I'm lonely, I'm depressed to the core, all I do all day is browse internet...

I'm lonely, I'm depressed to the core, all I do all day is browse internet, read some Cioran and watch pretty girls on youtube that will never be mine.

I don't know a single person who is interested in politics, history or philosophy, all they do is go clubbing, get drunk or listen to ghetto music. I can't get a single male friend, let alone a girlfriend.

Tell me, why I shouldn't give up on the fight at this point, when there's nothing to fight for?

Feelidarity thread? Feelidarity thread.

I know how you feel comrade. Everything I do in life just seems superfluous, like I'm always just looking forward but for no reason. When I'm at uni, I look forward to breaks, when I'm on break, I look forward to going back to uni. I just kill time and march along to what I assume life is meant to be.

I'm going through a "fuck it" period at work and i'm seriously considering going back to school part-time just because i'm bored on a fundamental level

We're just no longer part of the great delusion. Once you look into the abyss, there's no way back from there.

Where do you live that you can't find a single person interested in politics

You should just kys. Inferior males like you will be even worse under socialism. At least capitalism you can hire a hooker. Under socialism no one will have any incentive to give a single shit about you and you'll be found dead with a collective vidya and a collective cheeto in your mouth.

Try out different hobbies. Hobbies are basically work-like activity without the alienation. Also, you could find local clubs for the different hobbies you try out and meet people there.



Atacama, Chile.

No, under Socialism my literary talent will be appreciated and I'll have a real purpose in life teaching the new generations.

Yeah, I just read, exercise, internet etc. khv neet idk what to do.

inb4 deleuze fags blame capitalism for OP's problems

Nah man. Your problems are caused by the ideology of "free" sexual choice, not by capitalism. You will die alone and never experience any intimacy with a woman. You'll never marry (except maybe some ungrateful whore who has had dozens of partners before you), you'll never have kids.

you're fucking lame and again, nice projection

Mental health is overrated.

Under socialism arts and science will flourish, my social theory will get me fame and renown and be surrounded by people similar to me.

Literally doesn't matter.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

The act of resisting is enough motivation.

Learn programming languages and join the Left Tech Collective

ask in /gnussr/

If you are a depressed little manlet bitch you CAN NOT be a real socialist. Real socialism is about having lots of friends who genuinely like you which is NOT for beta cucks like you, it is for tall normies with deep voices.

this but unironically

Explain why I'm wrong

You have an entire new world to fight for. The worst things are the more reason to fight. Don't make the mistake of thinking the present situation is eternal, or that no matter what you'll always be unhappy and alienated.

Why are we still here just to suffer?

Join Action Front what do you have to lose

One of the worst parts about this is that if you tell "normies" (for lack of a better word) this they'll tell you that you need to get a job so you can feel some purpose. No joke. My friends have told that to me. Once they also told me that if I moved out to an apartment I'd feel better since I live with my mother, don't have to worry about paying anything for the house, and have as much freedom as I want because my mom isn't a dominating cunt.

I don't get it.

You need to engage with right-wing tought at once.And unironically take the redpill for a month.


Fuck off.

We /undergroundmen/ now. Have you considered reading Nechayev?

WTF is action font? (The name sounds fascist TBH)

Everyone is alienated and atomized. We're living in a sort of Fahrenheit 451 world where everyone is unhappy and most indulge in sensory overlord in order to keep from confronting their own unhappiness. You think happiness is going clubbing, having sex and doing drugs? It's all just bandaids to keep people from confronting their own existential dread. You, who does not indulge in such things, are closer to happiness then these people because you're not just trying to distract yourself constantly. Keep reading and seeking enlightenment, and remember that suffering is necessary for any kind of growth.

But I'm not 18 anymore.

Will it be worth it at the end?


Hey man you can join the leftypol discord server

I don't believe anyone ever actually achieves enlightenment, but in the process of trying to achieve it they find peace. So ask yourself, is it worth it to not try?

I remember you user

have you tried some uni circles? reading groups etc?

join a socialist/communist party

I don't know how to find them or if they even exist in my town.


Is this server as shit as some people say or should I try it out?

you just walk into a campus and give the headmaster a firm handshake

Hey OP, a computer is not a natural environment. Staring at a screen all day, at people you cannot touch nor smell or even see in 3d, or interact with in rl, is alienating in of itself.

You sound like someone that needs to get himself together. I recommend taking walks first- just getting out of the house, and trying to limit your computer use to max four hours. Try to eat healthy, try to get sunlight, walk a lot, sleep in at proper times. It'll help with your depression a little and might give you some boost in your life, help you pick up the pieces.

You need to ask yourself why you can't get friends. Are you awkward? Do you have nothing in common with people? Are you obviously disinterested and do you not even try? Be creative in how you want to meet friends- for example, you can try a new hobby, then find a forum of it that has regular meet-ups. Fuck, join a reading circle, or whatever club of enthusiasts of something you like.

Oh, and stop watching pretty girls on yt all the time. It'll get you frustrated and up your standards unreasonably high.

I don't know, it gives me hope.

Get a job, lift weights, maybe the testosterone will kick your nu-male ass out of adolescence and into adulthood. A job with physical requirements like road-work or construction.

Who am I kidding? The majority of Holla Forums has never interacted with the honest working class in their short lives, just like the kike vermin in behind the Bolshevik revolution.(someone show this kid the threads that ask what Holla Forums do for a living )

Is this the lifestyle of /fringe ideology/? Why don`t you just join a socdem party and actually get more active and better life?

I did hard labor for 5 months once.

Now am at services industry. Am I not still a prol?

So find a leftist organization online and go to meetups. Or go to DSA meetings and fuck halfway-lefties if you can stomach the idpol.

Take me to flavortown, baby.

tfw actually good at talking to people, being funny, and maintaining the appearance of normality, but can't figure out a way to actually make friends. I don't know why, but I always end up avoiding people.

The problem is not that there are no such people.
The problem is you don't know them.

I got a job. Not much changed. I just have less time to do nothing now. Most people just focus on their jobs and forget to live. ALIENATION.

10$ on trust issues.

What are my odds?

"I'm lonely, all I do all day is browse internet"

Well fuckin stop you idiot. Go make something out of yourself, you're not doing anything rn.

Get a job to save money, make friends with the workers, work out on your abdominals, idk just stop being a failure.

speak for yourself bitch. I work & work out. fuck off.

I was about to say you're me, but then I remember I have no friends at all. So, at least you can be comfortable someone else is more pathetic.

I'm not seeing a correlation here.

But this is the real killer. Some people are somehow able to live without a big objective. Living in the now, I guess, focusing on the journey rather than any destination. Blessed are they, because you just can't comprehend why someone would want to live for the sake of living.

So you imagine you can work towards one of those scenarios our society deems desirable, a hedonist lifestyle or an ascetic saint or anything in between. You find entirely too many of them downright repugnant for a number of reasons, but even if you didn't, you can't find one that you think you can reach, because you have no talent, passion or calling – not outside our shared lost cause, at any rate. Even if you had the personality and, let's not forget, the opportunity, to be successful and popular, your distaste for this gay Earth would likely stop you.

So you figure, if I'm going to suffer, might as well suffer for a good cause. Except you can't. The closest thing you can do is catch a bullet in Rojava, but we all know that that anarchist experiment is marked for death, like all others before it.

So unless you happen to be a genius theorist, there is no way you can actually further the cause even a little bit and improve the word for good, all you can do is try to amelliorate it. The proverbial band-aid on a tumor. And you can't stand this, you can't work towards this ephemeral change, this illusory improvement. It feels like wasted effort and time at best and prolonging the suffering of a dying man at worst.

And you don't want to change the world so you can be a hero, you just want to change the world for the better because that's the only worth fighting for. It doesn't matter that you die alone and is soon forgotten, so long as you lived for a purpose. The purpose.

Am I right?

*that's the only thing worth living for.

I want to change the world for the better but at the same time I also want to be a famous and respected figure.

I can't reconciliate those two sides.

Well, Lenin was famous and respected. Kinda aiming high tho.

Not under capitalism + christfagism

A Group of leftists interested in raising class conciousness

You are the kids who live off their parents, not because their parents are particularly rich, but because you've always been such a sap they pity you too much to kick you out

Rolled 3 + 1 (1d4)

I know for a fact u are like this bc every WOKE(K) chilean feels like this.

And if then u can't get some satisfaction, then u were u are and u keep being the problem

Exercise and find a creative outlet to express your ideas and create propaganda. Draw, paint, write, learn to play an instrument, or make a YouTube channel.

Take a dancing class. Seriously. Learn the tango, or samba, or something. I like swedish folk dance. Meet some people, dance with some cute girls, get out. A dance class is a fun way to do that.


No wonder why you are depressed.
When I feel down and want something nihilistic, I read some Nick Land, preferably after a line of speed or two. Then I secretly hope capitalism will never be abolished and have a place for me as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude.
Abandon the Marxist dream of dynamism without competition. Embrace the Capital. Peter Thiel will be gentle with you.

I already do these goddamn things, this is why I made this thread, to ask Holla Forums if it was worth it to keep contributing to the cause when I feel so defeated by life.

That will be somehow different and smarter from the people I encounter at college everyday? and why would some basic girls from a dancing class be interested in a guy who likes metal and philosophy?

What a vague and lazy tip, m8.