'Van hits pedestrians' on London Bridge in 'major incident'
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How many more attacks will it take for the British people to wake up?
Nah, Corbyn will lose points because he won't nuke Iran in order to combat terrorism and immigration.
Terrorism is just something we have to accept if we're to help Muslim immigrants. Just think of how many lives were saved by bringing them to Britain at the cost of a few terror attacks.
There wouldn't be Muslim immigrants if anglos had fucked off after ww2
Nah, Brits are long past waking up, they've gone full "terrorism is the new normal, there's nothing we can do about it" mode
could it be the west bombing the middle east relentlessly for the better part of a century?
nah they just hate our freedom :^)
This, but unironically
plus their scripture tells them to
Just think how many lives would be saved if coups of secular govts and western military training to far right religious factions hadn't been enacted for oil
clearly the white alt right male is the real victim here
Except he gained points after the Manchester attack and gained after he "bombed" over the nuclear stuff. Just more MSM whinging ignoring how the public has actually responded
hmm yes clearly the only choice is to bomb them, create the conditions that make them want to come here, then tell them to fuck off
It was the "Invade the world, invite the world" neo-cons that got us into this mess with Bush, not racist basement-dwelling NEETSocs
If you're going to be an amoral imperialist, you may as well go all the way with it.
Well of course, just saying that the alt right tears about immigration are pretty retarded when the third world are the actual victims and we are just somewhat inconvenienced as a society
how about we tell the bourg to fuck off instead
No one is talking about obligations other than you. Let them in, don't let them in, whatever. But don't act like a retard who doesn't understand there wouldn't be refugees in the first place if they had fucked off properly
Uh, I think the victims of this attack are the people getting their blood and body parts hosed off the sidewalk, not some starving Iraqis
agreed, but it's all the more reason to mock them when they end up falling for the same old neocon retardation with the tories because "muh immigrants"
Yeah a handful of Brits are dead today, meanwhile 50 Iraqis or Syrians or Afghans are killed in American bombings or Islamist bombings basically daily and it doesn't even make footnote news
The vast majority of them would not be in Europe if not for the welfare state, which delays the collapse of capitalism in the first place.
Why is pepe lazing the back of his head? He could just laze the ground directly in front of him and it would have the same effect.
fuck the victims
Don't you think that actually pointing it at yourself has a better emotional effect?
Fuck Syrians and Iraqis
Because it's the Middle East, dying in a terrorist attack on the local bazaar is expected
Syrian refugees commit less crime than the natives in all the countries they go to. All stats back this up.
fuck you
Not really. Those devices aren't light. My arms would get tired.
QED, fucktard.
Not before the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧anglos🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 got involved
Most Muslim immigrants to Europe are welfare migrants, not desperate Syrians.
Thanks kid, now fuck off while the adults who understand geopolitics actually discuss it.
Well fuck, another century of attacks like this and they might be approaching the number of people the west murdered in the Middle East.
Join YPG and help solve this problem
What did the post I reply to say?
Learn to read the thread you're responding to
Now you're starting to understand anti-imperialism.
Ah yes, because the Middle East was a beacon of high living standards and social stability before the evil imperialists decided to wave their dicks around.
I think the actual reality were going to have to accept is that the major bombings have already done their damage and pushed organizations like ISIS into existence where even if the bombings were to stop, ISIS would still push for attacks and they would still occur at the same frequency. Were beyond even reaction, were dealing with a full on self-enrapturing ideology that has no intent of stopping.
Salafi jihadists kill Britfags and "Rafidah" alike, and for similar reasons.
If by "welfare" you mean looking for a normal, stable life with a job and a future, then sure.
I'm glad you're beginning to understand that it's bad to judge millions of people based on the actions of a few.
Day of the rope draws near.
Now you know how all those families that got attacked by Bush or droned by Obomba felt
This entire thread is arguing that these terrorist attacks are somehow justified because of policies that the victims may never have wanted or voted for.
But congratulations Holla Forums, you've finally managed to out-edge Holla Forums
YPG should be left to their own devices. You have plenty of work to do at home. Stop trying to be a war tourist.
Admittedly, the people themselves did not attack these countries. The government did. So it's not like the people want to deal with these issues just because the government did something "on their behalf." And if you're going to claim that "lol dose ppl elected dey gubmint", then you may never again accuse a democracy of being "bourgeois", since apparently it works well enough that the public at large is responsible for the decisions of their government.
Explanation isn't justification. You're just overly emotional and want to discuss policy and global politics based on feels
i don't think anyone is justifying it, just saying that this is what happens when you bomb other countires
user I…
No attacks are justified. I think most people here are simply arguing that we should stop bombing the Middle East and painting all the people we're bombing as evil terrorists.
its just a few shit-posters. I'm guilty of it I admit.
Nobody said it was justified but it's kinda like setting yourself on fire and wondering why you're getting hurt
There were some imperfect but slow moves towards secular, decent republics that got blown to shit because either they weren't willing to openly come out as anti-commie or otherwise give the US enough money
reminder of countries that have become objectively worse due to subtle CIA shit or just straight up invasion:
You can say a lot of shit, but you cannot deny the effect that the west has had on the middle east.
I'm not even making the argument that people should be pro-immigration out of guilt for their government being fucking disgusting, I just expect people to actually fucking look at the facts and go 'yes, the middle east is worse off due to western actions'.
You're also guilty of feminism. Fuck off.
You missed a lot of South America. Watch this documentary:
The same secular, decent republics that kept a lid on Islamist movements with heavy repression?
Again, I want to stop dicking around in the Middle East and stop more of them coming over here
What the hell are they thinking? what's their goal? converting the most powerful countries to Islam using terrorism? Middle East needs some gommunism in order to delete that goddamn religion.
Why do you think they all go to the countries with the best welfare policies? Welfare is literally creating the conditions for fascism, right now.
Establishing a worldwide caliphate in accordance with their interpretation of Koranic law, presumably.
The ones doing attacks don't want conversion, they either want a religious war or have entirely secondary motivations for their attack.
Bin Laden believed that the only way to stop western aggression against Muslims was to destroy the west utterly through costly unfunded counterinsurgency wars taken out on credit, thus far the west is doing exactly what he expected
Uhm, nobody said it was justified. The problem was that this retard started blaming the Middle Eastern population for the recent attack.
Other people's arguments don't absolve yours, and I made no emotional arguments in this thread.
You forgot Lybia and a bunch of southeastern asia that even I don't know.
And let's not go to political fuck ups by the CIA.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the elections..
Wasn't GB on alert or something?
ISIS want to provoke a full-blown war between muslims and the west. Every muslim who is harrassed or bombed by westerners is an easy recruit for them. They genuinely believe that their ultimate victory is prophesied to come when their nation is obliterated.
is osama to leftypol as hitler is to normal people pol?
NEW REPORTS OF STABBINGS IN Vauxhall and Borough Market
Were beyond any kind of "rational" reaction now
No that would be Stalin
An explanation isn't a justification or an endorsement. Just because people here believe that the conditions leading to an attack are a little more nuanced than "they be orcs" doesn't mean we think these attacks should happen
No, I don't think anyone here really supported him. We just know that the US government is the greater evil.
Oh yeah, I was purely focusing on the middle east all the shit that's gone on in south america and south east asia and africa is not even worth touching in this discussion
A few generations back, there were significantly larger numbers of less devout muslims. Salafism and Wahabism are recent trends grown by the destabilization of their world. You can pretend people just are the way they are and so it makes perfect sense to treat the middle east as a shithole, but I have no reason to believe that based on history or current events so, y'know, have fun with that one I guess.
I don't support Bin Laden but I'm just pointing out the west is doing exactly what he wanted them to do, maybe if we want to stick it to Islamism we should do what they don't want us to do
No Holla Forums, we should stop the destruction of the middle east and allow the region to stabilise
I don't think anyone disagrees with that, but that also has nothing to do with the immigration debate.
turns out the dude with the long beard was a criminal. i know i'm fucking shocked to my core.
More like making the muslims that already live there alienated. The harsher the discrimination against muslims and war on terror, the more muslims radicalize and join them. That's their goal.
The immigration debate has nothing to do with terrorism either so I don't see why Holla Forums gets to start shitposting
user, it's simple. they only kill eachother because they can't kill westerners. and they can't kill westerners because we're too bigoted to let them in.
it's our fault entirely.
What? Have you ever seen a picture of Stalin? What do beards have to do with crime? Am I being meme'd on or did you just reply to the wrong post?
Well, the Paris terrorists got in by pretending to be migrants. And we don't know if these guys are immigrants, but a lot of the friction in Germany, at least, has come from the migrants not being able to actually function to the point where a lot of the start fires because they don't know that they shouldn't dry shit in an oven, for example.
Have you ever made a non-strawman argument in your life?
dose trips tho
YPG actually does need help, but they need shit like doctors, ecologists, and civil engineers, not a bunch of wannabe commandos. Last I heard they're not looking for more foreign fighters, unless maybe you're former military and speak Kurdish.
google bookchin buttslut
"no" would have been shorter
But a lot of Muslims are Asian, though. Wouldn't a wok make more sense?
So much for the religion of peace.
have you ever spent more than an hour with a welfare recipient?
You realize that's not an actual professional discipline, right?
Leftists are going to the middle east and teaming up with local muslims (and local atheists, and local religious minorities) against these mass murderers. You're trying to use this as an excuse to deport (or worse, murder) innocent people.
typical unemployed white
Yep, you meet a lot working in the medical profession in underserved areas
This whole thread is just full of meming Holla Forumsyps. The debate an advanced, intelligent civilization would be having about immigration is very far removed from anything that Holla Forums could even imagine. It's like sitting down with a team of teenage crack addicts and trying to design a functioning nuclear reactor. In other words, a futile endeavor.
you mean rural areas?
democracy was a mistake
Well, that's actually the right approach for the individual. These terrorist shitheads should be hunted down, but as an individual, you should carry on. If you start to change your actions because of what you fear might happen, the terrorists actually win. Look at the US. We turned it into a police state.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, and I'm certainly not going to engage in a battle of anecdotes as a substitute for making a reasoned argument
Theresa May was literally in charge of the MI5 when they were shipping young people to Libya as "freedom fighters" aka Jihadis. The father of the Manchester bomber was closely affiliated to with one of these Libyan jihadi groups.
Really makes you think
Or, you know, those with growing economies and accepting of migrants. If I had the choice between Serbia and Britain I wouldn't think twice either, no one goes to a place where he's discriminated against and likely doesn't have any perspective.
It really was.
A dictatorship could be worse, but it could also be a hell of a lot better.
Agreed, they should wake up and vote the tories out to end this mess
Obama was Black.
You're very stupid, aren't you?
I mean lets not lose sight of this
Are you having a stroke? What does that have to do with anything?
You can't make this shit up
I feel like in the future the pendulum will swing back very hard and we will witness some combination of the Chinese and the Russians overseeing the "peaceful" forced repatriation of Muslims to the Arab world.
I think this topic is officially too dumb now, reinstalling windows is sounding more fun by the minute
We're gonna fuck you all in the ass before shooting you and dumping you into a watery grave.
Y'all niggas need some consensus based decision making
Holla Forums, that's pretty gay. Do you need us to breed your wives first too?
Are they aware that the west has nukes and robots? maybe you are right, if Muslim countries get blown the fuck out then the remaining people will get into more radical islamic organizations like ISIS.
They don't have nationalism or even care about other Muslims, their interpretation of some ancient book is all that matters.
Why do you hate fun?
Why not just join ISIS if that's what you're into?
Time for me to be really offensive now; no you won't. You are as powerless as I am, we're both going to continue to be fucked by neoliberalism and neoconservatism, til the world ends.
accidents happen every fucking day
Just OT it seems like a level of planning for a single attack not seen since the big one in Paris
Attacks like these don't just happen sporadically. They are well thought out and have political ends. Like how some of the attackers in Paris were wearing fake Syrian passports to put blame on the refugees. IOr how the bombings of the Madrid metro caused them to pull out of the war in Iraq. In Spain the bombing was just before an election and caused the more anti war party to win
What do you think is the motivation for this one? Surely it has some relation to the upcoming election?
just like how the daily gang shooting in chicago is never mentioned outside of the police blotter
Once again, reactionary idiots will vote Tory cause of this completely failing to see that it's exactly what they want. A party that will continue the war and drive up recruitment for ISIS.
One of my tinfoil theories is that ISIS is fueled or made by the global elites so people accept populist authoritarian leaders more and more.
Wow could it be that poverty and lack of economic opportunity lead to violence? Nah that can't be it, fucking minorities
shit for brains like you need to walled first
The goal is to create a climate where the natives of European nations view all Muslims as soldiers of the caliphate, and all Muslims view people in their host nations as being kuffar crusaders. This will trigger a glorious uprising and the establishment of the caliphate when Allah intervenes just in the nick of time when the soliders of Allah are facing certain defeat.
What will actually happen if it gets this bad is that we will all be reminded that the Germans are the people who gave us the gas chamber.
so did you have any actual arguments or would you just prefer to quote the turner diaries with your cock in hand?
What could possibly go wrong?
true. i don't visit my grandad up in the mountains because they just can't stop shooting eachother. dangerous in them thar hills.
lmfao like clockwork, it'll only get worse as the Islamic Ninjas in Syria in Iraq get BTFO'd by the """""""based Kurds""""" and US/Russia. I'm so happy I don't care about western civilization anymore, you fuckers can have it. I'm satisfied smoking and drinking myself to death while it all burns
Don't do this my friend
Enjoy getting killed by a terrorist your government funded.
of course you would
The Sadui leadership itself doesn't support ISIS, though there are probably elements in the (very large) royal family that do, imo. ISIS' interpretation of Islamic theology would de-legitimize the Saudis as the leaders of the Muslim world.
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglos🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 don't have the right to complain about terrorist attacks on themselves if they don't stop supporting the same terrorists overseas.
but that's exactly what anti-imperialists do
> ISIS is fueled or made by the global elites so people accept populist authoritarian leaders more and more.
There are no explanations that are this simple imo. Its a much more complicated web of interest and conspiracy where no one can see the full picture.
It's an indisputable fact that for the main western powers taliban/islamist theocracy type are often prefarable to a stable state that is not aligend with them
this is what I mean, stupid fucking retarded faggots like this who think random normies being murdered brutally is somehow justice for idiot mud farmers in Syria. This cycle of faggot victim blaming is the exact thing that nazis and soviets are famous for. Pathetic and grotesque. I can't wait to find out the ethnicity of this waste of skin that just murdered all these people.
This isn't fun.
This is autistic.
Do you really need to?
Take a wild guess. kek
It's not justice. But these stupid fucking Anglos are going to whine and cry about these smalltime attacks, while never going after the Blairites and Tories for LITERALLY FUCKING FUNDING THE ATTACKERS.
It generally isn't. Let me be very clear: terrorist attacks against westerners are just as bad as bombing the middle east.
What most anti-imperialists are saying is that terrorism is an inevitable consequence of imperialism, just like getting stabbed is an inevitable consequence of getting into frequent knife fights.
ISIS and Al-Qaeda hate each other though. ISIS seems like the Islamic equivalent of Trotskyists, tbh
Do you seriously believe this bullshit?
Surely you mean the pro-war party, no?
It's the most depressing thing to see terrorists' plans work out perfectly. Attacks are done before elections, everything is done to present refugees in a bad light and then smug Holla Forumstards do exactly what the terrorists want them to do, attack refugee centres, shill for anti-muslim policies while feeling self righteous about their anti-establishism.
You are fucking delusional, stop reading imperialist propaganda.
Not to mention that orders of magnitude more brits will die from inadequate distribution of resources than have been killed by terrorists.
how about you actually pay attention to the war in syria first fam, in which al nusra and ISIS are in conflict with each other
No, I mean that the MI5 literally gives money and weapons to terrorist militias AND protects them from prosecution when their members come to Britain.
Look up the statistics for the number of pensioners who die from inadequate heating each winter, or the number of homeless people who die from exposure, or the number of people who die from the fucked up policies surrounding drugs.
Their feud is a sham, they have barely fought at all. You are fucking deluded mate.
Why would the King himself support an ideology that would have him beheaded for apostasy if it metastasizes? ISIS condemns the Saudi government for failing to properly implement Sharia (this an apostate) and for being an American puppet.
Nope. Honestly I'm staunchly anti-feminist and view racism as a minor side-issue.
Whatever numbers you're talking about are mostly political. The Lanclet Medical Survery got debunked 2007, because they looked at houses that could potential hold a family, assessed whether they were abandoned or bombed, and just decided, "dead family here." … so go fuck yourself, libtard?
If the king was against it, how the fuck would the Saudis be giving ISIS money then? You really think he can't stop it if he wanted to? Fuck off retard.
Do you realize the Saudi royal family has thousands of people in it?
Wow, amazing analysis dipshit. Again, YOU REALLY THINK THE KING CAN'T STOP IT?
if the Syrian Jihadist opposition was united, as you're implying, Assad woulda been ousted years ago
I'm fucking fed up with this bullshit. These sandniggers won't survive the National Bolshevik revolution, we'll bring Europe back.
Uh, why?
you nazis are all the fucking same
This has to be bait right?
wow those savages!
i am so glad our government will soon take away all our freedoms to protect us against this filth
and i am so happy we'll be able to bomb them some more
truly this is the price of freedom, god bless a- europe.
I really wonder why those terrorist are not bombing our government.
Why aren't they attacking the people that are attacking them, the western government?
By attacking some random people in London they will simply increase the amount of might the government has, which means they are able to take our freedom and bomb their home countries even more.
Killing white people is good to the neetsocs.
Governments aren't all-powerful. Monarchies frequently have factions plotting against the throne for various reasons.
I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't remember the correct word. Probably environmental engineer? They need people to help them plan agricultural development
20 pence says that the authorities 'were aware' of the attackers tendencies beforehand.
like, uhm, try again sweetie
You are a fucking moron who will handwave all logic and evidence with vague bullshit.
Islamist do this because they hate the West and won't stop.
It's like telling black people to avoid lynchings by not voting cause it will just make the white people more mad.
The left
nice plan
Pure fucking ideology.
lel cause that's what I said right?
Fuck off with the ideology. The best way to stop them would be to stop fucking arming terrorist organisations who have a common enemy and expecting them not to attack us in 5-10 years time.
Orcs Vs Humans
If the reaction to a black man being lynched in Mississippi was to start bombing Europe your analogy would maybe make sense
Jewish activists form protective barrier around Muslims as they protest in front of Trump Tower
Please, you can't even wipe your own ass without getting Cheeto dust all over it.
You're right the Tories won't do anything but you can't blame them for trying to find someone to address the mass killings.
They should be voting for nazbols
The tories have been in control throughout all of these horrendous terrorist attacks. If people vote them back in, they truly are morons. Tories have already been proven to be completely ineffective at preventing terror.
you do realise Trump shared an Orb with the biggest supporters of Terrorism in the world I.E the Saudis
16d Jenga, my nigga.
What the hell would Comrade Corbyn do?
Well done genius. You've just given them plenty of footage for their next recruitment video.
The violence against them and hatred is what they want you retard. Easier to convert people when they're constantly being shat on.
He could start by cutting ties with Saudi Arabia and ending British support to Al Qaeda.
And the Saudis are paying for a quintillion dollars' worth of arms from the United States of the Perfidious Anglo, of which a very significant fraction will go to the groups orchestrating this sort of thing. Nihil novi.
I'm sorry m8 you're an idiot
Take it back to id/pol/ nigga
Terrific counterpoint, I concede this debate to you friend.
Ya I'll just tell those little girls that died in the concert that they shouldn't have armed Afghan rebels so it's really their fault and there's nothing we can do now
We cry no tears for 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglos🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.
Good, now Europe will finally rise up and drive the orcs back to their sand dunes! DEUS VULT!
Europe will finally nuke those 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧apes🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 to the south of Scotland.
It's the fault of every Brit who stays silent about their government's support for terrorism.
You keep saying that like it means anything other than "I thought you'd tolerate my bullshit, looks like I need to learn how tolerance works."
what did he mean by this?
Join me in half-chan`s Holla Forums to push anti-torry rhetoric. We need to turn reactionaries to our side or push them to waste their votes on UKIP.
It's always the right who benefits from terror attacks, because they have allegedly better security concepts (which somehow still don't stop the terrorist attacks).
Corbyn's doing to well? Well too bad.
Never forget? This just happened again twice in the last couple of hours and will continue to happen in the future with no real end in sight. You can say with hindsight that this was caused by proxy wars but that doesn't change the situation now does it captain hindsight
The situation is the Brits are getting killed by their own mercenaries.
They are making new polls by this morning so I assume that we will know by then.
It's been the case for decades. It's not about hindsight, our leaders should have learned the first time it happened and they didn't.
The tories knew about the Manchester terrorist for years in advance and did nothing.
Are you pissing yourself right now or what ?
ISIS is expansionist. I think there is some merit to creating a nice pen (caliphate) to keep the Muslims in for the greater good of everyone.
No, we need to join Rojava and destroy them with the spirit of Bookchin faggot
This tbh. Funny how all those edgy cynics that respond to collaborating with dictatorships and terrorist supporters for the sake of economic growth that "that's just how the world works" are always super surprised when it backfires sooner or later.
It's been wackamole from a series of bad decisions. It's not like we have any other alternative the left supports arming their guys as much as the right. And leaving the big bad shitty regimes to do whatever isn't a good idea either. A reasonable course of action regardless of foreign policy is to shut down immigration to the people that are continually responsible.
You'd miss any terrorist attacks in the US among all those shootings.
I'm a muslim that owns a dog
Yeah dude, rayce mix to own the libs
sunni islam needs to be pacified.
how can white culture fall with warriors like this on the side of freedom?
Cause you're baiting and it's shit and obvious. If you're gonna troll at least get good at it.
why are you posting like a 64 year man posting his thoughts in the daily mirror comment section
Because the mods are fags, like you
You first, buddy. I'm sure you don't quake in your boots at the thought of even the most basic social interaction.
Because this isn't the Daily Mail and no one wants to hear your senile shit
Colour me surprised.
Why would any muslim give a fuck? They don't eat pork because they think it's gross. Might as well eat dog shit to really own them
Thanks for the nostalgia man, I love this game's soundtrack.
Obviously one of us cannot use the word "justify" correctly, or is just so full of shit he can't possibly make a rational argument.
If imperialism is to blame for islamic terrorism, then why haven't we seen terrorism from Latin America or southeast Asia, both of which where prime targets for American imperialism only a generation or two ago?
Yeah no shit, if you don't help people you're going to have less problems. Holla Forumsyps remind me of little children who don't yet know the concept of empathy, utterly unable to comprehend why anyone would do something that isn't in his direct self interest.
Vote SNP so that Anglos like the Nazi poster get the bullet
Just because I get minimum wage and you live in your moms basement doesnt make me upper middle class my man
Asia and LA love the BWC
Immigration has been at an all time high under tories.
Corbyn is pro-Brexit and said immigration will slow
May is anti-Brexit and already let in tons of them, and even lied about how many
You're gullible as fuck
Because the imperialists funded different types of death squads in Latin America. Notably, Los Zetas was originally founded by CIA-trained mercenaries, and now it's one of the two biggest, most dangerous cartels in Mexico.
Because they aren't Muslim, and the Vietnamese are doing socialism with Vietnamese characteristics (read: Dengism) at the moment.
Tell me more how you're oppressed by living in White gated community.
Yes, drug cartels an widespread corruption/crime is way better. If you give different crime and violence different names they're totally different.
Every time
I have lived in houses that have gates that I had to open to get out onto the street, that's not what a gated community means friend. Have you tried opening your front door lately? Perhaps there is one out there too.
I was referring to the specific case of the 2004 madrid bombings. The conservatives had just entered the Iraq war the year before. The attack caused the PSOE, the soc-dems, to win the election. The PSOE had called for a withdrawal of troops. The public came to see the Madrid bombings as a direct consequence of the invasion. Before the attack the conservatives where in a comfortable lead, but because of the attack PSOE won and Spain pulled out of Iraq
Quite remarkable. So sometimes the terrorism is designed to do the opposite of what you are suggesting
Yeah because Sweden isn't having the same problem right now.
Maybe there's something to that siesta thing, apparently Spaniards can understand basic cause and effect in a way we anglos cant.
Sweden was in Afghanistan, what's your point?
actually they mostly dont
like three dead people from Islamic terrorism, statistaclly insignificant
Once the YPG will take back Raqqa of course I hope he will faggot
B-But all the sexual harassment cases counted as rape because the Swedish law is vague!
But the rape gangs!
People really need to learn that Sweden has almost always had a higher rate of rape because it's more reported and the law is more vague.
Sweden is a neighbouring country, incredibly nice place. Imo and according to HDI rankings one of the nicest places on earth. Reactionaries are tactically dumb to use Sweden in propaganda.
Sure there is a smugness to the eternal Swede that is easy to hate. But its pretty indisputable that they do organize society well. Makes it hard for me to hate soc-democracy
Stereotypical and disgusting.
How much are you allowed to make and be a commie?
For these retards nothing is valid. If you are a neet or get minimum wage, you're lazy. If you have a high salary, then you're a hypocrite.
Nazis are pure cancer.
No, look at the rate of rape over time. It was low for a long time but they changed the law and there wasn't a significant increase. A couple years later mass immigration started and then there's a large increase to the incredible rate we have now.
Get fucked.
Holy shit my sides. You guys are way funnier than Holla Forums.
If you're a neocon fox news watching grandpa or a bowtie wearing faggot your opinion is equally worthless
Well tippe'd.
As soon as you make enough money that you can support yourself, you pretty much realize it's entirely full of shit, or you are entirely full of shit.
There are no exceptions, and you are a faggot.
Really reboots the old head computer
Rape went up the same year laws changed and don't line up with immigration stats at all. If you could read a graph your whole ideology would melt away.
By all means though, keep substituting memes for research and evidence
Are you the same retard calling all commies upper class higher up in the thread? You guys are such schizo dipshits
its almost like they should just be murdered at any opportunity
Read a book nigga
Top cuck
Holla Forums never can wait to raid threads when there's an attack. Keep it up guys, your unique brand of brain damage will surely convince us.
First day on the job?
Present the evidence.
Yeah bro, a bunch of senile Trots wanting a permanent revolution in the middle east is old school.
Please skim through some basic literature about leftism before sperging out on this board, please.
The Holla Forums attitude towards Muslims is that the status quo isn't going far enough with respect to immigration, and that more Muslims need to be rescued for the greater good, as far as I can tell.
Are we supposed to somehow import the revolution this way, or something? Like, I know Holla Forums romanticizes Arabs because of Arab Communist parties and Arab nationalism against America and Israel, but, suppose you actually succeed in importing the revolution with the help of Muslims. How are they going to be de-converted from Islam? Like, no one doubts that most Christians will fight for the reactionaries and will need to be exterminated. Aren't the Muslims going to need to be exterminated at some point by this logic? If it comes down to faith or Communism, they are going to choose faith.
I know it's pretty hilarious.
check em btw
Nice meme. Just what I expect from a Holla Forumslack, complete inability to understand.
Go on.
Just what i'd expect from anyone here. No argument. Almost like you can't win.
Hello hispachan
You truly are the last bastion of logic and reason. I'll remember to tip my fedora in your general direction when my Soros check comes in.
Don't put words in my mouth faggot
What's your argument?
Clearly the best thing to do would be to stop arming these people and hoping they don't turn on us down the line. Something the government and Holla Forumstards don't understand.
As another newfag I'm pretty sure there isn't a consensus on this board about anything.
Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from muh privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white males from middle-class families.
Being retarded is your plan? I'll take it on board but I'll maybe file it away for a rainy day.
Do you honestly think leftypol wants more immigrants? lol Immigration is not the main point. Nobody gives a shit about immigration. The only stance you should take into consideration is Anti-imperialism.
Why not both? Here's a quote by Lenin:
"Muslims of Russia…all you whose mosques and prayer houses have been destroyed, whose beliefs and customs have been trampled upon by the tsars and oppressors of Russia: your beliefs and practices, your national and cultural institutions are forever free and inviolate. Know that your rights, like those of all the peoples of Russia, are under the mighty protection of the revolution."
Most of us agree that fundamentalism is cancer though, and that's all there is to say really.
I wonder 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧who🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 could be behind this…
Then why get so defensive when the far right wants to deport them back to their home countries?
That is the most cucked legalese nonsense. My face hurts from this thread.
I mean i agree women lie about rape and falsely report it a lot, but can you not see the connection between a rape increase in a nation and their willingness to import people whose ideals give them the greenlight to rape women?
Every fucken time
And victory was declared.
I could hypothesize about it, but my explanation has a timeline that matches up and yours doesn't.
Argument from fallacy is a thing user
To the attacker: youtube.com
Good luck
Leftism not even once hahaha.
Yeah give me all that sweet gas bb
Can you prove your claim user?
Yes, absolutely.
it absolutely does
Communists are anti-religion, though, especially fucking Lenin of all people. The USSR tolerated Islam but didn't exactly endorse it in practice.
Holla Forums will denounce Christianity or Judaism in a heartbeat but will rush to the defense of Islam because of anti-imperialism (except for the occasional Christian socialist, who will also choose faith over Communism)
You too sweetie.
I was the one who posted the link user, and you can't disprove my claims with another claim that you have failed to back up
Nice collection of liberals, what's that gotta do with us?
This is what happens when you can't into nuance. Holla Forums is against christianity and judaism but doesn't (for the most part) advocate military action to get rid of them. When discussing islam though this becomes the default solution
Your view of "defending islam" is "don't bomb muslims"
I'm searching, but every single study and news report, and i mean every last one, says something to the effect of "Why immigrants aren't actually responsible for the current rape problem".
Strange. Almost as if there is a concerted effort to convince people it's not Muslim immigrants, when it most certainly is.
Prove it or leave, done give excuses and conspiracy theories.
Is this how you guys argue against climate science as well?
Also I took off the flag since it was for shitposting but I'm the same poster
You didn't prove anything besides you're ability to bend over and accept "the truth".
Really revolutionary. You guys gone go far.
Oops that was the wrong image. Here it is.
Final time, can you prove it or not?
We have studies and evidence, you have given nothing but conspiracy theories.
Hmm.. snopes says it's not the immigrants, like every other credible news outlet. Shit.
Wonder why they have to refute such a claim?
You guys got anything better or you just gonna keep posting this weak shit? No wonder Holla Forums has massive overlap with /r9k/
Communists believe that a violent revolution will be necessary to overthrow capitalism, the state, and private property. Whose side do you think religious people will be on, in general? Military action against all religions is implicit in the Revolution.
I don't even advocate military action to get rid of Islam, I advocate containing it, and giving the Muslims a safe place in the Middle East to live where they can be kept excluded from the civilized world for everyone's benefit.
I don't know man, those non white Holla Forums group meetups look like regular people compared to you guys.
It's bad enough you keep getting BTFO in every """raid""" you conduct.
Literally spell out what is necessary for victory, then in the next sentence you dont want to go that route.
You people are retarded arent you?
Seems like a swell group of Aryan brothers and sisters.
Don't worry ill be banned soon for posting your disgusting BO. Seems ze is ashamed of zerself.
Literally 2 lone shitposter you retarded AIDS filled faggot.
Dunno why you're complaining, Holla Forums loves traps. It's okay to admit you're gay, really, go on.
you're very stupid aren't you? Terrorism isn't unique to Islam, but they're doing it horribly.
the fuck haahaha
Hence the quotation on """"raid"""". :^)
I think creating a safe living space for Muslims in the Middle East in the short term is a good solution. It's not like there's a revolution on the horizon, anyway.
Huh, really gets the noggin joggin.
You retarded? Where did I say that? Just pointed out that all you can do is post pictures of people who aren't me to try and prove something. I don't have to ask you for shit to make you look bad, you do that yourself plenty.
Jesus, it's a shitshow all around.
But how do we know it wasn't….
==THE IRISH==????
IRA exploiting ISIS to create tension in the UK???
Why aren't you joining your muslim comrades in revolutionary acts against the imperialist UK government?
So much for the revolutionary left!
Is this what a Holla Forumsyp meltdown looks like? Just autistic shrieking and shitposting?
But you didn't answer my question.
But i thought you were in favor of the revolutionary right user?
Why did you delete your post? Are you implying that the alpha males of the right wing aren't man enough to take on ISIS?
i didnt post pics of anyone. If i had one of you though im certain it would be hilarious.
Oh no my feels ;_;
Take yourself back to reddit.
If you want to deport people associated with terrorism then, yeah by all means go for it. It's that it seems that the right wants to deport every single one of the muslims.
Went there once they didnt like me.
This kind of thing wouldn't happen with NAZBOL GANG in number 10.
Just sayin
I assume that's a common thing in your life.
Why doesn't Holla Forums support ISIS? ISIS says that Muslims are required by Islamic law to migrate to the Caliphate.
All muslims are associated with terrorism, though.
It really is that simple you're just retarded. That's not ok, no matter what your friends tell you.
You're getting the hang of it. Now just stop sucking dicks if you can.
Then all white people are associated with terrorism.
I guess I better forget about the Quillam foundation too. Not only are you showing your political illiteracy, but you're also showing that you're an uneducated faggot. lol.
You've certainly got me there. The normalfaggot is a grotesque creature i don't find good company in.
Daily reminder the highest level of migration in this nations history has came under a Tory government
You can't support free markets and be anti-immigrations
This reductive thinking is why this will never, ever actually happen. What would a realistic policy be that's not just trolling? If I was a Holla Forumsfag it'd be more in the vein of arresting anyone with heavily suspected ties to ISIS.
Anyway you're bluepilled as fuck, Trump is actively courting the chief sponsors of Wahhabism, the Saudis, and bombed Assad. It's all the same system working in its interest.
If there's anyones cock you should be sucking it's ours.
I dont give a fuck about muslims. They can all literally get fucked and die. Every one of them without exception.
Silly Holla Forums, that's only going to make it much harder to douse them in pigs blood and feed them to the ovens. All our ovens are here, and there are no pigs in the Caliphate. Horribly inefficient. Just think of the logistics involved!
I told you, i want them to be treated bad. Fucking moron. It's like you dont understand the concept of "enemy".
Having an entire people as enemy makes you retarded.
Because it makes it harder to virtue signal, gotcha
No shit?
It's like you aren't listening to me.
Leftists again with stealing memes. For fuck sake be creative you hacks.
Virtue signaling was a leftist critique first. Rightists again with their ignorance
You wouldn't be of the belief that white people are bad, would you now?
Uh no, that'd be retarded as I just pointed out.
So much for the attractive, well adjusted left!
You're looking for tumblr. Glad I could help
Either abysmally stupid, or not even trying. I can't tell with this one.
Dat reading comprehension
I just want you to elaborate. Why is it wrong to not like people who want to eradicate you? It seems to me like a healthy thing to want to not be ran down by a muslim then shot by him, but i dunno maybe im a faggot.
If you were from tumblr why the fuck would you be looking for tumblr? Are you an autist?
Nice try faggot.
He's right though, you clearly can't read.
Bigoted asshole. Making fun of tards is mean.
Ok NOW you're acting like you're from tumblr
You clearly can't though. He pointed out that it's Tumblr that hates white people and you somehow interpreted that as him saying that guy is from Tumblr.
At the liberals that Holla Forums claims to despise are attractive compared to communist/anarchists.
You had me until "with a job"
How exactly does an adult with little to no education or marketable skills get a job in the west? Stop bullshitting.
I'm also calling you out on "normal". Western living standards aren't normal you muh privileged cunt. Not when most of the world doesn't even come close to living a "normal" life.
You're implying all Muslims want that. I'm more likely to be killed by a white nationalist, by your logic it would be sensible of me to hate all white people.
Where on the fucking planet do you live that you are more likely to be killed by a white nationalist you lying fuck?
I'm not implying it they wrote the fucking book genius.
Of course you would because muslims are prohibited from gated communities.
I did not imply that was a bad thing, all I wanted was your proposal for an actual solution that could be achieved under current conditions that isn't a retarded fantasy. You have to factor in public opinion etc. Just please elaborate on something rather than just having an emotional moment.
just face it, the only reason you dont see them as the enemy is because one hasnt attacked you personally yet, that is all.
You have no sense of community with your people, therefor dont give a shit if they are attacked. It would literally have to be you to give a shit, and even then you'd probably be one of the "Not all muslims" faggots.
So a book makes it necessary to hate all of a people?
I hate all white people then, the bible says I'm bad and must be put to death.
Not sure a "gated community" is going to have much effect if you just start gunning people walking by
So this is the power of Holla Forums.
You're a literal faggot arent you? That's the part of the bible that says you're bad.
Sure thing comrade.
Holla Forums virtue signalling again.
Truly we have a /lastsonofthewest/ over here.
Massive kek
Your argument is "NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE" while condemning people for apparently all being the same based on the same idea.
does not compute.
Checking my own hitler dubs.
I never said "All brown people". I specifically said "muslims". There are white muslims, they gotta go to shlomo, sorry you thought you had me.
All statistics back up this statement. In the west, you are way more likely to die at the hands of a white nationalist than a muslim.
If you have a counterclaim, feel free to back it up with comparative stats instead of with a meme
Makes sense.
You are an idiot after all.
You want them dead cause you are afraid, idiot.
I don't agree with him either but
"Insert anons quote here" followed by le laughing jpeg man is as molyneux puts it not an argument
In America, you're more likely to be killed for political reasons as opposed to religious.
Really makes you think
You're too stupid to be worried about people who would rape and murder you. I get that. Leftists actually self harm frequently. Says alot.
By your logic we should deport all right wingers as well as they come second to acts of terrorism.
Sorry i dont buy it. Pretty sure muslims got like 2k+ people in one day, cant remember when it was for the life of me.
If you have statistics that prove your claim, go ahead and post them.
It's not just the stats, its actual journalists too. See
As do most religious scripts. It's not the book that makes people violent.
Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative", "enterprise," "optimism," etc. play little role in the anarchist and communist vocabulary. The communist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his own ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The communist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
You're all gonna get what's coming you.
Burgers. Not even once.
Holla Forums eternally BTFO
The challenge was:
Answer it
Kek. You guys are the best i swear.
That picture is odd considering he mostly killed white children…. a bit like Hitler I guess
Leftists make up the statistics almost exclusively. Fuck your statistics, look outside you idiot.
Traitors first!
When did he argue that muslims never commit violent crime?
That's not what he asked dumbass.
He wants you to disprove the notion that you're more likely to be killed by a right wing nationalist than a muslim.
You guys..
Again, by your logic we should then deport right wingers because they're also likely to commit acts of terrorism
fallacy fallacy
How is an innocent child a traitor?
Granted the HuffPo chart includes both muslim and non-muslim attacks. But still…
Your turn. Show me all this white nationalist terror you keep worrying about. How many people were killed by white nationalist groups or lone wolfs in Europe. Don't cheat and say "b-but he was white so he must be a racist!". Where are these evil nazis that keep you up at night blowing up concerts and running people over with cars?
Face it, having toxic opinions isn't the same as killing people en masse. White nationalists march with flags and complain while Muslim literally go around stabbing people and blowing them up. Stop this white nationalist boogeyman nonsense.
Literally feels > reals
Thank you based mods. That was seriously the stupidest argument I've seen in a while,
No such as innocence
I'm sure those kids at the Ariana Grande concert had everything to do with the occupation of the middle east. Stop justifying violence and the death of innocent people.
So the people in this attack deserved it then did they?
No no one deserves to die at the hands of a shitskin white people are to be the sole arbiters of death and they will always be correct
Not an argument.
He was talking about how he is more likely to be killed by a white nationalist then by a jihadist in America.
Your 9/11 shitpost wasn't one either.
Neither is most of this Holla Forums feelz shit
Not the same user.
1. He said America, not Europe.
2. To back up his claims on America. See
Wasn't the UK supposed to be on hight alert or something???
So they were correct in granting blacks civil rights and allowing muslims to enter the country?
If you say so.
I'm not sure if it's incompetence or deliberate policy. This is how it'll go:
Actually Latinos are far more dangerous if you count between 1980 and 2005.
No, I don't know why Communists and Extreme Left Wing are separated.
At least post the more precise one
Just found this one. "Religious supremacists" deosn't include "Islamic supremacism" but does include "anti-semitism", so it might include some Muslim perpetrators.
You know what this needs? More MOABs at 170k each. Once """based""" Trump kills more, they'll surely give up. More monitoring and surveillance will help too, despite the fact these guys were probably known to the government.
Oops, just noticed this is just for "lone wolf" attacks. But there's this graph for group terror attacks.
Unfortunately the report doesn't supply data for lone wolf mixed with group terrorism.
it's just the perpetrators. 19 men were in the 9/11 attacks, but 3000 people died that day.