can someone explain to me what the hell aut-righters mean by "cultural marxism", and why they hate it so much?
anything that upsets them in anyway
is that what he said? Cause that might not be what he meant.
They believe cultural marxism (as examplified by the Frankfurt School) is a jewish plot to destroy capitalism or the white race by changing our general culture to be more radical leftist. I think
explain "leftist culture".
Leftist culture=progressive sentiment in the public when it comes to questions like HBTQ rights and interracial relations, they also believe there is an overwhelming amount of marxists in the media promoting leftist government policy and demonizing racists+the white man. But then again I'm not 100% sure I remember it correctly
you meant lgbt?
Yeah. The PC thing is to call it HBTQ where I live
hallå sven
The idea is that there is a strong leftist presence in pop-culture, arts and academia, and that this elitist group has it's own sense of ideals and morals that they try to impose on the general public via the culture of political correctness.
that part is partially true.
The conspiratorial part is pretty much what this guy writes that this is a conscious strategy to dilute western culture and make people susceptible to communism. The evidence of this is found by quote mining thinkers from the Frankfurt school.
må vere riktig pirrande å vere omringa av gale sjw-er og högre-tullingar som samanliknar deg med sjw-ane. glad eg ikkje bur i sverige fåvæ
that sounds retarded. why would idpol set the path to communism? if anything they are supporting capitalism and class divide. what did i expect anyways…
You probably know cultural marxism as "critical theory". Their idea is to slowly infiltrate and subvert Western institutions, manipulating culture to reshape the people and give them full control.
In other words she was being extremely obsessive and probably threatened him
Förstår bokstavligen talat inte ett ord norska men okej
The marxist view and influence in culture; that it should be a supermarket of choice, that the person is inherently opposed to others and that their influence on him constitutes something called "oppression" said oppression being a holographic projection of the big bad: Capital.. An example of this is the marxist notion that gender differences are an instrument of capitalism to oppress them.
If there actually is a leftist conspiracy to infiltrate and subvert institutions, they're doing a really bad job.
You don't even pretend to read anything concerning the things you talk about now, do you?
There's one thing cultural marxism is correct about; it's freudian obsession with the phallus, in Holla Forums's case books being their phallic substitute.
There is a conspiracy to infiltrate and reshape institutions, but it isn't coming from the left.
Its a bullshit conspiracy theory and their evidence for it just so happens to be anything they dont like.
Its funny because I'm pretty sure the point of the frankfurt school is how capitalism is eroding genuine culture into a decadent corporate one.
The absolute state of the right.
I bet you haven't even read the anders behring breivik manifesto. It's thick, big, sturdy.. it has everything you need to know about cultural marxism.
why do leftards insist on being such idiots?
truly the most significant norwegian literature of all time
there was more to the frankfurt school than just Adorno dude lol
It's all about size, only tiny booked cucks would disagree.
truly brainlets the right
Yeah, ik. But to be fair most people who belief in kultural markz that I've seen point to Adorno
It's a rehashed version of Cultural Bolshevism, a myth Nazis coined in the 1920s. It refers to the exact same narrative: Jews and communists pushing fun, promiscuity, homosexuality, modern art, etc. Nowadays Nazis try to blame the Frankfurt school of wizardry for western cultural decay. Quite ironic considering Adorno and friends were warning people about late capitalism, the commodification of all forms of culture and how that decay is caused by capitalism.
The marxist view and influence in culture; that it should be a supermarket of choice, that the person is inherently opposed to others and that their influence on him constitutes something called "oppression" said oppression being a holographic projection of the big bad: Capital.. An example of this is the marxist notion that gender differences are an instrument of capitalism to oppress them.
The people here will mock you for being uninformed and ignorant, but I think that's counterproductive so instead I'll try to help you understand why people think your view of what we believe is ridiculous.
What's wrong with influencing culture user? You say that you're for a "supermarket of choice and yet you're in favor of excluding an ideology from that market? Why?
This is an extremely common criticism I hear right wing people make of Marxism, and it's a really bad one. It completely ignores the entire point of Marxist philosophy, which is to try and understand how the individual relates to the world they inhabit. Marxism doesn't say that the collective should be able to override the agency of the individual, rather it says that the collective already does override the agency of the individual. Marxism ultimately wants to maximize individual agency.
Another reason why this critique falls flat is that Marxism says that capitalism is an mode of production in which oppression isn't the primary means by which agency is taken from the individual; exploitation is. So the claim that Marxism uses guilt about oppression to control society is extra absurd.
Hoped this helped user
lmao. why don't you like, read the wikipedia page on critical theory before making yourself look like a retard?
Fake quote. Sad! White nationalists have to lie and make up fake quotes for their ideology!
A semi retarded video game addicts copypasta collection?
I'll admit I only briefly skimmed it.
This is the correct answer.
It's rehashed Nazi shit.
It's a word people these days use to describe whatever it is they hate like "cancer" or "that's fucking gay".
Example: "I got a D- on that biology test I took last week. Ugh! Cultural Marxism…"
Marxist conspiracy confirmed.
The Frankfurt School deviated from what Marx said. Most Marxists aren't idealists like many Frankfurt theorists were. That being said, I don't think this quote is that bad. Why don't you think that "the emancipation of human beings from the circumstances that enslave them" is a worthwhile goal fam?
what if atlantis was real tho
I don't want a bunch of jews to be the one to decide what the emancipation is from. Turns out it's from western social norms and now we have trannies and fags shoved into our faces 24/7 in the news and in entertainment
that being said pretty much everyone who talks about cultural marxism has no idea what the frankfurt school actually was lol
"""""Centrists""""" have a different view of what cultural marxism is from what I've seen. It just seems to be anything remotely leftist being taught in Academia.
As if you had the slightest clue what "western social norms" were.
Though, no, the Frankfurt School wanted to save Western culture from the destructive force of capitalism.
Just accelerationism so we can take down capitalism once and for all. The more we fuck up society the faster we can reach communism. After that all degenerates/useful idiots will be killed. How is this a bad thing?
The quote was wasn't selective talking about emancipating human beings from *all* the circumstances that enslave them.
You can choose what media to consume fam, you don't have to watch degenerate shit. Most people here aren't into fun either, they just don't sperg out when they come into contact with it like you right-wingers do. Limiting the freedom of degenerates is unnecessary and can be used to justify limiting the freedom of anyone.
frankfurters wanted to save proper culture from the soulless dredge created by capitalism
you wouldn't know because you don't know what actual western culture is like
Accuse your opponent of what you yourself are guilty of.
lad, what kind of fairytale are you living in?
Fuck my shitty proofreading. I meant to say:
The quote was wasn't being selective, it was talking about emancipating human beings from *all* the circumstances that enslave them.
you might have a point actually
No they were against the commodification of culture. But they were not against changes to western culture in anyway. To say that they were is to paint them as like reactionary monarchists or something lmfao.
I Read A Book, It Says What It Says Because It Says So.
Intelligent cultural marxists at least have a literary understanding, Holla Forums doesn't advance beyond the level of regurgitating chattel.
Adorno was an Alex Jones tier nut who believed every pop-song was part of a conspiracy to keep the man down. That's the thing with marxists, they're most conspiratorial of all.
reading is for fags says the typical leftypolack if you only read mein kampf you would know that the holocaust never happened because hitler never mentioned it but you don't because you are to stupid to read
I didn't say that.
Which is my point exactly, though it certainly was different in previous marxist incarnations ("Who needs a "1"? The voice of a "1" is thinner than a squeak." says a famous soviet poem), the marxism of today is characterized by a constitutive misstrust of others. Anything and everything is oppression, all being ultimately incarnations of Capital (capitalized, because it is a not a thing but a name), the communism envisioned by it is the ultimate fantasy of this paranoia, here the individual will be pure and unrestricted, singular and atomized. Holla Forums tends to call this "unspooked" because they're too white and edgy for the more common SJW incarnation of the fantasy.
It's a different word for the same thing; the principle of constitutive misstrust, of everything being in actuality a holographic projection of Capital. Because the capitalism of marxism is merely the uncompleted fantasy, the capitalist end-conclusion of total atomization and consumerism is exactly the thing marxists want.
You mean to paint them as what fascists repeatedly claim they are? And are proud of?
Capitalism is literally built upon the commodification of culture. The degenerate pop-culture shit you see in the media is the way it is because they're trying to sell people a product. fun sells.
Adorno hated jazz my dude.
okay I think you might be retarded and not understand what the word culture is.
culture is not going to plays and reading poetry versus reading comic books and porn.
Culture is "a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life." thats from geertz
the opposite is true but whatevs
thats the commodification of culture retard. Do you think the frankfurt school wanted people to keep western social mores from the 1800s?
my dude is the gooniest fucking thing to say too btw
Please actually read Marx if you're going to make claims about the incarnations of Marxism. This is so wrong.
Nope. If Marxism was based on a mistrust of others then it would be much different than it is. Communism requires common ownership of the means of production and strong local communities. Both of these things indicate that Marxism places a great deal of faith in human beings.
Yes the frankfurt school was against capitalism. Is this news to you?
Please explain to me how your genderless, sexless, raceless, cultureless, nationless world of purely individual blobs whose life is dominated by the pleasure principle, who have no tradition, no ways, only choice, would be any different.
This only exists because of capitalist control of culture, which is maintained through property relations and scarcity. Without this, culture and tradition would develop organically instead of being forced by people who want you to buy more commodities.
this doesn't even make sense in any context
you faggots consistently demand from us a defence of things none of us believe because your understanding of our political theory comes from the diaries and fanfics of autistic retards.
Lolwut? Literally nobody is asking for a world without gender, sex, race, culture, or individuality. We want a classless society without alienation fam. That's literally it. Social roles based on gender, sex, race, and culture would no longer be imposed on people, but that doesn't mean they would no longer exist in any form.
How to redbait in a time when there are fewer Marxists, or even any leftists at all, in power than at any time since 1917. It came from some think-tank called Free Congress Foundation, and the shameless propagandist who thought it up is one William S. Lind, a revolting figure even by conservative standards.
This "cultural Marxism" all-terrain-boogeyman meme is his greatest contribution to the world.
Literally nothing wrong with this.
Cool ghost story.
It's imperative to advance the fun of capitalist society.
Look how quickly things are turning ever since we supported all these batshit insane things only a liberal is dumb enough to truly believe in.
When capitalism collapses, every anti-revolutionary homo nigger-like "social justice" moron will be lined up against the wall and shot just as Marx predicted.
I have never wanted to strangle someone as much as I do now.
Actually read marx on incarnations of marxism that occurred after his death..
I know Holla Forums follows fandom literary theory, but to say that authors control what others do with their works even after their deaths is something not even J.K Rowling would claim in a delirium.
That's the contradiction. It's sketch of the fulfillment of the fantasy does not undo the principle of constitutive misstrust. This is also the part marxists are least interest in, it serves as the dot on the horizon to keep the constellation in place, it's not the heart of the matter. Marxists never explain what "common ownership of the means of production" entails, while they have written millions of pages on how everything from girls playing with dolls to romantic poetry is an incarnation of Capital.
This is what I have been saying and what the marxist here have been denying all along; the notion that everything human is the control of Capital, that all would be gone under communism under which everything will be pure, solipsistic, choice; consumption.
Yes, I quite agree with this my fellow leftist! Us left-wingers love to conspire to manipulate liberals into creating our violent nigger homo hellscape utopia! Well said.
this is what Holla Forumsacks unironically believe
this is what burger education does to you
where do you get the stuff about pure choice and solipsism out of 'culture will grow organically'? Do you know that almost all preservation and advancement of folk culture has been done by leftists?
Your "Cultural Marxism" literally does not exist. It was made up by far right burgers during the 1950s.
Of course you shouldn't be a leftist if you are a misanthrope, we do not apply here.
There is literally oodles of pages written on the finer details. You don't actually care because politics to you is just arguing with random online strangers.
So you believe that state violence is necessary to create culture? Seriously?
Wew, good thing that wasn't my claim, huh? If you want to understand how the various incarnations of Marxism relate to each other you need a good understanding of Marxism (which you clearly don't have). That's why I told you to read Marx.
There's no principle of constitutive mistrust. That's fucking retarded. It's not about competing over who is more oppressed or exploited, it's about eliminating class society entirely.
It was Nazi propaganda that is taken seriously despite being debunked.
My friend keeps going on about 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧THEM🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and hates the Jews. I really want to punch him in the throat because he's so fucking stupid. All he does is link Holla Forums images about how Jews control everything (despite his images contradicting that too) and goes on about how "MUH SIX GABILLION" isn't real.
Underrated post
i like your friend, wish I knew him
this seems suspiciously like a Holla Forumsyp pretending to be their idea of what a leftist is like. either that you're mildly autistic, its hard to tell the difference.
Really makes you think
No. I am a communist. My friend is a German loving Nazi. It is bizarre. I really am not joking in any way at all. It is like some kind of satire with the shit he'll say.
'culture will grow organically' is an empty phrase made to deal with the cognitive dissonance stemming from the conclusion of constitutive misstrust. A distinction between "organic" and "non-organic" culture is unmarxist too.
No, you are triggered by the phrase because it violates your language game, which marxists need to keep circular to keep their ideology whole. Prove to me that this monopoly on language is something literal, something which determines existence, and I will adhere to it.
Marx barely wrote on it, neither did other marxists, neither does Holla Forums. It's always a not, capitalism is this and that bad thing, communism is not.
Hating all Jews is a stupid excuse to not seriously think about what's wrong with our society. Out of all the Jews it's only the Jewish ruling class who have any influence over society, so even if you weren't willing to give up on ethnonationalism you'd still be a left ethnonationalist if you gave any shits about helping your ethnic group politically.
What kind of nazi doesn't like germans?
No but that doesn't stop me from thinking they're ugly inbred bastards.
Other than that I'm rather right (or whatever the fuck, I never actually cared for what I am), I just don't want my children to go to a school where they're the last white face remaining in the whole class like fucking London.
Or it could just be that people who lean left naturally gravitate to arts and academia.
This is begging the question, since your "good understanding" has the acceptance of the marxist self-image as a-priori.
The principle of constitutive misstrust entails that everything is actually a holographic projection of the big bad; Capital. The elimination of class society entirely is it's fulfillment, since this entirety constitutes the entirety of the constitutive misstrust.
I don't know, really. He's an American whose great grandparents came here before Nazi Germany even took off. He keeps talking about "Junker blood" like it really matters. He's a big Prussiaboo but at the same time a big Naziboo and Germaboo. It's like a caricature.
Go back to the the_donald you reddit-spacing faggot
I feel the same way. I want my kids to look like me and I want my grandkids to look like me. I'm a bit racist and there's a lot of people on this board who are too. We have traditionalist threads on here sometimes and it's usually a pretty active thread. The biggest thing that drove most of us trad leftists to the left is the right's retarded racism and it's lack of a political alternative to the status quo. Capitalism encourages multiculturalism and mass migrations; these wouldn't even make sense in a communist society.
This isn't valid because Marxists don't use Capitalism as a simple scapegoat. They actually think that Capitalism is a necessary stage of history, and that communism wouldn't be possible without going through a Capitalist stage first.
It is valid exactly because Capitalism isn't a simple scapegoat. It's a teleological being, a necessity of history itself. A tangible actor isn't capable of being an entirety, this is where marxism differs from conspiracy theories that concern tangible human beings.
actually its a certain form of organisation of the process of production whereby capital/private property is owned by a capitalists while those who don not own private property rely on selling their labour to live. It is a highly flexible and virile mode of production which replaced the previous feudal mode of production. Let me know if this is going to fast for you.
This has to be bait. Please tell me this is bait.
What makes you think that capitalism is the endpoint of history and not just another stage on the way to an eventual endpoint? And the agency of history is a really contentious point among Marxists anyways, it's hardly something that most Leftists support or even care about.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. I think you're saying that some Marxists ascribe agency to capitalism itself, which is wrong. They ascribe agency to history, Capitalism isn't itself an actor. But again, Marx rejected most of Hegel's idealism and there aren't many modern Marxists who view history in this way. So you're kinda full of shit.
The dictionary definition does not determine it's place in the marxist ideological constellation.
It's my attempt to parody the notion that actuality is determined by the writings which lead to said actuality.
I do not view history as a mechanical process. Predictions of the future are always extrapolations of the present, therefor I will refrain from theorizing about end points.
It is treated as such, that it might not be literary described as a teleological being when the matter is directly addressed does not change it's position in the subjective ideological experience. Capital is capitalized because it is a name, humans think in terms of humans, so our conceptions become actors as well.
A conspiracy is only a "conspiracy" if there is some covert, hidden attempt to subvert or destroy. There is no "conspiracy" if it is openly admitted.
It is simply the expansion of cultural studies (with Marxist-inspired critiques) Western Marxists utilized/founded (after being kicked out of Germany since they were not only primarily Jewish, but also Marxists) in what is known today as the Frankfurt school.
However, it is very easy to push strawmen and claim that the Western Marxists never actually settled down in Columbia University or that they were feminists who never returned to Germany after the war. The main point is that their efforts branched out into many fields, such as queer theory, feminist theory, gender theory, etc. This is because they all draw on the dismissal of differences resulting in some hierarchal structure. It is the rejection that others can be superior to you in some way or another. Its essence is viewing culture as the basis for the separation of the "haves vs. have-nots". It is a poor attempt to "save" the West from Marxist-inspired apparitions with no basis in reality that can only be observed through a lens of context-denial (as Kellner puts it: "Many 20th century Marxian theorists ranging from Georg Lukács, Antonio Gramsci, Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, and T.W. Adorno to Fredric Jameson and Terry Eagleton employed the Marxian theory to analyze cultural forms in relation to their production, their imbrications with society and history, and their impact and influences on audiences and social life").
fuck off faggot
so religion is not the opium of the masses?
They believe Adorno wrote songs for the Beatles and Walter Benjamin used kabbalah magic to destroy western art.
And neither does your arbitrary definition. Either argue why that definition is unsatisfactory or shut the fuck up.
Even if perfectly predicting the future is impossible you can still get a good idea of where things are headed. Dialectical analysis doesn't need a metaphysical component to be useful to Marxists. Almost no Marxists are also absolute idealists fam.
No it isn't you fucking mongoloid.
Wew, you're getting scary close to realizing how spooky this line of reasoning is. Anyways stop telling us what we believe fam, we know better than you about that. You're clearly not very well read in Marxist lit.
It's unsatisfactory in principle for the same reason all definitions are; words do not get their meaning from other words.
Funny thing that marxists always tell others what they believe; religions is the opium of the masses, Holla Forums is about small penises and virginity, capitalism is about justification of bourgeois rule.. the only people who actually believe what they explicitly state are marxists. You confuse "well read" with "assumes it's a-priori uncritically".
Yes, can you find me a quotation or something that shows this? Or are you framing the opposition's argument for them so that you can attack it easier.
Correct. Words get their meaning from how they're used. Dictionaries are books that compile how words are commonly used. Sometimes words are used in a context that a dictionary definition doesn't cover. I'm asking you to either make an argument for why the dictionary definition of this word is unsuitable for the context it's being discussed in or to shut the fuck up.
Do you lie about your beliefs to everyone you meet? Do you keep your beliefs to yourself all the time? This is an absurd argument that can be used to critique any group of people. Everyone thinks their beliefs are correct and that beliefs that aren't theirs are incorrect.
Wew nice non-sequitur fam. Let's try to keep to the subject we're actually discussing yeah? People doubt the truth of claims that contradict their own worldview. What a shocker.
Nope. You're making bad arguments that show you don't have a firm grasp of Marxist philosophy. Honestly I'm fine with you being critical of what I say, but I'm not fine with you saying things that aren't true about what I think.
This has about as much weight and legitimacy as an argument as my left thumb. That is to say that nobody takes them seriously. There are other points raised and finding the most unsubstantiated nonsense is not representative of the other points, nor does it speak on their behalf.
Taking a page out of the "NOT ALL 'x'" playbook.
It doesn't entail the role of capitalism in the marxist ideological constellation. It's like defining Marx as "a bearded specimen of the species homo sapiens" it's not incorrect, but it doesn't say anything about his place in the marxist constellation.
Then don't whine that I don't assume an absolute, one-dimensional literalness in your every word.
Then you would have the drop the marxist notion of ideological functioning, since it assumes that people don't think what they say they think and are instead motivated by rationalizations and pathologies.
It doesn't entail your particular conception of the role that capitalism plays in the "marxist ideological constellation", whatever that means. This isn't a flaw because we're talking here about the base and not the superstructure of Capitalism.
I'm not whining, I'm correcting you fam. If you're not trying to understand what I'm arguing for then why are you even arguing in the first place? If I say something why wouldn't I want you to take it literally?
So if I understand correctly you're saying you think rationalizations and pathologies have no role in creating a person's motivations? What motivates people then?
please stop
Capitalism is just right wing communism though, so it makes no difference.
The modern left is defined by it's opposition to capitalism so this statement is meaningless. Capitalism is an entirely different mode of production than communism is, things get pretty spooky if you get too caught up in the left/right political spectrum. Left and Right are convenient shorthand for a set of beliefs, but they're not useful beyond that.
I have an irrational hatred for reactionaires with baby-smooth skin like that. Nothing shows better the fact that he was born a pampered piglet and never knew adversity. And now he literally made it his job to convince idiots to defend his unearned wealth for him.
Wow! Society where minorities are screwed results in minority religions such as Jews to be mistreated?! I'm absolutely *shook*!!!
Yeah, Communism comes after capitalism bucko. No shit capitalism isn't seen fondly, and communism isn't it.
Meanwhile capital is falling over itself to accommodate idpol.
Hey new markets
If it doesn't go well you can blame the fraknfurt school of marxist wizardry
Funny thing that their 'cultural marxism' has nothing in common with either culture or marxism. It's just their way of calling idpol.
They're buttblasted tv commercials do not glorify nazi germany and star wars doesn't have a kike burning in the oven.
How in the fuck is capitalism equal to a response dedicated to countering it? This makes absolutely no sense please stop posting
Yes, because current multicultural Europe is a veritable utopia for the Jews. It's why they are fleeing in droves.
I think the answer to this question is the lack of political education becoming norm in Europe, and really, it was once empty in America but now it's just beyond empty.
The result? People are honestly believing what they hear on the internet, which anyone can spam and advocate for the dominant political party under the guise of "revolt" and in the words of PJW, "being the new punk rock."
When in reality if you just look at what exactly is they're countering you'll find shockingly limited answers, all of it doesn't make logical sense, it's counter intuitive, and most of all it targets one political party which is indeed part of the problem but not the whole of it; it's engineering party politics to seem like a "resistance", and you can see this on the most liberal left as well with the Trump Russia bullshit.
In all honesty, the answer is they are too stupid to not believe that Cultural Marxism is a legitimate threat to their safety above unhindered capital, because of situation engineered to make them stupid and complacent.
Why are people like this allowed to live?
It means the workers all hold a shared ownership of the workplace they work at, such as factories. Means of production = "the stuff that makes more stuff."
Are you retarded? Marx explains this quite clearly. Obviously you haven't read him.
le ebil jews xDDDD don't need to do anything; if burger education like THIS persists, the west will collapse on its own.
You are irredeemably retarded; language cannot be expressed by pure logic alone, all language can only be expressed as a pattern of finites that exist in a single context at a given point of time. "There is a pizza" means nothing and cannot be expressed as a relation to the world unless context is given, "There is a pizza right here by me" is the only way to formulate and give communication. Read Wittgenstein, stop browsing Holla Forums, and stop being an idiot.
What the fuck am I reading?
underrated post
I'm worried about homosexual recruitment.
this is lowkey critical reading
you are not a tru leftist unless you are 100% supportive of THIS
It's funny because the aut-right blames all of those things on us.
Literally the entire first page of the Google search for this was composed of white power faggotry.
Seems pretty right wing to me tbh fampai.
culture is a spook.
Even marx himself promoted anuddah shoah, he wrote on a book on it! see:pic
In all seriousness we have this discussion every fucking week, is karltural merkism real. its not and anything that is commonly ascribed to be it like critical theory or w/e is just a bunch of wanking western academics who couldnt give two shits about socialism
If it is so simple to critique, focus on the matter instead of the tone.
Can confirm.