A humble request

Could the Anarcho-Greenie flag be renamed to Eco-Anarchism? As of now people keep mixing it up with anarcho-primitivism, which is dogshit while eco-anarchism has actual merit.

Thanks in advance.

What is the main difference and why does it matter?
Also reading Mutual Aid at the moment I'm finding the examples fascinating and it really gives a new perspective of survival of the fittest. Overpopulation is directly caused by the bourgeoisie trying to increase their labor supply

Primmies want to destroy civilization and live like cavemen.

Eco-anarchists are a diverse bunch that IIRC includes primmies but mostly includes people that just want sustainable anarchist models of society.

You really don't know the difference between primitive & ecology?

Eco-Anarchist want a sustainable society through technology and a new socio-economic system based on production for use. Anarcho-Primitivists want a sustainable society by going back to the stone age.

It's what Bookchin refers to as Social Ecology vs Deep Ecology.

Rather hear another perspective even though I did a simple google search.

Humans actually used caves for early rituals and art. I assumed that primitivists would all want us to be hunter gatherers

They do. They also want to exterminate >90% of the population to achieve this.

Apparently they have never considered that society will just re-develop again.

well dont if you already know the difference. don't be a douchebag. smh

Sounds like some strange reality that can only happen after Nuclear War. Some Mad Max type shit

Trying to discuss shit is not being a douche you spook

Don't reply to Black Flag fags.
And yeah, anprims might aswell be Posadists.

I know the image is too harsh on mutualists, you already said so in the OC thread

that image is all spooks. all the personal opinion of 1 guy.

Meh it's fine I'd rather be hard on my ideology than give it a free pass

It's really quite easy on it. It doesn't mention how they're reactionaries who want to go back to the days of artisanal production or how stupidly outdated their economics are.

What did you expect? Should I send it to the meme collective for peer-reviewing or something?

Mutualistas have done nothing wrong!
Anarcho transhumanistst are cool!

Anarcho communists on the other hand are prone to accepting vanguards and so on they are fucking dog shit.

I think explains better than I did why mutualists aren't that cool. I have yet to see an unironic transhumanist. Closest we have is crypt-fascists like Howard_Scott who use the Technocrat flag.
What an awful meme.



I think we all can agree that that particular anonymous user. Is a retard.
Generalizations like that are for the dumb, I think I left that dumbass mentality of making infographic guides of generalized opinions on Holla Forums back in 2010.

I expect you just to grow the fuck up lmao


You'll find someone who is sensitive enough for you, may I suggest r/socialism?

Wait a minute that's not righ-
Fucking typical.

We need one flag for anarcho-greenie and another flag for anarcho-primitivism.

so many meme ideologies in one image

Question for smashie friends: Why are you generally so tolerant of clearly retarded, self-interested variations of your ideology?

Out of the 10 in that image, only 4 are actual systems, and how compatible or relevant they are is very arguable. Yet you always put all your flags together. How come?

I'm actually constantly assblasting smashies, lifestylists, LARPers, post-left and other shitty anarchists. See

AnPrims don't deserve a flag.

it'd only get used by shitposters or diehard deep ecology reactionaries anyway
just rename anarcho-greenie to eco-anarchism

just bump my shit up

friendly bump

thanks comrade