White people

I've realized something:
So long as there are white people, there will never be communism
Let me explain;
No matter where they are, whites feel a need for superiority. In the South, even after the civil war put down the rednecks, racism still arose. Even in Germany after WWI, racism still arose. Even today, with tones of education out there to guide kids towards equality from their earliest years, racism has still arose.
Honestly, I think that whites are just programed to feel this way. If we let their race continue, equality will never be possible, and by extension, communism

Wow, I never thought of it like that! I totally agree.



Identity politics is killing the left.

this but unironically

Hm you make a lot of good points. I never considered the possibility of race being the most predictive factor for understanding the behavior of individuals before. Good work!

This is some weak b8 even by Holla Forums standards.

I don't mind arbitrarily exterminating an ethnic group, it's just it's usually hard to pull off and is a drain to resources that would be better off spent on something more immediately useful.

idpol has nothing to do with leftism

kill yourself stupid liberal

Good thread Holla Forums

It's hilarious how fucking garbage Holla Forums is at falseflagging. Every single fucking time they get called out on it. Is it just 3 guys constantly making these threads or are there that many retarded Holla Forumsacks?
You'd think you would figure out what this board is like eventually.

nice samefag

Exactly my point.
It's killing the left because people continue to associate it with leftism, and pandering, liberal politicians are only fanning the flames.

I was pretending to be retarded

Oh, sorry then

It's alright. I'm new here, so it seems like my posts stand out a bit. I'll lurk moar.

Huh maybe white people should be given a nature preserve of their own, isolated from the rest of the world so we don't shit it up. PoC would not be allowed to enter of course. Nobody should have to suffer the hatred and oppression under white people.

Haha wouldn't that be grand hahah

Welcome to the board user! Also, remember to sage obvious b8 threads such as this one!

Good idea. We'll deport all the whites to the middle east and remove everyone else from the area. Whites are just better than everyone so they'll figure out how to live in the desert.

Ah, I was convinced OP was being ironic, parodying idiots who discredit the left with identity politics. I should've known better.

there's lots of theory written on whiteness, we shouldn't be so dismissive as to write it all off as 'idpol'. bell hooks is great according to some people, as is Ervin Lorenzo. you gotta step out of your comfort zone and get ready to be challenged. I used to parrot lots of racist attitudes back when I was younger, i didn't even think I was racist. but I've learnt a lot since then, I've really grown as a human being.

Yes, user, thought reform is really important, because racism has nothing to do with economics or even conscious decisions - it's a magical force which you can perpetuate unknowingly!

Remind me again how this isn't idpol, let alone how it's remotely compatible with historical materialism?

We've done that already. It's called Israel.

please leave

shit bait. killeth thyself. sage

Racist much?


I see the Holla Forums circle jerk has reached this thread

We have this thread every day and it never works. Just fuck off already, Holla Forums.

you're not white