Poc are underrepresented in the lgbtq movement


And the new pride flag is awesome

Other urls found in this thread:


But neoliberalism already has a flag?


God I fucking hate the LGBT community.


there is no lgbt community

Ever heard of intersectionality bro

r/soc claims that class is part of it yet it always gets left off of these types of things for some reason. Funny how that works.

There is, but when I say this take note I'm not shitting on LGBT, but the """LGBT community""". Whenever you add community to the end of an identity you normally get the worst examples of those people latching onto it for some political agenda, often in some position with the national rag dedicated to their cause or a political post specifically for them somewhere. They tend to make very broad statements on behalf of everyone else. The Jewish community are also bad for this.

the problem is there is no intrinsic uniting concept or experience between every flavor of lgbt. they're such disparate identities that have been integrated in varying levels that there is no social mesh between them. and you see that all the time with old white faggots crushing revolutionary elements in this so called community

Adding a gender factor is completely acceptable since it's very tied to sex, but race? Fucking retards, it's like they want their movement to crash.

is black a sexuality?

As much as brown, I'm told.

Get the fuck out idpol.

It's more racist to assume the original rainbow flag was only to rep white fags.

should be a disabled banner on there too
a bunch of white wheelchairs

We can put them on the blue line.


the original gay movement was even whiter than they are now

Queer black people are more marginalized tho

What are you, a fucking nazi? Different identities can and di make a community

You get out. Intersectionality isn't the same as identity politics.

This flag is delusional. The LGBT community is the most racially segregated community. It's worse that church on Sunday.

Fucking semantics since they are essentially the same thing. And even if they're not exactly the same thing it's similar enough. Splitting hairs.

9 times out of ten intersectionality is used as an excuse for identity politics.

Where do they fall on the politics graph?

Kill yourself, nigger.

Being proud of being gay or having a dark skin color is shit and makes you a traitor worthy of only execution by guillotine. You must be loyal to your nation/the working class. Of course, most faggots and niggers are yuppies and lumpens respectively so they all need the guillotine anyways.

Also, niggers like to piggyback on everything. You already have BLM nigger-pride parades to ook around at, stop trying to crash everyone else's party. (Even if they suck.)

If you're not flying the star-spangled banner or any worker or American related flags, you deserve to have your home burned down and lead be lodged inside your skull, subhuman traitors.

Intersectional politics is shit basically.

So where's the color for the working class?

Third from top.

reddit pls go

Dear mother of god.

A six colored rainbow? What the hell kinda rainbow has no fucking purple? This is fucking prejudice is what it is. Chromatic muh privilege.

If we had the original pic we could create "The Intersectionality Graph" because it actually has intersections.


i cant stop laughing at you idiots. while you people whine about armchair communist theory that no one cares about anymore, we descend further and further into idpol fun that furthers the cause of capitalists. every major corporation from google to mcdonalds supports the "LGBT community" and unlimited third world immigration. you'll be begging for the nazis to start rounding people up soon enough

Fuck off Americunt. Most of the non-retarded posters here are Latin Americans and Euros.

This really creases my corners.

Wasn't the entire point of the rainbow flag that it represented diversity? How can a flag literally designed to represent diversity not be diverse enough?

I don't think you understand, this one has black AND brown in it. So it's better!

Liberalism is a cancer upon the living and the dead


Good post. How will leftypol ever recover?

y'all posting in a bait thread

Intersectionality isn't really wrong tho

Problem is that many Libs do not see that Class is the most important identity out of all of them as it is used to oppress minorities and why the the oppression circle thing even exists in the first place

The black and brown just ruin the aesthetic.

No Justice No Pride is great and white gays are mostly racist/transphobic as hell but that flag is trash and totally fucking unnecessary.

Stonewall had trans and people of color in among those leading it. The Gay Liberation movement had support from local Black Panthers.

Intersectionality, or the way it is usually explained (aka not the way Kimberle Crenshaw first wrote about) is anti-marxist and just straight up wrong for the most part. I think there is hope to reconcile the two but the widespread understanding of intersectionality right now doesn't put class as the central, uniting trait. That pic is basically a rebuke to popular intersectionality theory.

Theoretically intersectionality is really horrible but if it works in this current moment and can take the left further it isn't the worse.

*takes a huge shit on the top layer of the pride flag*

if you don't like these changes you're racist :)

Where is the color for the working class and the poor ??? Or can they just get fucked ?

Those aren't identities.

The Holla Forums is strong in this thread. If you disagree with LGBTQ+ you're simply on the (far) right, not the left political spectrum.

You are.

>>>Holla Forums


Please go back to reddit. Youre not a Nazi for realizing that brown, white, gay, etc… people do NOT have unitary experiences in our society. Unlike class, which is super unitary.

Wow. This is good bait. Honestly. But if you truly believe that, you are honestly and truly retarded.

Racism is just a symptom of the core problem which is class.

pls no

Class is in the base, identity is in the superstructure.


You should go to
>>>Holla Forums
if you disagree with me. Yes I believe that, how can you preach about equality if you don't care about the oppressed minorities in a society? If you're against the oppressed in society you simply aren't on the political left spectrum, you're right wing and should post on Holla Forums with other racists.


And now, go back to reddit.

There is only one oppressed, it's a MAJORITY and it's the working class.

It's seriously the time to renew the mod team of this shithole
This is the 4th or 5th useless faggotry thread in a row that should've been anchored
There's even a mentally ill on the mod team that shouldn't even be there
Holla Forums is slowly becoming reddit
Please don't let this happen

that's just not true

That's such a broad statement and generalisation. Sure the working class is getting screwed over, it is in fact the majority. However a socialist platform that is build to counter the oppressed working class while keeping prejuidices and oppression of minorities alive in that society will be closer to fascism or Not Socialism than true socialism.

Reminder that faggotry was always present and it has to be extra thicc autism to be anchored. Mostly pol autism.
And I'm sure there are more than one mods with mental issues. And chances are the trans mod is probably more sane than most of the userbase.

They are caused because of Capitalism and if you focus on that you forget the actual problem. Noone said "cops in the US killing blacks is A-OK" or "Sweden going fullFascism as crisis goes on and SocDem cannot give answers, is an acceptablem outcome". But this are issues that come to be EXACTLY because of Capitalism!

Oh, and, no, Fascism and Nazism cannot be socialist, cause they are Capitalism in decay.


The best part is that the trans mod is the most mentally stable of the mod team.

How considerate of you.

It was a goddamn race-neutral flag already, you fucking pieces of shit. Had nothing to with race one way or another.


Nope, more protected you probably meant to say. I'd be terrified to ever fire a queer black person, give them a failing grade, or even correct disruptive social behavior at work if I happened to be in a position of power over them. I would have a better chance of losing my job or being victim of a lawsuit than if the person was just a normal white male, not to mention the harrassment and threats I would receive from the porky's footsoldiers known as "activists". If it were a college campus, mob violence against me would be a very real reality.

I've never once heard an intersectionalist give a fuck about white trash.

Poor got it worse than any other group. Anybody who tries to tell you that poor white folks have it better than rich black folks is full of shit, and either drank the intersectional kool-aid or they're COINTELPRO.

I wonder if it's medically possible for a tumorous growth to develop its own tumorous growth.

Intersectionality is the liberal response to solidarity. It is designed to obscure class.

Doesn't even begin to cover it - the rainbow flag represented inclusiveness. Because it was a fucking rainbow. Trying to illustrate this by simultaneously singling out particular racial groups and making the flag technically less of a rainbow is stupid as shit.

It's also pretty obvious that this variation of the flag won't catch on universally. It's going to just be another flag, but now it will be used arbitrarily as a test. I don't know if it will reinforce divides - a lot of the time when people say something will "reinforce divides" they're just projecting their kneejerk reaction, and in the long term such overall division tends to be unlikely. That said, this is a flag. There's stupid rhetoric, and then there's stupid rhetoric with separatist symbolism.

No. Fascism is not a capitalist ideology, it combats capitalism. However it is still extremely oppressive of minorities in society and has no real social justice.

They are not capitalist as banks get made to be state property, capitalist economical structures are overthrown and a party seizes the means of production.

It's a thing leftist ideology prides itself in, that it stands up for the weakest in society who are minorities.

wow, ok you know nothing about fascism
Are you that fascism is when a party seizes the means of production?
It's a thing socialist ideology prides itself in, that it stands up for the weakest in society who are the majority.

Does this mean you like to fuck niggers?

Yes, the record number of privatizations under the Nazis and the crushing of workers' organizations across the fascist political landscape was truly a grievous blow to capital.

Bisexual tranny here, I fucking hate what they've done to the flag, it's supposed to be about sexuality, not race. Fuck off with that retarded bullshit

LGBTQ+™ has nothing to fucking do with our struggle
There is no difference if faggots hang from trees or if they're praise in the media (as they are). The only difference that matters is who has the means of production, the rest is a smoke screen.

Also, I don't care personally if you are a deviant, but I think spending a fraction of a second in lgbt "rights" is a waste of time

I guess that no justice no peace counter protest got to them.

No, it is essential that minority groups are protected by the state. Otherwise it's impossible to have any kind of social justice. The means of production are never truly in the hands of citizens of a country or state, and you should be glad for that. Since citizens themselves are often not good at planning or making long term strategies for such a state to function. Therefore you would always need a party or a so called elite of rich businessmen to hold the means of production. The citizens will gladly follow as they do not want to put up with high stress situations only a few want to put up with.

Nevertheless it's essential that a government preserves justice, and justice is equality. Equality of race, religion or sexuality.

The new flag is a memey publicity stunt and everyone who isn't 10 and easily triggered by the scary mean blacks knows this.
Anyways. They are underrepresented.

kek /leftpol/

Yes. As long as we don't lynch all the niggers we'll never own the means of production!
Fucking hell.


Hey look, it's the black flag that's adamant they've been here since the beginning but is too much of a newfag to respond to multiple posts!

It's called just waking up, or being high, or using this board to let my pent up energy out arguing with right wing newfags.
Where'd Yui go huh? If this board didn't and is not currently rapidly deteriorating in quality?

Coming from you this is so rich it should be put in a gulag.

South Park is hit and miss but when it hits it hits hard.


This thread is bait and idpol. Everyone taking part needs to go to gulag

On one hand sure.
On the other, somebody has to reply to the fags like this.

This is the speech from episode 201, where butthurt celebrities try to steal Muhammed's protection from satire by stealing his essence. The entire speech was bleeped out on the live broadcast and this episode got the creators in some shit with comedy central. Pretty telling that this is the one thing South Park's done that's too far for porky distributors to allow.

It's this sort of quality post leftypol needs more of.

Either a retard or a falseflagger, go back to Holla Forums or /r/soc


r/soc is a better more intellectual place than this one. This place is infested with Holla Forums thought and Holla Forums posters shitting up the board.

Also why would I not include 'questioning' and the multiple other gender variants denoted by the +? I think it's important to also offer support to these people.

They are liberals and may be actual COINTELPRO

That guy's probably being a twat, but even just LGBT is silly and cumbersome to say. Trans issues are different from gay/bi issues anyway, and the Q and + things are arguably different from trans issues. I'm bi and the shit I have to deal with has little in common with what trannies have to deal with. Shit like non-binary and whatever else doesn't have the kind of backup that the constituents of LGBT do (yet) so it's not clear what's a different configuration of human and what's just a socially constructed identity. There are a lot of dumb kids making shit up and making no effort to sort the wheat from the chaff on the matter.

It's also extremely telling how the additions to the initialism are prioritizing the kinds of "deviancies" of identity that you tend to see in upper middle class white girls as opposed to something extremely concrete like intersex people.

So if I stop identifying as a wage slave I can end my economic exploitation? Wow, thanks, user!

So race isn't an identity either then? Following your logic.

It's literally the belief that things interconnect and that solidarity is necessary because of this.
You dumb pussy faggots.

You can't be trusted. It's like when white nationalists say they don't hate blacks and will not harm them once they gain power but they want America to become a white country. I'm glad you people are irrelevant when it comes to leftism.


Are you, literally blind? You can't just socially stop being black.

This is literally how Chunk Yogurt described socialism.

George Takei (one of the most followed people on normiebook) shared an article this morning saying if you didn't accept the shitstained rainbow flag you're a racist.

Prepare your butthole for the normie spamming of this bullshit.

So yeah. A memey publicity stunt.

We all know that it does not work like that in practice, all it does is cause people to put themselves into groups who do nothing but scream at each other over who is the most oppressed which makes them grow to hate each other.