Degeneracy that leftypol supports
hey I only support 3/5 of those
Necrophilia isn't really my thing
Nope it doesn't
Nope it doesn't.
Yes it does
Nope it doesn't.
I see way WAAAAY more pro pedo shit on Holla Forums, you faggots actually thinking taking child brides is "red pilled" I saw a post that basically said the jew had told you to stop fucking kids so black guys could fuck the kids instead.
You people are fucking retarded
But I don't see anything wrong with any of those things. Why should we be climbing any steps? De-spook your mind.
Okay so is 'mass imigration' at the bottom supposed to be "WAAAH WHY DID WE LEFT IN GERMANS, NORDICS, THE IRISH, ETC" or does Holla Forums think muslims started coming in BEFORE racial integration?
Who else unironically autogynephilic here?
post boypussy
Only ancaps.
No, that's pol
I mean… do whatever you want in your bedroom!
victimless crime
I love our autocorrect.
Plenty of people from Holla Forums also support having the AoC lower than 18. There is no universally held official board view on this, or anything else really. Some here support it and some (mostly Reddit rapefugees) don't. Also, top fucking kek at that word filter.
Speak for yourself, I don't care about mentally ill men wearing wigs, using makeup and mutilating their bodies.
not at all
not at all
there are times when I think it gets out of hand which is a result largely of already-existent attitudes in our society with regard to sexuality and identity. but I don't really see a reason to prevent someone who experiences dysphoria from identifying as a different gender
as long as its monogamous it seems like a better solution than most alternatives.
Back to Reddit and stay there, SJW.
No, children aren't mentally equipped to consent.
No, see above.
I think it's weird, but whatever.
See above.
That's unsanitary and a sign of severe mental issues.
those are ancraps and that one faggot
that's the 'woof/he consented' argument guy or are you one of those wet blankets that unironically think furfaggotry/cartoon horses/monstergirls are that?
covers a wide range of things, but yah most of us like a good trap or futa
we don't support you, OP
literally the first person I've seen bring it up on his board is you on this thread
oh and way to not post evidence or screencaps again and thinking Rare Merchants will suffice, very original and witty
I've decided you can't consent to vote. You see, voting for a socialist is against your economic interests, but you don't know enough about economics to know that, so I'm just going to remove your option to vote for a socialist. That'll be better for everyone.
Don't you have a tree to hug?
we're not having this fucking argument again pedoshit fuck off
But a 16 year old being able to operate a automobile, and a 17 year old being able to join the Army with a parents signature is perfectly reasonable, but god fucking forbid if a 15 decides to have sex with somebody 4 years older then them, they're just too mentally incompetent for that!
I was here first. You fuck off to your pro-censorship upboating shithole and don't come back.
I support them insofar as I wouldn't go out of my own way to get rid of them. Beyond that I'm not really bothered. We can overthrow borg together also thats cool
children shouldn't be trusted with anything until they're 25
This freedom of expression you speak of, it is spooky. Me and my buddies don't want your pedo shit because its fucking disgusting. Simple. If you fuck kids, or watch kids getting fucked, you can get fucked.
Yeh so theres a grey area when kids hit puberty FOR OTHER KIDS TO FUCK THEM. NOT YOU. FUCK OFF
Here we go again…
This sounds more like projection on your part, my dude
they go to the wall first
animal abusers also go to the wall
some are ok but those that claim they are gender-fluid are delusional
it's fine as long as you aren't a complete faggot over everything
hey it's not rape if she's dead
Yep, all sounds good.
That's what you wanted to hear, right?
Pedos and voting rights aren’t the same faggot.
what do you guys think about his attack on consent laws?
how would despoiled consent laws work?
I may not be into pedophilia, bestiality, transgenderism, homosexuality, or necrophilia personally, but as long as it's not hurting anyone I don't have grounds to object to others doing so. If some of these things can't be done without harming others, it is for this reason alone I support their ban.
And here he is, to autisticly screech at us for not supporting his kiddy-diddling. Tell me, why are you still here after Jim nuked your boards?
nice evidence, keep posting
Sounds like a personal problem.
Somebody's triggered. Do you need your safe space? You should just scurry on back to Reddit where you don't have to hear anyone who has a different opinion than you.
You should also look up George Orwell's quote about crimestop, specifically the part about willfully failing to grasp obvious analogies.
Found the retard who doesn't have a single fact to back up any of your dumbass beliefs.
wew lad
To be honest bestiality is vastly superior to rayce mixing. Although I am against miscegenation laws I would rather see a Caucasian woman bang a dog than a black man. It's much hotter anyways.
The projection is real.
Because it makes you epically fannyflustered.
You're one of the best posters on this board, user. Keep doing what you do.
Nice meme fgt
there's a difference between being a pedo and being a child molester. But if the child can be known to understand the consequences of their actions then it's fine by me, so long as they retain the ability to leave sex at any time
as long as the animal isn't harmed it's fine
I don't see the problem, sorry if self-determination hurts your delicate fee fees, maybe you should go back to your safe space for cucks, >>>Holla Forums
see above
The body is dead. It's basically a human-shaped dildo. Nothing wrong in the slightest.
You're goddamn right I like fun. Why don't you go back to your shithole and cry some more about blacks and teh j00z while masturbating to Mein Kampf? Faggot.
guys how can you be baited this easily. we're better than this…
Lest anyone believes that SJW's are a recent meme subculture hijacking of leftism.
In all reality…. .. Am bored…
I hate lifestylists so fucking much.
inb4 this faggot whines to some equally faggy mod to bumplock the thread because this place has been infested with retarded Reddit-tier feminazi bitches
Holla Forums pretending to be anti-degeneracy is just conservative virtue signalling
Shitty thread with sad pedophiles
it sure is
hello mikee
ow the edge
Hello Anita. Enjoying your modship muh privileges here?
Whats wrong with fucking children user
yup, I'm a mod and an SJW because I'm sick of you and your m8s sperging out about your disgusting fetish in every thread on every board. how's your shitawful game going?
Read this article. You might learn something about yourself. Wait a minute, no you won't. You don't want to learn anything. You just want to virtue signal. That's why you're an SJW, after all.
oh boy he's retreating back to the more safe and agreeable area instead of saying he should be able to fuck 8-y/o's, this is very innovative and has never been done before ever
Excellent, I knew we could work out some common ground here. Glad to have you aboard.
Your problem glasses are showing.
yes, clearly you have won me over with your intelligent, well-thought-out arguments and are not grasping at straws
that's right, keep at it! people are sure to believe you if you repeat it enough!
Actually, I'm using a dead puppy as a cock sleeve right now.
Indeed. Our side is supported by logic and facts, so this is to be expected.
Good advice. After all, the reason so many people started believing "muh under 18" is because the media repeated it enough despite there being absolutely no credible scientific evidence to support it.
great work man, you're really going to make everybody believe your side of things this way keep posting I want to hear more of what a total non-imbecile you are
Lawl, you're pretty desperate to get everyone to believe that a fucking imageboard of all places is full of people who agree with your dumbass unfounded moral panic.