He appears to be a nazbol
Is Richard Spencer /ourguy/
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will he ditch the nazi larping and go full left wing nationalist ?
pls no
Yeahhhhh sweeties you should really listen to the podcasts he does, he wouldn't hesitate to gas all of you degenerates.
isn't white nationalism literally all he believed in when he first hit the scene where he did a speech about white nationalism and some guy in the audience yelled heil hitler?
In that context he's talking about reinvigorating old school style white conquest and imperialism. Just so you know.
You listen to Spencer's podcasts? I thought Holla Forums denounced him for being jewish controlled opposition over a year ago?
Or do you have no actual integrity as usual? Typical Holla Forums, they denounce people like Milo and Spencer but continue following them.
being a spooked commie, doesn't make the spook less spooky
I'm personally a fan. I can't really speak for the rest of Holla Forums or the hordes of redditors that raid cuck chan with photoshopped pictures made to make him look fat.
Milo…uh he was entertaining sometimes I guess? Never really paid much attention to him.
Holla Forums has been taken over by cuckchanners and the aut-right, they're idiots now.
Spencer is either a spy or a LARPer who has no idea what he's talking about because he sees anything that isn't full-on 'degeneracy' as vaguely nationalist (which is why he praises the USSR).
He's your usual fascist(and populist in general). Support some state intervention to help "the people" (=what does class mean?), never blame capitalism and force your spooks on everyone.
IIRC it was the old guard nazis who denounced people like milo and spencer while nu-Holla Forums loved them
I bet you started using Holla Forums during the american elections
It does kinda make sense tho, the Soviet Union is strongly symbolic for power to a lot of Russian nationalists. Many of them would love to kick Putin out and revert to before the neoliberal reform.
That really isn't true. Spencer is a victim of a whole lot of concern trolling. I've been on Holla Forums before it even was Holla Forums, not sure how that is supposed to be even matter.
And rightfully so.
Putin isn't a neoliberal, he backpedaled on a lot of neoliberal reforms done by Yeltsin
It's just authoritarian capitalism with Russian characteristics.
If you're an old guard Holla Forumsack what the fuck are you even doing? It's been compromised for years now.
so basically he's just refining his ideology for pussy
that's his ex wife
Most Russians want to go back to the USSR because they associate it with better days and a time when Russia was a superpower. So in a way it does act as a kind of Russian nationalism, you're right. But 'true' Russian nationalism is more accurately represneted by the Liberals, but they have a retarded Euraisan position, which makes them borderline NatBol in that regard. Nationalism in Russia is just completely utterly fucked up so don't try to understand it.
But my point was that for someone like Spencer to praise the USSR is stupid because Nazism and Communism have always been bitter foes. The USSR wasn't really properly nationalist beyond being very patriotic - but that patriotism was centered around Communism and the Party of Lenin, not ethnic Russian nationalism.
Putin is basically the Russian version of a neocon, he's better than Yeltsin (who was basically drunk all the time anyway) but a neocon nonetheless. All the aut-righters only fall for the RIDF meme because they're clueless about anything outside of America.
I meant before the 80s in general when the USSR started to cave to Cold War pressure. Yeltsin being an alcoholic was also probably similar to Reagan being senile, i.e. a way for lobbyists to easily manipulate him.
WTF I love NAZBOL now!
A lot of them love Stalin and I hear Brezhnev is pretty popular as well, so I guess you're right. But I wouldn't expect the Russians to be thinking deeply about this. They see the 80s as the decade when it all started to go wrong, so naturally they prefer the older times before that.
Yeltsin was a puppet through and through, it's obvious. He was drunk all the time because he never actually did anything, he was just wheeled out for public appearances. His substantial behind the scenes work (if there ever was any) came when he destroyed the USSR by declaring Russian independence.
I wouldn't hesistate to put him to work in a mine, farm or fishing. Maybe he would finally become useful for once.
wait, what?
Did he seriously?
But Neocons aren't authoritarian capitalists. I think you can't really equate those two types besides the fact that both hold somewhat conservative values. Putin protects some form of welfare state and insists on key industries being held by the state.
This is in no way similar to a neocon/neoliberal. I'm not a fan of Putin but to say he's a neoliberal is just horseshit, sorry.
I didn't say he was exactly the same as an American neocon, I said he was Russian version of one. Which he is, technically speaking. Russians are all pretty much more left wing economically than American so you have to take that into account, the 'right wing' parties in Russia are still a lot further left than the Democrats, for example. And of course Russians are a lot more statist than the Americans, who are more traditionally sceptical of government.
I never said 'neoliberal' btw, to call him that is horseshit, as you rightfully said.
Russian conservatism is a little weird though because unlike Western conservatism, it's holds socialists aesthetics and rethoric dear. The more conservative you are in Russia, the more you want to nationalize industries.
Considering how devastating the dissolution of the Soviet Union was for the Russian people, I think that Russia has good potential for a surge of socialism. Most western media always tries to spin this narrative that Soviet nostalgia is just because Russians like nationalist strongman policy, which is completely patronizing because Russians were fucked economically by the Perestroika first and foremost. Reoccurance of hunger, mass poverty, typhus and general misery are the main reason of Soviet nostalgia. Anyway, this leads to the fact that unlike in the West, communist parties in Russia aren't subjugated by COINTELPRO or getting straight up outlawed, because even staunch Russian conservatives are not spooked about socialism.
take your fash worship back to Holla Forums
I wanna play with Richard Spencer's nipples and sodomize his boypussy
To hell with the aesthetics. Nationalization doesn't equal socialism. Right-wing populists love state ownership, are they socialists?
This happens because the CP is controlled opposition. They don't propose anything new, just a return to the past, something Putin also wants (muh empire, muh spooks). And the fact that Russians like the USSR doesn't mean that they like socialism. State ownership, prestige and security absolutely, but the ideas of Marx and Lenin definitely not. Putin and his followers actively hurt socialism because they associate it with a particular age not with the abolition of the present state of things. Socialism should remain a revolutionary movement, not a harnless concept used by liberals and ignorant nationalists .
kys faggot
Can someone explain why eating KFC is a revolutionary progressive act?
I wouldn't call it that. It's more the case that most Russians are actually reactionary by default. There's no real Russian conservatism in the way that there is an American or British conservatism.
No. As I said above, pretty much everyone is actually reactionary. The disagreements are generally economic or foreign, and even then it's not as simple as that. Politics in Russia isn't like it is in the West at all. Parties aren't really beholden to a particular ideology. They're more built around the personal power bases of particular politicians and regions. You can get diehard communists in the Liberals, and fairly liberal (not Liberal) politicians in the Communist Party. You get communists in ED, you get more rightist leaning people in the CP. Shit's fucked tbh.
Most Russians want the USSR back. Thing is, at the same time, The CP are too left wing (but also not left wing enough, if that makes sense). The CP don't actually want to bring back the USSR. If they pledged that, they'd see a massive increase in support, guaranteed. But they never will.
They do like that generally, but you're right, it's a gross oversimplification and ignores the reality that life was better before in the days of the USSR. People in the West (be they anti-Putin or pro-Putin) are still remarkably ignorant on how bad things are in Russia still.
True. Current problems also lead to nostalgia - the USSR didn't have a major drug problem or AIDS crisis iirc.
The Russian CP is still probably somewhat controlled, don't be under any illusion. if they were real Lenin/Stalin-tier Communists they wouldn't fuck about with their current nonsense, they'd pledge to bring back the USSR, which would be enough to get them in democratically (assuming that there is not major fuckery by the votes with ED).
They don't even propose that lad, if they did they'd see a massive increase in support.
Yeah, this also needs to be said. Russians don't give a shit about Marx, or even Lenin's writings and ideas. They just want a return to better days, which they associate with the USSR.
He's pro-Frankfurt School.
What happened to peaceful ethnic cleansing?
About 32 minutes in. So was Adorno trying to push bourgeois social progressivism? Or was he opposed to it? There's so many memes surrounding Adorno it's hard to get a good picture.
He's a racist. That should be the end of the discussion for anyone on the Left.
And you are a plebbitor.
Good response.
Not above user, but you don't need to be from reddit to find white nationalism completely opposed to class solidarity and even wrong in its own right.
the fact that this even needs to be said…
I think Louise Mensch or some other idiot once criticized anti-capitalist protesters for eating at KFC, thus spawning the meme
Well I sure as hell do
He is maturing into a nazbol
Nazbol is the final dialectical synthesis
we need some more spencer's in here
Kek, I had a bit of a far right "phase" when I was going through some tough times, and I was particularly interested in applying a principled understanding of historical materialism to white interests and the implicit concerns/objectives of traditionalist social policy, but honestly all the shrieking about "cultural marxism" and insistence on aligning Marx/orthodox Marxists with postmodernism, social liberalism, and SJW ideas/policy really wore thin, as did the positively virulent anti-historicism.
By far and away the strongest objection against the far right at large is its sheer lack of methodological rigor, outside of a very nuanced intellectual wing that barely resembles "the far right" itself. So it's not exactly that Spencer is a crypto-commie of sorts, here, it's that he's actually an aspiring theoretician, the image and execution of which both harshly jar with the reality of his political rank-and-file.
No wonder
His wife translated Dugin books so its pretty obvious that he got influenced
it's a Spencer quote but it sounds like something Zizek would say
More than a meme, a legend?
Dugin's little wave is so adorable :3
Nazbols aren't our guys
Yeah, at least anime has gotten me off once before.
So exactly the same as the USSR?
I'm kinda impressed the little girl knew his full name off the top of her head
give me one instance off imperialism that has happend under Putin's adminstration
I thought the old-guard Nazis/alt-righters like Richard Spencer while the alt-lite folks like Milo. (With Holla Forums usually being in-between and trying to mix liberal capitalism with ultranationalism to no avail.)
Spencer is pretty full-on alt-right racially, while Milo is just very anti-SJW.
The annexation of Crimea..
Fuck it. It's impossible to hate this guy.
You had one job..
Russian populated area given to Ukraine during rigged dissolution of USSR.