Lefty pill

Think im starting to swallow the lefty pill. Which leftist/red ideology is best? i

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Pan-African Black National Liberationism

Just keep reading
you'll form an opinion soon

Please no troll.

Read stuff and make up your own mind, comrade.

We're all here for you though if you need recommendations or don't understand something.

I honestly dont know most things. I know that like communism is that (atleast marxism leninist) the goverment take power then when socialism is fulfilled they resign and then i dont know so much else.

Just read more theory. You don't pick out ideologies like football teams.

What are your thoughts on immediate transition to free associations of producers for production, government by a network of face-to-face assemblies, and production for human use? Anarcho-communism might be for you if you like those.
It's also based in science, being based off a material analysis of society supplemented by evolutionary biology now accepted.


Maybe try this: Friedrich Engels: The Principles of Communism

Well that depends on what you already believe. The best way to find an ideology that suits you is to read a bunch of theory and to take notes on your agreements/disagreements with the text along with any other thought you have. This style of reading will really help you flesh out your own ideas and grow as a person. The bread book linked here isn't a bad place to start. is even shorter if you don't want to read too much yet.

Reading theory is actually fun when you actively engage with the text, so do that as much as you can. That's kind of the whole point of reading theory, but you'd be surprised how many people don't realize this.

Technocratic Quranist Post-Capitalist Accelerationist Democracy

Im not really keen on Anarcho-Communism because of Antifa but please redpill mke if you want

OP, this is not a good place to start. When you're starting out you should try to ignore the minor historical details as much as possible. Anything that happened before the 20th century doesn't really fucking matter at all.

Egoistic-primitivistic anarcho-transmarxism

This is bad advice. You should read that really basic intro to communism.

Eco Stalinism

There are thousands of better introductions to communism out there that are more relevant to the material conditions in our contemporary society. It's good to read Engels, but that's not something we should suggest to people wanting an introduction because there's just too much context that you need to understand first.

American antifa is a fucking mess full of liberals, user. Kurdish antifa on the otherhand are pretty cool

You what?

You might want to try lurking for a while, that way you'll get basic concepts and from that point onward you'll be able to make up your mind.

Antifa are LARPing liberals. Historically, anarcho-communists (including anarcho-syndicalists, who advocated a specifically union-based strategy) were the ones who fought for the 8 hour working day, fought both the Whites and the Reds under the banner of the Black Army to defend free soviets (workers' councils) in Ukraine, created a free communist society in eastern Spain during the Spanish Civil War, and now form a portion of those fighting ISIS in Rojava.

You need no context to understand that pamphlet. It's literally eli5-tier.
Then post them instead of telling people not to engage with foundational figures because they're old.

Is this a good version to read? I like basic english

I vehemently disagree and I believe you're severely mistaken, so much so that I question your intellectual ability. The Principles of Communism uses clear and concise language to explain the most basic elements of Communism, what they are, why they are what they are, what makes them necessary, and to what end they are necessary for. It hardly comes much simpler.

A meme. It was the manifesto of the party at the time, it holds barely any relevance today unless you like history.

[email protected]/* */

Anarchist Communism or Syndicalism are the most popular ideologies here.

Read Mutual Aid, The Conquest of Bread and What is Property for introductory Anarchists texts

Pick up The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. It was written to teach borderline illiterate workers of the 20th century the principles of communism by creating characters in a fictional workplace.

It can get a bit badgery with its points though seeing as the author likes to explain a point, then explain it again later in case you didn't catch it and it's also incredibly British but I like that sort of thing

NEVER let yourself be trapped by an ideology or grouped in by a label. Just list what you believe/want to happen politically, and go for it. The labels just get in the way.

You are incorrect.

Anarchist + Communism/Syndicalism.

Alternatively read theory and make up your own mind, everything you need is free and easily available.

The manifesto was a one-off propaganda piece. Read Engels' 'Principles of Communism' like the user above suggested or I would recommend Oscar Wilde's 'Soul of Man under Socialism'.

To someone living in a post-industrial society the relevance of many of the contrasts made between pre-industrial and industrial conditions aren't immediately apparent.

You aren't wrong, but the conditions described by Engels aren't so far removed from their own, and there are more than enough obvious parallels, and enough provided context, to make it both worthwhile and informative.

Anarcho-Communism, of course.

Voluntary associations. Abolition of private property in favour of personal property. Loosely-federated communes with a horizontal organisation. Direct democracy and common ownership of the means of production. Retaining the maxim "From each according to his ability, to each according to need", but also considering seriously Kropotkin's maxim: "All is for all!"

Basic AnCom reading list:




theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-the-coming-anarchy (short)

theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-the-russian-revolution-and-the-soviet-government-letter-to-the-workers-of-wester (short)

theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-libertarian-municipalism-an-overview (short)


theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-listen-marxist (relatively short)

theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-the-capitalist-system (short)

theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-the-rules-and-program-of-the-international-alliance-of-socialist-democracy-foun (short)

theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-what-is-authority (short)

Social Democracy.

Ignore the revolutionaries, they fail or bring tyranny every single time.

back where you belong liberal


Just talk with lefties and browse Holla Forums if you then encounter any Ideologies you dont know, google them after you found one very appealing Ideology to you read books about it.

The majority of AnComs are obnoxious edgy liberals, true, but don't let that turn you off of the ideology altogether as Anarcho-Communism (aka Libertarian Communism) is absolutely the best case scenario that we could hope for.

Antifa isn't the worst of left anarchism. The worst are the idpolers making anarchisms for race, sexuality and shit. Some twats figured out if you tell anarchists that identities are a hierarchy you can get the dumb ones to hate the people you say are on the top.

Hmm, really made me think.

comrade dore is just a meme you dip

read about a bunch of different ideologies and theories and you´ll be bound to find something interesting. You dont have to read in depth books or anything, you can just find good introductory articles, documentaries or videos as a start.

really this

The whole "dying after two years" thing kind of sucks, though. Seriously though, OP, if you are going to be a non-marxist anarchist an-com is the way to go. At least they are materialists, albeit materialists with a gigantic blind spot where military theory should be.

Welcome aboard, user. :)
Like others have said, you can form your own opinion by reading or hanging around here more.
But solidarity between all lefties is best ideology. ;^)

Seems like, being anarchists & all, they'd ditch it altogether. But as you said, those are the dumb ones.

Introduction Texts

Karl Marx:

-The German Ideology, Chapter One
-Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
-Wage Labour and Capital

Friedrich Engels:

-Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

Nikolai Bukharin and Evgenii Preobrazhensky:

-The ABC of Communism

Gilles Dauvé:

-Capitalism and Communism

Here are some easy to watch videos to get a very basic overview. The quality varies but they are over all ok.
General Marxism
youtube.com/watch?v=fSQgCy_iIcc by the honestly pretty shit "School of Life" but still not totaly awful video, even tough it was made my a liberal.
youtube.com/watch?v=mksxiY05VaM by our resident fuccboi Muke
General Anarchism
youtube.com/watch?v=oB9rp_SAp2U Short lecture on Anarchism by Noam "the Gnome" Chomsky
"'Anarchism vs. Marxism"'
the ideology Stalin claimed to fallow. Marxists-Leninist are often referred to as tankies around here. Cant find any good videos on this, sorry.
Stirnerist Anarchist Egoism
youtube.com/watch?v=cU7VEvuilqs only deserves a shitpost video for a shitpost ideology
This one really deserves a better video but whatever
National Socialism

welcome the fam, comrade

U gonna goolag the jezza? Heartless bastard


Don't you have a party to split?

At least mention Socdem if you're mentioning Nazism.

lol did you even watch the linked video?

Lone pragmatic realism.

Completely safe, only sure opportunity to live eternal life by technology. Depending of who can change you…you might be luckier or not.

The situation now can be told by term, "despair code".

Despair Code:
Humans accessed eternal life technology thousands of years earlier than now.
Humans are getting instant regrowth of their missing body parts at their existing body. They are getting their old brains placed into the heads of young cloned bodies. Some of the clone bodies are only aged seven years; old humans looking like children.

Ancient humans, breakaway civilizations of humans are, "mind controlling" millions of humans by a muscle flexing technology. The machines are as close as at you. The machines are as far as miles. The mind control happens by electricity caused at your muscles or your brain.

Aliens (science freak experiments) are pets, slaves, workers, acquaintances, friends, "family", or comrades of the most ancient humans and breakaway civilization humans…and like how the richest surface humans of United States of America pamper their pet dogs with food which is better quality than most humans at the surface of Earth eat…some aliens have better quality technology than United States Armed Forces. Many of the humans, among the groups of humans who are dominating all the aliens, use the aliens as, "portable storage containers" which are, "smart", "interesting", "interactive" and, "self securing".

Humans can travel from Earth to Marse during only a few hours time. Humans are living at the moons of every planet gravitied of Sol. They have robots to make all their food, and their governments are comprised of all citizens representing at the legislature, courts, and harming operations (executive work; non-words work).