Halfchan is unbearable

I've been on 4chan for years. One of my oldest memories was watching K-On! with /a/, so that'd put me at 2009 at least. And through that time I've gone on it almost every day, a ridiculous amount of time.
But lately, it's just unbearable. Specifically the board I've probably spent the most time on which is Holla Forums. I came by during E3 to shitpost with them like I always do and I swear to god every other post was "we wuz" "leftist liberal agenda" "nazis were unironically good" "forced black characters" "[insert dumb trump meme]." And it hasn't stopped. Every thread is full of these dumbass Holla Forums-brainwashed children who spout uninspired reactionary memes, EVERY THREAD. I can't take this shit anymore, I lost the place where I've spent years and years of my time to these fascist newfaggots in less than a year. It sucks.

I don't know how or when it'll happen but I'm patiently waiting for this Holla Forums fad to blow over. They've effectively tainted the rest of *channers with their ideology.

I'm glad I found you guys- but I also want to discuss things other than politics, like video games, but how the fuck do I do that when everyone else who wants to discuss video games are fucking unironic Nazis who fill every thread with idpol?

Other urls found in this thread:


You can talk offtopic stuff on
That thread seriously needs something that is actually fun and not just sincere shitposting

I know it's not a great thread. Sorry. But I think discussing the invasion of fascist Holla Forums ideology that's occurred in every place of the internet is relevant.

Just make a thread about stuff you want to talk about. TBH anything is better than more endless faggot /ourguy/ gorillaposter idpol gf shitposts.

There are also /leftyb/ and /leftyweebpol/

4chan still has plenty of good boards though like /mu/. Also remember that anytime somebody makes a thread related to gender, or LGBT make sure to sage, and call the idpol.

Should there be a /leftyv/? imo it deserves to be made, but idk how much volume it'd get.

I have bad news for you, 8ch is worse.

If we made leftyv and only talked about video games, not politics, it would easily be better than 8ch v and 4ch v with half the amount of users.

Why make it lefty? Just make a Holla Forums board that bans any political discussion not directly related to a game.

this is how we win

I think he was trying to suggest you a place where you can discuss other things

This is how you get people writing propaganda about video games.

this, please god

Yeah, but /leftytrtash/ is mostly marxfag's shit taste and sarcuck containment. I'd be more than happy if OP got us talking about vidya or films or anything but instagram whores and e-celeb drama, but he may be better off starting a vidya thread or something.


Nobody said this, cmon. Cmon.

And I get told to leave.

Well you are an annil.

I have bad news for you, user.

if a /leftyv/ were to be made what's to stop it being spammed to death by retards and Holla Forumsyps

Relentless, autistic moderation.

Eventually, having a place to discuss games without someone crying CUCK or SJW or NIGGERS will attract enough people to drown out the ever dwindling population of polcucks.

A glorious vanguard party, clearly.

Immigrant from halfchan here.
/mu/ was my home board. It's just endless circle jerking. 0 memes and 0 fun, discussion is impossible because everything is entry level and plebean as fuck. /mu/ is the most pretentious board on that site. I left the board when the last bowie album came out: The day before everyone was sucking his dick, the day it came out was AOTY, the day he died was GOAT, one month later was pleb tier bullshit like the rest of bowie discog. Too much contrarianism.
I changed board an made /his/ my home but it was full of Holla Forumstards and the rest were centrist. If you suggest that you don't agree with hitler and the holocaust was real then you are a cuck, reddit and from leftypol. After 4 month of "go back to leftypol you swj" I came here and stayed. 10 days now. Love the place but I kind of miss halfchan. Why you guys don't try to go against halfpol and colonize some boards there? If we turn 4chan communist we will make the internet red. Why there is no active plan to take 4chan??


The same thing that keeps them off this board of course!

Trying to make a no political video games board but keep running into errors.

If anyone wants to take the reigns go abead.

i'm semi-tempted to actually do it tbh, but there'd need to be more mods than just me, if only to cover multiple time zones.

Who's to say we aren't

If you are you are doing kinda of a shit job

I would volunteer but I already moderate this shit hole

I've had someone suggest a niche thing I was shilling back to me before. How's that?

I'll help out for the time I can.

First one to make the board wins.

alright fuck it, when I have a free moment i'm going to do it.

I might consider doing it, but moderators are fags, so I think I'll just post.

Marx speed, noble user

/justvideogames/ is up to claim

eh, I think i'll go for /leftyv/ and keep it short

That is better unless you want to create a board to discuss video games in a lefty way somehow.

Why not call it /justv/?

/leftyv/ is good

imo making it /leftyv/ makes it clear that Holla Forums shit isn't allowed and they can take their nazi asspain back to cuck/v/

Why just don't create a cyclical videogame thread here?

At least try bringing up the topic and see if it rolls


And here we go

This really wouldn't be a bad idea either.

In the old days, in the beforetime, way back on 4chan, moot's jewishness would keep him from making new boards, so posters would just make do with the space they had until they grew so big that moot didn't have a choice.

And if you look at /leftyb/ and /leftyweebpol/ they're both practically dead 99% of the time.

/r/ing modship

I don't think it's a good idea to make the board inherently political by naming it "lefty". The goal is trying to make a nonpolitical space.

But, do what you guys want. Use gamesx if you are interested.

Sure make a post on the board and we will talk details. I'll make a recruit thread.

catalog is a 404 m8


Try this one

I'm with this guy, honestly. No politics at all in my video games board, please.

I'd just like to remind you all that a "non-political" space is impossible. It merely defaults to whatever the popular majority considers "neutrality", everything is political, it's impossible to escape this in the current society.

OP here, count me in.

/tg/ native here, I know you think this is a good idea, but from general experience spamming counter-politics doesn't work as it just makes anons more annoyed with politics in general including the left. Just do what we do and treat everything even remotly political as bait and use the appropriate images. Also, making a /leftyv/ is just asking for more political cancer discussion when trying to talk about a topic, we don't need ML arguing with Ancoms during a discussion about Iron Hearts. As some anons said here, either start a neutral board that bans discussion or push actually using sage. Most anons on 4chan aren't even Holla Forums, its just Holla Forums users are usually the loudest.

I go on /his/ occaisonally and it shifts from Holla Forumsyps to centrists, though admitadly it's fun watching Wehabroos getting their ass handed to them along with Holla Forumsyps getting debunked on appartheid etc.

However, the problem is that I have to deal with the Holla Forumsyps and centrists.

/int/ is good for funposting, but because it's a chan, you get Holla Forumsyps there too.

I don't go on /mu/ or /a/, mostly because last time I checked, /mu/ is a dead board and I don't know much anime shit to go on /a/, though I hear it's fun AF (albeit the anime right probably has a presence there)

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are absolute shite, it's just Holla Forumsyps getting triggered over minorities and women in entertainment, and the mods are fucking useless.


/a/ is pretty neutral. If you post Holla Forums shit you usually do get banned. /g/ and /r9k/ are the two most Holla Forums corrupted boards in my experience.

>>>Holla Forums


This is for game discussion without politics if you are interested. We are still looking for mods.

I wouldn't care if anons hated the left if we just got rid of the Holla Forums cancer.
Every board has its place, Holla Forums is not Holla Forums, it's not Holla Forums either.
I just want shit to go back to how it was before all this.

People saying this thread is not relevant are missing the big picture.

Look at the date the post on this image was posted.
It isn't just a fad and it isn't going away. Image boards have become Holla Forums.


The left politicized this shit in the first place. As one of those people who are making the posts that trigger you, i just want you to know that you fucks started it, and i wish it could go back to the old way too.

[citation needed]

Holla Forums is a stormfag hug.box

Nintendo is great. I just don't care for any of their games, at all. I've always been a Sony+PC (+Xbox 360 but who didn't have one) guy.

Yeah no. GG is the thing that set this powderkeg off, throw in the election harvesting your types from reddit and twitter etc. and it's almost unrecognizable.
Leftism has zero presence on 4chan, just fuck off.

Centrists aren't terrible tbh, they can just be absurdly smug sometimes. You have to remember most people are either center left or center right, Holla Forums and unfortunatly Holla Forums are still relatively rare in their opinions with Holla Forums mostly getting its boost from reddit and a majority of the other being mostly apolitical (/jp/ still stuck in like 2010 culture, /a/ doesn't have many political discussion, porn boards are the porn boards). /a/'s fun, in the context its not political shitposting but waifu arguments and making stupid arguments about about every little detail of an anime Tbh, I think /a/ mostly staved off most of Holla Forums because it has an incessent hatred for e-celebs and so never gets pulled into political drama unlike Holla Forums, especially since most anime now is moeshit and non-idpol

Garbage. If you wanted things to go back to how they were you wouldn't be trying to start political arguments in the first place.
I remember before I always kept my political opinions to myself when they don't mesh with the board culture.

Not to mention that the left is essentially absent at this point, it's just paranoia seeing every bit of opposition to your ideas as shills.

The only thing that really saved /a/ is the fact that redditors (or at least the type of redditor that Holla Forums attracts) hate anime so they don't bother hanging out there.

Join the new board, just don't post politics.

Centrists/apolitical are the best for neutral boards because they don't feel the need to push agendas on anyone. They are pretty much open to any kind of game or discussion and don't put so much emphasis on political "propaganda" as they do gameplay.

Most importantly they don't draw negative attention to themselves like Holla Forums might.
For them the boards way of doing things come first, and that's why there needs to be more.

/a/ has the strongest board culture on 4chan. It's withstood generations of newfag invaders. I'm not as big of a weeb as I used to be (2009-2014 were my """glory years""") but I have to hand it to them.

Ftfy, btw GG was originally a reaction against corporate collusion and was mostly a lefty dominated thing

Yeah those are all nazis in case you didn't know.

Quick tip, if the board your on uses "Who are you quoting?" as a response to greentext, chances are your on a good board


Gamergate was originally like most of Holla Forums, lower left, and anti-idpol due to anonymous imageboard thinking. There was always problems with Holla Forums trying to push the cultural marxism narrative early on.

Doesn't mean shit, if you don't get lower left in the political compass you're a sociopath.

Pure revisionism. It was originally about Holla Forums being butthurt that a girl cheated on her boyfriend to get good reviews.

Why has every An-Nil post been so utterly shit for the past week

Jut FYI that test is rigged to make people fall on the green square.

Hello second exodus friend.

You have to remember back then the whole "alt-right nazi masterbation fantasy" was relatively foreign with most of the right libertarian types being your average "I like small government and weed" types, not the current "pinochet helicopter" types We were all relatively pretty young and the whole dicotomy of our politics hadn't really hit us yet, so it was more anti-authority then anything

The first exodus was gamergate tho
Things were sure as hell a lot different then, people acted completely differently than they do now.

Hello darkness my old friend


I used to be a faggot who got super butthurt about the threads being deleted even though I didn't read them.

Okay that was a lie. I did read them. I was passively a part of that.
I don't like to admit that, I don't even post on Holla Forums anymore.

Nice one, now only if your average nazi knew what communism/anarchism/the left even was.

You can teach them and they still won't care. They have to see their own beliefs contradicted in front of them.

Who cares if you admit it?
There is nothing to be ashamed of being upset about censorship.

No I was pissy about the reviews like some sort of fucking nerd who cares about video game reviews. I played a lot of video games then.

Is it really that bad? I don't go on 4/v/ much any more but when Holla Forums was getting triggered by the new Wolfenstein game most of the board was laughing at them for it. And while not as recent, over on /vp/ after the most recent games were released whenever the resident Holla Forumsyps started sperging out about all the non-white characters (in a game set in not-Hawaii of all places) the rest of the board almost unanimously told them to gtfo. There seems to be a growing opinion of them as the new SJWs, I even saw some threads comparing the two on /bant/ and /trash/ just a few days ago.

I fucking hate those /loq/fags

Sometimes even /lit/ has its moments. Most of those replies are in agreement.

Set up rules
Actually relentlessly adhering to the rules.
No exceptions. Exceptions means punch to the face of everyone, who stick to them. Also Holla Forumsyps will sense weakness and try to turn this into a slippery slope.
Establish rules, stick to them.

You're sincerely using Holla Forums memes now? Fuck off. Don't make it so obvious you're a crossposter you fucking faggot.

Holla Forums is very much sipping the id/pol/ kool-aid. It's not even worth visiting. Every damn thread has someone bringing up whites vs blacks, nazis, women sjws liberals leftists blah blah.
I haven't seen the phrase "not vidya" in what feels like years…

If you say that you'll just get met with

Although I haven't posted in like six months at least.

I never really followed it closely but didn't this whole mess start because some woman fucked some guy and a bunch of gamerfriends lost their shit


That's the goal of our moderation team. I will stop shilling now.

reminder that sargon of akkad also got bottom left so this basically means nothing

rules are what started this whole mess in the first place

Says a lot about you, if you actually don't then

She cheated on her boyfriend and got fucked by five guys for reviews and he made an angry post about it on the internet.
This is serious business to people who think gamergate matters.

Yes. Let's remain unmoderated on 4chan.
ecks dee

No they don't.
4chan had a "keep Holla Forums in Holla Forums" rule
Guess what happened.

Holla Forums was specifically created as a containment board, after /int/ and /new/ got totally fucked up by them. Guess what fucking happened.

it literally is

/lit/ is the most left board on that site. I think they were joking /his/ has a lot of false flagging to

You fags are unbearable

Good idea.

Wait, what?

GamerGate actually did a lot of good, and in the end they basically got what they wanted.
Feminist Frequency is no longer a thing you are not allowed to criticise.
People realised for good what a complete and utter joke video game journalism was outside the folks from Holla Forums musicals
Steam updated their rules, where you actually have disclose your involvement with the product, before you pretend to be unrelated to it and give it 8.8/10
And they do, begrudgingly but they do.

Now that the moderates left, all what left were extremist, who had other goals in mind in the first place.

the guy who uses this flag is an oversensitive cunt

Hide annil posts.

/vg/ is actually okay, assuming you have a game you like with an active general. Whenever there's Holla Forumscuckery it usually gets called out, at worst there's bad /int/ banter during esports.

Holla Forums is shit because it is straight up a Holla Forums colony. Newfags from Stormfront, Breitshart, even FreeRepublic, and other echo chambers, which have long since made Holla Forums their home after pushing out the Dale Gribbles, figured out that the eternal social justice drama in game communities made it prime grounds for white nationalist astroturfing to recruit gullible young adults that feel personally attacked for no good reason (since their entire ideology is rooted in delusions of persecution). This is why that Milo faggot pretended to care so much about Gamergate even though he openly feels that gamers are feckless liberal manchildren.

Remember that the vast majority of the aut-right posts are just underageb& kids. All it is to most of them is a way to be edgy.

A lot of waifu and husbandu postings though.
Maybe I caught the wrong time or something, but browsing /vg/ at work has become a risky endeavour lately.

I think that kind of thinking is the reason why the left has a hard time attracting youngins. They are fucking under attack, by liberals. You don't think shit like Feminist Frequency and the "Gamers are dead" article didn't have an impact on them? When stormfags tell them that there's a conspiracy against white men and then a surge of SJW deeply triggering and problematic-het-cis well up in the MSM, it's only natural that they'll become reactionaries. People love being the underdog, they love being conspired against, and the alt-right is a culmination of years of the Southern Strategy, liberal bullshit permiating the mainstream due to a liberal government, and teenage angst.

This is assuming your active general doesn't suck on its own.

It's not really anything but a surface level critique but the fact that people get so apocalyptically triggered by a surface level normie-tier critique is an important thing to look at I think. I mean.
Seriously. There are people basing their political identities on "gamers are dead", should we antagonize the people who wrote that, or should we look for a solution to people who primarily identify as their hobbies?
Isn't that more important than bitching about muh liberals?

Thus why the left should focus its efforts on dismantling liberalism rather than allying with them in order to "fight" fascism.

That's pretty much par for the course, I don't usually browse 4chan in public though.

This wouldn't be a problem for us if it weren't for the fact that people think liberals are the left.

A major issue among the left is the assumption that liberals are the least harmful. They are not. Wrecking them first is absolutely necessary to rebuild our public presence, and their collective autistic flailing in the 2010s has made it very possible.

This is why we shouldn't focus on liberalism so hard.
It distracts us from capitalism and weakens us to right wing subversion.

Yes. We must keep liberals at bay.
No, they are not anything more than a tertiary threat when put up against things like the state, capitalism, and nationalism.

I wouldn't say they're the least harmful, but that they're not the most harmful either. There are bigger issues. Bigger fish to fry. I wouldn't advocate going after petty conservatives either, by the way.
We must focus on the elimination of the current powers of authority. These swap out between "left" and right parties constantly. No one single mcideology is to blame.

Not to appear as if I defend liberals.
In many circles and situations I'd advocate for a larger focus on liberals. It's a proportionate thing. I'm talking about this board, this year, specifically.

Can we just make a new chan altogether? 4chan and Holla Forums are both compromised by redditors and stormcucks and both places are shitty to have discussions on. Keep Holla Forums's style of making your own board with more competent mods.

I've been wanting to do this for a while now btw

Though those would be situations generally where liberals are actively trying to co-opt something I suppose. Like an event or something.

A lot of people have already done this.
Go check out [some number] chan.

In every thread there is going to be a Holla Forums-tier post, no matter the subject.

This is true. Here every thread is a Holla Forums-tier post except this board.

I know but they're all near death. I want to make a chan without the presence of Holla Forums with a feel of browsing 4chan in 05-07.

I don't want a leftychan.
I wouldn't mind a new chan but it feels like walking off into obscurity. I would rather restore the shit we already have to its former glory.

I feel like, you could get decent mileage out of a formal "No Invasions" chan. Maybe a stickied, cycling "embassy" thread for each board. You'd get to have a /right/ but they have to keep their Holla Forums shit in /right/ or in the embassy threads. Not strictly speaking being a leftychan would be a great boon, I think.

This is the problem you see.
And not all of them.

I can't go back to my edgy teen days of enjoying that.

Eh, as mentioned most site users aren't Nazis so its more like a mostly so I would put Alt-Righters more at an extremely loud 10%, lolberts (the "weed lmao" and Pinochet posters together) at 15% maybe, and the apolitical and centrists at 65% and mostly lurkers and quiet, with all posters with any leftists sympathies (including union backers here) at 10% With actual leftists being mostly regulated to /lit/, so more like 5% for genuine commies

Tbh I only want the chan to have discussions on particular with Holla Forums. I could care less about it being fully left wing.

Are we talking 4chan or Holla Forums?
Because most users on Holla Forums are definitely alt-right.

But liberalism is capitalism?

Sorry, misread and thought you were talking about 4chan, ignore that then

You never left them

imo it's more important to be a thorn in the side of Holla Forums. Look at this place, it's like a big stain on their site, even here there are leftists. And not only that, they are fairly popular.

They are extremely salty just about our existence. Splitting the board would ruin it.

Kid's out of school right now, and the media blew 4chan out of proportion. Eventually they'll get bored and fuck off

Well, yes. And all thumbs are fingers, but we're chopping off the hand, not just the thumbs.

I'm in my edgy early 20s.

Afraid not.
The phonefags literally doubled the userbase of the site. The only way to end it is to ban phones, fat chance that will happen though.

don't you think you should be doing something productive like reading books instead, kiddo?

please kill yourself, thanks


I have a (not so) sekrit chan that I go to when 8ch and 4ch get unbearable.


Aside from leftypol I pretty much only go on like five small imageboards now.

People with a mindset like you are a problem.
I swear if it wasn't Holla Forums it would be someone like you.

Imageboards aren't a place to go act mature and smart.

I don't try to act mature and smart. I aggressively shitpost. I just can't go full apathyhappy like that anymore.

so tl;dr you're upset the majority of people oppose your shitty leftist views.


um, are you old enough to be here?

As mentioned before there is >>>/leftyweebpol/ where you can discuss weeb games. We also have vidya threads fairly regularly. They tend to be leftist themed, but no one will complain about talking about vidya in general. Also, I'm with you on the board quality drop. I'm a refugee from /a/ that pretty much only posts here now. Sad to see the direction imageboards have gone.

I sometimes visit lainchan and now systemspace.link
Used to dick around on the various /jp/ offshoots, but they aren't very good.

I just wanna talk about animals care I don't need these newfags stale memes. You can't talk about any sort of ape anymore without them showing up.

Phonefags are not people

oh jeez, that thing. Isn't it borne of a schizo teenager's delusion? It's some kinda doomsday cult.
beautiful site design though

what did I just see?

someone from lainchan went nuts and had a bunch of people write down some random alphanumeric string on a piece of paper with a drawing so their cybercomputergod could target their soul to save them before the world ended. If they killed themselves before it ended they could keep their memories and choose their destiny in the new world, otherwise they just kept their memories when the world ended, and if they didn't write the stuff down then they lost it all.
thanks for reminding me about this guy

Do you not understand the joke? It's based on this video a black guy made poking fun of how some blacks think their ancestors were Egyptian kings and queens who would be in the space age by now if it weren't for the evil white man destroying their civilization and erasing all the evidence.

They're actually making fun of conspiracy theories for once.

stfu it went to shit after 2008. you're wierd as fuck grow up.

And woops! I accidentally just joined a death cult.

"We wuz" is about on par with "muh six million". Regardless of whether it's true or not the number itself is a meme. You may as well say "over 9000" for as much good as it will do to evoke sympathy for the chosen people.

Some posters usually with metal use the term nu-male which is clearly code for cuck to pretty much shit on emo, folk punk, or just general punk that was political in any way. When I couldn't post threads about the type of music I listen to mostly without these cunts whining about how punk is for pansies, I left. Besides I wasn't discovering new music any more because /mu/ has been jerking it to the same 10 albums for 5 years

It went to shit a long time ago.
Now it's just moe cancer, no one talks about GAR anime anymore, and everyone is like some spergy brony. Shit sucks.

Last week I had some fuck on /vg/'s /fog/ telling me that anyone who was opposed to paid mods was a "leftist shill".

Chans have fucking died fam. We're in Project Chanology 2 full force and it'll take a year or two at the very least to clear up.

Sage for shit thread

4chan died long before Holla Forums was a trend

i've read enough to basically understand what i need to understand. all i want to do now is drift into the worryless instant-gratification universe of vidya

Go to 7chan. It's slower but mods are commies. Well the one who does his job is.

I enjoy going to Holla Forums, posting an image of Stirner, and then saying everything they think is quite literally a spook. Really makes me laugh at some of their retarded replies.

To be fair though, I get enough Holla Forums garbage from my retard friend who has become a walking Holla Forums basically.

Thats less about people hating GAR and more to do with modern anime hugely lacking in it. Well, theres JoJo, but then again its… JoJo.

What? It's been shit for years.
Even fucking /jp/ got filled to the brim with crossboarders.

That test is so shit you'd have to be seriously fucked in the head to not get lib-left. It means literally nothing.

blame porky



It's pretty clear that a lot of young men neglected by society have found refuge in this hobby.

I think people over all underestimate how well of a job technology like video games have successfully placted young men. Young men that in the past would have caused civil unrest.

I can't even play video games anymore because every single one of them requires 40 hours to complete. I remember being amazed that FF7 needed 40 hours to complete, wow so much game.

If you are a gamer this hobbie easily gobbles up all your free time. So when society at large was more than happy to leave these guys isolated in their subculture for years suddenly demands they change, while not offering any new position or intergration into the society that neglected them for so long, this reaction should have been expected.

But GG should have expected porky to do that though too. Capitalism crushes all cultures.

I miss coming home from school to enjoy comfy threads on 4chan.

Now when I come back from my shitty job there are no comfy threads, only angry Nazis.

That's true when you think about it. During the 60's for example, the same "losers" that constitute the gamers of today would form bands and join countercultural movements. In working together on music and forming hippie communes there's a certain coming together that lets people experiment with communist, non-alienated ways of living. In vidya on the other hand, people are kept seperate and confined to the very narrow vidya universe rules set by the game developers and publishers. It's a very cyberpunk dystopian way to control unrest.

Anime and video games got so reactionary so quickly it caught me off guard.

It shouldn't have though. Japanese otaku communities were notoriously right-wing even more than a decade ago. I wonder what it is that fosters that.

social retards are always "right". Immature, biased & stubborn.

As in actual Japanese otakus?

Back when it had some traction due to 2hu, now its mostly a shell of it former self. Not many people crossboard onto /jp/ anymore if at all, its a fraction of what it used to be.

I think they mean in terms of not getting idpoled, its general culture is still mostly the same (hatred for e-celebs, waifu arguing, etc.) if a bit more cynical, its just that the state of anime has changed drastically. Its ok though because Kemono Friends will save us

Has anyone thought about going to 4/pol/'s /Britpol/? It's not quite like the rest of Holla Forums.

Class consciousness is starting to develop in the world in general, but it is not developing everywhere evenly. This would be a good place to start. Go investigate for yourselves.

Nice try, sjws

What do you think idpol is and what do you think our views are

Lurk more faggot


You're just being weak as shit over this. Go back there and take your chan back again. You're forgetting in among all of this nu-pol and limp-wristed reactionary posting we've still got at least two generals within Holla Forums of all places that aren't following the same pattern. Brit/pol/ tends to lean leftwards while being soft reactionaries and resists the worst of the nu-pol posting and stormfaggotry

Then there's /sg/, we're if anything the oasis in Holla Forums's desert of stale memes and limp-wristed keyboard reactionaries. We've got a solidly anti-imperialist, anti-Trump, Assad tankie general right in the heart of Holla Forums. Most of us were mainstream Holla Forumsacks once and yet our general is gradually getting more opposed to the rest of Holla Forums and is leaning towards the traditional left over geopolitics while retaining the anti-idpol/anti-liberal element the rest of Holla Forums has. Somehow it's the only part of Holla Forums really converting anyone since the election away from the cancer-tier Trump circlejerk.

This is the future you need to work towards to bring Holla Forums back towards the light again take a stronger anti-liberal stance, accept and tolerate social conservatism as part of the platform but encourage more class awareness, make anti-imperialism a core element and slowly warm Holla Forums up to the idea of left-wing economics and wealth distribution rather than voting against their own best interests. Not only Holla Forums, but the alt-right (minus the truly hardcore stormfags) can be saved if you push the right buttons and strip away their self-destructive clinging to capitalism.

You agree 100% with idpol you just think it's bad optics and mayyyybe bad implementation

Other than that, unironic conflict theory and other 100% kosher views. You probably think BLM are based class conscious black guys in lenin hats


Just lurk more you sound ridiculous, we always have anti-idpol threads here

lurk moar you fucking stupid faggot


you're speaking of "these threads" but it's obvious you've been here for approximately 0.2 seconds

low energy bait

Similar story here. /mu/ is pretty great for a few months but after a while you've heard all the stuff they shill, decided what you like and what you don't then go on to form your own taste.

I sometimes venture there. It's not as bad as the rest of Holla Forums but it's still pretty Holla Forums from what I remember. It has been a few months though.

Liberal in denial

You're 100% idpol but think class conscious ness is slightly more important so you claim this makes you not idpol

Here's your (you)

Noce refutation


how many time do we need to tell you that :

bumping this thread with the daily reminder that Holla Forums is without a doubt the single greatest cancer.

people who are apologists for them want to completely change imageboard culture.

"Board culture" has always been trash, stop deluding yourself.
Though you could argue Holla Forums made it even worse, and I'd agree.

I don't know about you but I used to enjoy it, it was pretty comfy before.

Because you were literally a kid back then. Whenever I remember what I used to do in late 2005 onwards I cringe.

Most were apolitical or liberal more accurately.

4/v/ is shit but Holla Forums is more and more being seen as right wing SJWs by the day and are being made fun of more often.

There has been massive threads on Holla Forums with people being fed up of with politics and people whining about politics.

Imageboards are very contrarian and I believe that this trend will continue to grow.

chans have always been shit newfag

Best post in the thread, if you have not witnessed anti-alt-right(or atleast anti politics in general) sentiment growing on any board on 4chan you have not been browsing enough.

There was a thread today, where Holla Forums started to bait the shit out of Holla Forums because a video game character was revealed to be a lesbian and now they intend o bring that up every time that game is mentioned.
Not to forget that all of them are fucking newfags and don't know about the ancient friendship the neighbours /u/ and Holla Forums share.

It's not surprising that Holla Forums became another proxy for Holla Forums seeing as 90% of Holla Forumstards and internet users in general are avid "gamers".Seriously, the entire internet outside of normie social media sites is geared to gaming and porn.

except that's not the context that they are using in, fuck when AoE had that new expansion that included some African civs any thread started devolved into "we wuz" shit 1 post in,
further proof that nu-Holla Forums is fucking garbage Millennials that cant into strategy games

You know why it's not surprising to me? Because for 10 years getting called Holla Forumsermin was the go-to insult of /a/, etc.

first post best post XDDD
kill me

No. They can be actually reactionary on their own time. As soon as they try to force someone else to abide by their spooks, fuck them.

Yeah, no.

What do you mean with that?

Bullshit, 2010 is when shit hit the fan and we got a bunch of kusoposters from all over the site. Nowadays even they have given up on spamming because the relentless moderation has turned the board into generals sprinkled with *booru imagedumps.
I hope jewt will suffer someday for his sins against /jp/

How can one man be so fucking wrong?

Please kill me.

There is somewhat of a connection. But i really don't think too much should be made of it. Pretty sure most otaku are apolitical, and there are left-wing ones too.

This is a meme. Imageboards always follows whatever the zeitgeist is.
For decades the zeitgeist was apathetic or liberal. Now the zeitgeist is this retarded ridiculous shit where people forgot how to think and got emotionally retarded.

When were they good and what was different about them?

Can you point me towards any /a/ political discussion because in my experience most people don't and theres been an anti-politics sentiment growing for a while board wide.

Tbh, I didn't really know after 2010 was a downhill for /jp/ Because I started browsing it after the start of 2010

/smtg/ refugee here, I wish you were telling the truth.


Mostly because most of the concepts have no basis in reality (i.e. attempted and failed), or are oxymorons that don't even work on paper.

Actually Moot is the only one who could have saved some of 4chan's old fun. But he didn't gave a fuck & sold the website.

He honestly did the right thing. He grew the fuck up, he is too old for that shit imho. Who wants to deal with retard internet users 24/7? Nobody who wants to become something better has to.

Just finished reading OP. Half Chan's good again?

Moot fucked with /news/ twice, deleted their shit. Pretty sure that at this point he would have deleted them too (actually that depends if he can exploit them to make profit or not).

He just stopped giving a fuck & went out to have a real life. The dude was really down to earth thats why he loved to expose retards who live their lives daily in the internet on a socially retarded school reject Fascist/Neo-Nazi fantasy.

Moot is not working for Google doing who knows what but he is way happier for sure. I would have sold them too fuck 4chan, it's full of retards the fun ended a long time ago.

of course not. it's not going to, ever at this point who cares.

now* working

Moot's two big fuck-ups were were bringing Holla Forums back, and banning Gamergate. Which was right about everything and the left should have joined early on. I remember back in his last months there, he couldn't use his trip without being immediately shat on. Then GG might have helped kickstart the alt-right, which might have helped Trump's campaign. And next thing I know, the world is ruled by a mentally unbalanced, narcissist ultraporky with a permanent bad tan. All thanks to Moot's cuckoldry.

This is the future he chose.


you really still don`t get the point of Holla Forums-like boards don`t you

Gamergate was always stupid as fuck. Games "journalism" isn't actually journalism for the most part. It's mix of consumer reporting and blatant advertising with a tiny sprinkle of actual journalism thrown in.

I'd take /r9k/ refugees pityposting about how playing vidya fills their empty lives and jaded Holla Forumsirgins bitching about the current video game industry any day over current Holla Forums. At the least the former were met with ridicule and quick bans issued to them for derailing threads.

And what is the point of Holla Forums-like boards? Pls enlighten us buddy.

ask yourself why Holla Forums exists

Nice. Implying that you have insight that others don't without actually articulating that insight really makes you seem like you know what you're talking about. Everyone's buying it; great rhetorical strategy fam.

i want you to think for yourself

I just realized, is that Finklestein as the banner? Who here likes Norman Finklestein? I didn't think he was that popular.

Another brilliant rhetorical move, well done. If you don't articulate your position then nobody can attack it, I can't believe I had never thought of that one before. You're crazy intelligent fam.

You vaguely implied you had an argument against the assertion that Holla Forums has tainted other boards with their ideology. So I'm confused, what do you want me to think about here? to answer your question Holla Forums exists because there's a huge appetite for leftist content but almost no actual sources of it, especially on chans. How is that relevant to what the point of Holla Forums-like boards is?

You should browse Holla Forums. I never expected the board inhabitants shift from borderline pedos obsessing over female actresses to unironic Holla Forumsacks whining about whit.e genocide/cultural marxism on a television & movie board.

Oh no man we're not here to ruin all your hobbies and force our ideologies down your throat at every opportunity. We are here to open your mind, wow take a red pill, don't you feel smart?

I have been called a commie and a shill on 4shit and a fascist reactionary on here. I've felt isolated with my opinions but don't care about confirming my beliefs I want to learn shit and gain knowledge which is why I come here. There are shitposts here but at least people here read. Recently discussion on 4pol has been absolutely awful. The joke has gotten stale

I think a lot of people on here used to be fascists of some kind. Holla Forums's grip on chan culture has kind of backfired tbh.

right wing meme culture has infested fucking every corner of the internet. places like this are a solid refuge, but we need to fight back on Holla Forums instead of giving up. i limit it to around 15 minutes every day, because that's about as much as i can stand before i get tilted, but i reply to retarded threads where there are no alternate opinions present already. there are definitely people leaning towards our side that browse Holla Forums who are too afraid of posting/going against the hivemind. we need to throw ourselves into the fire and let them know they aren't alone

Looks like someone got butthurt about people DARING to have different viewpoints at the Wolfenstein threads on Holla Forums and came crying to a safe-space. Ku-ku-ku!

nah not all the internet. real life is what matters anyways and most people sees them as retards irl.

Yes, your different opinions are very SHOCKING.

Which Ninty games have you tried? If you're a shooter guy you should try out Metroid Prime.

Didn't stopped liberal jews from kvetching.

Yep, mootles fucked himself over in the name of freeze peach. This is why you always no-platform fascists, they are pure cancer that will just continue to grow and infest

t. redditor

I'm more of an oldfag than you and I've never posted on reddit. But sure let's call everyone redditors for no reason whatsoever

Which is why you need to work with the momentum and gradually wean them away from reactionary idpol (while keeping the anti-left/anti-liberal idpol sentiment intact) and towards class politics instead. Look at the power they have to influence every corner of internet culture, we just need to do more subversion and nudging away from explicit right-wing/pro-capitalist positions.

If stormfags were able to hijack Holla Forums and steer it towards what it is now there's no reason Holla Forums can't do the same. Just stop being purists and get more pragmatic about it; Holla Forums will never be 'true' lefties, but their memes, culture and ideology can definitely be manipulated into adopting the most important parts of the left's platform. They're a potent weapon when used properly and while there's disunity among their key influencers, it's time to get in there and begin subverting their platform.

t. reformist Holla Forumsack


You don't have different opinions though

Maybe. But nonetheless…

The point is, that platform could have been ours.

Holy shit is it 2010?

Guess I'm not the only one

this is the future we chose

Holla Forums didn't exist yet, Getchan was irrelevant, /lit/ didn't give a shit, so who could've controlled the "platform" if other organized lefty communities either did not care or were overran by SJWs?

Have you been to /sp/? It's a shell of its former self.

/sp/ has been dying for years
both in numbers and quality content

It didn't need to be an organized group at all, it just needed to have actual leftists participating. There was no organized rightwing group joining in, yet they flocked in droves because they saw SJWs throwing a shitfit. Only after they were in GG they coalesced, and formed part of the alt-right. Just think about it. If leftists had joined, it could have coalesced too, and we would have a group actively standing up against liberals. But alas.

Every day early on, I saw more rightist opportunists from YT, Twitter and God knows where else jumping in, and I prayed that more leftists joined too, especially some with a bit of e-fame to counteract the rightwing ones. But said leftists inevitably believed SJWs' bullshit narrative, simply because they frequented the same Twitter circles. Now it's fucking infuriating to see them decry modern liberals' self-righteous dishonesty, and it never dawns on them they have fallen for it too, hook, line and sinker. Fuck this gay Earth.

every gamergater must be 10 years old. how can you not read every piece of gaming """""""journalism""""""" and not immediately recognize it's a puff piece designed to sell games?

Earliest memories of 4chan are Meximoot (Moot posted some mexican dude saying that was him), 100K GET which for some reason was a massive fucking thing and Zero Hour.

Oh and the first chan panel at some weeb convention.

So from my view there has been several wide phases in 4chan culture.

2003-2006 = Golden Era.

This was basically when the board was literally just Weebs, the rare girl (Reich, Loli, Cracky, Giselle) etc.

This was 4chan at it's best, it was basically just a weeb convention/anime club in website form, super casual, super otaku, shittonnes of super ironic humour. (old 4chan racism wasn't actual racism, it was satire of racism because we all thought racist views were so absurd, they actually made good comedy if you took them to the logical conlusion, this is where pool has aids and shit comes from)

2007 - 2010 = Chanology boom.

This was when 4chan really hit the mainstream, there was some girl at this time that became popular but I don't remember her name… she looked like an emo chick. Site was flooded with people from Chanology (Neo-Atheist anti-Scientology movement) and mainstream coverage. Holla Forums basically just became a porn board and I've never actually visited Holla Forums again since this era.

Also you had this site called Anontalk spamming bots on 4chan like crazy at this time, this is why 4chan now has Captcha because for a time, the site actually became unusable due to bots. You would have like 20 bot posts compared to one user post.

2010 - 2013 = Bunch of new boards created in this time, /new/ got deleted and came back in like 2011/2012 as Holla Forums. you got /soc/ and shit. /int/ was literally unusable because of AMITWHITE. Holla Forums surprisingly wasn't actually neonazi in this era, mostly paulfaggots, Stalinists and Neo-atheists. Most famous Holla Forumsfaggot was a guy called Deus Vult who was a huge christfag everyone constantly made fun of.

2013-now = Alt right era.

Holla Forums got overrun by White Nationalists by stormfront, Gamergate happened. Basically instead of containing right wing bullshit, Holla Forums amplified it and instead of only /int/ being unsuable because of "AMIWHITE" threads, the entire 4chan slowly got overtaken by reactionary, anti-intellectual dogshit. I still remember when /lit/ finally got overtaken. I think many here on Holla Forums are /lit/ refugees.

I'm not being hyperbolic when I honestly say Holla Forums and Anontalk were the worst things that EVER happened to 4chan.

Chanology was annoying, but it didn't completely fuck discussion on near every single fucking board like both of those did.

Also my personal favourite moments of 4chan.

The 4chan anime con panels.

Watching Code Geass with /a/ streamed from Japan in 2006.

Trolling the shit out of the Tom Green show, even better there was a show called "Girl Talk" that had a call in thing.

Trolling the shit out of Hal Turner and his white nationalist radio station.

All the cool weeb cultural shit that was made, as a teen I actually felt an immense pride in our community when this flash cartoon called 4chan city was made.


fugg, I completely forgot this was a thing that happened

Banning gamergate was the right move, actually should have been done quicker. What the left needed to do was actually respond with REAL criticism of the gaming industry.

Gamergate was a right wing movement from inception, it was basically born from several things.

1: Really fucking obnoxious idpol clickbait from Kotaku.

2: 2012-2014 was possibly the worst time in the industry for shit like preorder DLC, DRM, carved up games.

3: Zoe Quinn called Jon Tron, at the peak of his popularity, basically a racist Neonazi piece of shit. (this is why she was targeted really)

4: Figures like Phil Fish. (why indie devs were targeted).

5: Holla Forums slowly leaking all over Holla Forums.

6: Bioware going to shit, should have been blamed on EA, but was blamed on Feminists and the left instead.

Gamergate basically exploded from this, but from the beginning, it was never really concerned with "Ethics in journalism". A good indicator of this was their targets. Indie Devs and Zoe Quinn with a time line that made no sense, Cultural Critics (including MrBtongue, Noah Cadwell, Errant Signal etc) and sites like Kotaku.. who honestly were actually probably the least "corrupt" of the major gaming sites.

When those Gamers Were Dead pieces dropped, people went ballistic, even I was like "What the fuck". The thing was, I never actually read the articles though It really did seem like the media was just shitting on us as a community non-stop at that point.

Later on I actually read the Gamers are Dead articles… and agreed with them them entirely. They were actually left wing critiques of the gaming industry and "Gaming identity" that had been crafted as a advertising trick in the 1990s to make video game fans basically worship consumerism.


Also talking to female gamers around the same time, really snapped me out of gamergate, because the stories of abuse and shit I had heard from them really made me engage in some self critique and look at gaming culture with a critical eye. I'm super fucking good at Red Orchestra (max level, max level all guns, top of the server pretty much every round, continues even in RS2). So I changed my account name, put my female friend on a microphone and got her to command the team.

Just non-stop fucking abuse towards her for being female. It was fucking shocking. As a male, never experienced it, but when she was saying the exact things I was telling her to say all she was getting was "SHUT THE FUCK UP SLUT", "FUCK I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND RAPE YOU", "YOU FUCKING CUNT SHUT UP".. despite the fact, because I was really playing, we were at the top of the server and I was the number 1 player.

That's when I really did realize the gaming community is sexist as fuck and actually pretty fucked up.

It's pure fucking nostalgia. 4chan at a much better time.

TL;DR: Advertising female game devs for progressive points is true socialism, Zoe Quinn dindu nuffin, the reviewers were good boyz, and the collusion between media sources was actually leftist critique, and investors rushing to smear opponents of their investments is actually Marxist praxis in disguise.


It's really intrresting to read this, I am a 2011 newfag and I remember when /x/ actually stood up to Holla Forums shit, the "green pill" thing where the redpilled man was a sad manlet niggernazi. Too bad pol later made the iron pill EXCLUSEVLY to fuck /x/, and they won. From that day I only visit /mu/ since it's the only untainted board that interests me and thankfully even if there are a lot of LE NIGGRE LE JEW XD post they actually get called out. Hell Even on metal general natyonal socialist black metal is mainly despised.
Too bad there are a lot of shitty memes

Basically none of Gamergate targets DID anything wrong.

Gamergate didn't target sites like IGN or Gamespot. It literally just targeted cultural critics and Kotaku.

Zoe Quinn literally did nothing wrong, the entire conspiracy theory around her was just made up bullshit from a butthurt ex boyfriend that didn't even match the dates (there was no review of her game, only 1 article talking about it and that article came out long before even Eron claims Zoe slept around for reviews)

The idea that poor as fuck indie devs formed a giant cabal to ruin gaming is just completely fucking absurd to begin with and just comes from the fact people wanted an excuse to dogpile Zoe and figures like Phil Fish.

Pretty much all the Gamergate figureheads were alt-right provocateurs and you even had fucking figures from the American Enterprise Institute giving support and setting up Gamergate talks.

All the shit like TFYC being shut down by Zoe was literally just 100% made up. They had to publicly recant their statement about Zoe.

Gamergate went on to attack basically anybody who did cultural criticism of gaming or the gaming industry. This has literally NOTHING to do with "ethics" in gaming.

Gamergate made that fucking "GAMER ENTITLEMENT" IGN fuckhead Colin Moriarty who was actually on the payroll of EA a figurehead because he was alt-right.

Seriously, Gamergate was cancer and I say this as someone who was supportive of the idea of actually standing up for consumer rights at the time.

If Gamergate gave a shit about "ethics" or whatever, its targets would have been major publishers, IGN, Gamespot.

I mean, look at how fucking New Vegas devs got cheated out of payment. That is an actual fucking issue.

Look at how the industry constantly forces employees to work unpaid overtime, actual issue.

The fact IGN was basically covered in EA advertising while giving the awful buggy, fan panned ME3 a 9.5/10

How about how Ubisoft DRM was locking legitimate game owners out of their games.

Or how DLC was blatantly being carved out of the game before release

Nope, it was fucking indie devs and Kotaku and left wing youtubers and bloggers who were the real cancer killing the industry apparently.

Yeah boxxy.

yeah that was the one.

basically the only changirl I actually liked was a girl called Giselle (pic related).

lol at that redditspacing


Yeah it's a bad habit. I use plebbit (UKpolitics, Chapotraphouse,mycology,askhistorians) way more than I use chans these days.

holy fuck its sebastian.the.marxist

so no bioshock, no deus ex, no civ?

Holla Forums doesn't actually care about video games or the conditions under which they are made, they're sociopaths who just want their entertainment and coca cola

Former 4/pol/ack here.

I am originally from 4/b/ since 2009. I gradually moved then to /r9k/. After that, I read some an-com literature and it turned me into generic left-wing liberal. I was real life activist for a bit, but I saw the liberal cancer with my own eyes, witnessed it, the lengths they go for being muslim apologists, and it pissed me off, because they called me sexist/racist for disagreeing. This turned me into right-wing politics and back into 4chan but 4/pol/ this time. I kept reading hours and hours, day upon day posting, and from a general anti-SJW stance I became one of the alt-right memekids. I swallowed their propaganda whole and started unironically believing the cultural marxist theory, jewish subversion, hitler did nothing wrong etc. I ALMOST got involved with far-right politics in my country. Luckily, I didn't get too involved.

I found Holla Forums because I was referred to here by 4/pol/ sometimes, and browsed 8/pol/, but I was turned away by how they are so much more edgy than 4/pol/, but eventually, I browsed Holla Forums because you guys are notorious and always mentioned on all the Holla Forums's no matter what chan. Surprising to me, you guys weren't actually that ideological, and actually wrote posts that read like something rational.

I just have to say I am sorry for being so gullible. I ask you to not laugh at me, I feel absolutely defeated in being a useful idiot to reactionary politics for at least past 4 years, actively speaking. My core beliefs that have not changed throughout my life is that I have always generally been against government tyranny, government corruption and unethical behavior of big corporations. Just that in left idpol I believed this shit comes because of what the right does, and in the right idpol I believed this shit comes because of what the left does. Truth is, this shit comes from a class of elites shilling whatever idpol they can to save their profits.

I don't know if I can call myself left-wing, but I can certainly say I am fucking sick and tired of politics. I originally joined chan culture because of funny images, but all the other shit on the side drew me into a vortex. I want to make up for this by refraining from posting and maybe even lurking in Holla Forums because I am in many ways stranger to Holla Forums and especially Holla Forums's culture. I can go to 4/pol/ for you guys and try to use my understanding of memes and chan culture to contribute to internal tensions in 4/pol/ and to destroy this cancer. Just please make fun of me. I will forever be a useful idiot and shill stuff that is not in my interests, but at least do the right thing, maybe even first time in my entire life.


if you just want shit to be better for the working class, you belong

unless you're a socdem

…or a Trot.

don't respond with shitpost pls be srs ;_;

bumping so this doesn't die before i can reply

It's okay man, it's fine. You might be a bit gullible, but at least this shows you're open to changing your mind and embrace what you concluded is right, instead of dwelling in the denialism and doublethink that utterly infest American politics.

Relax on the 4/pol/ thing, they're not going away anytime soon, and board warring is rather gay. It wastes time that could be used to post here or read, read, read. Besides, they're a breath of fresh air compared to 8/pol/, since we can actually post commie threads there.

Name me one Socialist org that has any real life influence that is not infested with idpol.

Oh come off it. I see more aut-right BS and your post is the first I've heard about feminist frequency in like more than a year. I partially agree with you, but the number of people triggering "young people" is in the low numbers compared to the shilling Holla Forums is doing everywhere, even in memes on leddit.

It's about setting up a strawman, ask almost anyone under the influence of Holla Forums or aut-right who they're being attacked by and they'll only be able to pull out strawmen or vague things. There is more circlejerking about SJWs than there are SJWs, exactly the same as the people whining about vegans thing.

Look how popular the "sjw/feminist/leftist/whatever cringe/rage/stupidity compilation" videos, sargon, reactionary memes, even stefan.

The government of the USA.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if there's anything else he's ever remembered for.


On 4chan, sure, we definitely do. In the wider sense of the media landscape, on- and offline, he's correct that it's almost entirely liberal (in the general sense). In perspective, the influence of Holla Forums meme-regurgitators on the chans and Twitter is relatively minor compared to, for example, the influence of CNN or the New York Times. That identity-obsessed media landscape and the battles for status fought on the basis of identity within the petty bourgeoisie helped to create the alt-right, a mirror image within their ideological frame.

Fuck Kimmo Alm forever, man.


gamergate was chanology 2.0 and chanology was fucking retarded

The "cultural critics" were almost universally identitarian liberals, and Kotaku was one of the worst gaming sites. IGN/Gamespot were attacked actually, but to a lesser extent because they weren't outright associated with the story as Kotaku was, nor did they do much to defend Quinn or attack her critics, as the cultural critics had.

Other than her awful game being promoted by her friends in the media. Whether there was a sex-for-reviews case is ambiguous, but, even only assuming it was journalists promoting friends, it was symptomatic of the awful state of gaming "journalism."

Generally, the cultural critics attacked involved themselves in the controversy beforehand. It largely wasn't just random attacks.

Gamergate blew up specifically because, unlike those other stories, it was being banned everywhere at the very beginning (including 4chan) before it took off, something which struck me as bizarre at the time. That was the main reason I picked up on it.

Your story is entirely one-sided. There were more important issues in the gaming industry, I agree, but this one became important because it was emblematic of the worthlessness of gaming journalism and also, importantly, because the story was being censored and removed originally. That led to a Streisand effect.

I actually have some nice memories associated with precaptcha spam, the 4chan.js on /jp/ managed to get a personality. She was really nice.

It was symbolic of the sole reason "games journalism" even exists, it was started as a fad in the 80s to dupe children. Caring what game review sites have to say makes you a moron.


I wouldn't disagree. The issue just became a way to attack this kind of pseudo-journalism yet again, trying to get it to change. It didn't, of course. That could have led to a left-wing critique of the industry overall, but instead much of that energy was channeled into the alt-right, unfortunately, since the left mostly sided with the liberal narrative.

Honestly, the left needs to turn a blind eye to the video game industry aside from the usual porky abuses of workers. Video game culture doesn't have a concept of self-control, people keep eating the same fermented shit year after year because they derive more pleasure from whining about it than from actually getting what they demand.

i remember when halfchan was liberal during the bush era. hard to believe now

Liberals, by definition, support capitalism

Problem is that literal psychopaths badly hurt a lot of good people and that gaming is now a global target for institutional feminism and parts of progressivism.

Hell, I was recently at an event with a media personality (not gaming related) and she brought up GametGate as an example of the perils women face online.

While I don't think this reporter in specific is a threat, she is unlikely to be an anomaly. Institutions worldwide want to take over or destroy gaming.

GamerGate isn't done. Poisonous seeds have been planted and it's up to us to take care of them before they become unmanageable. Holla Forums makes it much, much worse.


You conflate Holla Forums with gaming culture. You should know better.

/mu/ has been like that since 2012. only redeemable thing about that board is sharethreads.


That's how I got here. Telling polcucks to keep their autistic shit out of /a/ or Holla Forums and all I'd get is "go back to Holla Forums"

So I did, and here I am two years later.

user, we're at a point when socjus rhetoric has reached mainstream media. The SJWs may be few, but socjus is being normalized in America.

Go away, Ghazi. Alternatively, go away, Holla Forums.

What Wizardchan, what's stealing charity, what's actually abusing people?

Replacing nerd pride by white pride may not have been the best of move for the left.

But eh , Kekistan is ridiculous now,so maybe you still win.

Because of what happened during GG, I imagine. So they ran to the ideology opposite to their enemies. It's a natural reaction and I won't even question it but saying halfchan is unbearable makes you sound exactly like the Holla Forums here.

It's also cause the media faggotry narrative spinning and follow-the-leadering brought a fuckton of idpol faggots to imageboards across the board and demoralized the fuck out of others. Also Nazis are still seen as tanks (albeit cancerous ones) and DPS against SJWs and SJWs are A) Still culture warmongering and B) Seen as the worse than literal Nazis.

I debate nazis and defend communism on /gif/, I'm at it right now in fact

I can utilize this
false-flag reverse recruiting
thanks for the idea guys