What career/field are you in, Holla Forums? And do you enjoy it?
I know you're not all lazy NEETs.
I'm a civil engineer. I help design and build Porky's real estate empire. Where I am we have a massive real estate bubble which is being fueled directly by government spending so we in the construction industry are getting plenty of work but this will most likely stop when the bubble pops. So I may be out of work in a couple of years time maybe earlier but right now things are looking good. Once this bubble pops however our nation will crumble into nothingness. Construction is our biggest industry and rising asset bubbles is what has been driving our economy and given us the illusion of wealth after our mining boom stopped. So yer.
I have worked as a cook in hotels and luxary hotels. I have also worked in a factory that makes toilette paper. Then i went to university and studied documentary film maker. No i work as a cook again in a restaurant.
Samuel Rodriguez
I cleaned pools, worked on electrical for pool construction, and now got a warranty contract to fix pool equipment all while going part time to uni. It's miserable and I'm going to try and start a media co-op so I can make films. If that fails I guess I can wagecuck or do porn.
Christian Bailey
I study Software Engineering. I started hating it halfway through and at this point I think I'm just going to graduate so I can get the diplomma, but I'm probably going to study something else, if possible, after I move, or doing auto didactics, because I have learned very little so far.
Owen Davis
I'm a software developer, and I hope in socialism all software would be free and open source
Ethan Cruz
I'm a CS dropout currently working part-time in the service industry. Hoping to get into something tech related, like IT, with certs, but don't fancy my chances with such a shitty work history. Wish I could just code for fun and not worry about money.
Benjamin Thomas
I work customer support at a tech corporation in Dallas. Fortunately I'm being let go at the end of the month. They offered me my job back, but only because another guy in my team is getting promoted because he works harder for the company than anybody else.
I said nah, I'm good, so then they went to another of my coworkers they're letting go and gave him the same offer. I reminded him that they only went to him after they asked me first, and he also said no. So now half of our team is going to be gone in a couple of weeks and the leftovers are going to have to pick up slack until they can get people in India to learn the software. BACK TO JERKING OFF TO ANIME GIRLS AND PLAYING VIDEO GAMES 24/7
Zachary Young
Studying Physics. I want to go into research but I know that's unrealistic. More likely that work in the field would end up in some sort of infrastructure/engineering work.
Liam Lee
Bachelor's in psych and sociology. Are plenty of jobs, but it's employer's market and there are plenty of specialists with no other options who can take the same jobs that I can. In other words: I work as a substitute kindergarten assistant for minimum wage.
Andrew Edwards
fuck off muke
I have 2 jobs as a grocery clerk and I'm in university
If you went into something useful like advertising, used car sales or hair product engineering you would have gotten a better wage, prole!
Hudson Gutierrez
i don't have a job, never have, and i just do housework and cleaning and cooking
Hudson Williams
I have a Bachelor in Physics, but I work in CS. Currently a dev, working in data analysis for IA (nothing too fancy, just processing raw data), but I'm thinking of saying fuckit and become a sysadmin.
Aiden Kelly
Linux admin, mainly monitoring a datacenter and tending a scientific GPU cluster. I also grow various psychoactives for fun & profit on the side.
Asher Perry
I'm in Law School. I wanna do Public Interest Law.
Matthew Watson
Kevin Scott
How do you survive without a job?
Henry Butler
Hey muke. You droped your flag.
Noah Robinson
These threads make me sad. I'm sorry all you have to wagecuck and I'm sorry I have to do it.
Jonathan Hughes
When will you all admit that the reason you want a leftist economy is so that none of you have to work?
Ryder Roberts
No worries. Soon i will move into the middle of nowhere and i'm going to become a farmer. My gf also doesn't give a fuck a bout a career and hates cities. So it will be nice :)
Jose Bennett
I would have no problem working. But our society does not allow for full employment. It makes the unemployed suffer and be humiliated due to a built in function of the system
Give me a job helping build infrastructure or something and I'd take it.
David Ward
That's the idea. Work sucks, nobody likes it, the only reason why anybody does it is because they have to. If we can create a world where work is massively reduced or even eliminated, when why wouldn't we?
Jason Sanders
Xavier Taylor
husband and his family pay my bills
Asher Cox
I have been?
Xavier Bailey
I'm in data entry. It's unionized and I get paid about twice minimum wage. I just type in mind-numbing information on autopilot and listen to audiobooks, lectures, and music all day, every day. 4 days out of 5, I don't talk to another soul. It is complete bliss.
Blake Ramirez
err…of course. Not having to work and see useless cunts like bankers, stock exchange folks, insurance companies workers, etc. etc. making so much money when their contribution to society is lieterally 0 as they don't produce nothing and feed off from us, decent hardworking people.
Christian Taylor
We're upfront about that. Work is shit, we can cut it down by half without much effort and almost eliminate it with advances in automation.
Charles Collins
Lab tech in the environmental field. It's pretty shit.
Jackson Campbell
Sounds fucking awesome. I like it when I can work and listen to books. Hope you don't get replaced by a 50 line python script.
Charles Diaz
No, it’s just that I don’t want CEOs profiting from my labor.
Grayson Taylor
Eli Peterson
I want a leftist economy so that I can do the work I enjoy and that I'm best at.
Sebastian Roberts
I'm studying electrical engineering and work in elderly care. It's alright, I like it best when I get to mind my own business and cook, clean, or buy groceries. There are some old hags who hate having me help them because they don't want men in their kitchen and they can be pretty rude, but most old timers are pretty chill.
Luis Sanders
The thing is, almost all people love to do some kind of work, that's what hobbies are, but who the fuck wants to work as an obligation? I for example love to cook, and working from home means I can do it for my family almost daily, but still I hate doing stupid bullshit that some manager thought it might be a good idea even if it doesn't serve any purpose.
If we can build a society where we can do less (or none) forced work, it would be great.
Angel Brooks
Nathaniel Sullivan
Even STEM is not safe. Petroleum, chemical, aerospace etc. are completely useless.
Carter Rodriguez
how did you get that?
Carter Perry
far more people are unemployed than the official statistics say in the US alone it's like double the official rate far worse in many european countries vocativ.com/409995/trumps-real-unemployment-rate/
Brody Carter
I was simply really lucky. My employer consolidated all their work in one location, and I happen to live near that location.
I think any repetitive solitary job where I could listen to stuff would be about the same.
In fact, this job isn't ideal, because I sit all day and that's really not very good for me. It'd probably be a lot healthier if I was walking around and doing something light.
Jaxson Perez
lucky. You don’t have a boss to take half of your labor a do jack shit.