Russian Hacking Protests

So recently liberals in America began declaring that Russia hacked the US election to make Trump win. So they had some protests over this, and my god there retarted.

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It's funny, because even if we accept every single one of the accusations as fact (which I'm certainly not inclined to do), Russia was STILL comparatively rather primitive and ineffective in their tactics and technique.

I'm confused, are elections done electronically in America?

What is with the hammer and sickle, don't American realize the USSR collapsed and Russia has fully embarrassed capitalism?

It's largely a caricature - partially to piss off Russia-sympathetic conservatives, probably.


God I wish the America pictured in that flag was real.

Forgot to remove shitposting flag.

It varies greatly from district to district, but most places use electronic voting machines. Some still use paper ballots or a combination of the two. It's a mess.

Signs like this are about throwing redbaiting back in rightwinger's faces.

Do they realize if the votes for the office of PRESIDENT is suspect…. so is every senate, representative, governor, state legislature, mayor or sheriff….

In fact Russia would only need to corrupt 1 sheriff whose county borders mexico, they could then ship nukes in by the truckload.

Also Russian government budget is 60 times lower, if Russia can hack USA so can dozens of other countries. Maybe China owns half our governors! Maybe Japan owns half our senators!

Its such an absolutist dumb theory, if you TRULY believe it you have to kill yourself to escape a hellish dystopia.

Here in America Social Democray is considered to be communism. Bernie Sanders was called a communist by many. Because Russia has a right-wing version of social democrat. (Nationalized oil, etc) Some people here think because of that it’s still communist.

We all do.

Russia hacked my alarm clock this morning so I got up late.

Americans are subhuman right wing faggots.

Nuke them already.

How long until liberals start merging their bernie bro and russian hacker narratives?

God americans are so fucking stupid.

That's already happened. Raw story (which also white knighted Wall Street) is now claiming that Bernie Bros have been duped by the Russians to support Bernie and that was their plan to divide the Democrap party so that Clinton the rightful queen wouldn't get elected.

Well there already claiming Trump is a communist. And they’ve already claimed Bernie is a communist. So probably pretty soon.

No, I’m American.

Another reason to nuke that garbage dump

watch your mouth or we will call the gang

If this fucking bullshit happens in my area I'm coming with a sign protesting the election fraud and hacking conducted by the Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary.

underrated post

Superior video regarding this topic:

Why would Russia "HACK" the elections when they could just post bullshit about the opponent and then stupid Americans will take it as truth? Hell, half of them probably believe that since Trump is a jizzillionaire that Jesus ordained him to be president because Jesus loves money and shit.