Fetish Thread?

What does Holla Forums get off to? ( ° ʖ °)

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Marx talked about commodity FETISHISM for a reason, you know. fetishisms are usually products of alienated sexuality



So like, you don't have anything you get off to? Like watersports? Spanking? Wow you're boring.

half of this board are weebs, so probably hentai

(i fit this category)


Damn forgot to spoiler it.

This is your brain on neoliberalism.

damn nigga you right up my alley

I'm sorry you're boring in bed.


Actually people should make porn of revolutionary actions. I think it would be good propaganda.

Could you even imagine the complex that would give Holla Forums?

Even a better reason to do it

If you get cute enough traps you could probably turn the whole board.

Glamourization of the creations of alienation isn't "fun".

Do we all have developed certain patterns in order to receive pleasure while attempting to get over alienation? Sure.
Is this something to be "proud" about or something that makes you "interesting?
No. It only makes you a faggot.

Pic related

Why do I find this so extremely hot?

Yep, it saddens me greatly that they are so reactionary. The latest cute guy I met on Okcupid voted Corbyn though, phew, so at least he's not a total classcuck. Hasn't been online since Thursday evening though, where has he gone ;_;

On topic I like furries among other things (in real life I like petplay as a compromise)

mostly diapers
musclegirls and shortstacks too but they're secondary.

Highly concentrated autism, click at your own risk.

This post makes me sexually attracted to you.
I must be pretty fucking alienated.

So uh, what do my fellow comrades think of porn in general and its place in a post capitalist society?

People will still make porn for free so I don't see a problem with it, though hopefully the public love zones will be so full there's not much need for it.

fukkin saved my dude

tbh i'm kinda torn. i've started seeing this girl and i don't want to keep what i'm into secret forever. it's all just pervy drawings and shit to me, but she's kinda a normie and i don't know how she'd take it

the burden of being lewd

You ruin this board.

Dude, if she's that much of a normie is it really worth spending your life with her? Just tell her you wanna act it out and fuck her like a dog while she holds your leash, you know what they say about white girls right :^)

I told my ex about my scat/relief fetish and he was fine with it, we broke up for totally unrelated reasons haha.

Is there a way of describing someone who doesn't stand on the sub/dom dichotomy? I am neither, I am not a switch. I just want to be on even terms with my partner, nobody above or below the other,

Idk, egalitarian? That sounds so lame though, it's fun to pretend.

Sex is one of the last places for adults to engage in play and creativity. That's part of why we like it so much.

You're just vanilla mate. Don't get caught up in it too much. I guess I'm a switch, because I want what I'm in the mood for. If you're in for a roll around with someone you like, it's fine.

Converting reactionary chicks with gigantic tiddies to leftism via my lovemaking

I want to defile the bodies of the Bourgeoisie women.

Yeah, I haven't made up my mind yet. We've only just started dating I guess. She's pretty subby, so who knows, she might be a secret freak.

What really worries me is the loli&/ss/ stuff. I'm not, not into kids at all irl but try explaining that to a normalfag


t. threatened at gunpoint by yakov yurovsky

imo everyone should take a conscious approach to sexuality and fetishes. Why does this turn me on? what does this mean?

liberalism views sexuality as a zone of absolute fun and individual freedom, completely separated from the rest of our increasingly regimented lives. But remember, nothing is sacred for capitalism. Porn is a mass produced commodity, as full of ideology as any other commodity. The only choice you have is a choice among a variety of alienated desires, none of which is truly your own. It's a maze i'd rather not get lost in.


I'm vanilla as fuck. don't know if it's because i'm a virgin, but the idea of the various fetishes don't appeal to me when i'm not aroused.

Humm, that might be harder but maybe try presenting it more as a mommy thing. If she's subby I wouldn't be that surprised if you could swing the beast thing but loli is a tough one it's true. Still it's not impossible, school girl stuff is a staple along normies.

This is what upsets me most.

Don't worry about it fam, but the red flag here is
You may have a fetish. If you're over 19 just focus on having a one night stand and you'll find it's not so difficult.

Quality thread, OP. THIS is how you beat capitalism!

I am very much a degenerate.


Whoa, you like moderate bdsm, check this nigga out

Yeah, it makes me nervous, frankly. For me, I like loli/shota because the size difference really enhances the perception of the power inequality. I like flat chested/boyish girls. And really, as a guy, /ss/ is kind of the only male sub that makes sense for me. I'm kind of a big guy uuuu, so "submitting" to a girl that's much smaller and physically weaker than me just seems silly somehow. It only makes sense to me if I were smaller, weaker, and so forth, so, /ss/.

Although I have to admit that a kid dominating an adult woman is p. hot

Sorry brother, I didn't want to assume you were a virgin and come off as an asshole however I assumed you were based on your first post What you're feeling is very natural. Don't lose it. Your sexuality is yours and only yours. People let ideas like god get in the way and become prudes and disconnected from their sexuality. Others let fetishes, porn and promiscuity get in the way too, and thus disconnected from a very integral part of their person. I hope you remain the way you are and you can keep this aspect of yourself and share it with someone you truly love and who loves you back. This post warmed my heart a lot thank you.

it's out there you just haven't looked hard enough

I didn't post the more extreme stuff

Nothing gets me hotter.

P.s the idea of non dominant love making is a bit delusional. Things can get rough and fast pretty quick, even kinky but it should be all love. I hope everyone here in leftypol can find a qt they can have non-intellectualized sex with and plop back into the bed sweaty and exhausted. Snuggle a bit, laugh and just generally soak up the presence of one another.

imo most fetishes seem rather ridiculous once you remove the taboo aspect. taboo can function as a distancing mechanism.

d-did someone just say somethign genuinely nice on a chan?

what year is this?

I have you cunt I dare venture off from pornhub with my current government (bong)

I'm not really offended at taboos which is probably why I see diaperfags and ponyfags as outright pathetic. If it's not in relation to power in the bedroom and involves LARPing - I don't fucking care.

Do you really think the average capitalist could be canonized as a martyr and venerated? With the Romanovs it was different. If they were defiled, they'd have been doubly venerated.

are there any porn sites with https? that should keep the snoopers at bay

You're on one of the nicest and smartest forums on the planet, m8. Get your ass talking to people and get a gf and take it slow and start living. I say this as a shut in that hasn't had sex in two years, go and live your life a bit fam.

It's called not being a piece of shit rapist.

m8 I'm a broke neet autist who lives with his mother. not even ONS material. Best to just wait until I have a job and a place of my own.

The Booj should be raped for the rest of their lives after the revolution user, fed just enough to keep their bodies in good enough condition, but deprived enough to make the whole situation painful.

Sorry, I don't like men.

This does not matter. If you wait until "the time is right" you'll be dead without having lived.

… it's easier when am talking and don't have to read my own words…

Start living frugally and chat to girls when you're out on the town. Drink cheap alcohol before you go. There will be a girl that invites you back to hers. Trust fam it's how I always did it. I've hardly ever bedded girls back at my place, even when I lived alone. Horny girls do not give a shit what their parents think, trust.

Good luck.

Undialectical tbqhfam. The bourg are slaves to their class too.

But since this is the fetish thread I'll allow it I guess, public use is P good

do you not build a house without clearing the land first?
do you not drink water without purifying it first?

the foolish man builds his house upon the sand. It is not the time, and I want a relationship to last.

Protip: Homeless people have sex and party all day every day. Join them.

Dude, you sound like some fundie or something, relationships are a skill like any other, even if you met the perfect girl today you might fuck it up by retarded mistakes, you need experience to get it right.


The Bourgeoisie have inflicted too much pain to be let off free. Death is merciful for them. There have been too many tears, too many lives wasted in beer, too many souls screaming, looking for freedom. The Bourgeoisie must pay. Their possessions are not enough to make up for the dead fathers killed in industrial accidents, the sons slaughtered in foreign lands to sate the oil-thirst of the snake, the sisters who turn to prostitution; they must pay with their flesh. Every day they will suffer, and every night suffer more.

experience in what? having meaningless sex with people I don't give a fuck about? I am not fundemental in anything, but wanting my life to have some direction and meaning to it.

I learned this from my miserable trainwreck of a father who spent his life leeching off of vulnerable women. I refuse to be that fucking parasite, so flings, ONSs and friends with benefits are off the goddamn table.

I've made enough mistakes to know what to do right if I meet the right person, and failing that, experience be damned. I am not selling my soul for bare minimum return.

I think it's better to try getting your feet wet before diving into the pool. What wrong with fwb? They're friends, meaning people you like, right?
Anyway I hope your plan works out for you fam.

good health

You're over thinking porn. You seem to be the one alienated. Again, sorry you're boring in bed.

Just be honest. If your kinks mean that much to you, and if she's really a decent person, then things should be fine. I live with my boyfriend, and even though he doesn't share all the same fetishes, he's ok with me having my weird kinks.

Do you not eat when you need food? Do you wait until you have all the ingridiends, even if you starve?

Get what you can and you will get a perfection eventually. Life is to be lived.

Am not a therapist, but you should do something about your fear of becoming your father. You are not your father, you know….

We all are. The point of leftypol and the left in general is to understand how you are alienated in order to potentially overcome alienation.
The point of "fetishization" is to find a way to vent alienation without dealing with it.
You can't have kinks and fetishes without alienation.

Read Reich.

Porn is a mechanism of ideological control. Sex is not a magical zone of consequence free fun that's somehow free from capital and ideology. If you are not overthinking it, if you are not in the very least being critical of what you consume you are getting cucked. You are hooking up your sex drive to the capitalist machine. That's disturbing to say the least.

I have no quarrel with people who do that, I can't govern other people's lives. Just understand that I have seen what it can do to a man.

if you don't have the ingredients, then it doesn't come out properly, if at all. even if I grow hungry, the extra preperation time makes it worth it.

I like to watch cuck porn *but pretend i'm the woman*

Ok! Just take care, or you'll wake up one morning, a misserable old man.

So with communism I wouldn't like watersports, furry, bestiality, or loli anymore? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Because that sounds retarded.

which is worse?
a lonely old man who slept around his whole life and has 4 divoices?

or a lonely old man who kept his friends close, and didn't subject himself to the above?

consider the amount of niche pornography that exists purely because of people being paid to do it.

The reasons to fap to them would no longer exist.
Watersports if fine though.

An old man that is not lonely.

Being a dom/sub is a hierarchy, and thus it if you’re part of it you’re not a real socialist.

the only one saying i'd be lonely is you. I have a habit of vetting people I meet, and this is the last time i'm going to make this clear:

one night stands, fligs and all that shit is not for me. I am in this for a long term and stable relationship
I've made enough mistakes to know what to avoid. it's all or nothing, and I refuse to compromise. that requires that I have my own income, it requires that I have my own residence, and it requires that I be in good health.

like a sour fruit, I ain't ready yet.

And I'll say it again. It's your life. Live it.

You've never delved in amateur porn and hentai, have you? In fact, I've noticed that once artists/pornographers start charging money for their work, it starts becoming more vanilla.

And why do you think people get off to bestiality, furry, and loli?

Also consider all the amount of weird porn, that’s produced not out of money, but because people just want it for themselves, and ed=nd up uploading it to the internet.

Furries, and transformations.

They all go back to the inocence of childhood compared to the harshness and pointlessness of modernity.

Fetishism is always an escape.

Loli is the ideal female body type. It's not a fetish you fags.


More Bullshit

t. ancap

You sound boring in bed.

what are the mechanics of furrydom, then? from what i understand, furries grew up in atomised late capitalist suburbia, lacked many of the formative sexual experiences young people usually have. Instead they had TV/internet and lots of kinky ass cartoons. Furrydom seems like a vortex that absorbs pre teens and gives them life long mental illness. It's likely that many kids today are learning about sex from R34 cartoon fanart.

Oh please. None of you will ever be Tile Man



Fucking hot
