Mfw a tankie calls himself leftist


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yeah well at least my waifu wears shoes


this is now an anime feet thread




You're entirely right there.


someone explain to me why every marxist-leninist is called a "tankie"

sure, the soviet union were being assholes when they wheeled their tanks in to hungary to enforce their will above the hungarian people, but couldn't there be a USSR style state that seeks communism but doesn't have an imperialist/interventionist foreign policy?

it seems like the term tankie on Holla Forums has turned into anyone who doesn't believe you can immediately destroy the state after the revolution and be successful. basically anyone who isn't an idealist anarchist who lives in fantasy land is a tankie.

It used to be more narrow, even up until quite recently. As I understand it did refer specifically to those who supported the Hungarian intervention or sometimes Khrushchevite revision more broadly. Now it's typically applied to any M-L, sovietboo or "Stalinist".

I don't really have a big problem with that tbh. Anyone who actually chooses to self-identify as a M-L in the 21st century, especially if they are young enough to have come of age after the Cold War ended, probably should be shamed a bit for it. More so given that in reality, most of them are what you'd call "SJWs" or pallette swapped fascists anyway

They are.

Lets define our axis more usefully.
Left vs Right is anticapitalist vs Pro capitalist
authoritarian vs libertarian is actually statist vs anarchist.
then we need a third axis, up-down, for progressivism vs conservativism.
tankies are conservative statist anticapitalists.
nazis are conservative statist centrists
leftypol are centrist(slightly above center) somewhat anarchist anticapitalists.
r/socialism and the like are radically progressive statist capitalists.

What a helpful post. You must be very proud of yourself.

Its an idea I made up. In what way could you possibly construe it as trying to be "helpful." Im frustrated with how the left vs right spectrum bundles often coinciding but not actually related ideas with each other and want to discuss ways of making a better system.
There is no way someone who isn't brain damaged could construe that ppost as conveying some pre-existing information as some kind of guide or quick-rundown.


when Yugos were backpedalling from laissez-faire market reforms in the 70s due to worker's backlash some Neoclassical economists like Branco Horvat started to bitch about Stalinism to the point when on some meeting Horvat was called an enemy of the Yougoslav people

Your stupid third scale to use as an excuse to be a leftist who isn't a leftist at all won't work because you necessarily must be a statist to ensure your conservative social values.


Not really when such policy is an inherent property of a "socialism in one country" enclave embedded within and subject to the contradictions of a capitalist world

No, it doesn't

This, except for the quotes around "Stalinist." It's a useful descriptive term, even if people it describes aren't necessarily Stalin-ites.



Holla Forums is basically COINTELPRO by this point.

A meme.

nazis were more left wing than the soviets

prove me wrong

protip you can't

you mean

Something that is not real.

just marxism

Do we have a properly Left board somewhere? With bans for Liberals leaking out of their containment thread?

Personally, I'm tired of seeing the same dumb bullshit again and again.

now thats a hot take


Marxism was a mistake.

but it's different

tankies have killed hundreds of millions of people whereas anarchists have killed none

I hope you are just kidding.

fuck off tankie you don't belong here


how do i convince anarchists to let me lick their feet?
they always call me a "creep" and "fascist" when i try



embarrassed tankies


Tired of this meme. "Libertarian" is a word coined by anarchists, self-used only by anarchists and ridiculed by literally every living Marxist communist who bothered to give their two cents on it. This goes so far that Rosa Luxemburg, who is often brought up as fitting the moniker, called herself Bolshevik, literally called anarchism a mental disorder and praised Lenin more than the critiqued him. So please, stop trying to insert dishonest notions like "libertarian [revolutionary type of politics]" (including anarchism, if you really are one) into existence, first because they're historically bullshit and second because they're oxymoronic terms.

They should be. But some of them never learn from mistakes.

If you deny the obvious split even among Marxists between state centred authoritarian socialism and council/worker centred socialism then you are being willfully ignorant. Honestly Lenin, in terms of his theory (if not necessarily his practice) is far closer to libertarian Marxists including syndicalists and leftcoms than he is to Stalin, Mao, or any of their ilk.

How spooked are you?

But Lenin, Stalin and Mao aren't marxists, user.

But authoritarian/libertarian dichotomy is a forced meme.

why? You could be a anarchist and actually reactionary. Look at Quakers, they are actually reactionary, they have a horizontal religious structure. They aren't technically anarchists, but they are pacifists, and a state with out violence is not a state.


In the sense that there is no specific line of demarcation between a libertarian society and an authoritarian one, but that doesn't mean that there is no difference between the two. The political situation and level of personal freedom in say, Stalin's USSR is objectively different than the USA of the same time period.

why'd we do that? "left" and "right" does not apply for people outside of the bourgeoise spectrum. the socialist spectrum does not go from left to right but from Marxist Leninist to Revisionist.

epic meme comrade, quickly post it on reddit they will like it

bumping once more for your salt

Tankies spout conspiracy theories like clockwork

Left communists by in large reject the term "libertarian socialist"

Go to the wall.


I'm a marxist leninist but on political compass I score on the lower left edge.
What now?

Now you stop taking that shitty test seriously.

Say no more

The political spectrum is based on context, not values.

I can tell you why. Because the test conflates cultural values with socio-economic ones.

Basically if you don't think women should be restricted to the kitchen but also think Stalin did nothing wrong you still gonna end up as a "libertarian" leftist in the political compass test