our lucky stars he is.
But the right and the Jews are always in bed together.
you mean one of those talking bushes?
More like "eeer.. ye.. Brexit… but.. eeer… I dunno, am out, lol!"
And voters getting split over Cons and Lab.
Anyway, meanwhile, in Greece, Nazis are still at 5-9% and conservatives are rising. (Then again, every pol lately has been done by bourgies for bourgies…)
Pretty ok timeline we live in.
So what you're saying is, it wasn't REAL right-wing populism?
Link to the Holla Forums thread? I want a kek
I think you did a fine job of doing that yourself.
Check out Euro and Brit politics threads, burgers often come in completely ass blasting and start shouting at people.
anyone have that webm of the alt righter yelling at the blacks to go back to africa, and the cop turns around and shakes his hand?
it's in their blood to make atrociously low quality posts.
I never thought Trump was a far right nutjob..or even racist for that matter. I've always seen him as a loudmouth who lives in a bubble.
And then like Putin said…USA presidents come and go, the policy is always more or less the same.
Trump should’ve read up on Nazbol before becoming president.
Nothing pleases the Euro more than feeling superior to the American.
Euros will be dhimmifed before the century is out, so we will have the last laugh in spite of the retarded orange clown, provided, of course, that his climate policies have not fucked everything beyond repair.
Reminder Macron got around 13% of the electorate to vote for him because PS fucked over Melenchon.
Centrist and rightist scum ya dayz r numberd!
The electoral system here in France makes it extremely hard for a fascist or far-left candidate to get elected, and to be honest Mélenchon got fucked pretty hard by the electorates in Parliament
A good time for actual leftism to rise.
Why are Labor voters so right wing and racist?
Why are Americans so universally classcucked but consider themselves experts in foreign politics?
I don't pretend to know the answer to that question. Maybe you should ask an American with extensive knowledge of American society that question.
Will this meme die?
For example, PVV went down but a couple of other parties that are basically like Wilders entered parliament. AfD has been plagued by infighting and looking like complete jackasses. UKIP lost relevance after Brexit. Then you have other countries in Europe (Sweden for example) where you don't see this trend at all.
I'm glad they're going down where they're going down though. Just hope there's a good left-wing alternative that can gain momentum.
They're not but they bought in to the "immigrants ruined everything"-meme. It's happening in everywhere in Europe where there used to be old strong mining/industrial towns.
They've lost their identity and now tries to establish or find something else.
And you pretend to be the smart one?
Well, if you're spelling like an American it's a foregone conclusion who is the smart one.
yeah the one not using unnecessary letters
So that's at least three down, how many are still on their feet in the polls?
Ég er ekki Ameríkani heimska loðrottan þín!
But that is the definition of a right wing racist populist :^)
British supremacist racist right wing lefty detected.
Sweet, hopefully white people will just die off quietly and not resist. We only need another decade or two before it'll become impossible for them to win electorally because of demographics.
Tell me more about this Corbyn…
he wants to nationalize rail, mail and energy
may wants to sell off more public property to saudi, chinese and russian investors
you can't be a nationalist yet support privatization, you're literally selling off your country to foreigners
I still regard him as a bad choice because he doesn't want to deport all non-Whites, but he is unironically superior to that cunt May. I'm not Bi'ish, though.
Where did Trump's presidency take the US for that matter?
So you will vote for a guy who drains every penny from your pocket and gives nothing in return, as long as he deports foreigners?
No, and that's why I didn't vote for Donald Trump. If I had a choice between someone who would redistribute the nation's resources to everyone in the world or someone who would redistribute the nation's resources to everyone in the nation I would pick the latter 100% of the time, though.
That's the hard question. It depends on the amount of foreigners coming in. If it's small, then I'll vote for the socialist. If it's large, I'll vote for the right-winger, as wealth can still be seized later, but immigrants are hard to deport.
Holla Forums, like all idpol, doesn't care about who is cracking the whip, just as long as its one of their own doing it.
You know May is also all for immigration, right?
Yes, and I hate that cunt.
He's currently on a public program slashing spree and is doing nothing to fix any of the myriad problems effecting the country or taking any steps to avert to impending economic catastrophe.
So pretty much the same place that the other capitalists were taking us. But hey! At least he's an outsider :^)
But he wants to end the cause of all those muslim immigrants. How is that bad?
So will you be advocating deporting all non Celts or just the immigrants you don't like
No, just the non-White ones.
That's certainly good, but I also want the ones already here to go. All of them, regardless of citizenship.
Trump is the best thing that has happened for the left in a long time.
Maybe cos once Trump got elected the Paid shills went to bed.
Sigh, for now. Soon the whole shitposting process will be automated.
Corbyn has far better immigration polices than May, just saying. Take it from a Brit.
This. The European left should take a hint from this and stop supporting neoliberals in order to thwart right wing populism.
I don`t know, following the post-coup true Finns party might actually get more support since they went with the hardliner nationalists.