Any ex Holla Forumsacks?

Tell me why and when you leaved it

Other urls found in this thread:

I became disillusioned with their shit.

I originally went to Holla Forums thinking it was a place I could openly be a commie anyway

Getting a job working with other ethnicities and living with other ethnicities
Doing any research on Holla Forums s ms paint infographs and actually reading history and theory

I could have gone down on a much darker path

I was never Holla Forums, the worst I was libertarian before I bothered to read any books. Taking econ 102, where they show why the autistic graphs don't work in reality, pushed me to socdem. Reading more pushed me to marxist, then ancom/ansyn. Right now I'm saving money and going to try to start a media co-op, because I always wanted to make films and I don't think I can do the job I got for the rest of my life.

Exactly this minus the career choice

I'm a nigger

After the AnCaps left halfchan Holla Forums (god knows where they went) during the Trump election and THOUSANDS of insecure white virgins started shitposting, pretty much every 5 threads devolved into nigger hate
I knew it was unhealthy for me to keep going on there.

One time some guy made a thread "prove to me morality isn't a spook", I googled "spooks" and soon found this place. Now here I am

Inside every right "libertarian" is a fascist waiting to get out. As American empire continues to decline, more and more of right librarians and an-caps will show their true colors

no, everyone here originated form leftist subreddits

Not inside every one, but your assessment is largely true. Libertarianism formed as a response to "government overreach", but this is a perhaps subconscious synonym for "pro-minority programs". The von Mises Institute will harp on about the evil of taxi licenses and rainwater collection, but what really drives people to libertarianism is seeing the tax money spent on non-Whites (SS, medicaid, minority scholarships, minority business grants), as well as the various forms of forced desegregation Section 8 housing, EEOC, hiring rules, court-sanctioned affirmative action). The government boot they want off their throats is the boot of the pro-minority government. Government regulation, in the abstract, is just an annoyance, but government regulation intent on breaking up your community and bleeding it dry for the benefit of foreigners is tyranny.



Not “Fascism Or Democracy” — Fascism And Democracy

Nah, you couldn't have. You have the personal gumption to actually research things

WHY DOES NOBODY TALK ABOUT THIS. There are a bunch of others of these. Holla Forums and reddit was paid astroturfed from like mid 2015/late 2014 on


Where my sorosbucks at dog?

I still visit Holla Forums sometimes but not as often as Holla Forums. The main thing that caused me to break with them, aside from the huge decrease in quality and Holla Forums vs /nu-pol/ civil war, was how they ignored economics. Holla Forums's idea of economics is basically

1. Expel or kill every ethnicity that isn't white or Asian
2. ???
3. Profit

Besides that, they ignore the real economic factor even when it ties straight into topics that they care about a lot, like immigration and feminism. I was fed up with this for a while but didn't realize that Holla Forums was a good alternative until I came across Bat'ko's videos. Before that I just thought Holla Forums was an Antifa/idpol shithole. In reality, Holla Forums and Holla Forums are almost identical aside from Holla Forums being more well-read and blaming the porkies instead of the Jews.

Holla Forums economics is like zerohedge. A rationalized vassal for fears that money can't buy.

Got banned on halfchan during GamerGate.
Got banned again, this time on fullchan because mods are faggots who love to take it in the pooper.

And now I am here.

Here I am. I want to know Stirner's ideas inside and out. Just bought the new translation and plan on taking notes this damn time. I want to build a huge case for worker owned means of production mixed with his thought.

I feel like they intentionally avoid it honestly. They will believe just about anything in order to avoid thinking materially.

i came here to shitpost but actually started to agree with a lot of the stuff

Everything belongs to the kolkhoz, everything belongs to me.

Drop that flag you liberal faggot.Actually, just kill yourself.

I stopped being a Holla Forumsack a couple of months ago when I came here. I became banned on Holla Forums because I saw a new thread that was made about non-white violence and I thought it would be funny if the first reply was something like ">inb4 the Jews get blamed for this". I posted that and a moderator banned me for weeks (my first offense btw) so I came here to see what the commies were up. I was pretty lost at first but over time I learned more about leftist ideologies and Marxism. After my ban was lifted, I still kept coming here because I liked the fact that there was an actual diversity of thought and no torture chamber. In the end, it was my hatred of capitalism and people pointing out that Not Socialism was capitalism that made me drop right wing politics and become a lefty.

At this point I believe even 4/pol/ is better than the retarded echo chamber 8/pol/ has become.

I definitely agree. 8/pol/ really showed its colors when the airstrike on the airstrip in Syria happened. The massive amount of Trump cocksucking that they still do today is unbelievable. Also, I have to give 4/pol/ credit for allowing those Communist generals on their board. If someone did that on 8/pol/ they would be banned permanently.


^Proof that leftypol is a spook

I left Holla Forums in late 2014/early 2015 when it became glaringly obvious that it's full of retards that do not know shite about anything. Their support of every random politician an e-celeb that panders to them whilst shilling for normal neoconservatism was a big red alert that they don't sincerely believe in their ideals. I also read Max Stirner around this time because of the memes and realized that nationalism is a monumental waste.

I didn't leave Holla Forums completely though. I never go there anymore but I still have some deep-rooted social Darwinist and totalitarian beliefs that like to surface whenever capitalism is stressing me out.

I was a Holla Forumsack until I saw how it's enframing is a folly. Now I'm just a racist.

I only went to Holla Forums a couple of times before discovering this place, because I found their knee-jerk reactions to canadians, jews and black too stupid and boring.
One of those times there was a guy in a atheism vs. christianity thread saying "if there's no God then why is the world just".

I left 4chan pol because they don't actually hold discussion.

I'm a Asserist and I tried a few times to see if discussion about social nationalism could be done. Hell I even tried to see if they could hold discussion on Soviet moral/social values and how similar they were to what Pol veiwed as ideal.

They are slaves to idpol and believe whatever is cool or trendy. A shit ton of them became christians because of crusader memes and if you bring up crusader failures they get pissed. They can't deal with women well which I find funny because they claim to be traditionalists who want to have 5 kids. A shit ton of them claim to be white nationalists but as we've seen from their meetups and shenanigans a shit ton of them are white.

Another thing I tried seeing if they would catch on was the issues they have woth jews are the issues they should have with the bourgeoisie. Rich, succesful, minority, doesn't care about the commoner of their nation, abuses the system and runs world events……they say Jews, yes a good amount of Jews form the bourgeoisie but getting rid of Jews still leaves a SHIT TON of non jewish bourgeoisie.

There's a lot of reasons I left but those are a few thongs that disillusioned me with their shit.

I was more into the socialism of Not Socialism and wanting to help others no matter if they politically believed the same as me, were a different colour, "class," etc. I was made fun of it for it on halfpol and was told that the blacks would only take advantage. Stuff like that really turned me off. They're not Nazis. They're not Not Socialists. They're racist retards that only want to help themselves and preserve their "race" of pathetic morons.


Oh really, what lord did they pledge themselves to?

Another thing. If you posted in Nazi threads about all the anti capitalist shit said by Nazis they would get pissed and defend capitalism despite laying out evidence and quotes from Degrelle, the Assers, Goebbels, etc.

If there was a Nazi government they would be killed on sight.

Also if you try telling them on how the system that has benefited Jews the most is capitalism they get real pissed and when you bring up how people like Rand, Rothbard, Mises, Vogel, Posner, Becker, Block and Friedman are all Jewish and are some of the most influential capitalist theorists they scoff it off.

That's a nice amug pic user. How would you feel if I seized it for the volk?

there was a huge amount of privatization and government-corporate partnerships in the 3rd Reich

I just browse Holla Forums whenever the retarted mods decide to ban me from Holla Forums.

When it comes to pictures online it’s just data so they can be copied and pasted infinite times. So you could take it, and the original poster would still have a copy no matter how many times you try to take it. This is why the gig-economy is retarted.

Ex/pol/ack and ex member of some other fascist groups here. I used to help organize alt-right people and make propaganda for them.

I got out of it because of several reasons. I was already further to the left economically than most others. That debate that Xexizy did with those alt-right guys got through to me, and got me to look into Marxism. At around the same time I started getting disillusioned with the idealism of the far right, and also started working a job in a diverse office.

I'm glad I got out of that shit.

the funny thing is, what kept me from going deeper down the "rabbit hole" (in Holla Forums lingo) is the fact that so many people there were legit lunatics

I browsed Holla Forums before it became a r/the_donald colony so it was legitimately full of nazis and diehard conspiracy theorists, now it's just young republicans

these absolute loonies that went further than jews, rambling on about aliens, illuminati, weird esoteric shit and so on kind of made me go away
the final nail in the coffin was climate change denial, it's a simple issue really, I took whatever lessons I could from Holla Forums and went into some kind of political nihilism (I didn't want to know or think about it anymore, don't think about jews and such)

later I started thinking again, and I still had this Holla Forums strawman image of "the left" (which is neoliberalism+idpol) and I got thinking, came with the conclusion that I had to be some kind of "radical centrist", retroactively I realize that I held socialist opinions all along

jeez I should word this better, forgive me, im drunk
I rejected both left and right idpol (or particularism as zizek calls it, I like that workd more) in favor of true universalism, now I realize that SJWs are basically right wingers and the left-right spectrum is univeralism vs particularism and nazis vs SJWs is just two flavors of particularism


read mutual aid, please
the main reason I was a Holla Forumsack was because I was a misantrophe and hated people in general

I'm an ancom, but I can very much understand what tankies mean by protecting the revolution, enforcing state atheism and so on
nothing wrong with it

the funny thing is is that Holla Forums flowed out of Holla Forums culture which always shat on "moralfags"
2015 Holla Forums was still talking about cuckservatives and now they've become what they've always hated

images on chans function like communism really

I've been on imageboards since 2006 and left in 2011/2012 when you faggots cancered everywhere up.

If capitalism stresses you out you're being unselected by social Darwinism.

I don't doubt it.

I'm an angels breath away from just accepting that I am genetic waste that is never going to amount to anything.

comrade, you're worth more than your genome

Not an ex-Holla Forums user in the traditional sense, I never really believed in a lot of the more right-wing sentiments expressed there in the first place. I mainly went to Holla Forums because I believed it to be the only good outlet for political discussion, mainly because my peers were mostly apolitical and trying to discuss politics on social media is a horrible experience. I started visiting Holla Forums on the daily around 2009 and slowly began to visit the board less and less frequently as time went on.

I moved to Holla Forums when it first popped up, and mostly did it because of the whole gamergate scandal, back when it was about ethics and fair play in journalism and not 'everyone I don't like is a liberal'. I saw that Holla Forums had a leftist board and so I jumped right in here and never looked back. I still visit 8pol and 4pol sometimes, but they sadly seem pretty set in their ways. 8pol has succumbed to the same fate as 4pol, its no wonder /polk/ and /britpol/ exists.

Is /int/ close enough?

Is /int/ close enough?

Thanks, user.

Read actual nihilists lel

Lmao 8pol is cucked. bunch of trump dicksuckers

I also heard that many on 4pol stopped worshipping trump now as a result of the syrian airstrike, so props to them

Just started lurking here today. Been a Holla Forumsack for a few years. Haven't always agreed with them though. But I prefer listening to all POVs. Not sure entirely what you all believe in here, but yeah the curiosity is there.

I was only a Holla Forumsack for a little while. Was left wing most of my life before Holla Forums, got into the "turd positionist" crap for a little while, before I realised how fascism is a movement for rich kids like Richard Spencer and is fuelled by maniacal hatred for the working class, no matter what rhetoric they might employ.

I've always been very conscious of class, so the elitism of the alt-right, particularly the monarchist/theocratic/reactionary types, quickly put me off. It confirmed to me that the right wingers are primarily concerned with employing whatever methods and language possible, including leftist ones, to hold onto their power, wealth, property and muh privilege.

Working class whites need to realise their white skin won't protect them against the eugenicist, anti-democratic, anti-worker true nature of fascism and far-right ideologues in general.

Well, you're a Nazbol, so that's a given.

Stirner saves lives

They don't mind to be exploited by the capitalists if they are whites.

About 6 months ago.

I call bullshit on this. Google doesn't include 8ch.

fucking desperate stirnerites

welcome, comrade


You are absolutely right. They know that as soon as they start thinking about economics they will turn into one of you guys, and that would be embarrassing to them.

He was an 8/pol/tard. He googled "spooks." Now he is here. Try to follow along.

Yeh on bad days I go from consensus based local democracy to JUST WIPE OUT THE PIG CLASS I DON'T CARE HOW ITS DONE

what sort of organising did you do for them?

Been on Holla Forums since 2013. Used to be a legit nazi, one of those "I'm not a Nazi, I'm a *National Socialist* (tips fedora)" types.

Then I grew up and realized capitalism sucks balls and is destined to die, and also that racial and ethnic division is stupid.

Also I got progressively more annoyed by the influx of reddit-tier ancap and libbotarian dickheads. Just generally the acceptance of cuckitalism in those circles made me really disillusioned with them.

Am I still of the opinion that we should 'visit' Holla Forums more and more, create 'communism general' threads, try to convert poltards to the everlasting science of Marxism (no offense to anarchists).

I wouldn't really call Holla Forums and Holla Forums the same. They're the same in the sense that they're both 'speak-your-mind' kind of political internet forums. Holla Forums is literally the result of insecure """"white"""" people sperging out over anything that is even remotely just towards people who do not have a penis or who do not have the exact same melanin-level as them. Holla Forums, on the other hand, is the vangaurd of the contemporary internet left (in my opinion, you can hardly call subreddits like /r/soc a vanguard for anything).

It's literally what's happening to me tbh

Nah. The good ones will come here the same way that the rest of us did. The rest can stay inside their echo chamber.

I enjoyed it right up until Trump's election, then the air went out of it bigly.
You know what, no, that's not true. It became shit even before that. The last year or so I only followed /sg/ anyway, or happenings. Everything else is just people spooked by bbc, neocons, and MAGA chuds.

Yeah, Holla Forums is fun, but it is only fun for a little while. Eventually acting stupid gets old, and the relentless mindlessness becomes more grating than funny. At some point you start to wish that folks would actually discuss the happenings and consider their natures instead of just memeing at them.


I was pretty anti-capitalist and fell into the meme that fascism was a "third way" opposed to both communism and capitalism. At the time I associated communism/socialism to idpol sjw's and in general held a typically American misunderstanding of it as "big gubmint." The aesthetic of it drew me in, and another big factor was the refugee/migrant crisis. After a while though I got tired of the blatant racism and antisemitism that prevails there, and the constant conspiracy theory pushing. I still voted for Trump but found myself disgusted with how he appointed bankers, neocons, and CEO's into his cabinet and broke all his promises. I only ever casually browsed pol, I frequented other websites more, but the shilling and denial that prevailed amongst pol types drew me away from fascist/alt-right though.

I've only lurked here for a few weeks and still hold a very barebones understanding of leftist thought but all memes aside I do think that there is a higher standard of discourse here, which is a big reason why I stayed.

I wouldn't really consider myself a Holla Forumsack. I started browsing Holla Forums when moot made it because it was a fun place to shitpost. Didn't really care to talk politics since getting banned from revleft several years earlier. When Holla Forums started leaking into /a/ I got pissed and quit posting on Holla Forums. When gamergay happened I was just getting fed up with Holla Forums shitposting on /a/ and found 8/a/ to be slow and comfy. Then Holla Forums ruined that too and the only way to fill my imageboard addiction was Holla Forums and a few smaller sites.

that's retarded, the material conditions aren't sole factor in anything unless you use a disingenuous redefinition like "everything is matter, hence the material condition is the sole factor". Reminder no socio-economic estimator has the same degree of accuracy for life-outcomes or heredity as as Autism Level (whether measured during child-hood or estimated from parent Autism Level), nor are any of them as consistent across the globe and across cultures.

The studies you link to to disprove this are underwhelming, especially the one Flynn used to cite as proof of how Autism Level doesn't really differ across race (the British and West Indies orphans study). Listing social study researchers is underwhelming, they have always been completely idiotic in their reasoning.

This never happens, I see those threads, everyone knows jews have used nepotism and their near monopoly on banking and in media to their ethnic groups benefit. We also know what those theorists are among jewish academics and the politically involved jews; hated outliers.

We also know which part of their theories are influential and which aren't, their general opposition towards money printing hasn't exactly caught on, while their ideas labour immigration have. The neocons occasionally try to use their imagery in some form of propaganda to appeal for solidarity with Israel or some war, otherwise these people are not embraced by jewish culture. It would be like saying Shaun King is representative (in the political sphere) of whites.

One example of jewish ethnocentrism of their over representation with respect to merit at Harvard, and other universities/colleges with high percentage of jewish administration. Can leftypol please explain why jews are 20-25% at Ivy leagues, while being ~2% of the US population and no-where near the academic performance to justify that. Preferably using dialectical materialism.

That's not very praxeological of you.

I always find it funny that some people can legit believe in the idea of a global jewish conspiracy, in which ALL of the jews are evil and want to wipe out the other races, but can't believe that all of the problems they atribute to the jews actually have economic causes, rather than all the jews secretly organising to rule over everyone else because reasons.
These dudes will condemn jewsish capitalists for being greedy and exploitative, but not white capitalists for the same thing.

Sources please.

>actually lurks
Why can't they all be like that?

When evidence fails, just make shit up.

This is the shit that idpol eats daily, and it is the basis for most of its obscurantism. It draws attention away from actual problems (Ivy League schools are a front for a good ol' boy club where rich fucks network their children into their clíque) and toward irrelevant shit (the ratio of certain ethnic groups within the school is disproportionate with that of society at large) that has no real effect on anything.

Which part of "google doesn't show 8ch" did you not get?

Try to follow along.

a little bit of a late reply but my main thing was getting people in contact with local group organizers and other fascists in their area. I live in a pretty isolated area so there were never many others where I'm at (there aren't many leftists either). I also gave the groups advice on agitation and propaganda techniques.

That's because the Nazi's who actually cared about helping the German people were purged in 1933, by the faction who only cared about the schizo conspiracy theories and occult nonsense. Hitler betrayed the people who built the movement and were genuinely dedicated to helping the German volk in order to gain backing from the elite.

Its a pretty mixed back. There are still a large number of retarded /r/the_donald faggots on Holla Forums who are still hardcore Trump supporters.

I don't really think this is a good strategy tbh. Most Holla Forumsyps brains shut down when they hear the word Communism. Most of the tread would just be defending from accusations of being liberals/SJWs. The current strategy being employed will work well I think. Shill Nazbol and $trasserism and whenever Trump fucks up make threads where we link the latest betrayal to the class rule associated with Capitalism.

Also it doesn't hurt to spread anti-elite, anti-rich, and anti-capitalism rhetoric in whatever thread you are participating in. We need to turn Holla Forumss hatred of elite jews into a more general class hatred.

I never used Holla Forums but I was quasi reactionary at one point and this was definitely a big factor.

relevant dubs famrade

This is a good strategy. That and showing how capitalism is bad for the 'volk, which is what lead me further left.

I was never full on Holla Forums, but I was a gamergater and vicious anti-SJW.

I went from liberal to commie when Trump and Bernie came into the picture and realized that /r9k/ and Holla Forums were delusional and that women aren't inherently bad people, just make mistakes like everybody else. I've also always hated traditionalism and culture.

Then you were never an actual nazi, believing ( ( ( capitalism ) ) ) is good in any form is not Nazism.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA no. Maybe 4/pol/, but 8/pol/ and Holla Forums are circlejerks of different brand (the latter more open tho).

Wrong. This irrelevant, almost dead shithole might be better than reddit in terms of variety of discourse, but fact remains that reddit is right now the biggest conglomerate of leftist communities on the internet. And the plebbit fempire is the actual vanguard, it's so organized and influential nothing compares to it.

I was a right leaning nationalist without actually understanding what capitalism or nationalism were. Then I got redpilled.

There is nothing more capitalistic than fascism.

Google does show what "spook" means, retard.

i was a Holla Forumsack, i became a communist by annoying dorks in my class who were socialists, obviously i learned some theory and realized how stupid i was, after some lifestylist phase, i now consider myself to be completely despooked.

Oh fuck off, every time it's touched on you insist they haven't "really" touched on economic issues because they didn't just spam "THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IN A SOCIALIST SOCIETY" endlessly

I'm not white so I was never a Holla Forumsack. Nonetheless, Holla Forums showed me what a cancer idpol is


I don't really post there anymore because it's been taken over completely by people who fancy themselves to be actual fascists/nazis.
The post quality went to shit in a huge way, and there's no room for ideological dissent, let alone debate.
The groupthink there is horrible.

That being said, I don't really fit in here ideologically speaking either, but at least you guys tolerate free thought.

Lay some Holla Forumstard economic theory on us.

I went to an alt-right rally in my state over some monuments and talked to a few Holla Forumstards and realized they are almost all retarded except a select few. Plus that cringy kekistan shit Jesus. Well at least the local news has me yelling at liberals. I don't know where I stand politically anymore, I'd say Strässerist but its still negative. Anyway I come here to see discussion, its more reasonable here. Holla Forums is a spookfest now.

Post the link.

What did you yell at the libs?

I thought that mainstream politics were stupid so I visited Holla Forums thinking I was being edgy and contrarian. I left because I realised that blaming the jews for everything was absurd and the general toxicity of the place was awful. Remembered Holla Forums existed so i came here and I've never left since.
I'm pretty easy to find and before you ask yes I am from the city the rest of the alttards were not

I called an anarchist a spook and told the white libs that they're trash

Man it feels good to be proven right. You fucking pseudo-leftists need to learn from books too, not just learn from Holla Forums, that kind of circlejerking bullshit is what made Holla Forums so awful in the first place.

not surprised

Scroll up a little if you want evidence that there are in fact ex-Holla Forumsacks on this board, and I don't need evidence that being rude to them is okay.

I think you're confused. I'm saying that the fact that they exist in a thread specifically asking for them to single themselves out does not make a representative sample.

"full of" wasn't mean to indicate a specific quantity, just enough for 106 replies and 15 images.

Am now commie. Ty, faggots.

Am I still a Holla Forumsack if I browse there every day? I've always been a libertarian socialist, and, honestly, I kinda keep visiting Holla Forums out of habit because I can't look away from the trainwreck. I argue every now and then on classcuckism and feminism with surprising moderate success. It's kinda rad how people respond once you dismantle the same tired old bullshit and actually focus on educating people.

in 2011 I became a neo-nazi retard due to Holla Forums dropped the doctrine in 2015 by reading The Ego & It's Own.

I have have always been an atheist so Max's observations fitted well with my own. He was a very skeptical man.

killing porky means an end to jews

as long as you have adblock on. who cares. laugh at them all you want.

Became a part of my town's metal scene where i got frequently exposed to communists and anarchists and befriended some. It made me notice "white unity" was bollocks and that some black people can be much closer brothers than most whites. Now i mainly identify as latino instead.
Meanwhile, bad experiences with porky at my former jobs openned my eyes to capitalisms shitness, and then i went socdem, then full gommie all by myself. Holla Forums came much later.

Holla Forums is now worshipping Trump and banning any mention of the socialist aspect of Not Socialism (they're basically just neocons LARPing about in wehrmacht uniforms now) and /brit/ is just neoliberal tripfags and memers who are now shilling for the candidate that will literally stop them from using this site. I don't like this place or 99% of the retarded, hypocritical cretins here one fucking bit (the BO having a mental breakdown and going full dictator after the crash was deeply amusing to me) but like every other time I've moved board or site it's purely because my standards have to be consistently lowered by everywhere else circling the drain of groupthink.

honestly the only thing on Holla Forums that is good are the /sg/ threads

How conducive.

Yeah, I tried to spread the truth of class cuckery and rational self-interest and was just met with shitposting and appeals to nature and natural heirarchy and a whole bunch of other spooked fallacious shit and eventually decided to leave after being told for the upteenth time that sucking your boss' cock and letting alphas fuck your gf was just like human nature man.

They seriously love that appeal to nature over there, they're borderline primitivists.

I shatpost here, a bit on Holla Forums, and on Holla Forums trying to further divide the boards because I wanted pure video games discussion on Holla Forums and was tired of seeing unending derailment caused by fellow Holla Forumsacks and Holla Forumsyps. Eventually this shit seeped into me.

Honestly r/scw reddit is better, comments are cancer though. I filter to new threads and read the titles then click through a bunch of twitter accounts for hours on end, more addictive than vidya

nah I don't agree with this. One of my best buds is right libertarian, and the worst I hear from him is (hopefully) ironic shit about Jews. He's a typical Calvinist libertarian and would just as unhappily pay white welfare as he would black.

very briefly Holla Forums but mostly i was just a neocon aping what my dad said because he was in the military and couldn't stand to hear that my dad was complicit in the evils of american imperialism. I grew to be more libertarian, then I read foucault and realized the state is aware of its evils and perpetrates them to control the population. I briefly went to the ancap side, found it was full of dumbasses who didn't solve the problems I aw with the state apparatus, and I soon moved to pure anarchism. I'm some where between anarchist and Maoist-anarchist rn


This tbh

Is this something you might now be interested in doing for the good guys?

Of course, comrade. The issue is building connections, I'm not that sure how that works in the leftist community.. The right was really heavily on twitter and we had a few forums that well known and pretty good for getting people in contact with each other. I'd really like to get back into doing fliers, that's something else I could do to contribute without being organized.


If you're talking about Asser's Nazism then sure, but looking at how you autistically used da joos meme you're probably another Hitler fag, which unfortunately for you, was a fucking capitalist

[email protected]/* */

mail this mail

Which ethnicities?

Were you on halfpol? Because that doesn't make sense. The nigger hate seemed rampant beforethe exodus. Then during Trump, it went into "based niggers".


i too love Engels

If you did not come here by way of Holla Forums, then how did you find this place?

I used to go to Holla Forums on occasion years ago but never really agreed with them. It was just a nice change from the liberal sites that I used to frequent. I've always been at least succdem so I just kinda naturally moved over. Can't even remember how I found this place.

They very much are. Nothing bogs down a discussion more than constantly going back over Holla Forums's debunked idiocy.

the irony is if you see most of their meetups a large portion of halfchan Holla Forumsyps are black.

I stopped going to /a/ years ago how bad was it?
I know during GG they basicallt killed Holla Forums

Oh so this is the thread where all the people who derail every thread into America Hate hang out
If you don't read theory then why don't you go back to Holla Forums

/m/ user here, /a/ has been shit since 2010 and they have terrible taste

Holla Forums embodies the dunning-kruger effect.

A pack of degenerate freaks who believe themselves to be great progressives but in reality they are nothing but pathetic retards.

When will you people realize that your ideologies are on borrowed time in White societies? Go spread your poison in some 3rd world nigger hole.

i wouldn't call myself a Holla Forumsack but i used to be a regular poster back when it was still mostly libertarian board and you could pick your political flag.
i was anti-feminist and generally anti-idpol and still am.
i learned about this place during the first Exodus after Moot nuked Holla Forums (gamergate shit).
found Holla Forums and realized that the debate level was much better here.
as time went by, Holla Forums kept getting worse and worse and ended up being the garbage it is today, i don't even lurk there anymore.


Reality proves you wrong every time. Hence why your ideologies are dwindling away.

Nice narrative you have there, it'd be a shame if it colonised your mind.


White societies will only survive through socialism.

National Socialism.

N-no, you cuck! Captialism is saving the white race! Commies hate the White man, and I've got the grainy jpegs to prove it!

I am anti-capitalist, anti-communist, and anti-semitic, like most Nazi people are.

Are you a S trasserist?


Combine both forms of National-Socialism and that is the better option. Plus I oppose jews from a racial foundation.

Asserists don't give a shit about Jews as a race IIRC.

Why are you anti-communist?


I am Ukrainian.

Communism is backwards and jewish poison. It was never meant to be a legitimate ideology, it was purely created to be a way of taking over our slavic countries and pushing the power and money into the hands of the few (and this is why the jews created it because they are "the few").

Nazi = National-Socialist.

National-Socialists do not like capitalism (or at least the way it exists at the moment), did you not know this?


right there

In what ways?

[citation needed]

This certainly didn't happen under the nazis :^)

Are you anticapitalist or do you want to reform capitalism?

What happened to my relatives? They were tortured and executed by the jewish population.
And what is left of my beautiful country after communism? Nothing.

Anti-Semitism has been around for millenia for a reason, they are hate-filled maniacs. I despise everything to do with them. And I can see them doing the same things they did to my country in the West.

hahaha oh god

I should have saved more of these

IT WAS LE JEWish overhivemind LOL :::^) end of discussion thanks for trying tho *tips federa*

Not in the same way at all.
Plus the German Nazis did not deal with the jews correctly. The believed the lies of the Zionists and everything was fucked by this mistake.

This is where they made a mistake. They should have ignored the Zionists and just kicked all of the jews out entirely (bankers included). People make mistakes when the majority of the world is a threat to your plans for your country.

It is not an "overhivemind". That is just your way of trying to ignore the issue of jewish internationalist supremacy. Which is very clearly a problem that has existed for centuries.

There is no proof of any coordinated "Jewish internatioanlist supremacy" moreso than any other ethnic internationalist supremacy, if anything American pro-Israel protestants hold more power intetnationally than whatever nonexistant cabal of Jews you think is pulling the strings. I'm not saying there aren't Jewish bourgeoisie that are in need of an immanent vacation to the gulag but to say they are guilty for being Jewish alone, as if they are part of some grand Semitic conspiracy, is deranged.

Unfortunately you are very much mistaken. Look at how they have been doing the same things for thousands of years. Even in a lot of greek literature you can see them speak about the jews and their meddling and usury.

It is a racial thing. I hope you can see this one day.

I am going now as I have to go to work very early. Understand that I will probably not to respond to any more replies.


Not what we mean by spook, you moron.

National Socialism is socialist the same way the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy.

antisemitism is a mental illness

You are a fucking idiot.

Lel, ukrainian nazis are fucking idiots. You're aware that shitler intended to ethnically cleanse you and replace you with a bunch of krauts, aren't you? Stalin is the reason you fashy fucks are still allowed to goosestep and mouthbreath.

the only good thing to ever come out of your non-country was Ivana Sugar, and even she is a coalburner. How does that make you feel, ukrainian?

good thing stalin finished the job with holodomor


if he actually finished the job we wouldn't have to deal with these right wing Ukrainian shitheads today

it makes me feel great, as I am a coal

is true tbh that's not propaganda, you have same mindset as pol (muh idols dindu nuffin and their did all) despite facts so you can go choke on a cock

One is a historical fact. The other is literally Nazi propaganda.

all autocrats are so shit…

Here, I made this for (you)


That is surprisingly accurate.


Thanks comrade.

I know it's you, black flag/an-nil poster.

Couldn't give less of a shit. Just wanted to make the point that anyone can change that shit any time, it doesn't means anything.

And more importantly you're a retard.

Switch flags as much as you like, I'll always be able to identify you by your horrendous posts.

yeah kys

Something is not right here

You'd be surprised, many eastern Euros(particularly the ones whose were in USSR) do not have fond memories of the Easter block period, so some special cases get mild boners for Hitler because he was a sworn enemy of Soviet union, neo-nazism for those people is white nationalist autism sprinkled with anti-communist butthurt, only retards and edgelords embrace it though.

I am a Holla Forumslack. Full-on. I cannot stop my innate hatred of the Jews, and I believe I will die hating them and their subversive nature.

I came to Holla Forums because Holla Forums never allowed discussion of the things I wanted to talk about, and because real life under the capitalist system run by Jews/Porky sucks donkey dick, and even in a Whitetopia like what Holla Forums proposes, I'd still have to get up every morning and do worthless busy-body crap all day every day with no real motivation to do so beyond supporting myself. I don't intend on having a family (Tradcucks/Moralfags as we called them - I don't know your lingo yet, Holla Forums - constantly shit on me and people like me because opting out of family life is "DEGENERATE") and I don't believe I'm ever going to know the warmth of another human being (Tradcucks want me dead because I'm open to being with a cute guy as well) so I'm an angry virgin male who would ordinarily want to flee to the mountains and live as a hermit, instead finds himself trapped doing meaningless work to support a system that he wants nothing more than to destroy, for no greater reason than to support one individual's permanently lonely existence.

I came to Holla Forums because I wanted to die for a long time, and there was this quote by some guy who said to try every alternative before ending your life. Well I'm here now as a last resort, and I read some material. The world described after this current, cancerous work-cycle is destroyed as described by the Principles of Communism is a world I find myself wanting to live in. I can always just go back to my normal, incoherent existence on Holla Forums, back to supporting Fascism regardless of whether the fantasy helps me or not, until I buy a rope in the real world and fucking hang myself, but I decided yesterday that I will walk down another path: If I can liberate myself and my fellow workers from this evil Capitalist system with this life of mine, I'm going to dedicate every fiber of my body to this cause.

/end blogpost


I started a media coop already. All the coops work is realsed under the copy left license.

Trying to make money via Pateron only. Don't have enough money to promote anything so hoping putting the work under copy left will help it go viral.

I have lurked Holla Forums since its beginning but never turned into a nazi.


It's like, those people who are allergic to peanut butter? I find myself violently ill thinking about all the evils that the Jews have committed.

Speak to a therapist, unironically. You sound like aou're a couple of steps away from commiting suicide.

I don't trust therapists. If I should wind up dead because of a choice I make myself, so be it. I just want to make something of this life, and Communism seems to be the way to do that.


So I'm this guy:

And tonight I find myself back on the fence between Fascism and Communism. I have some really heavy thoughts on my mind tonight because I just got back home from work and the caffeine I'm on makes me really irritable.

I know myself to be very indecisive, and I keep asking myself what choice I'm going to make. I'm a deeply spiritual person and that plays as a major factor in my decision as well.

Am I going to choose Fascism and embrace the Old Gods even harder than I was before and strengthen myself in my resolve to relight the fires of the ancients that ushers in a golden dawn where the light of the Gods shines on us once again with the expectation that a man must forge his own path and overcome his obstacle alone, or will I choose Communism and light a new bonfire where it is the light of Man and his fraternity and solidarity that shines on the world, informing the Gods that if we are to forge our own path, it will not be in their shadow?

Will I want to wake up in the presence of my fellows and work to everyone's mutual benefit in a Commune-like setiing, or will I seek to be awoken by the dawn of traditions to work in the Old Ways.

I was talking with my co-workers about politics, and the light in their eye that I saw when I told them about Communism gave me hope and made me feel like I have the power to actually change things in this world, but I remember that I can also choose to take this realization and recant those words about Communism to advocate Fascism and Traditionalism instead.

Communism is an ideology that directly addresses my daily struggles under the Capitalist machine, and gives me instructions that are practical. Fascism on Holla Forums fails to address these qualms, but at least it gives me Ideals to strive for, on a more long-term basis.

Or perhaps all of these thoughts coursing through my head is a sign that my mind is broken and therefore I need to die?

Please, help me decide.

I'm not a Holla Forumsack or Holla Forumsack. I've reached a state of post-imageboard culture.

I'm going to have to sleep on these questions, and more tonight, and probably read more material from both sides, so I'd like to reiterate that fact that I seriously need feedback on these thoughts. Please help me make a decision.

I guess I'll have to bring up these thoughts on /polk/ as well since Holla Forums sucks dick regarding this sort of thing.

Continue to live user, it's okay to be conflicted but it's no use killing yourself

Fascism doens't care about you as a human being. It's ultimately a corporatist ideology guised as a nationalist movement. It's collectivist in identity, totalitarian, and doesn't allow you to express yourself or reach your full potential.

It shifts the blame on ethnicities as opposed to the system itself, and proceeds to demonise people who want to shift the already fucked system.

Nazis were retarded when it came to their economy, don't believe what Holla Forumsyps tell you

And Read some Stirner

Also, you said you hated the jews. See pic related.

Such as?

Blood Libel, Spirit Cooking, the establishment, maintenance, and advancement of our vampiric Capitalist status quo hegemony vanguarded and proliferated by ethnic Jews for the purpose of exploiting the common man, the faking of such things as the alleged shoah, pogrom, and holocaust to feed and support a victimization narrative which garners sympathy that directly benefits Jewish interests, the suspiciously long and plentiful history of the exiling of Jews from various places, all with rumors and expositions of malevolent Jewish behaviour.

All things I would have no interest dwelling on if I choose Communism, and no interest explaining or otherwise helping you understand on Holla Forums if I choose to remain Fascist.

I will have to give all that some thought but ultimately I've seen it proof to the contrary regarding how Fascism views me.

Thank you though, and thank you for that pic, but I want to see more about the benefits of Communism as opposed to the detriments of Fascism; Positives as opposed to Negatives. I've seen enough Negatives on Holla Forums to last me a lifetime.

when they despook themselves from the race bullshit they will see that the money just go to poor people, and caring for the interest of a single color skin makes no sense.
Maybe.. just maybe…

You forget that shifting the blame to people of other ethnicity is just a way to distract them by using a common enemy. So they can be used as tools.
They are just so stupid to keep falling for that trap. Even Mussolini did not agree with the ethnical blame.

I never bought into their ideology (I was an average Center-Left/American Centrist while browsing) but I did enjoy some of the rare moments of actual decent political discussion combined with the general irreverence of a chan environment. I started lurking more and more and posting less and less when it stopped being mostly ironic meme libertarians, turned into a Trump fan club where over half the catalog was just unfunny derivative Trump threads, and then post Trump hype when more of them started being unironic Nazis and autistic nationalists who blamed their nogf on idpol and globalism. Pretty much just checked out entirely at that point.

I became more disillusioned as the recent campaign season progressed and have just been getting progressively more mad since. I'm still fairly new to leftypol circles overall, but I'm enjoying myself even if I'm probably not the ideal since I'm probably best described as a SocDem leaning DemSoc in my current ideological place.

I can't relate with what you said, but I'm considering Libertarian Communism.

Former Holla Forumsack here too. The shit just makes you depressed and I don't want to be linke that. Being against Zionists and 1%er Jews is compatible with leftism.

As long as you don't spare the goy part of the 1%…

Your arguments on jews are ridiculous, you ought to stop browsing Holla Forums so much

They're but a fraction of the reasons why I hate Jews. I already said I'm most likely going to die hating them, but nothing I said should be construed in a way that implies that I want others to feel the way I do.

I'm not even interested in talking about this, it's just a waste of time.

Too much here can't be linked to the jewish community as a whole or even solely to them, it seem to me you are creating a scape goat for about everything other than the victimization narrative (which did happen and is one of the founding myths of Israel in fact).
I could address most of the issues given time, but I won't since you've shown you have no interest in debating them.
Just keep in mind there are rational explanations to all those points if you ever want to go after them.

This is not the case because I will readily admit that Capitalism is the problem.


This elitist reasoning is why nobody likes commies and why commies aren't making any progress in the West. I used to be a Holla Forumsack too, started going to this place and then started reading different books.

Stop with the elitism, dumbo. You're no better because you've "always" been a leftist.


And they say Stirner posting is useless

this is a good post

i identify with this too

welcome dude, and to all other newcomers

Has there ever been a single ex-Leftypol defector on /pol?
I've seen dozens of ex-Holla Forumsacks but have never heard of anyone going full nazi on this board.

literally retarded

Apart from that he is entirely correct.

yes, used to be a lefty, pre-Holla Forums, now I'm Holla Forums, just not 4/pol/ or 8/pol/

I lurk a lot of boards.

8leftypol and 8pol are very similar

t. voted for obummer

Actually this is accurate>>1759286
They have mirror image threads like these all the time on 4/pol/, at least. 100% of the time the "left" conversions there are from liberal centrists or Democrat-tier libs who think rabid SJWs are literally communism.

I don't care about other country politics, as long as they stay out of other country's business. Obama didn't, he deserves the rope for what he allowed on his watch.

most or loudest Holla Forums thinks all leftys are "liberal" normies
most or loudest Holla Forums think Holla Forums are neonazis

I get that a few people from Holla Forums used to be """leftists""" but I was just wondering if anyone from leftypol itself defected to Holla Forums because it mostly seems to be one-way defections between boards.
Just interesting how those who come to Leftypol tend to stay here whilst Holla Forums often drives people away.

I grew up in a socialist country, not larping in america

leftypol is newer than pol, 8pol is currently routing members under shit mods, 4pol lost people to 8pol, and 8pol has become like 4pol.

tbh you're asking in the wrong place, you need to ask in the pol boards that question, because those ex-leftypol would be there


Ca we try this:

If theres actual interest, we can make a new poll withoth the last joke option and start a new thread for it.

Also, anyone thinking leftypol is superior to pol or pol superior to leftypol is just another tool.

lel, dream on, living in socialist country, we don't even let our police play with guns.

inb4 welfare state is socialism

I mean it was clear already that you're retarded but

the closest I got to becoming a Polack was hating SJWS. then I found out that proper leftists are not radlibs but a very different thing. also Zizek pretty much influenced me

Fair point, pure socialism never lasts long

Where in the West are they making progress? Or you the type of guy that considers Corbyn and Sanders to be communists?

Every commie party where I live are as big now as they were in the 1970s. Maybe smaller.

Out of interest, which capitalist liberal democracy are you from?

This is like a Holla Forums argument, thanks for proving my point.

Its actually about complexity of the passage and writing ability not number of words but i guess reading must be difficult for you.

Capitalist.. yes
liberal … lol no
Democracy… kek

Where are you from user?

So you're not saying where.

Very good, I imagine it was an important victory over those ebil neonazis.

pic related

of course not user

every time kek

inb4 Gay Nazi says some shit like Canada or something

No, I would like to visit

Where did I move the goal post user?

lel fucking leafs, fuck no


Look, we're just curious which socialist country you're from. I don't know why you can't tell us.

kek saved

you are a fake nationalist scum and your kind will be deported to Germany or Austria or whatever retarded snow nihgger country wants to have you.

I'll tell you on facebook user


At least say which region to give us some context.

nah, I prefer to remain anonymous

truly we are blessed


cute tbh

I assume at "best" this socialist country is Sweden or some other Nordic country.

At worst he's American or from Eastern Europe and thinks Hitler is better because commies killed 1 gazillion people and socialism makes everyone poor.


Lol no. We think that they are Republicans.

lol u got owned m8 just own up to it

Shitposting is the ultimate gateway drug.

No one gets owned by a strawman, especially not one as shit as yours.

This tbh.

I mean, they literally shilled Trump when Ted Cruz was way more on the right than him, how are they not vanilla conservatives?

ted huwhite leafy curb stompable face cubano cruz

You cannot deny he is more on the right than Trump tho.

I have never been on Holla Forums in my life, but I did go from right-libertarian to tankie (in that having states with borders is necessary ATM, but invading other countries and suppressing dissent is bullshit) when I took a gened course in college taught by a traditionalist Native American.

Sorry no, he's a con man, like trump, like hillary.

Saying which one is right or left, doesn't mean anything to those people. They'll be what they think will get them the votes unfortunately.

who gives a fuck if he's a con man if he will do the shit he says
and he will, even his own party hates his guts, that's not some suave pol, that's an autist who's gonna keep driving even when the wheels fall off

t. Low EQ nigger

Even if da jooz created communism to push the money and power into the hands of a few it does a terrible job of it compared to Capitalism.

The level of wealth inequality and corruption in modern day Capitalist Ukraine is much higher than in the USSR. Also many Ukrainians were leaders or otherwise high ranking officials in the Soviet Union while today Germany/America say jump and Ukraine's corrupt plutocratic leadership say how high. Ironically Ukraine under the Soviet Union actually had more sovereignty than "independent" Ukraine has now.

This is quite poetic and well written m8. Join us we can always use people to write agitprop. Don't kill yourself you will be depriving us of a valuable comrade.

You seem like an intelligent person so I will say this. One aspect of the left that I think will appeal to you is the intellectual culture. There is a lot of emphasis placed on understanding theory, economics, and being able to argue intelligently. Sadly this culture is not what it once was especially in North America but I would say that leftists are still the political tendency that makes the most effort to educate themselves about current events and economics. The intellectual culture allows for a deep analysis of world events. As you read more leftist theory you'll begin to recognize that class dynamics and economics really do explain almost everything about the actions of our governments, and how our society is developing both in a cultural and material sense.

This is opposed to Holla Forumss feels > reals analysis of things where all flaws in society are blamed on other races based on emotional tribal hatred. I think you already implicitly recognize this view as innaccurate as evidenced by your comment about how what you dislike about your life isn't that you may have neighbors of other races or a Jewish boss, but rather that you have to spend 50% of your life doing soul-crushing meaningless work and you are alienated from other people.

There should be a soc-dem option. I know that they are technically a type of liberal but they are much more likely to convert then a centrist lib. I was a soc-dem until reading a Jacobin article that pointed out the flaws with tge tendency through a historical analysis of the rise and fall of European social democracy.

Its not like we are on the verge of a revolution or anything but leftist ideologies are enjoying more growth and support is W. Europe and North America now than they have since the dismemberment of the Soviet Union. Corbyn and Sanders aren't communist but their rise certainly is indicative of a wider trend that has been developing since the 2008 financial crisis.

This, Holla Forums especially halfchan/pol/ are just edgy young republican clubs. I guarantee many basic bitch republicans would be just as racist as Holla Forums if they had an anonymous outlet to vent.

I don't have a suitable reaction image

I'm that Fascist guy again. In my choice between Communism and Fascism, I read a great deal more material. It was The Conquest of Bread by Pëtr Kropotkin that convinced me Communism is the way to go. "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" will be my Principle.

Good to hear m8, welcome.

Thank you. I will continue reading.

When the ancaps turned pinochet nationalists who only reply with memes took over. I was a Asserite, and tried to debate them on issues but I only got the basic bitch responses. I got sick of the insincerity in Holla Forums and left the right completely. I want to read, discuss what I read, improve, and repeat. Leftypol was a great start. I do occasionally go to Holla Forums but only to trigger rightists.

Also check out this youtube series →

neolibs throwed them all out of the helicopter


Not really. I used to go on Holla Forums back when I was an unenlightened socdem to troll but never bought into their bullshit

Interestingly back like ten years ago there wasn't nearly as much faggotry as their is now. Must have been the doing of stormfags

A pointless post, but I always wanted to say it.

I used to be devout ancap. I still have my Murray Rothbard shirts. I would go to the mises institute website and download files after files of pdfs on free market capitalism. I read it constantly. I eventually came to the conclusion of a nationalist or even internationalist movement to spread the ideology. This was before the pinochet libertarians became a thing. It was different because it was like free market leninism. I left capitalism because of it's drivel and idleness. I became fascist after wanting more "action" and read all of the works too. I came to the conclusion that capitalism is the ultimate evil plaguing the world today. Even in the strictest conservative sense, there is nothing worth being preserved and that capitalism is the machine that is destroying all life. I started to read leftist material ( I am still new), and had a great connection with marxist-leninism. (I didn't like anarchism because of the same reason I've experienced with ancaps). But that's not what really made me into a full leftist.

What I like about the left is its objective check list of what socialism and communism is. This is unlike ancaps who insist that "voluntary interaction" is the only defining characteristic of capitalism. It is vague and is easy to most the goal posts so you can never be wrong. With the left, they can generally agree; in an objective, manner, of what socialism and communism are. Socialism is where the workers use the state to achieve the goal of democratizing the work place and the final goal being communism where the workers have full control over the work place. This is vastly more concrete than the capitalist debates. They constantly debate on what violates the NAP (even though the final say of it will be decided by the private courts, employers, and police, so the debate is pointless) and it's such a vague principle that anything really can be voluntary. I'm happy I found this place, and hope to learn more.

I'd reckon some eastern europe from the level of nihilistic self-loathing.

(1) I have black and muslim friends so the discrepancy between what I was doing online compared to real life wasn't fun.
(2) I was getting interested in economics and it wasn't really discussed beyond meme tier neoliberal stuff, or the odd late night post now and again.
(3) I realised most people were brainwashing themselves into insanity and just didn't want to be around them.

I don't know how I found this place but I'm glad I did.

Dude, what?

Nothing turns people off to capitalism than studying capitalism. We have been trying to explain to people how socialism and communism work. That's great and all, but if we really want to open some eyes we should be defining and analyzing capitalism. It's what Marx and Engels did.

Fuck it, I've posted in these threads even since I came here 3 years ago.

The extreme autism, the lack of any real thought and everything being memes, the unironic call to killing people because of their color. This was back in 4chan/pol/, and after the exodus I moved to Holla Forums here. I became a no books "libertarian", and lainchan did the job of making me reconsider the ideology, after which I became a no books anarchist. Now I am in the process of educating myself in Marxism.

I came to this board, and slowly started seeing what this system causes in the holes nobody sees, and how we are certainly headed for extinction if we do not move to communism.
There can be no going back when you consider that the mythical good capitalism has only existed in the fantasies of ideologues, where capitalism doesn't inevitably lead to more and more accumulation of capital, which in turn slowly destroys the possibility of being successful in your own business.

I honestly believe that if in this century we do not successfully have revolutions then we are done for, and I am hopeful that we will, even if not in the immediate future.

You sound like a th-ird positionist, or what Fascism should have been originally. Just because you are a socialist doesn't mean you have to blue-pill yourself and subscribe to the false dichotomy. Both Capitalism and Marxism are shit materialist ideologies. Just join the cool kids here, user. Yes, they ban you here for speaking your mind too, but it's not anywhere as bad or frequent as Kampfy/pol/

It's so funny how many Holla Forumsacks have nested themselves in this board and throughout the internet, we are like a Jewish diaspora. We Holla Forumsonists now