A confession

Hello Holla Forums
I have a confession to make, i'm a son of a bourgeois, and this makes me sad, not sad because of "class guilty", i don't have this like idpol has white guilty
I feel sad because life looks meaningless, like, i didn't work all my life, and i got everything, i think till last year, i was useless, i was just as bad as those "daddy's little boy", i started reading this April and i loved it
In my school (I'm 15 years old, in someway a child), i see everyone just being annoying, not because they're loud or something, but because they don't study!
When i asked a dude why is he studying, he responded "Because i want to get money! Isn't that fucking obvious", i was shocked but i knew that before he said, however, i never got so much anger at a system as i got for capitalism, this demoniac system that alienate us and makes us think money is above everything! I hate that system! But, in someway, i feel that i contribute to that, and this makes me sad
I'm in the greatest school in my city, and i'm going to move to the biggest city in my country, and go to the greatest school there, but i feel that this thinking will not change, and there, people will just seek money, like they always do
This system, the thinking that doing nothing and being rich is the ideal life, those people alienated, hating studying but only doing it for the money, this makes me sad, and even worst, having the "ideal life" makes me wanna kill myself more, day after day
So, Holla Forums, i must ask, what should i do? I must not stop studying, i want to get a PH.D in economics, but, after that, should i use my knowledge to help others to break their chains from the capital?
What should i do?

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i can't decide for you but a doctorate in economics is going to be an insane grind of the most tedious retards in the world

You're pretty smart for a 15 year old it seems.

i thought you were sad that you don't get to work

This smells a bit of bait but w/e.
Study, doesn't need to be economics necessarily, but if that is your wish then go for it. Warning though, Economics is a field highly pervaded by bourgeois ideology that often aims to justify the present state of things, so you must be critical and not take all you are taught at face value (as should be for everything).

This is exactly what happens to man in capitalism. His life is dedicated for the reproduction of this, either as the labourer who creates that which rules him, and the capitalist who is in an endless pursuit for it as well.

Watch your arse on here

Thanks, i really appreciate that

I think economics is the basis for a good society, a real class consciousness starts when you teach them economics

I'm thinking about buying a smallholding and living by myself, planting my food, doing my thing, teaching my son maybe, and rarely going to the nearest town to buy meat and books
But that's for me the ideal life

at least get a ph.d in philosophy so you can write some dank theory when you're 30

Become a fisherman and do something useful.

I'm thinking about doing economics and philosophy at the same time, getting a PH.D on both is something i can just dream about
Also, economics and philosophy, working together, can make us walk towards the Utopian society

You're 15 alright kiddo. Neither of those two are what matter.

Alienation from our labor is alienation from our gattungswesen. This alienation destroys meaning in the lives of everyone, not just the proletariat.

Study. Read. Right. Use your means to spend your time in the most constructive way possible. Do what you can to spread left thought. Most importantly, take care of yourself: physically, mentally and emotionally.

Make friends with other socialists, and NEVER hide your class.

Economics departments of Universities, at least in America are the Churches of Capital - Economists are the priests. I don't know how it is in your country (I assume you're not American because it seems like English isn't your first language), but it probably is a waste of time if you're interested in developing political theory.

What matters then?

Being honest, this is what i wanted to hear

You're right, today mainstream economics is basically keynesianism and monetarism, but economics as a subject is important! It is to me, applied philosophy/sociology
(Also, can you rate my english? I learned by myself with time)

There's billions of people wanting to move to other places, and the planet overpopulated. Globalism is moving jobs out of the West and people in. How do you reduce populations in the middle East, Asia and Africa, and stop the backlash from Europeans when they become murderous again with an economics degree?

Thanks sir, you helped me a lot

Doesn't matter if my house is in Africa, Asia, America or Europe
I just want a comfortable life, working for myself

Economics is bullshit and was refuted by Marx ("political economy" is what they used to call "economics", hence the proper name of Das Kapital is "Capital: A Critique Of Economics). Go for something in STEM (engineering or CS/applied mathematics, preferably) if you want to cultivate skills useful to the leftist cause.

First earn that money before you start complaining it ruins your life and the whole world, then you'll be able to spend it on your preferred ideological cause or whatever.

Why not STEM or computer science, the field actually useful for the leftism? Unless you already know that that your meme degrees will give you money thanks to the connections.
Lol no, you're still at the bleeding heart middle-class kid level of knowledge, which manifests in your idealist thinking of enlightened economist philosophers leading the dumb proles "towards the Utopian society".

But post-keynesianism and neo-marxism are so important for the leftist economics, i don't think we should underestimate economics so much

You do not control under what circumstances you were born
Take advantage of everything you can with minimal oppression
Do to the best of your ability to alleviate suffering and organize.
Pursue your dreams, you are 15 and a P.h.D. in economics is quite the dream. Don't limit yourself and look for all avenues you can help.

Stay frost kid. And use them VPN's

You mean it doesn't matter where your Dad buys your house? Well it does actually, you need industry for Communism not peasant societies.So you must start in Europe and the US not third world nonsense.

But isn't that what socialists wanted? Before Marx, but those old socialists, whom dreamed about an utopia, without exploration, without capital, are you really gonna throw that way because it is "idealistic"?
Like, isn't that what Marx tried to achieve? But using science?

You have a point actually

Post-Keynesianism is useful towards furthering a modern critique which builds upon Marx's basis (the Minsky moment is an interesting concept), but being economistic in thought and obsessed solely with putting down neoclassical bullshit, it frequently misses the forest for the trees.
Not a thing, just like Marxism. Most of what falls under that category - Frankfurt school, Althusser, analytical Marxism, etc

Yes, but it's more complicated than that. You can't open a commune and expect communism to spread worldwide because it was successful. That has been repeatedly tried and failed every time for some combination of the same reasons first pointed out by Proudhon when he invented the term "scientific socialism" (Marx stole it from him).

Take advantage of your position in life and work hard to increase your personal wealth so that you may distribute it to the needy as you please.

Firstly, i must say i'm sorry for my lack of knowledge, i'm really new on marxian economics and leftist politics
But i'm not hoping that the ideal society will form, i'm trying to say the exactly opposite of that, i want to teach the population about those ideals, about doing it, i'm trying to reach the class consciousness through studying, not another alienation
Also, i think that even if economics are based today on neoclassical bullshit and monetarism, it is a useful tool for reaching class consciousness

Yes, we have better things to think about than dreaming how things would be great if not for that evil mean capitalism.
Also I don't think you understand what idealism in philosophical sense means either. It's not "economics and philosophy" blessed upon the ignorant masses that will destroy the capital. Guess what, people know working in 9-to-5 job is fucking shit, they don't need a philosophy graduate to tell them. You're underestimating other people.

Yes, maybe i am understimating people, but i'm hopeless in today's society
And i agree with you, i just tried to explain it with horrible examples, i'm searching for a praxis more than i'm searching for an ideal society, and i think Marx did a marvelous job on combining both

Spare me the bitching, find some non-shit reading lists and get to reading theory to sort out that stuff rather than shitposting on mongolian paintings forum.
Also the actual praxis would be mostly about organizing labour against the capital and so on, something you cannot and probably won't do for a while, so at least you should try going for the technology-related fields to make papa Cockshott proud.

But don't you think that studying capitalism can bring it to its own collapse?
That's why i think economics is still important, studying its problems and creating ideas for our praxis' works
About the reading part, yes! I am reading! Ok, i must admit that i only read one leftist book (ego and its own), but i started in April and i got a lot of books on marxism to study with
I don't use leftypol that much, i only use it to getting reading lists and to see some debates, and i'm stopping with my shitpost

If that was the case it would be dead by now.
Nigga, creating a new equation won't suddenly make the labour movement stronger. Really, there are better things to learn, rethink your idea that the left needs another good-for-nothing university professor writing shit books read by 20 people.
Also, when it comes to theory
Consider this one, it covers Marx and Engels nicely, just don't touch the "Facing Reality" works and beware of leftcom butthurt here and there(even though it's worth reading).

Sir, you're right, even though i want to be an intellectual, i want to bring it to the people, you are more than right
Also, thank you from the bottom of my heart for that reading list
This is what i was looking for!
Thank you for the debate, i would love to continue it, however, it is late, i must sleep
Good night comrade, thank you for spreading your knowledge with me!

There is no "teaching people". That's one of the big things about scientific socialism and part of why Leninists are not part of it, being even further removed than the already-questionable 2nd International people such as Luxemburg and DeLeon.
The question is, which concrete actions of a few will lead to the downfall of capitalism and the creation of something new? Trade unions? Cooperative building? Etc.

For the love of god, don't be a tankie. Seriously. They're the worst of utopianism because they don't realize how similar they are to the likes of Saint-Simon and Comte, except shitty.
Also, stop talking about Marx before you've read him (Communist Manifesto doesn't count - it's a specific platform for a specific time, completed outdated unlike almost all of the rest of his writings). He's also far from the only leftist - he ripped a lot off Proudhon, who's also an easier read (philosophically based in Kant rather than Hegel until you get to his later books, and Kant's ideas are much clearer than Hegel's gibberish).

Having all your needs fulfilled is not 'the ideal life'. You need to engage in a process that results in accomplishments and justified pride in yourself.

Just as workers construct a purpose for their own lives, so you must construct one for yourself.
Money gives you freedom to do what you want with your life.
Life looks meaningless to you in pretty much the same way it looks meaningless to the workers; because we push capital accumulation as the only goal in life.
Be free user. Do what you want to do. The others are right about econ degrees, but you should get reading as much as possible. I recommend Modern Political Economics by Varoufakis. Its vital to understand economic history and the history of economics.
My purpose comes from being in STEM research; pushing back the material conditions of scarcity. Its pretty fulfilling, especially if you don't have to worry about money and can devote yourself to the work.

This. What we need is not more theory and navel-gazing and trying to convince people of the painfully obvious fact that the world is shitty. We need tools, real tools to bring about communism. If you have capital you could start some sort of cooperative. Develop technologies of revolution. Think of how internet communication has helped to bring more people together, how decentralized p2p technology allows the free reproduction and transmission of content, how free-open source software helps people create and further their cause without engaging in a money exchange dynamic. If people are crushed under capitalism because they lack basic needs and are alienated, think of how you can invent tools that satisfy peoples needs in non-capitalist ways and give them back their sense of humanity. Bring the hammer to smash the chains.

So many people obsess about surface political party struggles and class consciousness and people's revolution which gets us nowhere, while technology is massively revolutionizing the world at speeds states can't even process. Political revolution follows technology disrupting the status quo; porky clearly takes advantage of this while we just put out hot air.

Want to learn philosophy? Study on your own. Want to learn "economics"? Get a job and you'll get really great understanding of capitalist dynamics; then read some books…

Indeed, there's some guy who said something like "philosophers have merely interpreted the world, the point, however, is to change it"

This is a wholesome thread

We all know that feel, OP. Alienated and powerless, unable to see any way to help fix the world and help the cause.

Yeah, odds are that it will be pure economicism with a side of status quo apologia. Which isn't to say you won't learn a lot, but it will test your resolve.

Just kill yourself instead, thats fucking useless and means you litterally can do nothing else but support the system. You basically just learn to repeat mantra that capitalism is good. At least do a double degree or study something like STEM if you are capable of that.

You have two options. Give away all your possessions and start from nothing or consolidate your wealth and use it to fund lefty militias.

To echo people in this thread, you're still young, so focus on learning as much as you can. Don't be so hung up on your class, you can use your muh privileged position to become a real asset to the socialist movement. Learn about everything related to leftism that you can, economics, philosophy, political theory, and history. I would recommend that you learn about the history of the Labor/socialist movement in your country, it can give you some answers on what we could be doing now. You have a lot of time to figure out what you like doing and how best you can contribute to building socialism.


Become a nurse or something?

kropotkin was a prince
who cares.
Or you could give me all of your money… if that would make you less guilty ;^)

I cant tell you waht to do with your life. What you feel is the awakening moment that the system is screw up and that our current society is pushing the "message" that the only meaning in life is to make money and consume. Life should be more than that, you feel like there has to be more to. You want to find real meaning that makes you whole. Only you can figure that out. Read, study, learn, and use your skills to change the system into something better as the best as you can.


This is an 18+ website, faggot.

You are a child still, you'll realise when you grow older.
White goo coming out of your dick doesn't make you a grown man.

Just keep all that in mind and start working hard and studying. Be a hardworking porky, if possible a good boss and kind-hearted porky, or even a class liberator if that's your thing (I know I'd try and go for the last option).

Just don't grow as a pampered child, and stop the guilt bullshit.
Until you grow up your circumstances are not your fault. When you grow up and you feel you are now part of the system and haven't contributed in anything valuable, then you can feel guilty all you want.

Try and expose to the people the things the way you see them.
Try and use whatever power you have to organize community-led initiatives (that I consider more viable, demonstrative and desirable than a revolution).
So don't spend your time on college despising and antagonizing your fellow porkies: you can still use power and connections to attain your goals

also this

Have a nice life

This is not Reddit/FB/Tumblr, don't use exclamation marks unironically

Thanks everyone for your answers
You people sure helped me a lot
(Also, i'm not feeling guilty ffs, i'm feeling sad because of the system, i did nothing to contribuite to it)

oh my god, next you'll tell me he looks at porn too. someone inform mummy may

yeah, my bad

have tits

but that's marxism exactly. this board will tell you that any action that is not focused on gaining as much money as possible is spooked idpol.

omg, didnt you just hear, he's only 15, you've scarred him for life!

The guilty part wasn't only for you, a lot of people were saying that
Guilty for something i didn't do is dumb, really fucking dumb

Do you feel better now that you've gotten that out? I don't even want to bother trying to figure out what you were implying. Are you also underage?

Expecting emotions to conform to a model of functionality is dumb too.

I hate this shallow attitude.

Yes, i feel really better, and yes, i'm underage

At least have the decency not to out yourself, you snot-nosed brat. Stop posting and fucking lurk until you turn 18 like the rest of us did.


Pics, pleeease?

I started browsing /d/ back in 2007 when I was 14. Stop acting like you know shit about anonymous users beyond the information they give you about themselves.
Oh, wait, it's you again. Nevermind, keep acting like a belligerent idiot, maybe you'll score some quality (you)s from people who think your post matters in some way. I sincerely hope you learn something from this, but I doubt it.

Economics is useless, I realized that before I went red and jumped into a prelaw buisness program, which is just as useless. Take stem if you want to be useful or just take whatever is easiest and open a co-op or some shit.


May God have mercy on your soul.

[triggering intensifies]

Don't.. don't do that.
This is what you are, and this is what I am