ITT: redpilling films
ITT: redpilling films
Adam Curtis documentaries (HyperNormalisation)
They Live
The Matrix
There is no such thing as a "red pill". Redpilling is for morons who believe there is some secret knowledge hidden out there that they can uncover by listening to similarly moronic strangers on the Internet.
A movie from my childhood.
Still got the dvd.
the matrix is a right wing movie fag
Sorry, I can't remember any other films involving red coloured pills.
Forgot about crash as well.
nah, it's definitely anti-capitalist
This movie is liberal unless you stop watching after he kills the nazi.
Huge dissapointment after everything I had heard.
Yeah true though I saw it when I was a kid and it was one of the first movies to make me understand the *losers* of society a little.
Him killing the nazi was my favorite scene.
you are a blind fool
Can't say exactly what this film did it for me, given that it wasn't explicitly anti-capitalist, but it got me alll the same.
I found it quite anti-capitalistic and not too hard to notice even though it tries to be subtle.
I wish we could put anyone that uses the term "redpill" into a gulag.
Almost all of them do it willingly but subjecting themselves to Holla Forums browsing.
It's very clearly a movie about oppression and fighting against it, it's not specifically about Capitalism, and only slightly references it in the future story.
the meme answer
but seriously, this movie definitely helped red pill me, although I had to watch it at least two times to fully understand what was being said.
Why the fuck are we using a term that was originally embraced by MRAs and the alt-right?
Are we really this stale and unoriginal that we can't come up with our own shit and have to "steal" their memes?
Shouldn't we be tongue-in-cheek and sarcastic and "embrace the blue pill"?
Or something else… but really? Red pill?!
cuz we're reds
The Lorax
Some of us are blacks, but black pill is already associated with nihilism instead of anarchism. But that's a good point. Still my points stands.
The correct answer is The Century Of the Self. Ed Bernays, what a guy.
this is a normie as fuck answer
annnnd watch this instead, same thing but not the Americanised lame version
what would you faggots prefer, eating the apple of knowledge, or some shit?
What about City of God?
The concept of the "red pill" is useful. A (relatively) condensed and ultimately digestible piece of information that causes you to "wake up" from a state of ignorance and start pursuing the truth.
The "red pill" metaphor was originally apolitical, it did not belong to any given group or ideology or whatever. Saying that it's dumb just because people you don't like made use of it is like saying breathing air is dumb because Hitler breathed air too.
There was clearly a sort of moral or spiritual dialectic going on throughout the film. It is too bad that we don't really see it's resolution though.
Thank you will do buddy.
We say we embrace swastikas and go march on the street. When people call us nazis we'll just say "The swastika was originally apolitical, bro!"
I'm facetious on purpose but the point is: connotations matter.
Battle of Algiers is really underrated. I know it's widely considered a classic and everything, but few people really watch it.
Aren't you just ceding control of mainstream culture that way?
Oh and from the same director I really recommend pic related.
It's nowhere as good as Algiers, but it focuses on a slave revolt and shows how foreign powers manipulate liberation movements in their advantage, and often end up having to fight it themselves. May sound familiar.
Whenever someone says they've been "redpilled" my first thought is "oh so someone gave you an easily digestible entry into their ideology which you accepted without any analysis or research because you're a retard". This is usually done through infrografix and youtube videos.
I have honestly never seen the term used in an intelligent context.
Also I feel similar to people who say "woke".
how about "leave the cave"?
like the Greek allegory of the cave
really hits the NEETs at Holla Forums close to home
"Leave the cave" is certainly better than all the others but perhaps there could be another way to say it. Like something about shadows… stepping out of the shadows… meh… just throwing shit out there. But I like that idea.
I like that the shadows are made more menacing than they really are by the man behind the curtain, who wants to throw attention out of him. This could be an interesting metaphor if done right.
Cave leaving isn't bad but it seems forced as fuck. Why don't we make stirneraid and use the term that makes sense for this board: DESPOOK
I would just like to interject for a moment and say this is a picture of occultist Rodolf Steiner, and not Max Stirner. It comes up in google images for Stirner for some reason.
Quit using that pic for the last time
It's not the biggest redpill, but still good.
That's actually incredibly retarded. I was writing a big post describing everything that's wrong with it but then I was like… why even bother? It's in plain sight.
excellent film
It's kind of funny. A lot of what Mike Judge creates would seem extremely leftist until you get to the end and the "solution" is always just to "do it betterer I guess????" Like how Office Space just ends with him quitting his office job and working in construction forever. Or how Idiocracy ends with them just being like old america rather than dumb new america.
Isn't that part of the joke?
that's normie american 'libertarianism' for you
Ken Loach films are pretty good. Probably /ourguy/, if I would dare to be so bold.
How were the follow ups to that?
Pretty good, moreso if you're invested in the characters or like period pieces.
Maybe? Just seems like he's better at build up then pay off.
Yeah classic Simpsons was similar and it's writers were self-described libertarians. Same with South Park.
Not exactly redpill, but worth watching:
Children of Men
Brazil (Directors Cut)
I think you are over-estimating the influence of far-right fuckos. Surely, more people will think of the famous scene from The Matrix (if anything a vaguely leftyish movie) than any specific group of people using that term like a cat owner using a laser pointer.
"Stop chasing shadows." Does that work as a slogan?
What I love about Network is that none of the messages are meant to be taken at face value. They are the manipulations of salesmen and the ravings of a deranged mind.
top kek, I think the biggest irony of redpill fags is that they are using a movie directly contradicting their shitty ideology, right-wingers are living memes
"Reading a book."
fucking oath. I saw this happen with "virtue signalling" as well, a really useful term that encapsulated all the problems I had with people on "my side" as an increasingly disillusioned "progressive" in my late 20s. Once the right picked it up and started using it, suddenly lefties ceded it entirely and it became a sign of being a """reactionary""" even though normie liberals/apoliticals didn't have a clue. red pill is a part of the vernacular for a huge swathe of people at this point. sticking our noses in the air and refusing to use colloquial terms because the right also uses them is fucking stupid and leaves us with nothing but increasingly esoteric and jargon-laden language just for the sake of being contrarian and sullying our tongues and keyboards with impure words.
the left with language like this is like a 00's hipster with some piece of shit indy band. as soon as they hear it on the radio or coming out of some douchebag's WRX on the road they claim they hate it and refuse to listen anymore.
Everything you said makes sense.
Except the part where "red pill" is popular outside of bitter internet nerd circles, cause it ain't.
The matrix is the most Karltural Marxist movie ever made, its a postmodern Marxist movie. domination of machines over man is the domination of capital over labor, Morpheus and gang are socialist revolutionaries. srs, the matrix is one of the most leftist mainstream movies ever made
I hear it in real life, out of the mouths of normie acquaintances whose internet use consists of instagram and fedbook fairly frequently. Maybe you're just so immersed in "bitter internet nerd circles" you don't see it, but it has definitely begun to filter into wider culture and has been doing so for a while
Do you have a shotgun?
I'll give you my address, just finish it.
We're not allowed to have guns in my country, sorry fam
meant for
Yeah that is what I was talking about the part in the future. It;s metaphorical.
It's literally just terrorists bombing plato's allegorical cave, it's not at all a philosophically complex thing. It only gives that impression because "whoa, like, what if reality wasn't really real" is a more profound thought than 95% of people had ever experienced.
Idk if you're trolling, Holla Forums, or both, but these two things are antithetical
OK, but clearly the matrix was based on this guy's philosophy:
In all honesty using "redpilling" is so socially retarded holy shit. Don't.
Just say de-spooking or de-indoctrination, etc. Since it's a legit cure from dogma.
>but Baudrillard himself disclaimed any connection to The Matrix, calling it at best a misreading of his ideas
Douglas Hofstadter's 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach features a pair of characters who "push-into" and "pop-out of" the two-dimensional world of Escher prints. The way they do this is to drink from a blue or a red phial.[11] A further reference could be taken later in the story when the pair encounter a paradox during which "The System crashed". Hofstadter cites Lewis Carroll as a strong influence on the book (the front cover of the book has a line that says that the book is "in the spirit of Lewis Carroll".) The "push-into" and "pop-out of" phials are reminiscent of the Alice in Wonderland "drink me" and "eat me" potion and cake, which shrink and grow Alice. The Matrix very clearly references Alice in Wonderland with the "white rabbit" and the "down the rabbit hole" phrases.
dont be daft western marxism includes analytical marxism, althusserianism and many other valuable contributions to marxism. otherwise your just left with ML
Rampage: Capitol Punishment, while highly on the nose and brash, was the film that pushed two of my liberal friends over the edge.
Nah, not really. Stalinism is just as heterodox as "Western" Marxism. You're left with the various strains of orthodox marxism.
be honest, have you even read althusser?
Holy fuck, that's my #1 favorite movie. Good to see it's in the leftist field of thought. Many thanks, fam.
The fact that you think this is a bad/dumb idea shows how stupid you are. Can you imagine the screeching that would come from Naziboos if you actually managed to effectively reclaim the swastika for non-Nazi cultures as the symbol of good auspices it originally was?
Connotations are not set in stone. They, like any other part of language and communication, are mutable.
This guy here is (somewhat) smart, think like him.
There's nothing redpilling about it. They chalk the crisis up to greedy assholes and ignore the non-bourgeois economists who knew shit was going to go down. Yes, it's a fairly accurate dissection of what happened specifically in the 2008 crisis, but it completely ignores that these crises are inherent to the system.
The machines are the good guys. This is strongly implied in the movie and made explicit in the sequels and the Animatrix. Humans couldn't stand the machines so they started the war and fucked up the planet. The machines didn't actually need humans, but instead of killing them they allowed them to live in a virtual world. At first they tried giving humans a paradise but it didn't really work so they kept trying until they settled on a repetitive loop with a fake revolution, to keep the humans from fucking up anything else.
Now, the issue of how to analyze this is another matter, but these are the events of the story. Making the capitalist analogues the good guys is hardly anti-capitalist.
More like stop running from shadows.
Didn't Agamben play one of the disciples?
Honestly, Billy Elliot didn't do anything for me politically but I could see it having done so. That movie has good politics, and the solidarity is inspiring.
saw this recently
this film shows how property is the biggest flaw of Capitalism
Literally Ancoms getting raided by Ancaps
I still maintain that this is the best movie about how predatory capitalism is and the way it exploits the working class.
for the longest time deep down i was a right wing type of guy:
i believed that the only reliable, true thing you can rely on in your life, politics, economy, diplomacy, military, law, and everything else was just pure might or strength
i thought that leftism was mental gymnastics for the weak, i thought to be leftist is to find 10 excuses for every 1 solution you cant find, i thought that complaining was such a fundamental leftist thing that it was all there is to it, and that infinite shades of leftism were just infinite shades of complaining for people without a work ethic or personal responsibility
hell i even joined the army, not because i gave a shit about my country, which i saw as weak and decadent, i joined up purely to gain some combat experience and increase my personal worth/strength/might in this world, and free college so i could study electronics which would increase my competitiveness in this world even more
i though "oppression" was a meme, if you are weak you deserve to be oppressed
i though humans had no rights they couldnt protect on their own
i never took 'im a pretty princess, universe revolved around me, and i am entitled to x' types and politics seriously
i thought the world is a cruel, harsh place, and i thought that that was a beautiful thing
but then i watched zeitgeist
it has 24 million views on youtube
and i changed some of my opinions
basically, it gave me a vision of a better world, a world where suffering doesnt need to be a constant
everything else itt is pure garbage tho, no enough suspension of disbelief for sci-fi, and other stuff was either too mild/abstract for me to deal with, i watch these things to rest and relax, i have an actual work for straining my brain
I agree.
Real makes your think
Anything by Michael Moore.
Eraserhead. Not necessarily political. Find out what your crying baby is, that thing that doesn't let you sleep at night, and actually do something about it.
The Graduate
What do you guys think of Elysium? I thought it was going great until the ending. How should it have ended? Was it set up to be "push the button and everything gets better" bullshit from the start?
can't stand these things. literally "why capitalism sucks" for liberals
Dumb Hollywood schlock with some cool FX and that fucking charisma vacuum Matt Damon. After how much I loved District 9 it was a huge disappointment.
Not him, but I think it's easy for a revolutionary project to derail by preoccupying itself with cultural change as an end in itself or by setting a specific cultural target as the definitive outcome we need on the road to revolution or towards some tactical goal. If a culture of proletarian self-interest leads us to take on some previously suspect imagery, so be it, but deliberate efforts towards the re-appropriation of specific historical imagery under the illusion we can evaporate our enemies by "claiming" it for ourselves seem rather suspect to me.
Very true, but at the same time the level of "friction" in play as to what a symbol means, and the ability to frame the narrative, are both things largely under the control of the bourgeoisie.
Well, this isn't wrong. The only issue is the is-ought problem, i.e. defining "moral authority" and justification as functions of one's power within the system.
Nothing wrong with that, free college is a great deal and nobody can blame you for trying to "get ahead." Did you see any combat? I feel that, for a lot of people, the military is really their first experience of bureaucratic mismanagement, the hollowness of "work ethic," and things like command structure and bureaucratic friction taking precedence over merit, far too much of which translates over to the "real world." Did your experiences there influence how you see things?
Lord of War
The Mist
The Drop