Hey, you! Yeah, you…
Clean your room.
Hey, you! Yeah, you…
Clean your room.
Other urls found in this thread:
Uhh.. Room cleaning service 🅱roke
I actually cleaned my room yesterday. Got rid of a lot of a few boxes of stuff and feel much better.
Thank you le redpill professor.
Fuck I do need to clean my room
I've watched a lot of his stuff. I think he is chasing a dragon in the form of hope for a cure for existential depression and reason for being. I know what lies at the end of this chase, I'd like to see him reach it. I'd recommend he smell the flowers along the way.
He's making a difference in other people's lives by helping them sort themselves out, whereas most of Holla Forums are nihilist egotists who don't accomplish anything except alienate most people with their out of touch arrogance and selfishness and consequently struggle to remain relevant.
I didn't realize bitching about how liberal college students trigger you was helping people sort themselves out.
I couldn't today. I had a 12 hour shift at work and im now to tired to do anything.
Thanks porky!
My Dad Corbyn says that I don't have to, fuck you Penisson.
Got rekt by harris
That's not all he does, dumbo.
yeah, sometimes he bitches about college professors who trigger him.
Stop acting like a rightist by dismissing people at face value.
The only reason this man is famous, I repeat, the ONLY REASON THIS MAN IS FAMOUS is because he argued with a liberal for 10 minutes on camera, and for the pettiest of reasons possible nonetheless. Name one groundbreaking idea he proposed, just one something, anything really, even a study that is relevant to the field of psychology, any sort of acknowledgement, JUST ONE. No, of course not. This man is nothing more than a run-of-the-mill psychology professor with a few pet theories - which, I have no doubt, is probably a re-branded, tweaked mishmash of ideas - who won the spotlight by chance when he pandered to the new "counter culture". It's hilarious to hear from the right (in general, or "right-oriented" people) how academia is full of hacks and liberal Marxist professors, but suddenly when a liberal arts professor happens to agree with them on some minuscule thing they drink his Kool-Aid like indoctrinated stooges.
What kind of professor is received with applause? Only Peterson, and for no particular reason other than being "the" professor, and I fucking bet that ever since people began treating him like a celebrity he started being more confident about his pet theories, bringing it about in his courses and forcing his students to lick the very bottom of the trashcan. You know when you check a brilliant philosopher/intellectual on wikipedia and see his influences and then click on some barely known fellow out of curiosity, and then you check who influenced that obscure thinker and see some hack nobody whose influence was only to demonstrate how NOT to think? Yeah, that will be Peterson's legacy.
Is it just me or does nothing but trash come out of Alberta?
Albertan here. May our oil reserves fucking spontaneously combust.
lmao this post uses the same language that peterson does
how are going to make basic products you need in your daily life?
oh thats right, you forgot oil is used elsewhere besides benzine
It's called a joke.
what a fucking hack
His anti-idpol crusade is overbearing but I actually enjoy his lectures.
What's leftypol's beef with him? He's not claiming to be a philosophical genius, he regularly cites the sources where he gets his ideas from. All he's doing is introducing this generation of young men to philosophy and logos, and encouraging them to reject victimhood.
Who is this?
Jordan Peterson, just think "the more palatable, less gay Milo Yiannopolus."
Oh, isn't he an "epicly pwns student" kinda guy?
yeah pretty much. Le Hitch Slap for the alt-right
Rick Roderick > Jordan Peterson
Jordan "I would say, I don't think facts are necessarily true, haha…" Peterson telling people to clean their rooms when he should clean out the cobwebs in his brain.
The shit I've heard him say led me suspect this, and I think that tweet proves it. He doesn't understand or have any awareness of other religions. Like, at all. He makes these impassioned arguments why Christianity is so important since it's the foundation of Western Civilization, as if pre-Christian civilizations don't exist nor do contemporary non-Christian civilizations. I think he's honestly too dumb to grasph the anthropic principle, or that it's possible that the Christian civilizations just happened to beat everyone else to the Renaissance and Enlightenment. His ideology is the purest idealism.
Hey you! Fame is not equal to contribution. What kind of leftist are you..
Here you go, several: scholar.google.com
You just don't question your worldview do you?
he's a liberal anti-communist doing the same anti-pc shtick that Sargon and co use.
He's not claiming to be a philosophical genius, he regularly cites the sources where he gets his ideas from.
his understanding of Nietzsche is terrible despite him being his supposed favorite philosopher. Zero Books broke this down in one of their videos but i forget which one.
he doesn't reject victimhood- the only reason he's famous is because he claimed to be victimized by the sjw college campus conspiracy.
Which is why I said he is a run-of-the-mill psychology professor, if his contributions were worthy of the dick sucking he receives then you could count every 2nd or 3rd academic on par with Peterson. And on that note is why his fame is ill-received.
putting him in good company with tons of high schoolers
His fame may be ill received, but so is the fame of many others. You called him a liberal arts professor. You asked for any sort of acknowledgment, of which there is plenty in the number of citations. Your arrogance is sickening and patently bourgouise.
That's totally irrelevant, my point is that he's completely vanilla when it comes to academia - he isn't exceptional in any shape or form and his "acknowledgements" are the same as any long tenured professor. His time in the spotlight is completely circumstantial and thus the gravity people attribute to his thought is completely superficial.
Literally "Holla Forums likes him, so here's why he's excellent"
A lot of the stuff on this board is a reflexive knee-jerk response to anything associated with Holla Forums
Alienation, it's not your fault, borough dweller.
please then, do tell in what way is Peterson exceptional and why applauding him is the appropriate welcome as opposed to any other academic.
you are reading way too much into what I typed