What if class consciousness never emerges?
What if class consciousness never emerges?
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what if you stopped making such shit threads like the worthless dipshit your mother knew you'd always be
Then this will be our future.
What if it does but remains inseparable from ethnonationalism?
if he's acting within the confines of his destiny, then one can hardly blame him
I want to be the blind gimp playing the flamethrower guitar
Said consciousness manifests itself in something as simple as fed up workers going on a strike, who then stop thinking ideologically and engage in the struggle against their boss.
who's to say class consciousness isn't another ideology?
What if it does emerge? Think of the glory!
Mankind's long-term fate will be either socialism or extinction.
I like thinking Gorilla threads.
And I'm starting to think that if we manage to kill off our species with capitalism, we'll have pretty much deserved it - we will have failed to pass the Great Filter like many species before us.
There's no such thing as ethnonationalism, too late for that. I'm sorry to inform you but interacial banging dates back millenniums.
FInd me one person who is 100% pure, i dare you.
What if Gorilla mindset niggas never posted?
pic related
Where did these come from? I posted one ages ago without realizing it was even a meme.
I first starting see them on /sci/ years ago
That's where I assume it came from
I put forward the motion that, before we ourselves go extinct, we kill chimpanzees into extinction, and populate their habitats with bonobos. Eventually they should give rise to a second, better sentient homininid species to inherit the planet, whose society is based on sex instead of violence.
such a hominid species wouldn't be possible
we need violence
Class consciousness will never emerge organically on a massive scale. That's what the vanguard is for.
Gorillas are better than both honestly.
What if capital, not the proletariat, turns out to be the true revolutionary subject of history? What if extermination of humanity is Actually Good and the only way to make it to level 2?
It seems to me that the idea behind the theory is that all these hominids had to be violent in order to fend off predators or even enemy bands. Bonobos' biggest predator, humans, would be gone, there would be no chimps either to start shit, and as you probably know, bonobos solve conflicts with sex instead of violence, including between separate bands. They literally have orgies instead of wars. There would be no evolutionary need for violence, at least in their starting territory.
Dunno, I don't fancy the possibility of a sentient species that has harem reproduction.
Don't really give a shit tbh since I'm broke. Everyone can die with me for all I care.
When capitalism threatens to spread its contagion to the stars via corporate-driven colonization, mankind must end itself in order to literally save the universe.
Original idea do not steal.
What if capitalism is actually an alien invasion from the future, and market merely the super entity constructing itself?
Now we're talking!
Welcome to Nick Land's mind in the late 90s
Class consciousness is a spook. There is only group psychology.
this but unironically
Global Chimpanzee War when
You might be interested in Hexus The Living Corporation. Remove the PDF filetype.
Sad how nobody reads around here. Lukacs can answer your question, op.