wait, so where does leftypol stand on the Russian hacking thing?
Wait, so where does leftypol stand on the Russian hacking thing?
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It's just a lie the dems tell themselves so that they don't have to face how unpopular they've become.
Neither side seems trustworthy. I'm waiting until it all dies down and/or hard evidence is presented to make judgements. That the FBI is saying anything at all and whipping up this hysteria when they know they can't back it up yet because doing so would compromise potential material for trials makes me not trust them, and Russia is Russia.
There's literally no evidence that this happened, it's literally just the media saying it over and over again till it becomes a "fact".
One group of porkies competing with another group of porkies for power and influence.
It's Obama-is-a-muslim-commie-Kenya-Born tier
No trustworthy info, and the only logical conclusion to it is becoming a Louise Mensch-tier paranoiac. There's nothing anyone here can do about it, so ultimately there are tens of thousands of issues more important than this that could be addressed. Hell, there are even more convincing angles of personal attack.
Why give a shit tbqh
Russians writing in english for money - fact.
Fictious news in social media - fact.
Tampering of US elections - not fact.
The same stance any sensible person of any politicl persuasion will have: show me the evidence.
Not that it will affect me either way lmao. If it's craziest interpretations turn out to be true maybe Trump will kill himself. If there ends up being proof to the contrary (is this possible?) then hopefully the dems will all commit collective suicide and MSM will find something else to "report" on 24/7.
Even if they did, I don't really care. I don't want trump kicked out yet, the lower classes really need to suffer until they realize that porkies can't and won't save them
If you're American you're lower class regardless of your wealth.
Why would they bother to HACK the elections when they can just sway the idiotic masses of Americans via social media and other means? Americans are pretty fucking stupid and gullible.
Perhaps Russia meddled a bit, but even if they did, liberals are still reaching quite a bit
Who the fuck cares what porkies do to each other?
Whatever the case, I just hope porky doesn't lead us into a Russo-US war
that shit is never going to happen
it's literally doublethink
It's the only thing that keeps the media from accepting the fact that they've become far more "progressive" than any of their readers in an attempt to appeal to what they think millennials are
Wait, do they actually believe the Russians hacked electronic voting?
I thought it was more something like "massive online shilling campain" at best or "intercepting democrats e-mails" at worst.
It's generally believed that many developed nations engage in some degree of fuckery when another nation of interest to them has an election. Sometimes direct fuckery, but usually indirect fuckery.
That said, the idea that the Russians were responsible for Trump becoming president is fucking ludicrous. The mental backflips and tumbles the media has done to try and blame Trump on the Russians are amazing in both their scope and number.
normalfags such as liberals don't really know much of what they're actually saying half the time
I'm sure there are experts who have a genuine theory, but most people I've spoken to believe Russia genuinely altered the ballot or something.
Didn't The Intercept just release an article saying Russian hackers tried to hack a Floridian voting system just days before the election. Isnt it likely then that there were attacks we still don't know about?
And typically, people refer to the hacking of Hillary's emails – which were successful hacks that had some effect on the election. So… I'm not sure what people here are talking about.
I think the media are being intentionally vague so as to create the impression in among many liberals that Russians literally hacked into voting machines to give Trump an edge, when the only thing "proven" prior to the NSA leak was that the Russian government may have been responsible for the DNC hacks and resulting leaks, the impact of which may have turned some voters against Clinton
I don't care. Both candidates were fucking awful and should be purged
Even if they did it, what's the point? As Putin said it: "Point anywhere on world map and you'll find US officials meddling in the local elections."
I hope they did it and got away with it. Fuck American politics.
Tbh it would be nice if Russia "liberated" the United States. It would be karma for all of the coups the United States have done for years.
It's hard to tell because they obfuscate things in vague terms. Some days it's "hacking," some days it's "influencing," and they like to conflate the potential election tampering with the issue of trump's ties to Russia.
Really to me it seems like they're making it up as they go along.
Someone that the anonymous source in the NSA report alleges was the Russians made some fake email accounts and tried to phish, iirc, a campaign headquarters in American Samoa and one or two other places. There's still no evidence, especially considering that we know for a fact that the American intelligence services (and by extension the rest of Five Eyes Burgers and Spies I assume) has the technology to spoof IP addresses and fabricate a Russian origin. There's still literally no evidence that anything happened or that Russia was in any way involved.
It's amazing how effective you can gaslight millions of people just by repeating a lie often enough through established media channels.
Nothing made me perceive the human race as literal sheep more than the Russian hacking thing.
Probably happened, probably had no effect because Hillary would have lost to anyone, and it probably happened without Trump's knowledge. Though Trump has definitely laundered money with Russians before. That'll probably be what fucks him in the end.
tbf at least from what I've seen it mostly seems to be olds that get their news passively from the tv that buy into that shit
Why would Russians care?
Russians are still pseudo-communist in attitude so the hacking thing is alright in my book. Anything that undermines western democracy and capitalism brings our enemies closer to our way of thinking.
I think they'd rather have an idiot with no clue about geopolitics and whose only motivation is money in the office than a, presumably, COMPETENT politician. At best they might get Trump to play ball and at worst they might be able to take advantage of any chaos created by Trumps incompetencey.
Fake as fuck.
Blaming Russia is an old tatic. Americans need new propaganda.
Qatar is in a huge mess right now, supposedly because of an article saying stuff the king never said.
The official story is that their site got hacked, and although they took it down and retracted, the damage was done.
They picked up the phone and called the FBI:
What the fuck is going on?
The elements are:
Are the OTHERS using the REMARKS as an excuse to scalate the TENSION into WAR?
How does WAR affect the PRICE? Will scarcity raise the price, or the disunion lower it because it will break agreements?
Is the US in on the WAR?
Why did QATAR call the US to help figure out the HACK?
Did the US or RUSSIA or the OTHERS do the HACK?
Does the US/RUSSIA want this WAR?
Did RUSSIA spike the TENSION on purpose?
Or were the REMARKS true all along?
Everything is very odd.
The arab states are making deaf ears to Qatar saying the remarks were fake, so I assume they were looking for war
So who did the hack? (giving how fucked up Qatar is right now, I trust them when they say it was a hack)
Could it be that the US says it's Russia just to save face, but they were in on the ruse all along?
Given that they are using the "you sponsor terrorists" excuse, it really sounds like the others want to conquer Qatar, but if the US is in on it why would they acknoledge that there was a hacking in the first place instead of playing dumb?
I'm starting to hate the kneejerk reaction against "muh russia haking" turned into "Russia dindu nuffin"
Ruskies have always had a large presence online, both in shilling and hacking.
People on Holla Forums won't stop calling me a retard/shill for suggesting that MAYBE Russia actually did this one to create a schism between Qatar and the others, so they tear themselves apart
my head hurts
Wow you are retarded. Putin must have superpowers if he's managed to create an international crisis with Twitter trolls.
Why don't you actually read those leaks of the UAE ambassador?
Ruling class is comprised of con artists, it is not likely that they believe the shit they peddle.
hillary was perfect, a godess, a diva, jesus second coming yes, jesus was a black woman you woman hateric racist fuck we lost elections because of russia and putin dictator
impeach drumpf!
Pretty much this, the whole thing is a media circus designed to firstly instill feelings of doubt in the populace as to the legitimacy of the president and secondly distract from just how shit the democratic party is. It is likely a lie, considering I have not seen for myself one shred of evidence that the Russian government did anything serious.
I'm not personally invested in either the Republican or Democratic party so I don't give a shit about any of it, I just hope it eventually erodes the public's trust in the status quo to the point where we can confidently abandon capitalism altogether.
Russia's economy is hanging by a thread and they desperately need those sanctions lifted and that oil in the arctic. Trump is their best chance for that to happen.