Let's play a game. Sum up your flag's ideology in a single image. I'll start.
Sum up your flag in one image
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Holy fuck is that a doll?
The soviets would never build something like that. That's wasteful as fuck.
wtf i love stalin now
are real dolls illegal in america?
Lenin would be ashamed to see this you bourgeois fuck.
what is it with far right and looking a pedophile… and you know.. being pedophiles and thinking pedophilia is justified
The other bald Nazi with the moustache and the waistcoat and the cigarettes is also clearly a pedophile
What is it with americans and their love for the roman empire and acient Greece?
The United States is a fairly similar country to the Roman Republic, city-state thing notwithstanding.
I could talk for two hours about this. Mixture of self-styling and historical parallels.
Hey I saw this movie! This guy was based.
How many flags does this image fit?
Well not ancapism because everything that happens to you is your own fault.
I think it fits.
Now I finally understand.
So is anarcho-capitalism the true hedonist ideology?
I’m not actually Afroplasm. I’m just having fun with the black nationalist flag.
How could you impersonate the secretly most intelligent poster on this board.
Where would this board be without Afroplasm? Where would he be to remind us that Black Lives Matter?
Your flag reminded me of something actually.
Needs way more compression.
what if the real Afroplasm was the friends we made along the way
are there any tall buildings where you live?
the blood of spooks shall flow tonight
This is ironic right?
Leftism as a whole tbh
everyone knows Stalin just wanted to make high quality Ukrainian xylophones.
American Communist Space Empire. Sounds pretty cool.
Bitter the socialist's journey, and lonely the socialist's grave.
To add to this
Now were cooking
is kelly /ourguy/?
That greentext is amazing.
Rejected RATM cover.
we really need a better version of the last image with some kind of citation
While im not against the idea, you cant post shit like that with no sources whatsoever
The first paragraph. They don't even run in my constituency anymore XD
I can't post images on mobile and I do what I want cause I'm a pirate and I'm free.
is she /ourwhore/?
This tbh
The age of consent in Nazi Germany was 14.
Explain to me what is wrong with monuments
Be a moralfag autist somewhere else
smelly dumb pedo scum
Next up
you've been reading david graeber haven't you
It's still 14.
just pick which one you like the best
Except the migrations were forced, people who stopped moving or refused to move were beaten to death
read a book
Am I the only snibbetiposter?
I'm namefagging from now on, until I bother to make a vanity trip