Cultural Commodification

The idea of cultural commodification is much more coherent than the "cultural appropriation" meme. Cultural appropriation refers to taking cultural artifacts out of their original context. Cultural commodification is the crystallization of a cultural aesthetic in to a symbol that is then treated as a commodity, often in ways that run counter to sentiments held by the original culture in question. It is analogous to the underlying problem of crystallization of social labor, and has analogous results: cultural commodification leads to alienation from culture just as commodification of labor creates alienation from labor.

I think this idea has the potential to gain traction in the mainstream left and liberal circles. If it did, it could help shift the underlying theory of mainstream discourse surrounding culture away from identity politics and towards a Marxist understanding.

…or maybe I'm just a revisionist. What do you all think?

Possibly, what you describe is a another aspect to cultural appropriation which is taking the good bits of culture because they suit your aesthetic choice or style but leaving the bits you dont like, particularly the people. Particularly with pride, as its now a charade of rainbow when it actually used to mean something, same with punks and skateboarders, capitalism is so good at stealing shit and shaving off the edges.

There's no actual meaning to the phrase, it's just some vague buzzword that social justice liberals drummed up so they can have an excuse to shout at people.

despite what it "really means" or who invented it (it wasnt buzzfeed, obviously) its effect is clearly evident out and about and has been for years. Ignoring it a "muh esjoos rustled again" its counter productive

It's why sodomy is an abomination. They commodify the act of sex by disregarding the sentiments held by the essence of the deed; penis putting cum in vagina.

what a romantic you are

It has a pretty precise meaning, you just have to read the words. The problem is that it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Cultural exchange, one of the primary mechanisms of cultural development, necessitates appropriation. Cultural appropriation being excellent can only start to make sense when you overlay it on a foundational theory of identity politics and hierarchies of oppression. However, these theories are themselves incoherent, as they reduce relationships to the means of production to a mere aspect of ones identity. Therefore, cultural appropriation is real, but it is not a bad thing in and of itself.

The problem is cultural commodification, which is a coherent concept because it describes a contradiction in the cultural superstructure of society arising as a reflection of an analogous contradiction in the economic base of society.

It filtered ==p r o b l e m a t i c== to excellent in line two.

daily reminder that capitalism's socially corrosive effects open up a space for emancipatory movements.
SJWs are reactionary conservatives


can you guys tell the difference between religious fundie nutjobs and liberals/SJWs? I can't. They even have that "all sex is bad and rape" shit going on.

eh, there is a split in the SJW community (being partially a member i can give some insight) between being sexually liberated and the averse, painting things as black and white with that community never gets you the real life outcome

ITT OP has never heard of situationism
Don't count on it.

No. Sodomy is dialectical because it represents a resolution of the fundamental contradiction of sexuality: pleasure and functionality. To engage in sodomy is demonstrate an understanding that to seek pleasure from sex does not imply a disregard for the function of sex.

The idea that functionality in sex and pleasure in sex are opposed, stems from the notion that labor and pleasure are in opposition.

This idea itself is the result of alienation from labor under capitalism. Surplus labor value extraction reinforces the undialectical notion that labor is in opposition with happiness, pleasure and fulfillment. Under capitalism, workers are unable to reap the fruits of their labor and are consequentially alienated from their species-essence: the will to labor for the sake of the pleasure derived from creating value itself.

Alienation from labor is manifested in the way that workers view labor under capitalism, and this inherent contradiction is reflected in the way that we view sexual pleasure and sexual functionality as being in opposition. To engage in sodomy is to demonstrate an understanding of the fallacious nature of this notion.

this is just describing how capitalism comodifies things which has been talked about plenty before, it doesnt fill the role cultural apropriation fills for idpollers because it isnt specifically related to minorities in particular, consumerism swallows european culture as much as it does any other.
culture is more than the superficial aesthetic bits that are easily commodified, too, though capitalism twists those in other ways. commodification of memes and aesthetics is just one aspect of cultural capitalism.

It does relate to minorities just as much as it relates to any other culture. I don't think that liberals are going out looking for ideas that portray whites as oppressors as much as they are just hopping on the bandwagon of whatever the latest trendy opinion is (because opinions themselves are an object of cultural commodification).

We should seek to use the mechanism of cultural commodification against itself, by allowing the concept of cultural commodification to itself become commodified the same way that the idea of cultural appropriation was commodified. This way, it will reach as large an audience as possible, and will be so blatantly self referential that people will have no choice but to see the mechanism for what it is.

There is no guarantee that the essential idea won't be lost in the process of commodification the same way that pic related was, but it is worth a shot.

Tell all your liberal friends about cultural commodification today! Make a tumblr and post memes about cultural commodification!

Also, it will continue to relate more and more to minorities as long as the focus of liberal culture is on the fetishization of minority status.

Good fucking praxis.

"in particular," I said.
anyway, Im a uncomfortable with the idea of trying to redirect the racialist idpol, it feels like playing with fire. Like itd ultimately do less to make liberals more class concious and more to further cement diversionary racialism amongst leftists, ultimately.
I think talking about capitalisms effects on culture is a good thing, and one would want to approach it from an angle the person being spoken to believes already('apropriation' for liberals, 'degeneracy' for Holla Forumsacks) but not in a way that tries to just take what they already believe and redirect it, for the reason I Just mentioned. Id rather actually undermine the idpol and show the reality of capitalisms effects on culture, and how it isnt actually mainly to do with persecuting minorities(or, for Holla Forumsacks, undermining a propogandized fantasy version of 'traditional culture')

this was 'im a bit uncomfortable' but then I Wanted to remove 'a bit'

Sodomy appropriates the joy of labour, of species-essence, of reproduction and places it into an act of senseless consumerist commodification. The bum is essentially unproductive, it's function being to dispose of the waste of production, known as excrement. The joy in the act of sodomy is then the joy of the excrement of capitalism. To engage in sodomy is to enjoy being a relegated to a waste function.

The opposite is actually true. Sodomy isn't productive, it's unproductive. It's an utterly useless, joyous expenditure of energy. Sodomy directly opposes the logic of capitalist accumulation.

what if just want to cum


The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life-the greater is the store of your estranged being.

Uselessness is the ultimate expression of capitalist accumulation, like the TF2 hat store or a 500$ ap that says "I'm rich".

It's sex, it's about everything but just wanting to cum.

Nope, but that's actually a really good example of what I'm talking about. The value of that hat doesn't come from it's existence as a commodity. The value of the hat comes from the useless expenditure associated with that hat. The money that you wasted to buy that hat is what makes it important. The value of anything is determined by the sacrifice necessary to attain that thing. This is essentially Marx's Labor Theory of Value restated in terms of expenditure.

Exactly! This is why I love the cosmology of Georges Bataille. It's so simple and yet so incisive. Life is about expendature.

Only on Holla Forums

The best bait on Holla Forums is cloaking positions that run counter to it in it's own terminology.

English please. German, Spanish or Arabic would be fine also.

Heil Allah, amigo.

Who the fuck do I ban in this thread?

If you have to ask, the answer is probably "everyone".



what does girls in war bonnets have to do with corporations

they probably bought it at some shitty brick and mortar store

If SJWs complained about sweatshops would you defend sweatshops?

idk read the OP.

Of course not, idiot.

nobody does

Then don't do that sort of thing.

Who determines what's appropriation and by extension what and who is an 'authentic' part of the cultural spectre? It's usually neurotic managerial class people and white liberals. why would anyone want to be subject to the whims of those people?


Even peripheral latin american countries are getting saturated with rainbow gay pride ads. All those brands sure love the gays. Do people actually fall for this?

Cutural appropriation for me is when people take a culture and bastardize it or turn into some sort of "oh look at me I'm like those brown people" sort of deal.

White people wearing Native American Halloween costumes does piss me off

You bet they do. Virtue-signalling tends to go undetected by people who agree with what is said.

I'd argue that the problem with that though is the fact that they are trying to use the pieces of culture to represent native culture, and be like Native Americans. The problem isn't that they are taking the culture out of the original context.

It is true though, it's hair splitting. People exchange culture all the time, so what sense does it have to whine about "appropriation"?

There is literally nothing wrong about the Washington Redskins brand, the only people who take issue with it are alcoholics, and Mexicans in denial. Think about it, you'll never have a brand more immediately identifiable, and all it took was literally copy & pasting a shitty representation of some Native American head. You could of been a millionaire, but you blew it user, you were literally too retarded to think of something as simple as that.

You're treating culture as something that has independent value and right, which is silly. Culture is ours to use and abuse collectively as we please. You might bemoan that it becomes commodified, but only because commodification is in itself bad for us people, not because it somehow damages this alien "culture".

It's sad how most 'punks' I'm aware of were anti-corporations yet the movement got totally commodified and defanged all the same. Capitilism is fucking scary.

It doesn't damage the culture, it alienates us from them.

I honestly wonder why natives can't get wedge themselves into the culture war. With a little casino money they could easily buy the redskins and change the name. They should be funding music and films to showcase more of their culture and mainstream it in major cities.

it is true though. 'anarchist' white kids look at non western cultures through the lens of a cargo cult mentality, they think even banal pop culture cliches and mass produced knicknacks are sacred religious objects. That's also where you people's hubris becomes evident. Most of the world couldn't give less of a shit about what you think or what you do.

Anglo whites' saviour complex makes me nauseous

This is why american intersectional discourse is disproportionately focused on getting validation from 'white culture' ie. (neurotic white 'activists' with a saviour complex). Not giving a fuck about your neuroses think is never an option.