Hungary today

Hey /leftypol,
what is your opinion about Orbán's rule?

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Great opposition to the EU neoliberalism


In rhetoric only

Reactionary piece of shit. He's bourg as fuck and constantly panders to the Fascist Jobbik party. He's so opposed the the EU that he doesn't have the balls to leave it, and always talks about "Le ebil kultural marxists".

a little too northwesternly positioned to be anti-imperialist.


Don't you mean """liberálbolshevik"""? Fuck off back to magyarchan

i wonder, how is he still alive…

warmed-over & half-assed fascism that won't do much else but bitch about the EU and fuck with whatever brown people that are desperate or dumb enough to go there.

sounds like someone for Holla Forums

Egytől tizes skálán mekkora nagy gőzőlgő szargombóc a magyarchan?


72% of Hungarians want Soviet-style "communism" back. Fuck Orban and anyone who likes him.

What did he mean by this?



Köszönöm elvtársak, meg fogom nézni az oldalt.

If Orban's internal policies are as shit as of Kaczynski who tries to model Poland after Hungary, then he must be pretty shit.

He changes ideologies like socks, he was supported both by Soros and Simicska (a hungarian oligarch), and now he blames other parties for being supported by them. Here in Hungary he propagates against the EU, but in Bruxelles he proposed a plan of a EU army. He and his party steals a lot of stuff quite openly, but nobody cares about it because hungarians are spooked af, and the only important thing for them is muh 1000 years old hungarian christian traditions and muh evil muslim migrants. He actually made a good job in making hungarians one of the most reactionary nations of the world.
He is lucky, that his opposition is even more retarded than him.
Also, it's such a shame that there is no serious Communist party in Hungary.

I think that is from an old poll, today i really doubt it. There is a very strong anti-communist propaganda in Hungary, almost every second day the news are full of "Gulag-memorial day" or "Victims of Communism memorial day", Communist symbols are banned, defending the Socialist system is punishable, so these things have an effect on hungarian thinking. The Catholic Church is also very anti-communist here.
But it's true that many people like Kádár and are nostalgic about the socialist era, even if not as many like in the 1990's.

How did this happen? Hungary was one of the best countries in the Eastern Block.

After the second world war the commie party started pushing this shitty patriotic folk communism bullshit to please their soviet overlords and completely eradicated any traces of the previously dominant internationalist socialist movements.

Like in most Eastern Bloc countries the old Communist Party became a socdem shit (today it is called Hungarian Socialist Party). A small Communist Party was established called today Hungarian Worker Party (they had like 4% in the 1990 election), but it is only about Kádár-nostalgia, and it got less than 1% in the last election. There was a split in 2006, when the eurocommunists made a new party. They are today part of the European Left and are even smaller than Hungarian Worker Party. Around 2010 the HWP started to be quite nationalist, they even made a joint rally with a hungarist (nazism with hungarian characteristics) organization, and now they don't really criticize the Orbán government, sometimes they even support them against the EU and the liberal opposition. Mainly because of this there was another split in 2012. The new party is called People's Front, but unlike the name suggests, they are still very small and want "peaceful revolution" (as every other radical leftist party in Hungary). And we have a bunch of other leftist parties beyond these 3, but they are even smaller, and most of the members are very old.
Sorry for being this long and for my grammar.

We must support comrade Orbán against EU and refugee imperialism

fuck off tankie
2010's not that long ago, especially considering that things were a lot less shitty back then (Europe wasn't really hit by 2008's shock-waves until 2011-2012).

Cryptofascist shit who supports anti-communist policies like removing a public statue of Lukács.

What's wrong with European leftists? They all want a "peaceful revolution".

Better than liberalism.

Yes indeed, who the fuck cares what one country who isn't being a good little slave does. Imperialism is by far the greater evil, I don't care what they within their own country. Also, nice false equivalence of modern day Hungary with Nazi Germany. The standard liberal starting point to every debate.

Orban is fucking based and the haters are just Democrats.

When did we get flooded with liberals?

Congrats, you fell victim to Orbán's charade. Fidesz is completely fine with Hungary being in the EU, in fact, they make sure that all the EU funds get distributed among the right-wing elite.

On an ideological level they oppose the "liberal EU" (free speech, LGBT, NGOs, etc.) and put legislation in effect against it, while shilling for a "Christian EU" (muh families, bible study in schools, church property, feudalistic agriculture, etc.). What unites these – only apparent – poles is anti-communism. The liberal media started equating Orbán with Kádár, the right-wing has been calling liberals communists since the regime change. No matter who runs this country it's apparently the communists fault.

Not really. And besides, Jobbik already purged its "radical wing" (anti-EU, openly racist, etc.) for a more PC image.

Again, not really. What they are doing is something called structural anti-semitism. They don't name "them" the "Jews," but "they" (the evul boogeymen) act like the jooz in the anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Their new found favorite is ofc "Soros György" who "sends refugees" against the "Christian Yurop".

Orbán never said that.

They keep quiet about the current pope and in practice shun him.

Again, (some of the) left likes to call everything (x)fascist that they don't care to understand.

In what way, ya tard?

Anti-liberalism is in itself meaningless. Being exploited under libs or cons doesn't make a difference. Take your "culture wars" back to >>>Holla Forums. We commies here.

Just why can't you hate both Liberalism and a shitty Conservative strongly anti-communist system led by oligarchs? Orbán will also never do more, than he is allowed by EU and the USA. A good example for this is when he tried to close the CEU (a university supported by Soros), but when the USA started to criticize him, he immediately changed his mind. And that happened many times before. Besides this members of the government acts like the new aristocracy (Orbán himself wants to move to the Castle of Buda), they don't care about poor people (for example they tried to solve the homeless problem by simply banning homeless people from the city), let public healthcare and education die (now a Catholic school gets more money/kid from the state than state owned schools), and they are always ready to destroy the last memories (statues, street names, etc) of the socialist era.

Thanks for this, it gives me some hope, but i still think that 72% is too much. The combined number of the votes for every radical left party on the elections in 2010 and 2014 were less than 1%, and based on the likes of communist sites and the comment sections communists are still very few. The Kádár-nostalgia is strong, but most people who have nice memories from the socialist era still vote for Fidesz or one of the many liberal parties.
Hungary was hit earlier, because the government started to make limitations very soon after the beginning of the crisis. Another problem was that most people had their loans in foreign currency, so the extreme change of the value of Forint compared to foreign currencies sent many people to the streets. Besides that the government of 2006-2010 was one of the most hated governments before the crisis too.

In the case of Hungary i think it's because they are very small, members are very old, and propagating any violent solution is punishable, but in countries with a strong movement (like Russia or Czech Republic) i don't understand it either.

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