fascist italy or nazi germany ?
What was better ?
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The Soviet Union.
aren't black turds signs of infection ?
You're asking us to choose between capitalism and capitalism. How can you say one is better than the other when they're the same?
It's a sign of bleeding in the intestine.
And this was better.
Mussolini only due to him being opposed to the Holocaust. But as said, both are horrible.
It was just normie fascism, like it existed in Spain or Greece at the time. And it wouldn't go to war without Germany pushing for it.
Nazi Germany obvi
Fascist italy because you were able to get the fuck out of there, fleeing Nazi Germany was a huge ordeal.
doesn't matter because Mosley was the best fascist of them all
What about Ezra Pound?
What are some fascists who you could safely say are "True" fascists? (i.e. never took outside money, absolutely hated capitalism, wanted a communal or national economy, etc.)
your mother
Italy, but not by much
Fascist Italy sucked, but Nazi germany was the closest thing to hell in earth at the time.
Italy still had:
Delicious coffee and cuisine, as well as wine
Duce and Duce accessories
Great fashion sense
Fuckable women
Genuinely likable people and a great culture
The leader was named after one of Don Gato's pals.
Germany had
An autistic populace
Fucking polka
Horrible fasion sense (hurr Hugo Boss. Nigger, that doesn't count, most people dressed like shit)
Disgusting kraut food
An autistic leader
A culture of shiteatery
And the leader looked like a knock-off Chaplin
Stalin. :^)
Italy, no question. I agree with everything said, except the fuckable women because how would I know, rite? Also bonus points for calling Nazi fashion sense the turd it is.
Better sounding language, gorgeous Mediterranean coasts punctuated by equally gorgeous old stony villages, incredible cuisine, and doesn't share a border with Poland.
fuck coffee
agreed, with gusto
they didn't actually run on time tho
hang on I had a really big burrito earlier brb I gotta drop a Duce
Germany and Soviets did the aesthetic they were going for better and with fewer doofy dead chicken hats
varies tremendously and shelf life not so good, and they have fuckable women in Germany
varies tremendously
most cultures are
as opposed to what?
I'd rather listen to an hour of Weird Al than an hour of opera
so you're comparing their civilians with Italy's soldiers?
as opposed to what?
yes the people who brought us a shitload of classical music, moveable type and two of the main political alignments on this board sure were culturally-devoid :^)
as opposed to Curly from the Three Stooges
I've always found D'annuzio very interesting