Read pannekoek

read pannekoek

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fantastic thread!

thanks friend

I really, really, really like this thread


it sounds pretty compatible with anarcho-communism to me (but not so much with non-communist anarchism)

Yeah, but non-communist anarchism is shit tho.

ancoms have a shit tier understanding of anarchy, as well as commuinism. This is why I hold my anarchism and communism as separate things.

Care to elaborate a bit?

if you consider anarchism to be post-left punk smashie shit and communism to be marxism-leninism then yes, they are incompatible
but if by anarchism you mean a stateless, classless, moneyless society and the same with communism, it's perfectly compatible

the problem lies with "communists" and "anarchists" that still want a state, classes and money

The point is the theory behind it ffs. Communization is indistinguishable from anarchist praxis at the first glance (and Kropotkin was even the first writer to use the term "communize" IIRC, although it only pops up once in the bread book), but there are important differences when you read and understand the theory.

I think you mean panne…KEK



t. I've read a single book by lenin but still want to rebel against my parents
fucking "an" "coms"


hi crypto-ancap

Enjoy repeating the mistakes of the past while consistently refusing to change, utopian.


what did he mean by this?


oh, and trying to build socialism inside global capitalism

Pannekoek's ideas on what constitutes an A button press interests me.

Dank post, comrade.


Because I'm smarter than you.

The fuck are you talking about. The only real difference between the two is how to get from here to anarchism. Marx agreed that the final stage of the Revolution was anarchism, but he thought there needed to be a socialist transition state to get there, while anarchists think we just just en-mass refuse to acknowledge authority and take up arms when they attack us.

Then write a book.

Books are not the way forward, comrade. If he's so smart he should devise a left-com PR campaign, including a robust funding strategy.

Left-communism doesn't need a 'PR campaign', as we are materialists.

OK, then how are we going to implement a left-com society? Don't we need to get the message out so that people can get on board?

Read Marx.

Ideology does not drive revolution, you do not convince people to revolt because of your utopia you preach to them. This has not happened in any revolution ever.

Materialism needs a PR campaign. You just told every normie liberal out there you're a consumerist.


Then how do you convince people to revolt?


Isn't revolution too idealistic anyways?

You don't. They'll revolt when they have nothing to lose.

Most people in russia in 1917 had never even heard of Bolshevism

Daddy Marx told me not to talk to utopians like you.

Yeah and the result was a quasi-fascist murderous dictatorship. What sort of a left-com are you, anyway?

Oh, you're retarded.

Human beings choose to try to live by certain ideals. It's true we don't always live up to our ideals, but it's worth discussing as a group what those ideals should be.

Do you think Leninism is left-communist?


I kind of like this.

Silly anarchist! Perfect Leftcom Revolution (tm) will arise spontaneously from the material conditions resulting from the contradictions inherent in capitalism.

I call myself a Leninist because I see The State And Revolution as being the correct interpretation of Marx.

OK, but surely you're not a left-com then.

Yes, there are two main strains of left-communism, the Leninists (bordiga) and the council communists (pannekoek)

We're gonna build a beautiful bank. It's gonna be yuge.


Are you a teenager or a college student?

Are you retarded? Don't you have certain ethical principles that you live by?

Nobody gives a shit about your "ethical principles", not a single revolution was caused by some moralist retards convincing enough people to act.
Stop posting, read Marx and then come back.

Yes. I too remember all those times professional revolutionaries raised the mystical class consciousness levels just enough to kick off crippling economic action by the masses.

Anarchism is as good a hobby as any other.


I like to take my lessons from history. You do you tho.

Aren't the material conditions quite different now?

You can learn from history, but never in history has there been a time like this.

actually, me admitting it fam.
What else to do beside anarchism if you're a prole and want to have fun?



And we'll make the proletariot pay for it!

Leninfags make me glad I'm an anarchist.

Ohhh my b dude. If you wanna hang out with crusties and listen to Pat the Bunny then more power to you.

I would rather hang out with leftcoms, honestly. But no girls or parties.

you're thinking of lenin, not marx

What's wrong with platformism? What makes you think I believe in "socialism in one commune" or shit like that?

Forgot flag.

But fam that's the leftcom bread and butter…

Lenin has the same view on the state as Marx.

Yeah, the main split between Marx and Bakunin was over the transition strategy. Marx insisted on a centralized socialist State, a "dictatorship of the proletariat", as a praxis leading ultimately to an anarchist (horizontal) communist society. Bakunin and the anarchists felt such a State would be ripe for abuse and would amount to a new czardom.

The platform was a preliminary outline that never developed into a coherent program. How to develop a global economy without exchange value within the framework of self-managed cooperatives? Maximov tried also but his program was lacking at the time and now is totally outdated.

Marx didn't think the DotP was socialist or that socialism would have a state.

What separates the pancake man from Bordiga?

What are the important differences in theory?