Was Marx a satanist? Is Marxism "satanic"?


Do you think the evidence is good enough? Historical Materialism certainly contains a lot of overlap with certain occult understandings of history.

There is nothing supernatural about HistMat.

Care to elaborate?

I wish satanposter was here for this thread.

Dialectics originated from the occult.

Dialectics originated from Socrates and Plato, was expanded by Hegel, and was brought into materialist philosophy by Marx.

Plato was an occultist.


Can't google?

How am I supposed to know which specific brand of crazy you are if you don't even give me a link?

yes he used to engage in satanic rituals while he was writing das kapital


All the cristfags suck Plato's cock.

I read this book few years ago and it is top comedy material.

Two best parts are when he says that he had to stop hes reading of marxist literature out of fear of getting possessed; and story of red army soldier that after being killed possessed white army soldier.


Isn't that a LaVey quote?


What's the deal with conservatives and fundamentalists treating Marxist literature like it's the lefty necronomicon?

Yes, Marx is the anti-christ. Once he has your toothbrush he will take your faith as well.

Marx was a satanist who fapped to lucifer and enlightenment he was the razor edge radical fedora of his time

All Jews are satanists.

No one is satanic
If you claim to be satanic then you don't really believe in the Satan Christians believe in
If you really believe in Satan you'd just be Christian

So all pagans were occultists
Fascinating analysis

We can't help you

Why is it that Christians have a hard-on for Plato & Socrates? And likewise - most American Christians treat anything "left" (including mainstream liberalism) as a blanket "Evil" & Marx as a specifically demonic figure - all without even barely understanding him.

The worst part is they completely accept all the liberal & conservative meme tier "Criticism" of Communism - but add a further layer of distanced ideology on top of that.

For example I have a Christian friend (grew up Christian & still around them a lot - unfortunately have to kind of play the part for now) who as soon as I mentioned Marx simply said he was "gross" & brought up the "Religion is the opium of the masses" quote. Of course he just "knew" that quote (I'm sure he couldn't place it as from the German Ideology or understood how it relates to Marx's larger critiques and theories) and barely anything else - except of course the meme-tier propaganda that it's common sense that communism "doesn't work & has only failed." Shit.

Marxism is satanic in the sense of rebelling against the status quo, like the way the Church of Satan means it. I would recommend comrades read the Satanic Bible. It's edgelord shit but it's also a pretty good critique of culture as shaped by Christianity. The idea is basically to create an inverted Christianity so you can see what that looks like and realize who completely backward a lot of it is.

It also claims Proudhon and Bakunin were satanists.

Occultist metaphysics has nothing to do with Marxism or dialectical materialism, you goof.

Sure, Freud, Benjamin and Derrida were influenced by lurianic Kabbalah, but none of them were dialectical materialists. In fact, Benjamin was one of the most trenchant critics of diamat.

As for Wurmbrand, he wrote that book because he was a buttmad little shit after he was imprisoned in Romania for being a fucking con-man lunatic.