What is Holla Forums's opinion on the NATO intervention?
Were the KLA justified in fighting for albanian self-determination? Was there a real threat of genocide looming? Finally, would intervention by a non-imperialist force been have been ok?
What is Holla Forums's opinion on the NATO intervention?
No , Kosovo is a Narco state, created by the NATO to end any glimpse of past Yugoslavia,as after the USSR fell, the country did not have an anti-soviet purpose anymore, and they could not let any remaining succesful pseudosocialist state.
I fell sorry fo Yugoslavia but they somewhat created this for believing in Amerikkan lies.
Never was imperialism so blatantly obvious as the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia.
Kosovo is now the biggest NATO airbase AND the biggest organ seller in the world.
I was under the impression that what was left of Yugoslavia after the bosnian war was little more than a proto-fascist state run and dominated by serbian nationalists. Was there really any socialism left to ruin?
If you define socialism as state welfare (which is pretty much what American and NATO elites and some tankies consider socialism) then socialism died in Yugoslavia after the war.
Here's Zizek: libcom.org
I know that NATO intervened for imperialist reasons, the question is wether the alternative of living in a serb-dominated state that surpressed albanian's rights would have been a better oucome for the kosovar people.
Already falling for the imperialist meme.
The only crimes Serbs committed was being allied with imploding Russians.
The right to self-determination would be one. I'm not an expert on the conflict, but it seems silly to me supporting a proto-fascist entity just because they are the victim of imperialism. With the same argument you could make a case against Rojava and pro-ISIS.
"Proto-fascist" would describe the Bosnian and Croatian separatist governments much better than the Serb one.
Serbian nationalism destroyed Yugoslavia. Croats and the rest of them went for secession as a reaction to growing Serbian nationalism and attempts at centralizing political power.
I'm talking about the Kosovo War 1999, not the earlier one in Bosnia. That one is a different can of worms where it's indeed difficult to consider any side as worth supporting.
You really don't know anything.
Milosevic basically created a Serb version of "hwite genocide" and was an active imperialist, the gravedigger of Yugoslavia.
why can't slavs live in peace?
this is why nazi fantasies of idillic ethnic state are retarded
slavs are ethnically close but they hate each other so much
fucking retard
kys burger
The "Yugoslavia" Milosevic kept together wasn't something worth keeping together anymore, what interest should socialists have in preseving a serbian empire?
You could argue that it wasn't ethnonationalism since the main point that distinguishes bosnians, croats and serbs are culture and religion, they are ultimately the same people with different spooks.
Your right to self-determination ends when America backs it.
Tankies justifying ethnic cleansing under the guise of anti-imperialism, can't say I'm suprised
What socialism was there to be destroyed? I never got behind why supporting an ethno-nationalist authoritarian state surpressing ethnic minorities is a good thing just because the alternative is US-intervention. Milosevics greater-Serbia wasn't something the left should shed any tears about.
You aren't thinking like a tankie
I mean before the end of Yugo. The US created the problem and then killed people to solve it.
"Oh look, a train, am sure my smart missiles will not hit it!"
Also, serbs are our allies. t. Greek
Do you have further reading material on the train incident?
too bored to start searching for "US fuck-ups during that "peace" campaing".
What the fuck is Zizek asking for here? If his problem with NATO's intervention was that it took too long and was too optimistic on what Serbs "really wanted", would he have invaded before they actually did anything and with less care for Serbian lives? That sounds terrible.
So I guess we're just not gonna talk about the US Intelligence efforts to create the genocide in the first place as an excuse to justify bombing the socialism away.