This is the source of the cancer

this is the source of the cancer.

This is why we are filled with pretentious reddit tier posts from left coms, because they are literally pretentious reddit fags.

This is why they tell you to read when they clearly don't read.

This is why they can't even give you a coherent description of what they believe

This is why they think they can get away with posts the same 3 links over and over again but NEVER explaining them.

Its because they are from Reddit, and they engage is Reddit tier discussion.

Because Reddit is for posers who like to feel superior, not people who actually give a fuck about the working class and want to change the world.

Which fits very nicely into the "do nothing but criticise everything" niche they have for themselves.

Filthy Dumb Leftcom Scum

These are the people who don't actually like leftism or want change, they just like the idea that they are some kind of subversive intellectual.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reddit is shit in general, it's not like /r/anarchism or /r/socialism are any better. The leftcoms here usually know their theory.


Fucking hell

Read Bordiga


this is bait, but really its an extremely accurate portrayal of how much the leftcoms have contributed to this board:

they have suggested you read marx and bordiga or giles dauve.

That is as far as it goes, they haven't engaged with these people, or explained them, or made memes explaining them or engaging with them, they have simply just told you to read them. Seems like if they actually had a genuine interest we would see more of the latter and less of the former but nope..

Holy shit dude. Did some leftcom piss in your corn flakes while reminding you that market socialism is an oxymoron? Chill the fuck out.

I will cease to be buttmad the moment I get a coherent answer about what left communism is without referring me to somebody else

Nah fuck it. I spend every day reading theory, I have made this my life, I have studied and watched and basically thrown everything else away, only for some pretentious retard on the internet to act all superior cos he wikipedia'd Bordiga, notice how the board got shit when the left coms came? Its becuase of this attitude, now instead of people helping people out, they just get bitchy and act superior "Read Bordiga pleb like do you even theory at all"?

Its is a dead end ideology for this board and for the left and I'm fucking sick of the attitude

There's a thread on this topic right now you fucking idiot check the catalog before sperging out next time.

and in that thread, it is not explained. It is never explained

I like them because they trigger anarchist faggots like you OP.

I sure can't wait until all the fags get sick of Reddit and move on somewhere else to become a new form of cancer.

Don't be a fag, you fag.

Bad user. You're not supposed to bully other nazbols.


read pannekoek :^)


So go complain there, don't make a separate thread for your dumb rant.

No, this is just a retarded thread. No real substance to it. Just you complaining because you don't like leftcoms.

But it is. There's posts talking about the differences between council communists and Italian leftcoms.

Sounds like you may have dyslexia.

but none talking about actual praxis or expanding on these differences to apply it to the real world, its purely for jerking off

Not annil and not a marksoc

It's not just a reddit thing, it's just that their theoretical framework is too vague. I have a comrade who's a hardcore leftcom and he always has a hard time explaining his beliefs, instead telling me to read giles dauve. I did and it's basically very cynical ancom obfuscated in complicated language.


This thread reads like another classic:

Have you ever considered joining the Skeptic(tm) community, fellow rational?

This is basically it.

have you considered coherently explaining your beliefs Mr theory god? What is communization theory, 200 words or less, no links

This is the most hilarious shit I've read in a long time. So much despair and needless rage.

The leftcom flag was added to the board by BO in mid-2015 and the board has always had them even before that (our booru, if you even know what that is, shows leftcom/ultra memes from the catalog's inception in 2014). You couldn't show yourself to be a bigger newfag if you tried. As if the redditspacing, your spergouts and assmad style of posting weren't indicative enough anyways.

Kindly kill yourself.

They stand in the way of good discussion so they can feel good about themselves. Its nauseating.

I didn't say anything about when the flag was added, i said something about the influx of leftcoms, which if you had been paying attention the the polls that go on, is a new trend.

You couldn't strawman harder if you tried.

I have never ever used reddit, Spacing looks better.

All this is true, probably, except the part where you gave a shit about reddit spacing (reddit spacing is Hardcore Spook). That still doesn't change the fact that the correct response to a question about theory is a helpful meme, not "read x, newfag".

the reason why they're not answering your questions fully is probably because they want you to actually go to the source. I've noticed people can become pretty dependent on unreliable and incomplete information if there's enough of it on forums for example. Holla Forums's a pretty great example of that with their infographs and all.

Anyways in the interests of perhaps getting you to read something, I'll do my best to give an introductory answer. Left communism is a set of tendencies that arose out of the left wing of the Third International. They had a lot of differences but in general what they had in common was a greater emphasis on internationalism and in general a reluctance to try to work with more conservative workers' organizations of various kinds for fear of compromising on principles.

As such it doesn't quite make sense to give a complete list of what all leftcoms believe because it was made up of several groups from the beginning with their own disagreements (the most well known probably being the Dutch/German left and the Italian left). That said, very few leftcoms hold to the beliefs of just one of these groups. Most try to synthesize the views of several of these groups. What most leftcoms believe now can roughly be summed up as following marx against the marxists. Which means they tend to try to return to marx in an attempt to criticize other self-proclaimed marxists and marxist groups. That does not mean necessarily that they have to be dogmatic followers of marx. If they believe for example that using marx's methods more consistently, they may arrive at different conclusions from marx, then they will disagree with him. However, what it does mean is that to understand their views you have to have a good understanding of Marx. Obviously there is no neutral reading of marx and their readings will tend to have a particularly pro-internationalism and anti-stalinist bent, but in general the starting point for getting leftcoms is marx. They do not think of themselves as a particular flavor of communist. They're just communists who tend to have certain views on how the movement toward communism can take place.

ignore the flag. it's not related here. anyways here's a good source I read a while ago that talks about the italian left if you want something more reliable than an Holla Forums post.



The leftcom subs seem a lot better than the tankie and anarchist subs though

Still better than black flag posters.

nigga I explained what they believe. I told you they place an emphasis on internationalism and not compromising with reformists you dipshit. The reason why I went through their history is because you're asking "what leftcoms believe" as if it's some unified group. Is it too difficult to read a couple fucking paragraphs? I gave you exactly what you were asking for.

have you considered maybe finding a new hobby? I don't think this is a good fit for you.

lol is this the same faggot sperging out in the leftcom theory thread

Every Marxist who's done anything is a totalitarian and probably utopian, never mind that Bordiga proudly advocated a totalitarian state. All those Marxists in the third world are a bunch of nig… nationalists, yeah, nationalists. Also, why does everyone hate us? We attack every other left tendency and dox commies we don't like, what's wrong with that?


Stupid newfag. We've had leftcom posters here for years.

The material conditions for revolution are already here, they don't have to be generated by anything.
Right now people relate to one another based on currency, and as citizens, their humanhood stripped.
You start a commune. Start treating people like human beings, as equals. Circulate goods without money. Tear down the walls and borders. Start schools that aren't based around providing future labor.
Forge an altogether new society. Communism is not a mode of production, it's a way of living completely socially within your community.
Don't just stop the old things, proceed forward. Meet the backwards resistance to this change head on. Fight off the tanks when they come in when they try to stop you, and hand off this process to the next generation.
You do it.
Do it.
Make Communism.

Nice reddit spacing OP.

I dunno that sounds like a lot of work man

That's complete anarcho bullshit, not communization


Yeah well it's a direct quote from dauve so shows how much you know :^)


The OP specifically asked not to link. Here's the link.

If that's really what communization theory is about I've lost a lot of respect for them. I think more old school Bordigists and Pannenkoek fans would see that as utopian.

Well that begs the question, which I think we all need answered, what IS communization, because at this point it is very murky

leftcoms rule

No really guys… What is communization? I haven't yet seen two leftcoms agree on that, and you're answer can't just be "it's an umbrella term" if it an umbrella term, then use a more specific one. I don't see how you can be so dogmatic and arrogant about a vague umbrella term tbh

Not a leftcom, but I can try.
A person subscribing to communization would say we're at the stage of development where the technology is good enough to get us into communism without a need to "build it", so in case of revolution we ought to start establishing "to each according to his need" model(communizing) rather than sticking to half-measures, so by the end of the transitional period the society will be stateless, classless, moneyless etc. This is also why it feels to be an umbrella term, it's just a view that the elimination of value-form, the State and all other things that make proles proles cannot be postponed for the time after the revolution. This view is pretty consistent with Marx's claim that workers' revolution shall abolish the working class itself(and therefore everything that necessitates its existence).