I'm an unironic Anarch-Capitalist

Debate me, totalitarian scum.

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Does the Orwellian doublethink give you migraines?

Convince me it's not the dumbest ideology on the planet.

just call yourself a volunteerist propertarian

What is stopping me from creating warband and then creating totalitarian state with it and gulaging all anarchists?
Who is gonna stop me? NAP? Private militias?

Why do you support feudalism?

Suck my dick lol

What's stopping you now?

I'm not going to debate you, but I just have one question for you. Do you believe that ancapism is beneficial to everyone and that it would be better for everyone to live in an capitalist world, or do you just think that it would be better for you?

And second question is how can be capitalism anarchistic, if anarchism is about getting rid of hierarchy, while capitalism is all about hierarchy.

I'm genuinely interested in your answers

That does sound delightful. How is it any different?

I mostly care about a lack of "positive freedoms." As I believe they create false hierarchies which are incompatible with a "Reality Experiencing Peak Liberty."

You are half way there. You understand that the state is monopoly of violence but at the same time you suck corporate porky dick like a cuck.

Proudhon defined both anarchism and capitalism, and described them as opposed to one another. Furthermore, he called himself a socialist and supported a free market without private property and worker ownership of the means of production. Your ideology is a contradiction on every single level, even according to its creator.
Read Proudhon and de-cuck yourself, you bootlicking piece of shit.

alliance with dolphins is the only true praxis

forgot pic

Your wife just agreed to have a voluntary exchange (translated: She wants me to fuck her in the ass) on my property, does this violate the NAP? If not, would you like to come watch?

The state.

Yes, I think it would be accurate to say that if Anarcho-Capitalism occurred on a large scale tomorrow, and you attempted to make a totalitarian state while not enough of a force of nature to avoid those who would condemn your acts, I would assume it would be private militias that would stop you, but the whole fucking point is that we have no idea what solutions the FREE FUCKING MARKET may bring to ALL SORTS OF FUCKING PROBLEMS that exist with large help from States and State-like structures.



Your nihilism can't touch me in a land of objective truths.


but the champions of the market have always been inexorably tied to the state

When will you realize that you're only a libertarian because you're rebelling against a government that transfers wealth from Whites to non-Whites and liberal women, and that you'd be perfectly fine with State intervention if it was done for the benefit of your ethnic group?

The reality is that the world is governed by mob rule. Government just formalises that.

Yea, but then I send my army of cyborg child sex slaves straight into your compound with P90s, and everyone on the bus will clap, so it's cool.

To quote a lot of you stupid faggots, "That's not real Capitalism, and it especially isn't Anarcho-Capitalism."

Sounds about right.

the reality is that screaming bug hue-mans have little to no authority over anything and only the strong move the cogs of history. The world is driven by great men, powerful men and men of will. Everything else is unconditioned chaos. Great men bring order and structure to history. Hue-man bugs are just screeching aphids, nothing but stepping stones for great civilizations to built on top of.

I'm not implying that radical change wouldn't be necessary. There may even unfortunately be violent revolution required to jump such a change in attitudes about "Government". Leaders are natural. The State is a mind virus.

What is your view on prima nocta?

Should you wait until your child sex-slave is at least eight or something before you sodomize them, or is it okay to just go at 'em right out the womb?

What does your boss' boots taste like? I'm sure you know from all the licking

They say real capitalism has never been tried, but have ancaps and libertarians ever considered human nature?

I have very mixed feelings about the man, but nothing he's saying in that quote is nonsense.

Does your plan involve everyone giving all their spirit energy to Goku so he can defeat the big bad evil right-wing thing?

Implying Anarcho-Capitalism isn't the optimal choice for any directed evolution humanity may desire…

My child sex slaves have three vaginas. Thank you free market.

no, everything in that quote is ayn rand tier bullshit about how the ruling class/capitalism is moral and good and so on

Poo, I forgot my meme arrow…

The current ruling class is the product of numerous artificial markets. We're crabs in a bucket right now, and embracing it doesn't make any sense.

voluntary defense forces would you stop you


Didn't Lincoln believe that labor is the source of all wealth?

I have a question for you all.

Why don't you want to fund medicine or conservation out of your own pocket? Why are you stealing from anyone making over 12k a year?

Why are people like you seeking 60-100% estate taxes?

Why do you hate small busineses so much that they're required to provide a healthcare plan for their employees if they have more than 50. Fucking 50.

Suck my cock, I'm going to Rapture.

how do you propose to stop the system from turning into neofeudalism or corporatist monopoly? what about tragedy of the commons?

youre conflating socialists, communists, and anarchists with liberals my dude

Explain, pooping Pepe.

The depiction of a particular form of societal organization as simply "natural" is an ancient tool of the ruling class, and the people who believe and defend it are called "good goyim".

In saying that anyone who's against wagecucking must simply be lazy, you're regurgitating the lies of the ruling class and perpetuating their rule over you.

Consider how much of a State apparatus is required to maintain our current economic system: the legal construct of wage labor, property rights, the enforcement of contracts, corporate charters, intellectual property rights, trademarks, civil courts, limited liability companies, income tax. All of these are creations of the State and all of these benefit a class of capitalists at the expense of the people who provide the raw labor, yet people act if all of these things were simply natural phenomena, constant parts of the world around us, like rain.

Once it has been successfully presupposed that whatever system is currently in place is just the way things are, opponents of it can be painted as lazy nihilists. Opposition to wagecucking is depicted as opposition any economic activity; an opposition to 14-hour workdays is depicted as opposition to work in general; opposition to the 1% hoarding all of the nation's wealth via fraudulent schemes is depicted as opposition to anyone having property; opposition to tyranny is depicted as anti-sociality.

Consider what Mr. Abraham "I gobble the cocks of my financiers" Lincoln in really saying:
There is no brotherhood of man to begin with and the people who fed him this line made their money by working their employees to death in factories and oil fields, and when they finished working their 12, 14, and 16 hours, they would be paid in company money, from which they were able to buy scraps from the company store. Is this some sort of "brotherhood of man"? He paints the exploiter into just "one of us" and equates hatred against him with mere anti-sociality.

The "thrift" he's talking about is more widely known as "crippling poverty" and we once again have the surreptitious equivocation of generally accepted values (not wasting money) with the prevailing system of exploitation. The poor barely scraping by is somehow laudable, but no attention is paid to those who live off their labor and who live in mansions rivaling the palaces of kings.

Apart from the latter part being an outright lie regarding Socialism, I notice that "character and courage" (i.e. working your fingers to the bone and risking your life for pennies) are only prescribed to the poor; it's quite fine if the owner class spends all day lounging around their estates, doing drugs, and having orgies. No courage necessary for them, but you do keep pouring your heart and soul into your work so we can profit from it, you fucking goyim.

tl;dr Lincoln would have a show on Fox News if he lived today.

AnCapism would immediately destroy itself because wages would crash, crashing consumption and advanced production. Open borders, low wages, no unions. Self defeating. Please do it to spur the revolution.

Actually we want to abolish taxation, private property and the state altogether.
You're looking for the social democrats/liberals/fascists.

Marx praised Lincoln. WTF are you on about?

its based off the sharting toad /int/ meme


Good thing I'm not a Marxist, then.

I wouldn't care even if I were. The fact that Marx said some good things about Lincoln does not somehow legitimize everything Lincoln ever did or said.

yeah, it has a coherent worldview unlike every other anarcho-suffix

the fucking monarch that will eventually be elected as a leader for ancapistan, go die you degenerate commie scum

Because it is better than communism

look at the change in live birth ratio for the past 100 years in the pioneering capitalist societies and the answer should be obvious, yes capitalism is superior to any other econ system if you want to take a utilitarian approach.
yes because I am superior to most people and thus I will based on free market standards be better off than inferiors[tips fedora]
no its not

Corporations dindu nuffin

Some Marxist faggots definition of anarchism is not my definition of anarchism, a stateless society is the definition of anarchism you fucking retard
sure as soon as you read some basic Austrian economy

I will break up with her obviously

I'm getting there, but i just fucking hate socialism, I don't want to be brought down in the mud with all the fucking losers that surrounds me


Capitalism has been tried and it has been relatively successful since it corresponds to basic human nature; intensives and many other things. Now can some commie explain to me how you're going to recreate intensives in a your commie world?

No it wouldn't, you've only made shit cheaper. Supply and demand curves are really fucking easy to understand
the entire point of ancapistan is to set up borders
how, no one is stopping them
nope, at least if you compare to buying power given supply and demand

no, you fucking retard, an anarchist society is one without hierarchy and domination

anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron

have fun you cuck


Proudhon wasn't a Marxist. Anarchism has always been a left wing belief against hierarchy. Because capitalism is a hierarchy, ancapism can't be anarchist. At most it is anti-statist.

Marx was extremely critical of Proudhon, and Proudhon wrote decades before Marx did. Look at the pic below - Rothbard even acknowledged that he wasn't an anarchist. Every single anarchist movement has had its common roots in opposition to hierarchy and unjustified authority, with anti-statism as a component and not the centerpiece. You're not even anti-statist -private property is just mini-statism. It's telling that Stalin's USSR would have been acceptable to you guys if he had declared it his private property. You're being aggressively dumb. Just call yourself a capitalist.
I was taught your marginalist bullshit in high school and college, and found it ridiculous. Your ideas are meme-tier. Praxeology is even more laughable.

yes it is you dumb shitter. It's in the fucking name. Anarchy comes fro the greek word "an" meaning "without" and "archos" meaning "leader". Your shitty fringe group no one takes seriously is a gross parody of actual anarchist ideals. No wonder actual anarchists (myself included) shit all over your faggy pseudo-philosophy.
Actual anarchism has no state, what you're advocating for is a state. Also it violates the NAP, who are YOU to say where people can or can't live? If someone takes up residence nearby on land you don't own and you want them to leave you will have to do so by force, which violates the NAP. Dumbass.

Smith and Ricardo also believed that.

A meme OP gets a meme response.

Just call yourself a monarchist and stop pretending you give half a shit about freedom, bootlicker

Then you should be able to understand that "supply and demand" applies to the workforce as well. Automation removes the "demand" for workers, and the end result is basically fully automated luxury communism for the tiny ruling class while the vast majority (most likely including yourself) end up as soylent green.

Capitalists believe that humans work best when there is competition; hence free markets. They cite evolution…that markets are evolving towards equilibrium. That's a false assumption.

Evolution is cooperative not competitive. Hence "economies" are cooperative. Inb4 I'm talking about co-ops and not the concept of cooperation. I recommend reading Peter Kropotkin's Mutual Aid. When you're done with that, read his other book The Conquest of Bread.

I do
I'm not
if it has more than 50 employees it's not small


How did this meme ideology get so popular


Because porky loves it. It cannot be implemented in practise, but it does promote and excuse the kind of increase in corporate power over states that's been going on for a while


kek, when will the right stop taking left-wing politics and misusing it to seem intellectual, go come up with your own theory you wankers.

There is no difference between state domination and corporate one, aside from the fact that corporations have no need to pretend they give a shit about you

I own a fuckass huge plot of land. I exert property rights over it and charge rent for people to live on it. I'm not just a landlord in the traditional sense, I'm basically a landlord á la feudalism. What makes this rent different from taxes and what makes my property rights different from a state?

fake bait, you did't use statist

Why is it better than posadism?



If you are still reading this tread after seeing this masterpiece of a shitpost, and still believe that OP is not mentally challenged and unable to give a proper debate, or just shitposting for fun, you might need a lobotomy

Remember to SAGE


I'm the one doing the fucking, that doesn't make me the cuck. You cuck.