Communism is literally the most selfish ideology possible.
Communism is literally the most selfish ideology possible
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A successful capitalist is a failed human.
congrats, you played yourself
Capitalism is literally the most selfish ideology possible
reminder that SAGE goes in the email field
That is literally capitalism
Good to know under communism I'll be supporting every college dropout Stoner retard because my personal financial success is somehow exploiting them, despite the fact I've never fucking met them.
Greed is good.
t. Ayn Rand
Why are you so inept
why do you even crate these posts
are you just unaware?
Our goal is exactly not this
how the fuck did you reach this conclusion? are you trying to appear mentally disabled? please tell me your just shitposting
Under Capitalism anyone who is not apart of the bourgeoisie will be exploited in some manner; anyone who refuses to be exploited will either be depraved of a comfortable life if not outright arrested and/or killed. While your business may not profit DIRECTLY off of every "stoner drop out" it will surely exploit the proletariat that have found themselves working underneath you 'less they starve to death since every piece of bread has a ransom price in the first world.
For their chains to break you must be broken.
Yea, and?
I thought selfishness was human nature???!
You're implying that's a bad thing
PS morality is a bourgeoisie construct
So by your logic somebody who works at McDonald's is being indirectly exploited by somebody like Dr. Phil, or Kanye West? You see how fucking silly, and delusional you sound.
Labor deserves all it creates.
No, the person who works at McDonalds is being exploited by their bosses. Had you read what I wrote you would understand this.
Your business does not DIRECTLY profit off of the labor of the people working at the store next to you.
However, they are being exploited by their own employers. Come on now, use that brain of yours, God gave it to you for a reason.
How do you then draw the conclusion that ALL members of the bourgeoisie are exploiting people? Please explain to me how Steven King is exploiting people. Maybe you should wake up and consider it's possible to be successful, and even wealthy without it being off the backs of people under you.
read a fucking book for christs sake
By definition, the bourgeoisie are exploiters. When we talk about things like exploitation, we don't mean it in the conventional sense. It's like economists reject the labor theory of value for appearing to contradict prices, but Marxists simply define value to be socially necessary labor time.
Bourgeoisie =/= Rich People
Does Steven King own the means of production?
Does Steven King have people who work under him and does he extract wealth from the labor of those workers?
Does Steven King work under a publishing company?
Do the owners at the printing company own the means of production?
Do the workers at the printing company have value leeched from their labor by those who own the company?
There are a million different questions we can derive from your statements and all them point to the fact that A) You have no understanding of the Marxist worldview, and B) You have a shit taste in fictional literature.
Steven King owns IP rights, so he is indeed bourgeois.
We are in solidarity with others who are exploited in a similar fashion to ourselves.
Democracy is literally the most selfish ideology possible.
Communism is about liberation of the individual from uncaring power structures that wish to commodify the human experience. Yes, it's selfish because communism actually treats humans as humans and not as vehicles of labour that are only meant to toil endlessly for a small few with a minuscule chance of becoming a member of that small few. Communism is selfish because humans are inherently selfish. It is a reflection of pure human nature, in which the individual is more important than the bottom line of a soulless corporation.
That's curious, and something I've wondered about.
Technically pretty much everybody who has designed something original has IP rights in the US.
Yeh well if you're not selfish then you're a cuck so why shouldn't me and my Union take your shit exactly?
In reality
commies just dont understand, just save your money working food service and one day you can buy mcdonalds
I really hope that this is sarcasm
At least we will get shit for free. Why slave away my life when I can work however hard I want and be taken care of no matter what?
uh, no. you just need to work harder. if you're only working 24 hours a day, guess what, thats not enough
Capitalism is literally the most selfish ideology possible
Capitalism is also the most pro-worker ideology possible.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
No I'm pretty sure feudalism is
Amen brother. No one will work on farms if we don't crack the whip. The south will rise again!
Do you even know what the means of production are?
Do you?
They are not factories or businesses.
Not quite what we had in mind.
Commies BTFO! No real response to our arguments, just relying on old Marxian hat(produced by capitralism!)
The means of production are physical, non-human inputs used for the production of economic value, such as facilities, machinery, tools, infrastructural capital and natural capital.
okay bud
To be honest I am still living with my parents. I hope the revolution comes soon because my parents really want me out of the house.
Capitalism is literally the most selfish ideology possible.
I live in a big house with my wife.
Factories and tools just sit there. They produce nothing on their own. Try again.
You mean a successful exploiter and thief!
I see no reason not to take back what was always ours.
Go read at least the mango, faggot.
You best be shitposting.
Factories and tools are the means of production.
Stay btfo.
Yes they are, you economic illiterate.
You lucky dog! After the revolution my parents will not be able to kick me out because they will have to share it with me forever!
Tell them you never asked to be born. ;)
Is it too big for you? Maybe you should give some part of it to user.
It is and I would
It really isn't. Let me know when you see a hammer levitate and start hitting nails. Make sure to time stamp it.
Jesus you are retarded. Try making a car without the proper tools. You will fail. That is because you lack the means to produce a car.
What caused those tools to be used?
So you can make a car without a factory?
So will I be provided tools after the revolution or can I take my dad's out of the garage? He may get mad though.
You mean the means of production? The worker, but ultimately it's the capitalist who dictates how and why those tools are used and they are often used within his own self-interest, not the workers.
How does the owner know what to make?
The need for a car to exist
Exploitation via colonialism.
Your mixing up labor with the means of production. Labor is the source of all wealth, but labor is impotent without the means of production.
He doesn't. That's what marketing is for. To make people think they need what bourgies are selling.
Holla Forums isn't here to spoonfeed you Econ 101
he has a designer design a product that he chooses.
Depends. Is your dad part of the bourgeoisie? Did he touch your means of production when you were little?
I mean.. there is the mango to do that…
Nah, he is a mechanic. My mom is always joking about his big tool, but I can't find what she is talking about. His garage is a mess.
But that is up to him to read it Holla Forums is neither here to nor is able to read that to him like a bed time story before gettin tucked into bed
Means of production
Getting close.
beans of broduction :DDD:DDDD
This is what is best in life.
Capitalists took our shit first. We're only reclaiming what is rightfully ours.