Do ancaps and lolberts even read keynes?

do ancaps and lolberts even read keynes?

I doubt they even read Adam Smith.

If Keynes opened up a Youtube channel they might watch his videos so they can downboat them.

If they did they wouldn't be lolberts. I don't think any keynesian model is taught at econ 101 classes

they don't like him because he was gay

No of course not.

It is in europe. It is pretty much the only model we are thought because its the only one that makes some sort of sense.

doubt it
the glass window meme is just as bad as mudpies

what are that

its a terrible strawman of keynesian economics used by lolberts, where supposedly keynesians advocate for breaking glass windows so you can repair them again and stimulate the economy

it's the go-to anti-keynesian platitude, like human nature and mudpies against marxism or roads against libertarianism

I can't say I'm too much of a fan of keynesianism but it makes way more sense than austrian/chicago ""economics""

I doubt they read at all.
Most of their knowledge seems to stem from memes


4th year economics students at my uni have to read Capital.

Marx Capital or Piketty Capital?


I'm a socialist, but I've never read any mainstream/heterodox economists in any substantial depth.

Am I just a walking anticommunist stereotype?

Meant orthodox obviously, I'm just retarded is all.

Could have ended that sentence a word sooner and the answer would still be no

ifunny watermarks have become a meme more than ifunny is.

I know an AnCap that claims to have read Hayek, Friedman, Rothbard, Keynes, and Marx. He also thinks Atlas Shrugged is a good book.

I don't buy it.


It's true, I should have taken a pic from the bookstore.

I have to say it.
Those pockets look like saggy man-tits

Everyone claims to have "read marx". Reading communist manifesto in middle school does not count

He meant watched a 5 minute youtube video about each of them. I personally don't believe that anyone who had understood Marx can believe that capitalism is good. They would probably end up in the capitalism is bad, but we can't get communism to work camp.