Socjus radlibs and "allies"

If any of you are familiar with radlib socjus idpol discourse (and if you aren't, keep it that way) you might have heard the term "allies" being used. It's basically the "leftist" equivalent of fascist class collaboration.
The basic idea is that if you're a socialist/communist/anarchist you can still ally with liberals and bourgies for LGBT rights and so on. It's quite disgusting. My question is however, how would you deliver a good critique of this bullshit without being ostracized as a brocialist?

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't. Any opinion that conflicts with yours is dismissed and ridiculed withiut consideration or self-critique. This tends to happen when people have their political identity attacked. It's no different with any of us, mind you.

Their concept of "allyship" is intentionally vague. It's essentially an implicit threat: shut up and remain in our good graces, or speak your mind and get lynched.

they're not radical though

A lot of them hold the opinion that straight white males cannot be comrades, only allies.

This is the type of shit we need to get rid off. It holds back the movement

Notice how the discourses changes once the guy says he's black.

Please thank me for my labour.

Why is that bad?

hombre this is pretty illegible

You can fullscreen it, open in a new tab.

I like it how these people who think all white people are racists somehow feel themselves keepers of a sacred truth and it's their job to educated everyone

Nothing wrong with brocialism.

the correct course of action is to immediately drop the conversation as soon as the other person uses the term "brocialist" since that instantly identifies them as a larping liberal

This is from a Peter Kropotkin group. The comments are gold, but will give you cancer.

New concepts I've learned from 'anarchist' fb:

Last picture I'm gonna do because no one is thanking me for my labour. >:(

This is why you should literally only shitpost and do no actual thinking.

thank you for your labour my comrade
attempting to communicate with these idiots is an immense burden

radlib socjus idpol is black nationalism in the long term, as all "ally" groups will find out the hard way.

the concept of allyship exclusively pertains to LGBT issues and queer theory. Allyship has nothing to do with economic theory.

lol gay

Reactionaries are preferable to liberals honestly. Liberalism must be destroyed in order for communism to succeed. Aligning with liberals is a losing strategy.

Any white man who calls himself an "ally" to women or gays or minorities or what have you is usually a try-hard faggot fishing for likes on Facebook at best or trying to alleviate his "white guilt" at worst. No one respects a white man who hates himself. These are disgusting masochistic creatures who I'm sure get a kick out of humiliation. That's why Idpol women target white male "allies" more frequently and with more venom than they target "dirtbag leftists" or even right-wingers:
Google "the problem with ally". Then google all the articles written by feminists where they describe having amazing sex with "misogynistic brocialists" and Trump supporters and feel conflicted because they loved submitting to a "proper man" instead of being handled by a weak spineless coward submissive piece of shit who doesn't doesn't mainspread, mansplain, manterrupt or manthroatfuck her.

remember "through dick, unity"

I'd personally start with the fact that allyship, in regards to racial issues, is extremely racialist

t. reactionary

t. "Radical" liberal

why the fuck must ancom groups on facebook be such cancer