Most Common US Job Likely the First to be Fully Automated


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This sounds pretty bad

I wonder if these jobs will be replaced with even more soul-crushing ones.


Stop buying into this porky automation meme.

Those jobs are redundant NOW.

All long haul trucking can be done by rail.

All retail can be done online. I predict they'll start using stores as fronts where you'll just be able to try the product but won't carry any inventory. It'll be delivered to you later online.

Cashiers can't be replaced. You ever see how much of a cluster their partial automation is now?

Taxi jobs could be elinated with a decent public transportation system.

This shit of robots taking over is just click bait, they can't get any of that shit to work in all but very limited circumstances.

I never understood why they went away from using trains, honestly. It seems like it's the more efficient way.

Actually trains are very efficient.
Here in Mexico there is a truckers mafia and they partnered with neoliberalism to destroy and sell all railroads and its infrastructure in the early 90's.
I don't know about the rest of the world but here in Mexico railways were sabotaged by greedy porky who makes a bigger profit from using trucks.

But-but we'd die then! Porky wouldn't just exterminate us would they?

This seems like an appropriate time to shill my dead board

There's always a job in the Reconstruction and Reclamation corps! Or the Army.

Not if you're not an impressionable 18yo with no medical problems

Not bad.

aren't people just going to shoplift all the time lel

no cuz they will spend the extra money on hiring security guards, or robocops which have the strength of 10 guys and can chase you down

No, those jobs are going away because stores are switching to online sales. Not because robots are working in the stores. Different kind of automation.

Trucks fucking suck so much too cuz they completely cripple the highway when there's, say, two trucks in either lane on two lane highway.

Don't gotta exterminate people directly if you just draft them into a war with a high casualty rate. They'll kill everyone by starting a world war with the sole point of culling the population.

That's completely stupid. The draft will NEVER return for any Western country ever again. Foot soldiers aren't needed in great number anymore if you can just bomb people from long range

They are if the point is to kill them.

This is a myth that was disproved in the Yugoslavian civil-war and again in the current Ukraine civil-war, it is boots on the ground and armor that can hold ground. Air power can only annoy ground units that are in cover, for example T-34/85 in Donbas were complete immune to Ukraine air power when they were sitting in the ground floor of buildings as they had a entire building above them protecting them from air power. Meaning even a T-34/85 is immune to the most advanced air power when they are positioned property.

Food for thoughts: Palestinians were used as cheap labor by Israeli capitalists up until the '80s, when said capitalists realized that Chinese and Polish immigrants were actually even cheaper.

Then in the late '80s, there was the First Intifada. Almost as soon as Palestinians became obsolete as workers, Israel's aggressive military campaigns against Palestinians started.


ROBOT TA's lmao

Is anyone else really happy about this? All these unemployed shitlibs will have to starve out in the street and learn the ways of the world now

TRS pls go

shitlib was a thing decades before TRS existed idiot

This is true all around the world. Trains are (usually) publicly owned and Porku can't make as much profit on them. This is why suburbs exist instead of cities, so that people have to buy cars and gas.

What the fuck are you saying? This will cause communism.


Oe, there's nuttin to worry about lol.
All those millions of peoples just have to learn how to write code n shit and everythin will be fine lol.
There will be jobs for everybody dun worry lol. It'll be just different jobs.

Well it's true. Owning a car is pretty much mandatory if you want to live in a suburb.

How in the fuck do you automate a therapist?

It's not true, but what you said is. The reason suburbs developed is not to make you own a car, it's merely consequential. It's applying some grand collusion to porkie, when really it's just them finding ways to make money and doing it, causing other sectors to make money in the process.

It's probably such a small automation amount because they're going to cut some hours by making simple AI diagnostics to find a suitable person to refer them to, or giving the therapist relevant information through a short interaction with a machine, rather than an hour of small talk.

Noam Chomsky would beg to differ, Fire Stone colluded with the local governments and other capitalist entities to create a dependency on vehicles. Google it comrade

Fix a human like hand on a spring loaded mechanism that slaps sense in to people.

It is because communism has never been this unpopular and now its needed the most.

A computer program, a sympathic human face and a soft voice.

Is there a relevant youtube link? I am too drunk for walls of text.

no but here's a real easy reading to get the gist of it

the more you jog your noggin the more you realise what a shitty system we have

maybe the automation hype is being promoted precisely because it is ideologically convenient for porky

this, the type of automation done now is only when its cheaper to automate than workers wages, under socialism the true cost of labor will rationally costed "the full fruits of labor" and therefore there will be more automation not less, cuz there isnt an army of the unemployed just waiting to do your shit job.


how do they figure that carpentry will be automated?

massive shift to prefab?

it looks like highly speculative bullshit, imo. there's no actual plan for any of this, they are probably just expecting a bunch of 'startups' who can come along and 'disrupt' all those industries somehow. They also seem to give fuck all about the economic, political, psychological effects of technology, which are probably a more important factory than the technology itself. capitalists have always worshipped technics