So I've seen a lot of people on here hating on or critiquing feminism and third wave feminism. From my knowledge third wave feminism is just fighting for social equality.
I'm sorry for asking because this has probably been asked a million times, but if you could give me your opinion on feminism and third wave feminism that would be great!
feminism: alright. mid tier. i give it a 6/10 for its revolutionary potential
third wave: shit tier. totally worthless 3/10
terrorwave: god tier 10/10
Camden Hall
this thread will go well, I bet
Brayden Taylor
Because women and men (in the west anyway) are already equal, all the third wave does is bitch about problems that don't exist.
There is no wage gap, any reputeable economist, or even a short while on the internet will prove this.
And finally, the identity politics which divides people down truly ludicrous lines, turning into a game of "No, I'M more oppressed!"
Ryan Jones
I like feminism in general, but many modern feminists spend too much time focusing on trivial social issues and not enough on economics. Obviously, attention must be placed on the oppression of minorities, but it seems like a lot of the third wave would rather focus on manspreading or cataloging all 10000000000 genders than on the oppression of the proletariat
Jackson Powell
Feminism is only good in theory :^)
Caleb Thompson
This is incorrect. It's like suggesting racism is over. The fact of the matter is capitalism looks for all weaknesses to exploit the individual, and those exploitation are different in each.
We are equal only in we are both chained, but the way capitalism goes about the rights of each sex is exploitative and should be focused on.
Regardless of if you think we are "equal" for the better and not for the worse. Men and women are different and so their lives under Capital will reflect this difference.
There is no equal here but equal bondage.
Logan Taylor
I can only speak for myself, but personally I don't have any problems with Feminism, what I do have a problem with is certain aspects of Identity Politics as a whole, as well as the fact that idpol and feminism have been co-opted by Liberals and a certain Postmodern intellectual elite who are stridently anti-communist and reject class as a social category, at most they're willing to talk about class as an identity, which it's not, and takes all the revolutionary potential out of class as a social relation to Capital. My issues with idpol mostly come down to Standpoint Theory, callout culture, and the fact that taken to it's logical conclusions it becomes a form of extreme biological determinism, which of course most Feminists will deny, but at the same time most of them really do believe that biological sex predetermines one's politics and behavior, which is incredibly deterministic, as well as the fact that many Feminists believe deep down that men can never truly stop being sexists, that's it's too deeply ingrained in them, no matter how much they self-educate, that they can never be "allies", it's a terrible application of Dialectics, and one that implies there's an inherent contradiction and antagonism to gender itself. Which is retarded, and contradicts the notion that gender is fluid, not a binary, and mostly performative and socially learned, which I think is much closer to the truth, problem is most "Third-Wave Feminists" don't actually operate on the logic they propose.
Nicholas Jenkins
Of all the feminisms, third wave is the good kind. The kind that is pro porn and hookers. It literally has blackjack and hookers. Only faggots ditch third wave feminism. Not the ultra prude kill all men kind, not the ultra shrill 2016 kind. The sweet spot
Aiden Anderson
Also, xenofeminism is pretty interesting and I like Donna Haraway, especially her writings on Capitalocene.
Dylan Price
Western feminism is largely liberal shit, advocating for better representation of women among the bourgeoise. I'm fine with revolutionary feminism, but I'm worried it isn't the bulk of feminism we'd see even in leftist groups. Pic related, a list with something to please almost everyone here.
Matthew Nelson
I agree, the real issue is that even when lip service is payed to Thirdwave ideas most Feminists just end up regurgitating Secondwave theories because it's so much easier for people to fall back on thinking about gender as a rigid binary. That and 90% of of the people who get involved in SJW stuff don't actually care about politics or what their theories would look like put into praxis, they mostly just like to have a reason to be really angry, pass judgement on others, moralize, publicly humiliate others, feel powerful, and feel like they're apart of an untouchable incrowd. But that's just what college campuses and activist circles look like, in theory Thirdwave Feminism is mostly right about gender, and the fact that Patriarchy exists is undeniable, what we really need to do is salvage Feminism from Feminists tbh, because they're kind of driving it into the ground right no.
This is a good reading list, and Zetkin and Kollontai are extremely slept on. Also, Rojava is the perfect example of what Feminism can look like in a revolutionary scenario.
Christian Lee
I like it. It's neat. I shill xenofeminism on 4chan.
Ryder Martinez
I tend to notice third wave feminism tends to be a catch-all for anti-feminists, as if everything they dislike is somehow third-wave and the rest is not.
I like feminism since it was in many ways the self-realization of women as conscious subjects in making their own fate and actions. Treating women like objects to be traded harms us all.
Hello there! We're so glad you've decided to stop by Holla Forums! Prepare to be triggered.
Feminism is made up of ugly hags triggered by hot girls, so in true Orwellian fashion, they want to extend the definition of rape so that everything is rape and no one can have sexual pleasure anymore. This is how they get back at the younger, sexier girls that guys want, and the guys who want them. They started a century ago by getting the lying media to help them redefine sex between an adult and a fully willing, informed teen as rape, and they haven't stopped there. Now they're trying to make it illegal to make scantily clad fictional characters, and to make up a fake campus rape epidemic, and to level false rape charges against whoever they don't like, and to raise the age of consent even more to twenty-fucking-six. All this shit is ruining a lot of innocent lives and pissing a lot of people off.
You get what I'm saying? You're invading people's personal lives, and people don't like that! In fact, people hate it so much that they just might assemble a mob of angry young men with guns to kill you for making it illegal to do everything they're biologically hardwired to want!
Hope this explanation helps.
Cameron White
Eh user, I hope you're legit shitposting and not a total retard
Adrian Gomez
The only one who's "triggered" in this thread is you. We're all talking about capital's relation to difference in sex
Benjamin Cox
using this exact logic, why dont feminists want to redistribute the death rate as well? 90% of all workplace deaths are males we need to start killing women in the workplaces because feminism and because feminist logic
if the world had social equality and justice, MASS RAGE RAPE OF ALL FEMINIST CUNTS WOULD BE THE ALL YOU FUCKING GET
Carson Jenkins
First wave = Women's rights and equal opportunity Second wave = Emancipation from gender roles Third wave = Forced social engineering and equal outcome by law
You can't change society by force. It has to change on it's own. What third wave feminists aim for is too artificial and thus filled with self contradiction.
Gabriel Flores
The ultimate example of reddit spacing autism
Carson Hall
Robert King
"equal opportunity not equal outcome" is a Holla Forums libertarian meme no matter how technically true it is, it's a reaction to an imagined threat.
Josiah Watson
I was unaware that this was a Sargon of Akkad comment section
Kayden Carter
Nathan Baker
Hoxha was a poetic motherfucker.
Owen Phillips
It's more a reference to gender and race based affirmative action and pay.
You can change the social frameworks but not force how people think. If you could do that Holla Forumstards would be long gone. You can't force people to not be sexist, racist or whatever else.
Landon Taylor
muh womyn is literally a fucking spook holy shit
entitled ingrate cunts want more than they worked a bitch should be slapped back in her place or kicked to the curb if she gets uppity
you fund this parasite with your own labor, i am not getting exploited by a worthless cunt
Hunter Davis
Like we're in power lol, Holla Forums defends every ounce of power already in play, they're boot lickers who accurately predict only when they get their way in a sense of expecting on the house in a game of poker.
Changing people's minds on something isn't impossible that's ridiculous. It is easy however, to believe the comfortable truth and praise the people making your life miserable, who allow you to blame it on any scapegoat desired.
Aiden Murphy
It's more a reference to a shitty thought process corrupted by common 4chan platitudes.
Mason Perry
Even Lenin spoke strongly on women's rights? Why? He realized that both sexes will never be equal because Capital exploits the difference to different ends
It's not that hard to understand.
Jackson Nguyen
It’s a bunch of liberal faggots. They already have equality so there’s no point. There’s nothing left in it.
Owen James
Nobody is equal under capitalism besides being equal in the binds on our wrists
Jacob Ward
excellent bait my friend
Juan Lopez
Because third-wave feminism leaders are out of touch with reality and in it for the money, it's one of the most valid criticisms I've read about the present-day movement.
By and large, they're worried about symbols and not action or real legislation or change. They write and sell books about the disadvantage of women but make no functioning proposal. They spend so much time organizing marches and knitting vagina-shaped hats or whatever they've lost touch with working-women issues, they're not answering questions like: "How can a single mother working two to three minimum wage jobs expect to keep their head above water?"
Logan Scott
Being a traditional housewife is being a serf. The husband provides the home, household appliances and tools, the food to cook, etc., just as the Lord provides the land and tools. The wife cooks food for both of them, cleans the house for both of them, just as the serf tils his land for 3 days and tils the Lord's land for 3 days.
Parker Walker
What I mean to say that men and women are equal. I never said the proleteriat and bourgeois are equal.
Adam Wilson
Why is this bumplocked?
Ryder Barnes
Feminism is for some reason that we should seriously examine a sensitive topic for some people here.
William Rodriguez
I would guess because most are former anti-SJWs that still hold on to some of their old beliefs
Logan Miller
a bitch cant mine her own coal her shitty frail body would collapse she exploits a man for all her needs, and has audacity to complain about something
women are already getting much more than they deserve, prove me wrong if the bitch isnt providing me sons she is not entitled to any of my labor
whatever im out
Angel Cruz
kys tbh fam
Bentley Gomez
>third wave feminism is just fighting for social equality There are people who actually believe this…
Lincoln Thompson
A partialist movement which, as one can well foresee, is dominated by liberals who will fail at emancipating women properly (even if they are 'honest' about it) , which is through the destruction of capitalism, rather than through the reform.
Joshua Foster
Because idpol is some fucked up shit, my dude. It's fucking straight up cancer and I'm not even shitposting.
Brody Rogers
Not memeing here. I had a rough time getting over the internalized misandry drilled into me by modern culture. The conception of men as violent dangerous predators (and it's counterpart of females as weak helpless innocents) gave me some serious emotional issues from ages 15-25. I wanted to become a teacher, but I heard stories from teachers, not just the ones about false accusations, but hearing people I knew saying that they make sure they always have a witness, that they're never alone in a room with a female student. I saw the dirty looks and protective body language exhibited by some parents when I smiled at a child. Why would I ever pursue a career where I have to live under a presumption of guilt, walk on eggshells in constant fear of a single allegation that would end my career, get me chased out of my community, and put me on a lifelong blacklist.
It seriously fucked me up. In conjunction with body image issues, it had me convinced I was transgender for the majority of my adolescence. I thought that because I didn't conform to traditional male gender roles, preferred androgynous aesthetics, and also wasn't an evil predatory rape machine, I must not be a man.
Caleb Long
I sometimes have the sneaking suspicion that this describes a lot of men who become trans, nonbinary, or genderqueer. Even though most Feminists would balk at this characterization, if all you're lead to believe is that any biologically male person who wholeheartedly identifies as masculine has to be violent and possibly a sexual predator, or that masculine identity is inherently oppressive, then if you're a man who sympathizes with Feminism it really doesn't leave you too many options. I think these things can cause very severe mental crises in a lot of young men who don't know how to fully process what they're picking up from these communities, and a lot of times it leads to needless anguish and dysphoria. And it doesn't help that a lot of these communities are predisposed towards being toxic and exclusionary. Not that this describes all trans women, but I think this does happen sometimes. That said, I don't think you should let Feminists ruin Feminism for you, if that makes any sense, gender is definitely a spook, the real issue, much like most of the bad ideas from the Second and Third Internationals of the Communist movement, comes from oppressed people becoming overly invested in their identities as oppressed people. i.e. the proletariat becomes too invested in their class position to effectively abolish their class and women become too invested in their womanhood to stop from becoming deterministic RadFems. This happens a lot more on the Left then it should. Also, I wish this thread wasn't bumplocked, a few trolls aside this could create a lot of interesting discussion.
Nicholas Thomas
So feminism is eternal and any time it looks like equality has been achieved the goal posts will be moved so that feminists can continue to justify their fight against men? Good to know.
Caleb Howard
Feminism is a stupid name for a completely undefined, nebulous concept. Feminists will give entirely contradictory definitions of what feminism is and what its beliefs are. Even the same feminist will change definitions to suit the situation. If you ignore everything said by feminists, what is even left? A name which implies a gender-biased movement with no particular goals?
You might as well say "don't let asdfljasdists ruin asdfljasdism for you." If I want to pick and choose some shitty ideologies and slap a label on them to sound hip and trendy, I can pick a better label than "feminism".
Josiah Perry
Feminists ruined the word feminism for me, but not the understanding of gender issues. I was always aware of the contradiction between my sympathy for womens issues and my distaste for feminism, and eventually realized what I really hated was misandry, paternalism, and bourgeois liberal bullshit. I've been trying to get my hands on an audiobook of some socialist feminism texts I've seen recommended here like The Second Sex by Simone De Beauvoir or Women, Culture, Politics by Angela Davis to listen to while I work, but I can't find any torrents and I'm too poor to drop the dosh.
I agree. Feminism is so broad (no pun intended) and contains so many different and contradictory ideologies that it's lost all utility as a label. At this point it obscures far more than it clarifies. Why would I call myself a feminist when it just brings up a bunch of incorrect presumptions about what I believe?
Ian Brooks
That’s true for me and I don’t think this should be bumplocked.
Andrew Gonzalez
Bumplocking threads like this is one of the few good things the mods here do. Trust you fuckers to complain about it because you can't have 50 different "is feminism communist guiz" threads on the front page.
Leashes are how we protect our beloved pets. Feminists do not deserve that. Culling seems to be the most humane answer.
Oliver Brown
I am sure some of them are hot tho. No fun using a dead hole.
Anthony Sanders
(you) (you) (you) Bro, put me in the screenshot when you go to show your twitter followers what brocialist scum us leftists are.
Jaxon Cook
What if I were completely serious tho.
Jace Gray
I actually kind of agree, it's gotten to the point where Feminism basically just describes anything a woman says or does. This is how you get insanity like Liberals fighting for more female CEOs and women cops or whatever the fuck. But that doesn't mean that Feminists are wrong for pointing out that Patriarchy exists as a historical phenomenon, as Engels once pointed out basically the world's first class and division of labor. Also, Feminists are right to point out that much of what we assume to be concrete "gender" is socially learned behavior that's far more reflective of the culture we were raised in then our genes or biology. As I've pointed out before in this thread my issues with Feminism are both Liberals who appropriate Feminism as a rhetorical veneer to use against Socialists as well as the Radical Feminism that has it's origins in the Second Wave of Feminist thought. That said, of course there are different strains of Feminist thought, but I don't see how this is any different then Marxism or Anarchism. MLs and Leftcoms or Ancoms and Post-Left Anarchists couldn't be further apart, and yet I don't see how that would discredit Marxism or Anarchism as a whole.
This is a great book, Angela Davis is pretty Based in general.
Hudson Perez
I think that the further away you are, the less the difference smatter. A group of people might be happy to share a car driving up I-95 to New York together, but they'll start arguing when it's time to decide whether they're going to end up in Brooklyn, the Bronx, or Long Island. In this Analogy, the Feminists have reached New York City and are trying to figure out where to go from there, while Socialists are still stuck down south in Baltimore where the cops slashed their tires.
t. Burger who makes analogies about cars and local geography, then expects the rest of the world to understand him.
Mason Baker
North Korea Best Korea.
Grayson Brooks
This is actually a decent metaphor tbh. But I'm also a Burger from the East coast.
Noah Sanders
Feminism is liberalism
Jordan Mitchell
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, user!
James Harris
Simone De Beauvoir sucks major dick.
Nicholas Thompson
I would say that it is much more biology than commonly thought, but usually people attribute the stupidest things to biology ignoring the most relevant aspects in which it has influence, such as interest (systematizing-ampathizing theory, toy preference…that even happens in other fucking primates), cognitive abilities (calculation speed, rotational ability, Autism Level standard deviation, emotional signal processing), neurological differences and personality (big five, stress resistance).