HAPPENING: Congressman shot


Other urls found in this thread:


Crashing this administration

can Holla Forums be more of a bunch of pussies? Antifa sucks (in the US) and hasn't done shit


He spoke at a white supremacist conference in 02, opposed the prevention of violence against women act, raised taxes on the poor in Louisiana, supports Trump's travel ban, and his recent voting record is just a litany of bullshit.


It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

If this was antifa than ill take back everything bad I've ever said about them.

This. That would certainly buy them some credit.

One of the witnesses described the shooter as white, middle aged and chubby.

Also ironically voted for much more lax gun laws in DC.

Doesnt mean anything.

Sounds like a MAGA chud to me. Probably thought he was shooting at dems.

i'm not sure only shooting one of them will accomplish anyth–

nevermind thank you based gunman



Let's be honest it was probably something organized crime related


This would be the best possible scenario.

Though I won't be surprised if it's some crazed liberal.

US-antifa is the incarnation of impotent rage.
Well off libshits who are well off, crying that it wasn't HER who became president. And for the first time of their life, there is fucking nothing they can do about it.

I am sure, they wouldn't exist, if Clinton was POTUS (why should they).
But they would, if Bernie was, doing their best to make him lose faith in humanity.

I didn't thought Virginians play Baseball with bullets.
Those damn middle-easterners.

Why is everything political in the U.S inspired by Europe shitty, they don't understand socialism, their anti-fa is a bunch of whiny shits, their libertarianism is deluded, "anarcho"-capitalism, republican "Christians" .. etc, what a retarded shithole


Lol, what a pussy

Only a matter of time, before the believe in omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Russian Hackers becomes an official religion.

Decades of propaganda and bad politicis will do that to you.

probably a schizo
But our country will freak out about one of our nobility being injured and probably pass some inane law on it

With congress at an all time low? Bullshit.

I predict one of the liberal reactions will be: "See? These lax gun laws got one of YOUR OWN! Time to wake up!!" I can see them all salivating over this GOTCHA.

The only people that will give a shit about this are the 34% of people that still support the GOP. Liberals will wring their hands for a bit but will be back to Russia nonsense by the afternoon.

If it's a leftist or even a liberal I'd expect stricter gun laws and more spying on burgers. In any case I'm expecting conspiracy theories on how the shooter is the leader or antifa or some retarded shit.

Oh I'm sure the Weaponized Autism Bureau are doxxing the shooter now and will tie him to Antifa or something.


They did nothing when Gabby Giffords was shot in the head.

Ray Bailey rose from death again to gun down porky.

The liberal, centrist mind is fascinating.

This nerd thinks violence is limited to fucking bullets. Lmao

Yeah because they're the country thats blowing the shit out of smaller, basically defenseless countries in the name of politics. Good job they're not near you so you don't have to think about them.

Also that's ignoring the fact that US foreign policy is one of the most intensely violent in the world.

Yeah, but that doesn't register in the minds of media libs.


WTF I love David duke now.

Trying not to go full Holla Forumstard conspiracy mode and start shouting "false flag"…
But orchestrated or not this is the perfect opening to further militarize the capitol police and secret service, and more generally police nationwide. Maybe just baseless anxiety but this seems like the preamble to a nationalist militia/secret police.

Is this their Reichstag Fire? I doubt it…

Well with the UK conservatives wanting to further restrict the internet because of the supposed internet jihadis, this wouldn't seem farfetched at all.

Watching the news now and they're talking about how it was a "miracle" that the police were able to stop the shooter with just their pistols. This is definitely going to be used an excuse to militarize the police.

what fuckin country do you live in cause the police are already militarized in america

How the fuck is he meant to stop crime without one?

Excuse me. Militarize the police further*


We will not be safe until every 50 lbs overweight 35 year old cop that barely graduated from high school walks the street a grenade launcher.

to be fair the violence against women act has nothing to do with violence against women and everything to do with segregating emergency services to ensure they remain only for women and not the bulk of the actually homeless and abused men.


best part is that they got to safety while someone shot back

The insurrection begins

#TheResistance is now #TheOffensive

It's time to shut down the Russians and Nazis!


Why there are Hillary suporters still in here?

Militarized police and no more administrations support, here we go

US antifa existed before this election, just they were disrupting speakers and bands.

What they've taken on now is actually a vastly better idea. If you think it's about Hillary fanboying, you have no clue whatsoever what went on here and how we felt about the election in general. When America thought the shitshow was over, we didn't even get to elect our own president - the EC did it for us.The majority of us hated both candidates and hated the guy who 'won' without most of the votes even more.

This is the best recruitment opportunity US antifa has probably ever had, and they're doing the right thing to go with it instead of just carrying on blocking controversial musicians.


No, stop, don't interrupt the idpol hate of Americans on the board obsessed with declaring how anti-idpol it is. It is very obvious that European antifa is very powerful and effective (lmao)

What is idpol about pointing out an organizations flaws?

This post basically confirms what people have written. That they're more than happy to have LARPing liberals join them. He's seriously crying over that one neocon got elected instead of another.

Dude, I spoke to some of them.
All of them happen to be liberals with no or superficial understanding of Marxism and it's branches.
And you can not deny that this shitshow exploded after the election. Of course I am aware of them existing, but they were marginal. Now they are on every campus. I almost feel bad for the original antifa.


A faggot who hates and is triggered by the word idpol is on the loose right now, shitting up all the threads.

My only regret is that he's not dead.

Be honest, you never heard about them until MAGAtards started autistically naming everything left of them "antifa".

BTW, shooter has been ID'd as a boomer Berniebro.

the one good boomer.


Are people born LARPing liberals or is it ideology?

If the latter, then it should make no difference.

Also, they're supposed to be anarchists or something, aren't they?

You realize Marx was foundational to a completely different ideology, right? Like, sure, they should read Marx and whatnot, but also as far as I know they aren't Communists so why do we care?

The election was the shitshow. And, yes they expanded afterwards - that was the point. They built on the leftwards momentum generated by the farcical finale. And if I recall correctly, the same phenomenon drew traffic to leftypol.

You mean Holla Forums, of course.

Post proofs please


Cue all the liberals "I don't agree with X, but violence is never okay!".
If the ACA is repealed people will die, homes will be foreclosed, people will lose their jobs, families plunged into poverty.
If you are willing to rob people of their lives and dignity you better spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.

reddit .com/r/politics/comments/6h705l/shooting_near_congressional_baseball_game/
Look at these liberals and weep.

Shooter identified by law enforcement officials as James T. Hodgkinson

people on Twitter were posting about his FB– support for Bernie. Haven't seen it myself, but apparently his account is still up

Then why the fuck do they keep referring to him then? They did it so often, that I forgot SOME of them self-brand themselves as anarchists. Which shows you that they don't have a lot of knowledge about anarchism in general either and is at this point just utterly embarrassing.

the shooter has been identified, you can stop derailing the thread about antifa already


Right on the second sentence the true reason why he did it.

I said that I didn't think that the antifa did it and provide examples why I thought they didn't do it.

We need to send that man a medal. The Order of Holla Forums, first class.

The face of Revolution

The shooter is a Berniebro which is enough for reactionaries to tie him to antifa.

Or perhaps he realized he had nothing left, so he might as well go out with a bang.
Nothing as dangerous a person that is armed and has nothing left to lose.

Dad came to his senses and stopped acting like a neoliberal baby boomer.

This is absolutely a false flag


I should have guessed. Everything is the opposite with these fucking bills.

Press F to pay respects


waaaaaaiiiiit a second!

May you rest in berniebro heaven now.

If anyone deserves to be shot it's the GOP

Leftards are hysterical.


Hi leftypol, real Not Socialist here, I am in favour of this come bump my thread, I'm sick of these alt light fucks thinking America and the GOP are anything but Kike Shills, I need your help

It's a good thing you can post this online where nobody can hurt you, otherwise you'd get a baseball bat to the temple.

Bernie is a white old man…it doesn't need to be a conspiracy for the ruling class to take advantage of the situation.

Anyway yeah let me weep for the poor wounded bourgeois politicians.

Dunno guys, but something is incredibly fishy here

Maybe the dude was just a libfag

don't glamorize killers

yeah you might want to actually do your own research about VAWA before taking some one line shitpost on here as gospel

did they kill him?

The GOP Left Me pretty much implies he was a Republican at some point.


every time

he didn't kill anyone

he's still alive

pic's for you

He's a left lib seems like. Union member, at least

This isn't about gibsmedat. This is about taking away people's (Primarily workers and the self-employed; see the statistics of those who make use of the ACA) healthcare so wall street and other fortune 500 corporate executives and shareholders can enjoy the biggest tax cuts since the Reagan era. (Including those ultra rich Jews you supposedly hate so much)
Maybe you should actually read up about the ideology you're advocating. Hitler didn't let workers die in the streets so some financial parasites could extract more surplus value.


As usual you're the shocktroopers for the moneyed establishment. Only white nationalists up until the point the rich (i.e. globalists like the Koch brothers and the cadre of zionist billionaires like Adelson and Larry Ellison) and their ill-gotten gains are threatened.


There are two questions which require one answer.
Considering how Last Week Tonight (and Rolling Stone, which is part of the Clinton Network, but I didn't pay them any heed) constantly shits over Sanders and presents Clinton as the saner, realistic choice.

If you support Bernie Sanders, how comes you still keep watching it, not realising what a pile of liberal garbage this is?
And if you like this show, how comes after all these "compelling arguments" they made about picking Hill over Bernie and you still stick with Bernie?

But whites overwhelmingly use the most welfare programs, axing those hurts your people

news is saying shooter is dead now, from gunshots by police

Who actually updates that shit on their kikebooks?



Does this mean Rand Paul is gonna show up to Congress with a tommy gun?

Every aspect of this screams false flag. We need to be in every comments section of every major site discussing this. Yes, even on Holla Forums.


Some of the reps/senators who there were giving interviews saying shit like "thank god Scalise's security detail was there, otherwise we'd be sitting ducks as we cowered in fear!"


Bump this thread lads. Many on Holla Forums have revolutionary potential, in the earlier thread there was some support for the shooter.

America is still a white nation. Welfare programs help white people far more than non-whites you classcuck. Also there is literally nothing wrong with physically removing reactionaries.

Nah see it's only tyranny if government is trying to take private property. Otherwise it's just business.

GOP lawmaker: Security likely to be "ramped up" at town halls following shooting

Ah, so there it is. Just in time for the 2nd round of town halls for the "revised" AHCA (which is literally a eugenics bill and far more violent than what the Berniebro did today).

Oh, so the shooter dies in police custody before he can say anything?
How convenient.

Rand has it right tbh

In the real world certain people are actually affected by clown car in D.C.
And some of them aren't actually willing to remain on their knees and take whatever is thrown at them.

Trump himself mentioned 2nd amendment solutions, and this is one of those cases. If those "representatives" with their cushioned salaries and benefits don't want to get shot, perhaps they should stop fucking us over so some billionaire can avoid paying taxes on their fed welfare check.

>it's only tyranny if government is trying to take porky's property. Otherwise it's just business.

fucking faggot couldn't even kill an old fuck with a rifle

Well, yeah, but the irony is he was at the baseball practice and was shot at and was describing the experience on the news. He sounded shook as fuck. Lol.

Baby boomer pogrom when? DEPORT ALL BOOMERS.


I'd be shook too, if I was almost shot at. Even if I was a reptilian Congressman.

He didn't need to. If everyone survives, no one will become a martyr.
The focus will shift to the shooter. Who was a hard-working self-employed tax payer. No "nigger gibsmedat" or "mental illness" here.
He is (was?) a man with a cause, and nothing left to lose. A combination that is able to inspire others and puts the fear in the hearts of the bourgeois political circus.
The 2nd amendment might be convenient election rhetoric for some, but others mean it. People like Hodgkinson tread in the footsteps of John Brown and all the others that died and fought bringing down the tyranny of capital.
If someone tries to rob you at gunpoint you're justified to retaliate. This was no different. If they're willing to let you die in the streets and take everything away from you, they should expect a bullet in return at some point.

courtesy of Ideology & Reactionaries & so on From Beyond the Comment Section. sniff

pls no bully

We ought to show Porky what "return on investment" really means.

DEPORT ALL BERNIEFAGS, Nazi masturbation fantasy NAW!

You hear that? That's the sound of the far right and the Hillary deadenders sucking each other dry.

Daily reminder to mag dump into the chest instead of going for a "kill shot" when you are defending our beloved congressmen from violent thugs.

Americans have really dehumanized each other.

this is why the fucking american left is impotent shit right now, you fucking deluded faggot

Gun control won't come out of this. There is a massively NRA funded Congress. What will happen is an even more expanded police state (if that is even possible)



What a legend
Who knew Berniebros were so based


I would say don't do this because John Hinckley Jr. failed to save the world with this technique but i think his poor choice of weapon was at fault there.

We need more memes of this guy.

Funny, I was actually downloading guns today.

If it's not in direct self-defense I would assume so. Yes.

So limp dicked I'd be shocked if you could ever get an erection.

Here's the torrent if anyone wants it.



So you're saying the dude should have indirectly shot him?

So he was someone who was having his health care taken from him. He did the right thing by shooting one of the assholes who is doing it.

Really stimulates the frontal lobe.

fuck off. Jews aren't the enemy, stupid pol nigger

i've been worried about bernies death since the shitty progressive movement in the US is basically a personality cult for a lukewarm sucdem and there isn't anyone else but it's necessary he gets left behind as soon as possible

i get why he is crying crocodile tears here, but he pussies out of every real fight and can't shape the narrative for shit

Even better considering how reps like Scalise will keep their benefits, including free healthcare and fat pensions. (Up to 135k a year)
And that doesn't take into account all the gifts and other indirect rewards they receive from donors and connections.


what a day

"White" is newspeak, faggot, so you forget your name.

Welfare helps those who ask for it, mostly the poor. The color of your skin is not a valuable classification for anybody but the """merchants""".

Don't forget who you were becuse of "muh skin color".

my local antifa are the only ones converting the local rednecks and black dem voters to socialist causes. rather them than larping faggots like yourself m8

The persecution complex of those commenters is insane

They always could just not have them, which is what a lot of them were doing before anyway

Apparently he had a dismissed assault charge. I'm already seeing libs take that to mean domestic violence 100% without question, and already advocating for putting people with DV/assault charges on some watchlist


Cool LARPing. The furthest left voice in mainstream American politics celebrating the shooting of a politician would be disastarous for the American left, even if Sanders is insufficient. You are living in a fantasy world if you think anything, but a crocodile tear response by Sanders would be good for American leftists. It's fine for you and I to celebrate it, but we are not the face of what is considered the American left. It would do more harm than good in the current state of things.

You are lucky to only have COINTELPRO. In Europe, we have to deal with actual CIA programs.

Oh yeah, that is coming, but it was going to happen anyway. Now we just need to kill enough of the bosses that they are never able to show their faces outside of their mansions.

Just wanted to add: a lobbyist has now been named one of the 5 shot

Good hope they are one of the 2 dead

Wait that is the other shooting in this thread. I am dumb

Fucking nice.

Finally, some accountability in american politics.

this isn't even his final form

Yeah I don't think anyone is dead in the Congress shooting except the shooter

This is a tricky one. On the one hand, he deserved to be shot, on the other, the overreaction will hurt leftism and proles at least in the short run.

Fuck yeah.

It's total adventurism. Lone wolves without organization or a movement backing them up are more likely going to hurt their cause.

Just reminding you that individual terrorism should be condemned


hahahaha, he was a BernieBro??? You had my curiosity but now you have my attention.


Agreed in full. Don't shoot one if you can't shoot all.

I'd agree in most circumstances but its not like there is any real workers movement in America he is damaging. If you cant win might as well get revenge.

Agreed. We gauche undeserving know-nothing proles should just take it in the ass until the intellectual giants of the Vanguard™ lead the way.
Until that time we should just post hashtags and virtue signal to our liberal friends how opposed to violence we are. That will show them.

What did he mean by this?

It means we should carefully remind ourselves how non-violence abolished feudalism in France and how the south voluntarily gave up slavery.
Anything else is just edgy LARPing.

"Please let me still appear on TV so I can solicit money"

You're autistic right? There's no way a non-autist is as bad at shaping a narrative irl as you are. Sanders celebrating this was never an option.

This. It's a feel-good name for a shitty piece of legislation.

Masturbation feels good, but it isn't sex.

there is hardly any "cause" movement, much less unified left in America

I think when the smoke clears this will be a man pissed off that his livelihood and his healthcare is being taken away. An act of desperation.

That's just shitty enough for me to believe, tbh. Anyone have anything to back this up?

I don't know anything about the Salvation Army specifically, but it is believable to the extent if you look at the overall stats of homeless, single men are overrepresented. I'm not going to cry, though, if a family is given preference over singles in a system with limited resources.


Why do research on a subject when it's easier to extrapolate meaningless conclusions from claims that reinforce your worldview?

you're right

wtf i love babyboomers now


Well yeah, but it still seems fucked up to charge homeless people of any stripe to sleep at your place. I get that they need to maintain resources and all, but surely there must be a better way?

This is something I do not think a lot of liberals and lolberts understand. People are going to just continually take a beating and not do anything.

that would require the government to give a shit about poor people and fund homeless shelters.

They assume that everyone is as beholden to the system as they are.

No doubt. I have heard from some people that some places offer a bed for about a week for free, after that they either have to cut you loose you gotta pay.

I remember a libertarian saying voting should be proportional to the amount of tax people pay. Its like they secretly want the guillotine to come back.

pffffffffffffffffffff I am a larper for standing to the truth


Honestly Holla Forums and Holla Forums should just come together for a summer and we can argue which form of socialism after.

On an aside, don't actually do that, I was being sarcastic. That should go without saying, but ironic shitposting is dangerous.

Are you saying we should murder Congress and then start fighting each other?

wow, you totally framed his statement to match your confirmation bias

got heem

underrated GET

Well, tbh the ACA is pretty shit and was entirely backed by multiple healthcare providers and large banks like citigroup. Premiums in states like Arizona are going to shoot up by 116% soon if nothing is done so while I agree repeal is hugely distasteful, ACA needs to be replaced With single payer



The only thing leftists do with baseball bats is attempt to look tough, or ram it up their own ass.

As expected of CNN.

Rolled 9, 12, 12, 11, 4, 11, 15, 20, 11, 3, 16, 20, 1, 6, 20, 13, 10, 16, 14, 19 = 243 (20d20)
I'm sorry you're so repressed you can only talk about your fantasies of baseball bat anal by projecting them onto other

Further proof that the mainstream meteor is leftist!

Well shit maybe it was a suicide then.

His statement was in favor of antifa. And that is what antifa does.

Also, I can't get that excited about an a failed assassination attempt, surely it can't be that hard to score a kill on someone who isn't expecting it. If I was gonna do anything like this I'd spend a few months at the gun range first.

I can get excited about congressman being fucking scared shitless of going to open public events now tbh

But you're right. It's only old men. How hard could it be?

You see, when politicians ruin the lives of everyone it's not violent because it's behind over ten layers of abstract institutions.


I hope all these mother fuckers get shot in the ass every time they get out of their homes in the morning.

So much for the mainstream left


This man is a working man's hero.



Just searched it - That's a real fucking headline.
CNN is so far removed that they continue to remind people why they shouldn't take them seriously. I say keep going, CNN!

CNN is one of us.



I guess the hilldog supporters were right when they said berniebros hate women jej

This gives me hope for America

Holla Forumstards and the establishment are gonna have a field day with this one.

The smear is here. They've got to publicly indict him as soon as possible because the guy he shot is such a piece of shit.

Poor guy - the shooter. I think most of us can sympathize with that feeling of helplessness.

Fucking r/politics is the absolute worst of the worst. I lost count how many times I was banned from there during the primaries, for speaking out about CTR, Hillary shilling, etc.



fix your font rendering it's unreadable

/r/politics is completely overrun with bots and shills, and between them and the mods all dissenting opinions have been driven out.

Hitler should have just set up a bowling league in his bunker tbh, it's morally wrong to shoot people playing a sport


I still have some settings turned off, I can read it, so it's fine. reddit isn't worth reading, anyway.

>Hodgkinson documented his violent hatred for the president across his various social media pages
>Hodgkinson shared numerous Facebook posts against the president, making no secret of his angry Republican hatred

This is what unfettered, violent hatred looks like. God, I can barely look at it, it's so vile.


Hey man, I think we all have embarrassing likes on our FB, if you still have one. I never use mine anymore. Probably still have The Daily Show "liked".

lol holy shit what a fucking drama queen.

Can confirm, currently fanning myself and nearly fainting



Gotta use the dramatic words to make the killer look worse than the rest of them. That's the politicians' way.

He has a tweet that says the second amendment is to kill members of a tyrannical government during the Obama admin too



>This is what unfettered, violent hatred looks like. God, I can barely look at it, it's so vile.
Thank god for Holla Forums. I would've gone crazy long ago.

We should show them some real killing fields.

I actually kind of like these lame liberal posts when they come from old people. I'm just so used to old people saying the most vile, reprehensible far right shit that it's kind of endearing when one of them is lame, but mad about capitalism or racism.

This guy is different of course, he's better than any old liberal.


Get yourself a stiff drink, my friend. Stay strong.


meant to tag your post as well in this


I can honestly imagine stuff getting more intense now.

The kids on the Alt-Right opened the doors to attacking people they felt were too far on the left, and on foreigners. Now the door has been cracked a bit more open for the inverse. Are we going to get some inter-party violence going now, and not just sit around and talk about it?

For fucksakes, why are we teasing each other; it's gotta happen now.

I wanted to riot & protest, too. Nothing ever happened in my town or I was too busy working to be able to pay attention. Now people are actually becoming politically active & I'm not there. ;~;

here's the tweet in question. And now a bunch of smug liberals are berating him for encouraging violence. lel

Not at all
The average American really isn't capable of it yet, conditions aren't desperate enough

Lone incidents like this really don't mean much in terms of escalating tensions

No, fuck that. Stay where you are. If anything is going to happen, it's going to be harsher crack down by the police state. Be glad you got out. I plan on getting out the first chance I get.

I meant to post this pic as well, from stickied top post.


I've kind of thought this was coming for a while. The first major physical conflict is going to be between the Reps and Dems because that's all that exists in the American Spectacle. That is what's going to create space for the Left, as government services are either cut off via the stroke of a pen or become impossible because of partisan violence.

Well, you're right, I am glad & that's why I left. Tbh had I stayed I'd either be in jail or dead. Things were terrible there. At least, had I stayed, I'd been able to voice my anger more, but yeah, I'd have ended up in jail likely.

Do also get out once you have the chance

No politics allowed in r/politics

I've been thinking I should try to get into local politics at least, use it to see if a platform can be set up for real leftist activity. Or at the least to make as many moves to make my home like Rojava so as to put these policies into an actual conversational space and work up some comrades.

It's one thing I feel to go over theory again and again on the internet and watch news-worthy affairs. But the next step would or should be to put them into action somehow, like getting local office. And hell: if American finally does go full revolution and this isn't just an episode of the 1960's again this sprinkling of far-lefty local control can maybe turn into something like Revolutionary Catalonia when the time is right.

Condoning, inciting, or wishing violence makes you ten times worse than Hitler.

Judging by the melodramatic nature of their writing, I can tell none of them actually care about the congressmen. Also the :( and the D: show how hard that guy is trying to sound concerned. Still:


Proof of tyranny where?

The long term effect of a heavy handed propaganda campaign that tried to push "non-violent" protest as the only acceptable means of dissent

+1800 replies

is it me or does he look like bookchin


And this is why liberals will never be our allies.
They're just the "progressive" wing of the bourgie party.


Not that theory isn't important, but I'm starting to think that learning practical things might take precedence. I don't mean the Trade School meme (though that wouldn't be a bad idea), but things like logistics, agriculture, construction, medicine, that kind of stuff.

At least the way I see it, the first stage for Leftists to really do their work is going to be out in the countryside. As the possibility of profit leaves these already economically shattered regions, these people are going to be entirely on their own. They can't afford to leave, and their own local governments aren't going to have the resources to help them, especially those that aren't farming communities. So many people are reliant on goods and services that are distributed to them via corporate logistics that there really isn't going to be a substitute ready if and when things start to collapse. For the lucky ones, the internet will be there to provide the information for those able to DIY, but those further out in the sticks and the elderly especially are going to be left high and dry.

That isn't to say not to get involved in your local government. You know your circumstances better than I would after all. But I think cadres of Leftists armed and equipped with practical knowledge in helping people survive are going to be absolutely essential in the years to come.

Now that's what I call a golden ratio.

you're just gonna make people like the shooter even more now

this is ultimate level 'makes you think'

I agree whole-heartidly.

The situation is certainly complex and to be honest even if I were to become invested in and become a part of local government I'll need friends or something pre-established and in line with the ideology to help lay the ground work. It would be like in the end starting a business, as ironic as it sounds. But perhaps in this situation the first step may be in setting up even a Mutualist Co-op and rolling that into activity elsewhere.

Living in Michigan there's an interesting experiment going on in Detroit that might be worth watching to see how it turns out. The basic idea is setting up community units with self-contained art/craft workshops with community low-cost housing, privately held by an individual but not allowed to be speculated on. So besides small-town MI where I am, the best lab would be Detroit.

That project I mentioned: ghanathinktank.org/current-projects-2/2015/10/2/detroit

At least people got pissed at this.
We've come a long way from when the libs were literally donating money to the Republican party because one of their field offices got burned down.

thanks for your input

so much for the rational right


so sorry we couldn't entertain you. Maybe next time we'll post more BBC

Who is leftypol?

C then O versus F then E then F then E.



That sounds like a pretty good idea. I think that's really what hampers the utility of theory, that what mostly gets discussed on Holla Forums is theory from the 19th or 20th century, and our circumstances are going to vary quite wildly. It's undeniably important to have that theoretical foundation, but we're going to have to come up with entirely new methods of organizing and providing for people.

Really, it's kind of exciting in a way.


Got a better idea?


driggered ::DDDD


But to try and act in Leftypol's defense too: does any of us necessarily have the resources to organize things to test our theories or put them into action? I don't want to make too many assumptions, but I don't we really do which may be hampering our ability. To go back to local politics at least as well, political apathy might be doing harm on this front too if we're not organizing something in that respect to effect our own lives or communities by building up that square one to get things done in the long-term.

The Republicans now are so strong because they've spent twenty-thirty years taking over local school boards and small-town government. Their agenda and policies have been built on pragmatic use and practice at all levels of government now.

I once suggested using the cybernetic planning application, once finished, in a run down, deindustrialized area like Detroit to run a confederation of gig economy mini-cooperatives or even a mutual aid network. Could this be it?

Look at you, preaching down to the proles! How do Trots always manage to be slightly more insufferable than other Leninists? It's not that easy to outdo typical tankies!

That'd be a start, and with the city as bled as it is there won't be any complaints. Shit, there'd be celebration.

I know the city likes to swoon over the rebirth of its downtown and how its symbollic of the city's revival, but the outskirts and old industrial fringes are still more-or-less abandoned. If you can open up there and recruit in local help (and maybe even get people technically trained) you'd be helping by leaps and bounds. Or at the least, helping out.

I also still stand by the idea that urban farming in Detroit can do nothing but good too if that wants to be added to the agenda. But there's local groups already working on that; can still use help too.

Why Detroit? Why not somewhere less established and build it up so there's less to "undo"?

I'm a gigantic noob. Can you give me a general rundown on what this entails and what the goals are? The threads seem kinda daunting and have been around for so long I'm lowkey afraid to ask and try to catch up at this point

Oh you're right, I'm not knocking Holla Forums. It's helped me grow a lot as a leftist and exposed me to lots of theory and thought that I'd never encountered before. There's no single, correct way forward, and I think Holla Forums is a fantastic environment for nurturing the sort of thinking we'll need in the future.

Land is cheap as fuck in Detroit, and they've been knocking down whole neighborhoods. There's parts of the city now that are just swathes of open grass land contained within old city-blocks between the streets. There are also pre-built - if fucked up - factories around; Packard Plant I think might still be mostly aviable.

You're of course going to need to play along with Porky's plans and buy things out. But maybe in the future real lefty's can be put into power in the city and end that.

Detroit is also emblematic of the deterioration wrought by capitalists. After the Second World War the Big Three instituted a policy of decentralization that meant many of the factories belonging to them and had kept Detroit pumping slowly left the city, going to the suburbs, then outside the county, then outside the state and country. This process was killing the city since the fifties; it was finally dead by the sixties/seventies. And unlike the Steel barons of cities like Pittsburgh, the Big Three auto barons literally left nothing behind as some sort of legacy that can put the city itself to work, as much as we can shit on the like of Carnagie for being a Porky ass he at least built hospital and universities for Pittsburgh; Ford and company didn't do that. So to bring Detroit back on Socialism can be seen as a major sign.

That's partly not true
Yes, the sticker price is cheap, but when you buy the land you're suddenly responsible for the 40 or years of property backtaxes and tons of other shitty fees


Interesting, I didn't realize so much of the city was basically abandoned and up for sale. Otherwise I'd say Ohio, WVa, or Western PA (funny you mention Pittsburgh since all those hospitals and schools are rotting the city slowly despite ostensibly being the thing propping the city up) would be a better bet. What do you estimate the starting costs might be?


I'm sure there are plenty of places just as suitable. Detroit's interesting too because it's roughly geographically larger than Manhatten, Boston, and some other city combined (the city built out, not up). Just over half the property in the city is vacant of structures, and twenty percent of the property with structures is vacant of people; or something like that. So if you want to build totally anew then you can let your fantasy run wild.

But I double checked 's assertion about back taxes and the like with the Detroit Land Bank site and it turns out you're going to have to pay those and back water bills and other fees (I'm not sure if rules can change for commercial or industrial property, and if you're going to convert residential property to commercial or otherwise there may be rezoning fees added). But this may be true anywhere else that's slowly rotting away; I don't have the gumption to check into that though.

Per costs: I can't say. Using the Detroit Land Bank as reference it's mostly concerned with residential property and side lots. And this is on a bidding process so the price can vary. But checking on a commercial property listing price you could be shelling out anything between 500,000 to 2,000,000 for simply commercial space.

There's a reason people need bank support in these things it turns out.

Oh wait, I found an empty lot for less than 18 grand.

https:[email protected]/* */,-83.1591969,3a,60y,274.62h,84.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOgYv86xMDkAOu-76OXFHaw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

There it is.

This post hit all the basic points of why I think it's a good idea - the most important part is that we have means of production which we can use and that we have computers. I wasn't thinking much in terms of symbolism, but that's a plus.

Squat and make things. People still need those products. If we need protection, call up Redneck Revolt to clear out the gangsters.

Make an app which can take in-kind information (instead of everything in terms of monetary prices, x amount of corn, y amount of steel, z amount of computers, etc.) for both supply and demand (supply in terms of productive capacity, demand in terms of rate of depletion of surplus stocks for any good, producer to producer or producer to consumer) and use linear optimization and neural nets to take this data and optimize production to best meet demand. We're beating the market at its own game.
If you want to read, start with these maybe:
dcs.gla.ac.uk/~wpc/reports/plan_with_AIT.pdf (13 pages, purely technical aspects of a neural net)
dcs.gla.ac.uk/~wpc/reports/standalonearticle.pdf (41 pages, goes over origins and applications of linear optimization as a basis for economic calculation; I personally highly recommend this one)
If you really want to get into the nitty-gritty, I think "Calculation In Natura" outdoes it where it touches on, but "Towards A New Socialism" is great and I would highly recommend reading it.

None besides getting the word out, which might be possible by word of mouth anyways. Give people a way to organize and produce for need. Make the calculator free software. Once it gets going, there will be costs involved in defending the territory and maybe securing de jure ownership of some properties if absolutely needed. Regulations and such only apply to the constituent producer associations if they produce as businesses, ie for exchange. AFAIK, there's nothing stopping them from producing freely for need except for that they do not de jure own the property. In fact, this is a great way, beside mechanisms of which I was already considering (such as paying a certain percentage of revenue back into a general fund for the network to furnish new associations with the necessary MoPs), to give them incentives to remain within the network and not go commercial.

Given how much land is being swallowed up by outside investors, I do like the idea of simply seizing the land with force than playing by the rules and buying it out.

There's a reason I was saying WVa, Ohia, Western PA over Detroit.

Eh, I actually think you suburban and urban dwellers will be far more fucked in that event

t. a humble country soul

Excuse my ignorance but isn't this basically what Peter Joseph/the Zeitgeist movement want? Any chance of communication with them? They seem pretty open for ideas and have some funding but no real practical applications

Thanks for the write-up user, really interesting stuff. Will look into those articles

this give me exploitation flashbacks
there has to be a better way to phrase this

It's probably good phrasing for normies unless uber crashes soon (which it might)

The south is a much much cheaper place to buy land and build. Birmingham in particular is a very cheap city with a lot of old unused property. Will probably change soon as more people are starting to move back into the city.

OK, but do they have the same unique opportunities as Detroit as starting points? Are there any grassroots leftist groups in Detroit which would meet similar purposes, by any chance?

Oh, but that's exactly the point. Capitalism has not only given us the technological means to achieve communism, but as it pushes exploitation towards our biological limits, it has created organizational forms characteristic of it. The only way out is through - accelerate the process if you want it to crash and burn while also continuing to advance faster than ever before.

I've heard a little about them, but never directly in relation to what I'm proposing right now. Aren't they supposed to be technocrats? Disgusting. Please redpill me on them if I'm wrong about that.
integration of high tech into praxis =/= technocracy (Howard Scott is a thinly veiled fascist, literally)

So then we need to move now? Birmingham does have an active RR sect, right?

He's perfect now

Even if prices in Birmingham go is there is plenty of property in the surrounding metro area. I don't think there is a RR chapter there, but it would be easy to start one. I know there is a DSA chapter and I think some other socialist group.


cnn just said the shooter had been living out of a van for months

former union electrician, living in a van

righteous anger

Technocrats are more libertarian I thought? If you want to know where he stands you can watch his debates with Molyneux or Alex Jones which get really heated and in which he has to clarify his base positions more. I see him closer to proposing high tech into praxis rather than technocracy like you're saying but maybe I'm wrong

Zeitgeist movement is specifically about using technology for better resource allocation and from stemming the harmful effects of capitalism. Idk how well it lines up with your ideas like the other user says but I don't think technocrat is the most accurate description (and yes Howard is a stupid cunt)

Wait are you already in Detroit? I thought the proposal was moving there not that you guys are already there starting something

Damn it's really hard not to sympathize

we need a Porky where he's sucking himself off, that would be perfect for this and for so much more

wow he has a record, totally unlike 1/4 of the burger population, and being convicted for shit totes means he did it too

holy shit reddit is cancerous

Who's the chick?

That is a very viable strategy, yes. Black Panthers were arguably the most successful gommies in a developed country, and their focus always was on building community, both materially and mentally. Unlike some people think, a starving man does not make for a potential revolutionary recruit.

Only thing he did right.

PJW really bringing the heat on this one

Here's Vox's take

Is this real?

Did Holla Forums shop this? Seems a bit too leftist for Vox.

Lol it's not real don't worry

Wow. So much for the anti-ZOG right.

The funny part here is that it is actually more effective after the shop. I don't think right wingers realize how much everyone hates them.

wow, turns out we've been mishearing the phrase this whole time.
turns out Bernie would have gun

This wasn't shopped by a right-winger though

Lmao, that can't be real. The "outrage" would be through the roof.
Wish it was real, though. Disappointed now.

Now this is the meme we were all waiting for

remember to be redundant
Never seen a nazi talk about the ZOG Occupied Government occupied government without being redudant

Either is acceptable.

nice try shill

Sigh, I wish the Detroit Commune had gotten off the ground.

fug sake gomrades

pfff, this guy's never heard of insurnace

Still probably has a lien on it somehow. Detroit is a shit hole for a reason user. White people ruined it and then shoved what was left in black hands. It's like a liberal zimbabwe.

"do literally the same thing after you create a large working class movement"

nice job raising the bar, fbi. we both know you don't bother with large scale movements when you start killin people

just another day in the home of the brave

The senators would just get replaced by subalterns, wouldn't they?

If only they didn't, this would be a perfect summary of politics. The lives of 3 Porkies are the price to pay to save 28k+ lives.

"Buh why do revolutionaries have to kill the rich can't they just likereach a deal?"


Man, I'm scare to what is going to happen next.

trumps team had 10x as many online shills

It is obvious that you have to get rid of current seat of power to lay your claim. Chaos will be glorious.

Will you also point out anti-rich resentment on this board? That's so idpol.

That guillotine

If we just kept going until they ran out of people willing to take the job, that would be progress. Or realistically, until they further entrenched the police state and physically isolated politicians from the people as the government is further and further destabilised.

Best girl (male)

Also this for a more detailed and wide-ranging argument, in case there's anyone who still hasn't read it. It says anarchist but it applies to all socialists really:

John Brown didn't just take a gun a start shooting up a few individual slaveowners. He tried to seize an armory to gain materiel and inspiration for a mass insurrection. And even that was a failure.

Not to say I'm crying any liberal tears for the porky organizing committee.

…Because those were actual people. Stupid people, but real fans, nonetheless.

Life comes at etc.

They were actually mostly bots

………….Russian bots?

Get me off this fucking ride