Why should i come further left?

Hey "comrades".

I'm a young white male in Sweden, studying and working part-time so i don't have a lot of freetime but i got the money and i browse forums.

I would just like for you to enlighten me on why the left is right.
I live on the countryside and know a lot about what's going on with the destruction of it and the increasing sized big cities filled with immigrants and weak swedes (and stronk womyn).

I mean, it's like a meme here, the left is mostly young white men who either have no clue about politics or are weirdly obsessed with politics and think that communism is going to help them get a job.
The fact is that the left is lazy, the people they call racist and uneducated makes up for the living organs of our country and we don't need more "journalism", "arts" and "entertainment".

I'm a nationalist though, but believe in racial regions that can work in peace, but i don't want the state to dictate what I'm supposed to do and what to think, I don't want a globalist mongrel working society because i believe that the world is better of with different cultures.

So i guess, why should i come further to the left? You all look like sad weak guys who lets people step all over you, most of you like "memes" and cartoons, would a real leader or strong leftist be a weak, masturbating, socially awkward man? Because to be honest, I'm not claiming to be a "Chad" but I'd say 90% of you guys are really unhappy

spooked as fuck


Fucking racist.

Kill yourself.

Every dead swede opens up room for 5 POC due to smaller ecologik footprint.

Swede here. Why would you vote for SD? They won't fix the rust belt of Sweden. Immigrants have very little to do with the rust belt even popping up.

Oh so you don't care about inequality, unemployment and stuff. You're just butthurt brown people are living in Sweden now. Pic related: It's you.

Fuck off with the identity politics

Is this serious? Because what I said is not "racist".
Ecologic footprint is a joke, we're fucking clean and only 9 million inhabitants in Sweden.
Take a swing at China where many don't even have clean drinking-water?
Feels nice to comment stuff on a computer someone else paid for while contributing to the giant plastic "continent" in the ocean? Eating some nice food that has travelled 3 times the globe in kilometers?

Give me a break faggot, come with something original.

Why not? Who do you think collects, preserves, restores, researches, documents, curates, exhibits and teaches about your precious "traditional European culture"…?

Ärligt talat det mest idiotiska jag läst. Varför frågar du ens när du verkar vara en fanatiker på högerkanten? Vilken värld du verkar leva i. Herregud.

We're unhappy because faggots like you are still alive.

Please don't take the bait

Like I said, kys nazi.

No, what I mean is that we are degenerating fast as fuck.
We are taking in people every year that are against our ground values (such as freedom of religion, equality, etc).
I hope you understand that our modern "democracy" is a joke and if 51% of idiots would make a political party and win they could influence the country pretty much.

I'm not against immigration, but importing fucking muslim goatfarmers from pakistan isn't a fucking investment. I have no problem as long as swedes are put first (in sweden) and we start solving the bigger questions like how are we going to reform ourselves to stop massconsuming and how can we cooperate as a minority in a world where most of the people dream of being white in Stockholm?

ayyyy duuude

You shouldn't. Most of the people here are disgusting manchildren who think their brand of ideology is the correct one. They think they hold the keys to solving the workers' problem, no matter how many dead bodies it takes. They'd exterminate Swedes in a heartbeat if it meant they could spend 5 years under a sodomite socialist leadership.

I probably will vote SD just because the current political climate is shit (I guess that is why trump won right?).
But it's not a crime to love youself right? I fucking love blonde swedish chicks and I'm dating one and almost all my friends are blue eyed light haired people but it doesn't make me a bad person?

The thing is that the modern politicians in sweden wants to replace us with some newage worker society where we will all be the same, wageslaves under the state because "muh economic growth".

So i guess, if you don't vote SD and you're truely swedish in blood, you're pathetic and don't deserve a place in our country, i prefer muslims over weak swedish guys advertising for the destruction of sweden and our culture, our blood and our collective conciousness.

And by the way, i'll take the guess that you live in a city you fucking consumer?

Yeah, basically what i thought.
We had a communist at school and he was basically the social reject of the school.
I believe that modern NEET communism is a mental disorder where you think that a totalitarian communist state can solve your problems.

Just want to hear others take on things, people in sweden are basically left but they're uneducated and the more educated people starts making money and turn "right". Problem is most of us don't care and it's what's killing us and enabling these retards taking over our countries.

lmao now I know you're just role playing. Sweden has got people from Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan but we got literally no people from Pakistan here.

Why are you Holla Forumsacks SO obsessed with Sweden? Besides, Swedes are put first in Sweden it's just too bad porky refuses to pay up. The Sweden Democrats have repeatedly shown themselves to be allies of the right-wing establishment and porky and will do literally nothing to save the welfare state or promote workers rights.

No I come from the Swedish rust belt unlike you who isn't even Swedish.

Jesus stop role playing. You've obviously not even been to Sweden. Blonde and blue eyed people aren't the only ones that lived here even pre-muslims.

If you're against this I don't understand why you'd vote for SD. You're making no sense. But as said - you're just role playing being Swedish.

Guess what: Africans or Asians would probably wish you're right. I'm pretty sure they'd rather stay where they were born and raised if they could. The thing is, their prospects are so bleak that they feel like the only opportunity they have at leading a decent life is trying to come over to Europe. To pretend there can be such a thing as "racial regions" in a world of global inequality is just assuming everyone would and should be okay with social segregation on a worldwide scale.

Yeah, I'm dead sure you would oppose state propaganda that validates your own preconceptions and narrative.

Culture is not a factor of race. Some subcultures (like jazz music for instance) were only possible because different "races" with their own prior cultural traditions came into contact in the first place.

som om att ni är svenskar

Häng er. Varför är Holla Forums så besatt?

5 years is pushing it tbh but I would do it for 15 years, no less.

Look into NazBol, it's the only relatively sane choice here. They'd be golden if they didn't support fags, trans, etc.

You came to the wrong neighborhood, swedecuck.

Saged for imbecility.

Du din lilla stadts fjolla, tror du jag sitter här och roleplayar?

Vad jag säger är inte att jag hatar babbar eller sitter och "näthatar".
Vad jag menar är att ni i vänstern är så jävla patetiska, ni har inte en jävla smula värdighet i era kroppar och ni sitter och säljer ut vårt land (liksom högern men på ett annat sätt).
Ni skiter fullständigt på era tidigare generationer och om du har far- eller morföräldrar så kan du gå och snacka lite med dem vad de tycker om vad som händer ifall de inte redan gett upp eller har tillräckligt pengar för att överleva till döden.

Sanningen är att svenskar är så jävla dumma och speciellt du, du sitter här på nån jävla internet bräda och "memear" för att du tror att du har nyckeln till alla svar.
Grejen är att när du går ut så håller du käften både hemma hos oss svenskar liksom du håller käften hos babbarna i förorterna.
Faktumet är att inget jävla politiskt parti kommer "rädda oss" och inte ens SD, men jag vill att alla dessa jävla landsförädare och invandrare ska ut, de som är här och är moraliskt bra kan stanna, men resten av arab packet och den liberala böghögen kan sticka tillbaka till skiten ni skapat i mellanöstern.

Kalla mig inte för "osvensk" för jag är 100% mer svensk än vad du någonsin kommer vara Svenchmed.
SD2018 som andra eller största parti, snart åker ni ut bögfan :)

Capitalism allows for the mass importation of a workforce to lower wages and to raise rent. Leftists are against capitalism which its free market system allows for the exploitation of workers and the importation of people who don't conform to "muh culture"
I can say the same for the alt-right like lmao nigga get a white gf and have white children if you want to save your race so bad

Yeah but 90% of you is equal to how many % of the world male population?

Come on, stop giving me the usual answers and come with some facts.
I bet you got an Autism Level high as a fucking hole

This was the best reply this far.
I agree, I've seen some "kekistani" dudes on youtube and man, that's some hardcore autism right there and they're basically the rightwing weak dudes.

But i don't want to "save the white race", i just don't want the current political elite to grab control over the world and we continue to destroy ourselves and the planet.
I just think that in the longrun the left/communism isn't going to work, because "globalism" will come naturally if we obtain utopia, so i don't want more fags in parliament talking to us like we are retarded children.
I believe that should be able to take my own choices and if we start really thinking about ourselves and our flaws, that we can fix this and make some sort of great world.
Problem is everyone is selfish and the current system is pushing us towards being weak, consumers, degenerates and faggots.

You know like half of this board is fags, right? Most of the people here defend gay "rights" to death. They'd probably suck cock if given the offer, assuming they don't already.

Yeah, it's kinda what i feel funny, they preach unity but can't even agree among themselves and preach death to anyone who doesn't think like them.
As i said, weak men who take out their frustration over themselves on the internet and it's dangerous for others as it is for themselves.

Kliv ur bubblan. Lämna datorn. Sluta läs samma nyhetssidor varje dag. Du verkar ärligt talat inte må bra. SD kommer ju inte sparka ut folk vilket då sagt själva så grattis. Kanske är lättare att lösa allt genom att du tar ditt liv?

Plus du verkar fortfarande rollspela eftersom din svenska är förfärlig och ditt tankesätt verkar mer Amerikacentrerat än att du utgår från Sverige. Är det Google Översätt?

Kan även påpeka att inget Vänsteralternativ har just nu inflytande i Sverige. Eller ser du S som vänster? För i så fall bör du verkligen avgå från livet.

Provide a source for any one of this arbitrary platitudes and I might give you the time of day

I have a "Chad" life style & your post is all spooks. bye.

wtf I hate gays now

cmon Holla Forums, we all know you're
a) underage
b) effeminate
c) a mongrel
d) american
there's no need to pretend here

Nuke the west coast.

Sitter och försvar babbars liv och önskar död till svenskar? Lite dubbelmoral.
Jag ser inte sossarna som något annat än det svenska maktspelet och resten av bunten är minst lika dåliga.

Läser inte direkt nyhetssidor för de vill bara ha pengar även ifall många skribenter jobbar mot bra mål. Så jag håller mig till böcker.

Problemet är inte att jag är arg, jag kan erkänna att jag är arg men i slutändan sitter man här i sen 20-års ålder med bil och hus, gillar att JOBBA fysiskt och håller mig åt lyssna på vad andra har att komma med.

Men misstolka inte min "ilska" med att jag mår dåligt, antar att du inte mår så bra själv och det är därför du sitter i någon bögig form av vänster "euphoria" där du älskar andra mer än vad du älskar dig själv.

Döda inte dig själv, åk ut till landsbyggden, gå ut och prata med pensionärerna som pantar burkar för att betala sin medicin, de mobbade svenska ungarna som äter griskött eller de våldtagna svenska kvinnorna som betalar för att du kan sitta på din dator och leva vidare i din egna bubbla.

Lägg ner och tro att du är över andra, själv är tror jag ju inte det precis, men jag vet fan att jag har rätt när jag orkar lyssna på allas perspektiv utan att be folk att ta självmord hahah.
Grejen är att varenda aktiv vänster aktivist är äckliga snubbar som har satt sig själva i någon form av mental schackmatt.

Lycka till bubben, lär bli kul när dina vänsterpolare helt plötsligt tycker annorlunda!

Sweet, fuck feminists, tweet on your massproduced device, consume and "live for the day".
Must feel great "Chad" hahah, doesn't change the fact that you're mentally a faggot, keep going 10 years and we'll see if your parents money still rolls in!

a) 20+
b) well I'd agree that I'm not the D000D ALPHA MALE but I'm still concidered a "toxic male" by leftists/feminists
c) pure blood m8, got some blood from holland 5-6 generations back but I like my blonde hair and blue eyes (uber nazi m8)
d) swedish, really swedish.

Alltså du verkar jävligt osvensk och minderårig. Vem använder fortfarande "bögig" som diss?

Detta händer bokstavligen talat inte nånstans förutom i typ NMR:s värld. Jag är uppväxt på landsbygden, vikarierat i skolan där, jobbat med annat där och jobbar nu på större ort. Aldrig varit med om det du beskriver som ett stort fenomen eller ens ett fenomen.

Seriöst. Sök hjälp. Du verkar väldigt förvirrad och inte särskilt påläst (om du nu tror att SD ska "rensa" Sverige). Vet inte varför du älskar identitetspolitik så mycket.

The current system is called neoliberal capitalism and it will inevitably lead to globalism
Kekistani shit is cringe too I had the displeasure of meeting some of them IRL

You don't deserve any facts, all your claims are just impressionist and subjective pap. All it gets you is scorn and memes.

I'd bet that this guy is pretty left, and I don't care about "sources", I observe and I learn.
That is why I'm not "racist" and respect other cultures, but I would still like to have my own and progress instead of degenerate into some cuckculture!

this is almost literally feels > reals territory your hitting.

He's psychotic

"Deserve facts", nice dude.
I'm just claiming that you're the self-entitled "euphoric" key to understanding the universe.
While most of you are underage and are in some shitty economic situation, I'd like for left to become "smarter" and not associate to the left and communism.
Most of you (and maybe not you) are just social recasts sitting here spouting "dank memes" and hating another board filled with weak right wingers.

And I'd argue that the pic is false, the NAZIIIIES would have kicked the sovjets asses if not the whole world went against them hehe

They are going to swallow you whole Sven.


Correct. You back it up with nothing.

Hahaha, well I'd bet that the guy in the pic isn't a "conservative white racsyss male", right?
Fact is leftist are often social outcasts and people who want more handouts, while the right is mostly people who got the handouts and don't wanna share.
I'm just claiming that most of this board is filled with the same autism as "ANONYMOUUUSE" and you can't hold a discussion with people you don't disagree with.

Nah, I've had a couple beers and I'm having fun, not psychotic d00d

För att invandring inte är allt som händer i Sverige?

Tror du at den faggen der er noe annet en en dum jævla liberal som bryr seg mer om "transrettigheter" en arbeiderklassen? Hvor faen tror du du er? Alle her hater sånne som han.

I also live on the countryside in a small industrial town where 1/3 votes SD. I also study and work past time. First of all you seem to have a pretty ridiculous straw man view of radical leftists, it's obvious you've never met any IRL. Go to any communist or syndicalist meeting and you'll have your views changed.

The reason you should be a communist is because neither SD or any other party will being back the welfare state of the post WWII boom era, it's just not going to happen no matter how many immigrants are deported. Capitalism is doomed as it is.

You say you don't want the state to dictate what I'm supposed to do and what to think yet you sympathize with the biggest idpol party of all that wants to have large control of Swedish culture?

How am i supposed to back up that a couple guys on an internet forum that 700 people browse are fags?
I'm just assuming that you're fags because of what the left and communism (especially modern communism) has shown itself to be in my eyes, in my real experiences.
It's just kinda sad, same amount as the bottomscrap of Holla Forums but atleast Holla Forums has intelligent people.
You're basically a euphoric homo-circle jerk.

Tjena olje-jude. Nä men håller med, du få ha det bra i landet som ligger bäst till i norden!

Who cares if someone is gay?
Only those who like idpol i suppose

The only gay people I know vote for Alliansen parties, not that I would vote for them

Please stop drunkposting for now. Come back tomorrow when you're sober

You literally say you don't care about sources and you value more your personal anecdotes towards icky gays. How are suppose to convince you of anything? Your not coming here for an honest debate about radical leftism.

Ayy, I'm Dutch. But if you haven't noticed, this board absolutely despises SJWs and idpol of all types. If anything, this is the place to shit on them, if you atleast have the decency to stop lumping us in with those retards. I could point out how fascists consistently endorse zionist neocons if you want to have that kind of discussion.

Well I'm with you, "Capitalism" or as I call it "Consumer-culture" is a pure cancer to our people as it is to the people of the world.
I just think that the answer is to follow 1 universal "truth", I believe that scandis are a germanic people and from all the love i see around me i feel that we could put that into a more constructive way where we focus on ourselves and making good deals and having good relations with other cultures/peoples.

I don't think SD is going to "save us" but man, I don't want more immigrants here in sweden, their kids grow up with no culture and they become cocky, brainwashed and disrespectful TAXPAYERS.
I'd rather go hungry feeling good than eat myself overfull and not knowing how shit I am.

Well, when they walk around in our capital with Latex pants and saggy tits it kinda freaks me out.

Having fun, it's just assuring me that this board is what i thought.
I'm off soon anyways, need to make something to eat.

In Sweden, being straight basically makes you a second class citizen.

Om du inte ens vet vad vi står för borde du läsa vårt material innan du kommenterar.

Med vänliga hälsningar,
en svennefierad babbe

I don't see how this is any different from communist social relationships based on mutual aid and cooperation.

Obviously mass immigration is bad for all parties involved, but you've gotta understand that the underlying cause is the imperialist wars causing mass migration, and crisis capitalism causing the unemployment and poverty leading to immigrant kids growing up outside society

lmfao leftists are shit libs

lär om din egna kultur, älska den och förbättra den dude

Me too, but I don't go to the pridefestival. I haven't even seen traces of it IRL since 2010 or something like that.

Anyways, I'm out. Fun talking to you people.
Stay safe and try to love instead of hating you surrounding, find the beautiful in people and listen to what they have to say.
The answer in my opinion is to deconstruct this fun and build a global moral world filled with different people but united in some sort of balance.

In the end we all want peace and utopia but we got different ways of obtaining it so listen to others!

You are an SJW fam thats all there is to it.

Curious what you think any of this has to do with leftism?Sounds to me you're worried your country and its people will lose its identity. I don't understand why you think Swedish culture or racial characteristics will disappear if socialism is embraced; if anything it will be strengthened.

This fucking webcomic, man.

Cuckold is still the most fucked up fetish, though.

This honestly reads like the ramblings of a madman.

Please don't shoot somebody.


First I thought it was bait, but I read it again and now I wonder if he might be unhinged. Time for bed.

Sweden needs a leader like Joseph Stalin.

If you're really sincere I suggest reading this. It's a book that's floated around a lot here on this board by us anarchists. It's Peter Kropotkin's Mutual Aid. It BTFOs free market competition. After that you can read his other book The Conquest of Bread. You can find that one at the Anarchist Library (it's online).

And for fucks sake, "lurk moar". You're barely even pretending to know what goes on here. We're fucking not into identity politics at all.

Just leave my man.