No… that's not true! That's impossible!

No… that's not true! That's impossible!

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Just like with Christians and the Bible and Jesus, Ancraps and capitalists quote 1 or 2 sentences from Adam Smith without any context because they use it as propaganda. If people bothered to actually read his books, most of their arguments wouldn't have any legs to stand on.

Smith was much more moderate in his belief in the possibilities of a free market than most libertarians. Besides, the free market is never an end in itself for him, he only believes the general good can be most perfectly realized under more or less complete economic liberty. If he lived to see how laissez-faire leads to monopolies he'd probably have become an ordoliberal or left-libertarian of sorts.

Basically, as said, liberturdians need to read a fucking book.

Would someone care to explain what the fuck this is even supposed to mean?

"dont give roads to corps"

Privately owned roads are a shit idea.

So why would an ancap post it?

they're obviously shitposting, moron

note the meme caption

Didn't Smith propose the labor theory of value that is the foundation of Marxism?

best roads in the country

Trucks can't even drive on toll roads where I live because the material they're made out of is so cheap.

All early liberals were basically proto-socialists in a way.Just read Locke's theory of propriety if you don't believe me.

Hobbes, whom I've seen unironically called a liberal on oldchan, is pretty much hardcore anti-revolution.

Was he /ourguy/?

He was against all revolutions though. It's important to remember that most "revolutions" in his time were just petty squabbles over succession/property by nobles and monarchs.

I don't know how you can call a guy whos main argument is "yeah the chains are bad, but imagine trying to break them and the guard seeing you? he'd beat you bloody! thats worse!" a proto socialist.
I don't even think he is wrong, in a sense. It is true that fighting against bad rule will often lead to worse outcomes than just enduring it. But he is most definitely nowhere near social ideas.

Adam "make Marx look like an ancap" Smith

Any short works by Smith?

Most lolberts haven't read Wealth of Nations, at best they've read Basic Economics after the 101 textbook.

I guess he really was more of a proto-Marxist if anything. He's political philosophy was entirely material and not rooted in metaphysics/theology like Locke. His conception of human nature under capitalism still holds up today.

Wealth of Nations is short enough.

To be honest Wealth of Nations is about as interesting to rad as a phone book.
It took me about two years to finish it, chipping at it over time. Its so dry, I'd rather read a restaurant menu of the same size.

Well why would they? They aren't really even liberals.


Wealth of nations is short enough.

Why does have almost everything anyways? Not complaining, but it's fucking huge and I'm surprised there's anarchist, liberal, and socdem stuff there.

With autism or drugs you can get through it pretty quick, but pretty much anything before 1900 is going to be a chore to read for modern sensibilities.

They claim to be.

This is the laziest strawman I've seen in a while.

I am not quoting him verbatim, you know. This is just the direction he explores and the conclusion he reaches - better to endure and outlive the tyrant king, than to rebel.

socialism is the natural conclusion to liberal/ enlightenment thought honestly. Its no surprise so many modern intellectuals are drawn to socialism

Poor Adam Smith.

You write this huge, awesome book that influences every single member of the next generation of economists. And a few years down the road nobody who quotes you has any idea what you actually wrote about.

It worked for Deng I guess

You're pulling shit out of your ass again. I suggest you actually read Leviathan, at least the second part.
Hobbes holds the firm belief that there can't be liberty without safety. Unlimited liberty for everyone means constant conflict. This is where the sovereign comes in. The basis for the legitimacy of his rule is his ability to ensure the safety of individuals. Once he does not live up to this task he ceases to be sovereign.


It figures.

The Wealth of Nations isn't exactly short my dude.

IIRC Smith did invent it, but it is not a foundation of Marxism. Or rather, Marx uses this conception of value, but only to provide a critique of capitalism. Communism would also mean the abolition of the LTV… or something.

Smith invented economics. Marx was an economist.

wew lad

He literally did. Mercantilists can suck a dick.

pretty sure it was John Locke

Scholastics, Mercantilists and Physiocrats all preceded Smith. Richard Cantillon made many of the same arguments as Smith before him.

wealth of nations is over 1000 pages. Are you sure you didn't read the abridged version like a pleb?


Requesting ancap ball CIA saying "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING, I'M IN CHARGE HERE!"




now this is my kind of autism

We're supposed to worship Adam Smith but you're not supposed to read him. That's too dangerous.

Damn I'm impressed you made that in 5 minutes


it gets worse


Smith was definitely /ourguy/
