How cancerous can Hollywood get?

How cancerous can Hollywood get?

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When I started that webm I didn't think I'd want to be dead thirty seconds in


mfw this whole thing.

I made it 40 seconds in

b-but capitalism inspires innovation

Jesus fucking Christ I never thought about the sheer amount of product placement and shilling
Is this the power of late stage capitalism?

Go back and save your podcast, Jim.

I dunno how many stages of cancer are there?

Capitalism adapts fast.

We have reached peak spectacle. The emoji movie is a blatant advertisement for the all enveloping, spectacular late capitalist technoregime that imprisons us.

btw I think the Lego movie was unintentionally one of the greatest and most prophetic works about late capitalism and the late capitalist ideology.

The LEGO movie represents a type of movie, the reddit tested, family friendly, videogame nostalgia product placement 'quirky' action adventure romp. ie. Wreck it Ralph, Pixels…ie. the latest in technocapitalist psy warfare.

The LEGO movie is one of the better ways to start a conversation about capitalism with younger children and dim people.

President Business (who also happens to be eerily similar to POTUS Trump) represents capitalism, a force that seeks to trap humans in a lifeless eternal present. in the film's 'quirky' twist ending, President Business is revealed as a benevolent and decidedly human father figure, an archetype out of Platonic 1950s suburbia- the idealised salaryman played by comedian Will Ferrell. The LEGO Gang's adventures had been taking place in a Commodity Shrine located in his generic suburban basement. His child was the demiurge animating our plucky gang of protagonists in a commendable display of childish, product placement saturated creativity. Capital is deeply moved by the little consumer's devotion to the product. The Ferrell-Patriarch decides to allow the child more freedom within the confines of the commodity shrine. Ever noticed how many redditors view Elon Musk as some sort of idealised father figure? It's interesting, because the child happens to be one of those self consciously featureless, videogame inspired protagonists that have become popular lately. Obviously a stand in for the solipsistic, atomised late capitalist subject(ie. player 1, ie. the viewer, ie. YOU). You are free, father is there for you, enjoy the commodity playground and the endless branded self expression. Everything is Awesome, after all.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Idk much about psychoanalysis, but maybe it could yield some light on the Capital=Father Figure equivalence. If anything, IRL Capitalism would be a supremely inhuman Lovecraft-like monstrosity of some sort.

never chance, closet Holla Forumsyps

Yeah but the whole thing with the LEGO movie is that it commodifies criticism of capitalism. In the end everything is solved by being nice with the dad (class collaborationism?) and the dystopian world is portrayed as some kind of weird cosmic element resulting from the dad's godlike role as an external being creating the world. It calls attention to dystopian elements but ultimately portrays this as how the world works. The protagonist has to go through a 2001: A Space Odyssey portal into the real world to change God's mind.

That's what makes the LEGO movie such a perverse piece of capitalist propaganda. The film exposes the satanic anti theology of capitalism in its purest form. Father is the Ur-Authority figure, the outside, harsh and unforgiving, the bosses and the state. LEGO world is the promised land of Play, only accessible through consumption and with Father's permission. I'm reminded of Plato's republic, in which the Human soul is a microcosm of the city and the city a macrocosm of the soul. A functioning liberal democratic state requires a balance between the liberty of the consumer and the authority principle of the state. Family Unit-State-Capital all are organised according to the same structure.

Yet there are still going to be people who criticise the movie based upon cultural critiques and that the film is 'unfair' or 'inappropriate' instead of seeing what the film really is; the inevitable conclusion of capitalist """art""".
It was just like how Holla Forums kicked up a fuss about the new Far Cry game supposedly being against whites and not just a marketing ploy to get people talking about the film.
Or when people complained about supposed political censorship when they got banned from twitter rather than seeing as purely a business move to keep a good image for the company.
It's almost as though the practise of companies is down to market forces and making profit and not due to a supposed Cultural Marxist agenda. Who knows?

Good post.

Companies? Yes, they are ruled by capitalism, and use any harmless ideology to further their ambitions. The people implementing those policies? Unironic SJWs, many of whom truly believe themselves to be Marxists.

I unironically think there's a lot to be said about the LEGO movie. If I remember it correctly, the characters at one point arrive in a realm of unfettered play called "cloud cuckoo land". The dream of communism is literally "cuckoo" and to believe in it you have to have your head in the clouds(the realm is of course eventually destroyed by the police force). I think the moral of the story was the only thing you can hope for is for capital to allow you slightly more freedom within the very confined spaces of consumerism.
I really need to rewatch this movie, it's actually very good and funny.

It made me chuckle. To be fair, Kristine Belson is an American from LA, not Japanse, but she also sound nothing like that.
Just out of curiosity I did a quick search to find out if she's a jew, noting to suggest she is, Belson is a British name, and her mothers name is Jo Ann, so sounds like Anglo scum to me.

This is like the left-wing version of Holla Forums's diatribes about cucking being inserted in childrens movies.

This happens in Pynchon's "Against the Day" and it is a wonderful little section of the book.


I think they complement each other well.

Remember Holla Forums's stance is that most "conspiracies" are in fact merely the result of wealthy, parasitic, spooked faggots acting on their own personal interests, often without even realizing it.

This doesn't diminish their reality or harmfulness, and it often increases their insidiousness, but it does mean they can't be ascribed to some sort of ulterior motive.

Conspiracy theories are the way in which minds obsessed with safety and order learn to cope with the real chaos of the world.They do this by assigning arbitrary justifications and fictitional culprits to events that scare them but that they don't want to admit are already very self-explanatory.

The way money circulates and the need for the ruling class to dominate the people in every way possible is not a conspiracy. It's actually almost totally surface level.

Conspiracy theories fit better with theories that do not delve into a systematic level yet deal with a macro scale issue. It is easier to have individuals as the antagonist then a entire social-economic system.

I hate all forms of consumerism.

conspiracy theories are modern myths, they take on the role myths played in pre modern society. Conspiracy theories express a complex truth about the World as a single striking image. Think about David Icke's reptilians. People see their ruling class as fundamentally alien and inhuman. Conspiracy theorists know at some instinctive level the power of the ruling class depends on human sacrifice and exploitation. That makes them more 'woke' than those reasonable milquetoast liberals in the media.

I like this a lot.

It's probably going to bomb after the negative response got.

Don't underestimete the promotion power of bad press.

The last time I saw a Sony movie receive this much shit was the nu ghost busters movie and we all know how that went.

David Icke is not that stupid to be honest…
