How do we fix modern feminism? Many of them claim to be marxist influenced or revolutionaries but yet they fling mud and use idpol to gain a following. They do nothing more than divide the wroking class along gender, religion, sexual orientation and race.
Make them read Origin of the Family, Property, and the State.
Any self-respecting Marxist feminist *needs* to read that book or they aren't a Marxist.
Justin Russell
By getting rid of all idpol-pushing faggots. Feminism is cancer.
Jayden Adams
I highly doubt they would read. They would much rather repost buzzfeed articles or gab with friends about their "oppressions".
It's becoming so far entrenched within modern liberalism and even mainstream left wing thought. I don't see it going anywhere soon.
Nolan Mitchell
'feminism' as it exists now is too enmeshed with the content economy and tumblr buzzword theology.
Chase Diaz
Short haired girls are the best tbh.
Christopher Ortiz
One thing I've noticed is many of those who claim to look out for Asian rights never touch on the subject of the financial enslavement of Southern Asians that takes place within the Gulf states.
Do they not touch this due to lack of information or do they prefer not talk about it because the enslavement of proles in The UAE by local Arab bourgeoisie is a touchy subject.
Can confirm have a short haired gf
Robert Perez
On a side note I've noticed the lgbt community is quite capitalistic. Name brands, nightclubs, consumerism. I've noticed it through interactions with my gay friends.
Parker Bennett
Also have short hair GF, can can confirm it's fantastic
Daniel Thompson
By nuking america to ashes and completely forgetting about their insane bullshit.
Luke Nguyen
Thas rite.
Brandon Nelson
What is it about short hair that can make a feminine face even more feminine?
Juan Sullivan
You fucking dicks stop making me jealous.
Parker Thomas
tbh I dont know why communists just don't do the same shit. Use capitalism to fight capitalism.
Scrap absolutely everything in the 3rd wave and restart from that point. Just to be sure there aren't already idpolers spreading their faggotry under the label of the 4th wave, let's name this one the 7th or 8th just to be safe.
Nicholas Hall
Not everything in the Third Wave was bad, though.
I think pointing out the subjectivity of gender and gender roles was a nice addition that was more or less completely absent from second-wavers, who maintained that men and women were distinctly and rigidly different in behavior, psychology, and culture.
Camden Martinez
Oh, and I also think the Puritanical attitude toward sex with second-wave feminists was fucking ridiculous. I hate the term "sex-positive" but at least it's better than anti-fun fanatics.
Base it once again in a materialist, class based critique
Levi Jones
One obvious solution…
Jack Ramirez
That doesn't mean we should accept it anymore than other retarded cancer like "classical liberalism". Feminism is not conductive to class consciousness. It needs to go.
Charles Collins
Promote leftist feminists and purge intersectionals when they get into power.
It's the way it frames the face, with a decent cut accentuating femine features by drawing more focus to the jawline and cheek bones. Works better on round or heart shaped faces, though square and oval can somewhat pull ot off.
Gabriel Young
Yes, tranny SJWs was totally great and a nice way to induce class consciousness and not a way to get people to discount socialists by association. Total success. Great job.
Dominic James
Stop being fucking ridiculous.
Gender roles are spooky as fuck.
Thomas Watson
Get rid of that fascist cunt Anita and make it about equality. Modern feminism has turned into a gender equivalent of the Nazi party or the KKK, pretending they are superior.
Noah Cooper
Not true for either. This is some reddit tier shit in that image
Evan Foster
yeah, they basically do, you lying Holla Forums fuck. Defend your tax-dodging liar some more. Be sure to buy the sex book he wrote under the name Dorothy Vanderbilt, he secretly wants to be a woman.
Hudson Myers
What is that, exactly? Because most faggots just define it as word soup while keeping all the same modern feminist practices. Lenin purged the sex-obsessed idpol warriors, so I think the same should be done, but I'm open to being wrong if there is anything salvageable. I don't see how just not being a sexist douche isn't enough.
Connor Price
You would think, but feminist define not being sexist as never doing anything that could possibly offend a single woman in the world including disagreeing with her