PJW Nem retarded video


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Lmao what a pedantic moron. Out of all the alt-right spastics he's the most pitiful by far.

Fugg, shitposting flag

Not your personal red army.

Why is he whining about leftist "tantrums"? The left won. The only people who are screeching autistically are the aut-rightists.


He's a cretin.

And I'm just two minutes in. Dropping it now. How can we even have a spark of hope for socialism in such a dumb, bleak world?

Counter propaganda, force it really fucking hard too

Socialism will be brought to the workers by the vanguard. Most people are too stupid to understand politics anyways. All we need is a small dedicated party and a military.

By imposing it from above. Blanqui had the right idea.

He is right about the hypocrisy of those people when it comes to Muslims and gay rights, but that is about it.

On a different note, he really does consider himself to be the best looking person ever. He even changed those meme-text pictures to show his own face. How conceited can you be?

He makes a seven minute video that could be summed up in three seconds with "but Muslims do it too".

I wonder why?

never forget about the victims of communism!!!!

This, and it doesn't make any sense. If it's bad when Muslims do it then why it is good when the DUP does it ?

He really can't let that "The DUP hate gays but that's okay because Muslims also hate gays (which is bad, but the DUP is still okay)" point go can he?

It was very stale by the point he started calling a Muslim activist chanting pro-LGBT anti-DUP slogans a hypocrite. Yet for some reason would never do the same thing about a Christian despite Christianity also being based on an extremely homophobic book.

let me finish that, a military that can take on the full forces of capitalism and hold it

This is like 90% of alt-lite political commentary. Do these people think this is clever or original commentary. Also lol at him telling that one socialist girl with a hijab what she believes, its almost like you can identify as a muslim and reject the reactionary elements of the belief system.

bu-but my Holla Forums jpegs said that all sandniggers are terrorists.


and when they do survey muslims in the west polls show that they're usually just as accepting or more accepting of LGBT people than christians and atheists.
It's almost like people are different from each other sometimes.

How is wearing the hijab "rejecting the reactionary elements"?




Do you really, honestly, believe that every muslim in the western world is intentionally lying about their political beliefs as part of some long con to trick westerners into thinking they're moderates? And that they all agreed to do this at once? That's like believing in Jewish conspiracy theories.

It's part of their doctrine. Taqqiya to Islam is like the belief in the resurrection of Christ to Christians, it's a universal thing. Look at Bosnia if you want to see Taqqiya in action.

[citation needed]

This is also keeping in mind that Europe (especially Western Europe) is greying rapidly with a disproportionately-Muslim youth cohort, so it's anyone's guess at how things will play out - but I doubt the "they'll still assimilate and be cool with alcohol and homosexuals even when they're 20% of the voting population, and 40% of under-18s" scenario will play out

Younger muslims won't convert because western society is weak, decadent, and offers nothing to them but wage slavery and class cuckery. So the supposed muslim "problem" isn't really about muslims but about the disgusting state of western "civilization" as a whole. Personally I will enjoy watching Western Europe rot from the inside out.

why do reactionaries rely this argument so heavily? it's like they're admitting that there are not redeeming qualities to what they believe

*there are no*

My exact thoughts every day


Jesus fuck what does this have to do with Corbyn or the video?


Corbyn wants to flood England with Muslims that's why the white working class will never support him but yes my post was more about the post that I was replying to than Corbyn

May: actually has flooded England with Muslims even after lying about it brazenly and frequently
Corbyn: talks about how low-skill immigration needs to be controlled and admits that immigration in general should probably come down

You're just spouting bullshit based on fever dreams and retarded propaganda

He meant in burgerstan. I thought you'd know that with your flag though

That's the difference between the melting pot and the mosaic

even if corbyn wanted to do that he still wouldn't be able to because of people like abbot who make up the majority of the party




He hasn't actually made a statement about explicitly reducing immigration, and every time he's asked he just dodges the question and disappears into politicalese statements about wanting "a fairer immigration system" and "reducing exploitation"

fair means allowing muslims to rape your children in the eyes of labour

He has said that immigration would likely come down in every TV appearance where he was asked about the issue. And framing his opposition as the "anti-immigrant" party is pure delusion. Those are my only two points. I do not claim that he is a stringent anti-immigrant advocate (nor would I want him to be), but he's clearly not signaling some great change in policy away from a tough stance on immigration like the deluded May-supporters on the chans seem to believe.

You have no argument, go back to licking mummy's boots. At least she'll virtue signal that she'll control immigration while doing the opposite, which is enough for stupid cucks like you.

And if you read any of those links he doesn't tie reduction in immigration to an actual immigration policy, instead promoting vague arguments that immigration would be reduced through other means with no supporting evidence.

Because it depends on how negotiations will proceed with brexit, and he's explained that in every appearance as well. I guess if you want fake promises the tories are the way to go as always.


Have fun with URIP

Don't be daft. PJW means to shill for May and the tories. He means for them to win.

You can't wear a hijab because you thinks it's cute?

my favorite one is when they said a survey showed like 70% muslims in (insert first world country) wouldn't call the police if they learned someone they know was radicalized

turned out there was a choice of "talk to the person yourself" which got a big amount of answers and people aren't too keen on first calling the police when they learn their brother/friend is watching isis videos and acting dodgy


Jesus Christ just going thru these comments is giving me fucking cancer.
