As a homosexual, I'm becoming increasingly alarmed by the number of LGBT people who are adopting Holla Forumsack views and siding with the reactionary right. The arguments mostly boil down to "we have to ally with them to fight against immigrants and muslims" and that sort of shit. This is pretty sad to me since I'd consider our population to be a natural pool of socialist support.
What is some relevant socialist theory that specifically adresses LGBT interests? I want to try and convince at least some people I know.
As a homosexual...
Other urls found in this thread:
There are lots of dumb theory for fags that has tainted and ruined marxism, all that idpol crass has only hurt us and the fact that faggots now side with rightists only show how much bullshit intersectionality is.
wew who knew
Convince them that you can be a leftist and hate minorities.
Maybe highlight how violently the right oppressed gay people and opposed gay rights. Then follow up with all the socialist support for the movement. It's easy for young people who don't know their history to jump on the alt-right bandwagon, but harder when viewed in a historical context.
This seems like a good angle, but I can't say I have any historical literature on socialist movements and gay rights. Anyone have something by respectable sources?
Who really cares? The smart gays will be socialists, the dumbasses won't be. No need to really suck up to them as a group? But maybe talking about specific interests would be effective? What do I know. I'd talk about how items will be made for use, instead of for profit. You can tie that in to how everyone can have a personal plastic dragoncock free of charge. Those things are expensive.
To be honest you can't and you shouldn't, hating minorities is exactly what the ruling class wants us to do.
These idiots are the same people who forgot how much influence the Christian Right has over their lives. I almost think the Trump Administration should try to challenge the Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage just so these fucks get the picture again
LGBT activists don't differentiate much from fascists, they are just fighting on the other side.
It's class collaborationism with focus on aesthetics
In a world where LGBT activists have more influence over American life than the fucking Protestants and Catholics
That's not fascism
It's structurally the root of fascism, what is fascism to you?
That's still not fascism.
Then what is fascism to you? I also said "don't differentiate much from fascists" I didn't say "they are fascists"
This is idpol. Don't base your politics on your sexual identity FFS.
the ruling class is a minority
forgot to take off shitposting flag
Radical nationalism, high focus patriotism and industry, strong focus on ethnic pride/identity, etc
This. Also gays are not as oppressed as they once were in western societies. It makes sense that more of them are have started aligning with capitalist hegemony.
eat my ass you faggot, what spook, stop telling people how, and what to think.
That's more like the Not Socialist tendency of fascism, not quite the original version.
Generally inherent to fascism is an intersectionial focus on identity policies which is supposed to transcend class, with idol worship and virtue signalling.
It's the definition of Fascism
The liberal definition of fascism, not really the Marxist analysis of it
There is no "liberal definition of fascism", that is fascism as it is in practice.
Why didn't you worried about feminist parasites using LGBT as an excuse to validate their hate movement?
What's happening now is a logical reaction, fight the cause, solve the problem
There is a liberal definition of fascism, there is no consensus on how to fucking define it, that's why liberals, right-wingers and marxists have all very different definitions of it
When feminism becomes more of a problem to Marxists than the Church things have really gotten sour
So you're saying in your mind, Fascism has no solid definition?
Basically fascism is radical conservatism for liberals, socialism for conservatives and class collaborationism for marxists.
I think a lot of the time left wing voices of authority take the support of women, gays, non-whites and other marginalized demographics for granted and so either ignore them or patronize them leaving them wide open to right-wingers who may try and pander to them in new ways.
And I think the kind of people on Holla Forums who shut down at any mention of anything pertaining to class as if it doesn't matter just contribute to this. Kind of like this small subset is the exact opposite of /r/socialism and about as effectual.
So if you're saying it has no concrete definitions why are you telling me that activists are "structurally" "the root", of it? If its structure is so ill defined why are you trying to force the idea it has structure in the first place?
Because this is a board of the radical left so it would make sense to use the marxist definition of fascism?
That's not answering my question at all.
Kill yourself faggot
wew lad
no academic consensus =/= not having an own opinion
Well when you use the word "structure" it means there's a definition to it. You can't just say something has structure when it's so ill defined and argued over.
Oh, please fuck off. I'm really tired of this "idpol" label getting applied to every single attempt to discuss socialist ideas in relation to something not economic. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but socialism is a proposed SOCIO-economic system which would radically transform the way society functions. It obviously has wider implications than the way you relate to labour, even if this is the primary aspect. It is proper and neccessary to discuss how personal relationships would operate as well in a socialist system, we don't have to be haunted by this liberal pseudo-Marxist spirit for the rest of time.
We all get it, the abandonment of class politics in Marxist theory, in favor of liberal concessions to specific opressed groups, has done a lot of damage to the socialist project and needs to be redirected back to class politics again. Now that we all repeat that and swear on our editions on Das Kapital, can we get back to discussing socialism from every angle?
These people are absolutely despicable. I will have a pleasure of hanging them.
I defined the structure above
I guess you are entitled to a definition whichever you like
Nothing is sadder when an oppressed group wants oppressed groups other than their own to remain oppressed. I guess they've never heard of the "first they came for…" poem.
Well that's the story of the entire human history.
sounds like deranged feminist logic. isn't the right mostly closeted homosexuals anyway?
The reason is simple why. Because non-whites especially blacks and Islamics hate homosexuals more than anyone else and African and Middle Eastern nations are the only such where exist the penalties for homosexual is DEATH
Also the Soviet Union executed homosexuals.
Christians dindu nuffffffinnnnnnn
Are you just going to pretend that the right doesn't still hate gay people today?
Republicans promoting Peter Theil and Milo doesn't mean they give a damn about the average LGBT person. The vice president took money away from disaster relief to fund torture camps for gay people for god's sake.
My brothers gay hes always been pretty fashy. I mean, maybe because they are openly gay, they are somehow drawn in by all those closet gays on Holla Forums/.
But then also Conservativism is repressing sexuality so I guess if you've had to repress your sexuality anyway then the damage is done by the time you come out?
leftist politicians do the same shit, they don't care about the average LGBT person either. but being ignored is preferable to being murdered on religious grounds.
This is more of a problem among political gay men than anything else.
you can't cure stupid, there is nothing we can do.
what's the pic from?
good thing the left won't murder them on religious grounds then
that always gets me.
and thats how porky stays in charge, when the pressure start to rise and shit's about to go down they point fingers at some minority and blame them of everything. idiots always fall for it.
you can say that once the left gives up importing religious zealots.
This is why people laugh at leftists.
I think I may join them too. The conservatives are not looking like crazy antifa or congressman shooters. They also don't constantly talk about shooting the president. I think I'm going to the other side. Goodbye.
Shit, is he going to eat the racoon? That's one fat animal
Wait so the average American isn't going to laugh at an internet neonazi? Thanks for the explanation, I guess all those stories you people have shat out being disowned by their families were lies after all.
Don't let the door hit your sharts on the way out.
P.S. - I also don't think we will receive any shock treatment btw.
Christians need no import.
They're actually laughing at you, not with you.
don't blab to your parents about who you're fucking. problem solved.
Where did you get anything related to what you said from what I just posted
it's depressing that there are poltards who think someone will be fooled by this
A) I'm not a Marxist
B) Any discussion of identity is bound to result in it and anything loosely connected getting pulled back into the destructive vortex of the postmodern idpol dumpster fire that is normie discourse. Sad but true. The only solution is to ignore those problems. Delete this thread, now.
yes because Christians (one of the most secular friendly religions today) are gunning down gay people in nightclubs and tossing them off roof tops. sure.
Got him Xdd fire out dem head boy
Are you telling me Christians are incapable of religiously motivated violence?
Instead you have christian politicians who are destroying the welfare state, funding a militarized police force, upholding private property, and forming alliances with Islamic fundamentalists as part of some absurd realpolitik to control middle eastern resources. All of which is much more dangerous to the average person, gay or straight, than some muslim wearing a suicide vest.
the "religion" is being imported dignus, the racialization is done to nimrod's already in the country. the smart ones let the easily controlled do the damage. I have no problem with the left supporting people from the middle east, but islam should be a non starter in the west. instead the left is embracing islam as the elites aren't affected by its spread. (at least not in the short term)
Nobody really mentions about how Hitler came for the communists and socialists first. It really makes you think.
Why should I worry about every single Muslim more than I worry about the dominant religion of the country, just as capable of being manipulated politically by the ruling class?
You fear getting shot when it's unlikely, but you don't fear the omnipresent influence the Christian Right has in this country's politics and how that sets a dangerous standard for the future of society in general.
“This is pretty sad to me since I'd consider our population to be a natural pool of socialist support.”
No they aren’t, there natural supporters of liberals, not leftists.
People who think Christians in America aren't capable of their own kind of "sharia" are fucking naive.
It's already happened so many times in so many fucking compounds in Utah.
Because we got into actual firefights with the Nazis when Hitler was coming to power.
No, the ruling class wants mass migration. Liberal idol is a part of rolling class culture. Not saying we should hate gays & trannies. But we shouldn’t say the ruling class does. This is a lie.
A friend of mine commented about how reactionary the LGBT community in Holland has become. Apparently they disdain bi and trans is often seen as weird.
Gays are now simply not an oppressed minority anymore; they have muh privileges they want to defend. It's easy to have solidarity when you're oppressed- but people tend to forget the shit when they get it better.
Fuck off.
That's the first line of the poem.
It's just normally omitted because Amerifats are triggered by the idea of not letting the state come for communists. Which kind of defeats the whole point of the poem and reduces it to "muh holocaust, muh six million".
the left isn't embracing islam, it's just not authoritarian like you want it to be
We wouldn't be any better off if we fucking focused on mass migration and got rid of it, you're a fucking reformist shit
What you just said is liberal idpol
95% of them are fucking white males. Meanwhile, a huge number of homeless youth are queer (25-40% depending on the polling method) It's just a case of the squeaky wheel.
By that definition, some leftists are fascists. See my flag.
right now it's unlikely, give it a decade. it's not just shootings we have to worry about think about LGBT spacing being bombed, think about LGBT children being harassed and murdered by islamists for not converting. thats the danger. the complete upending of everything gays have worked for up to this point. all so you can butter up some islamofascist prick or some porky backed dem ? fuck that.
Wow an anarkiddie said something smart for once.
no group of people is "naturally" going to side with liberals or with socialists. Every demographic is going to have its own bourgeoisie. There were plenty of radical gays in the past.
I can easily think of that. It's what they've had to deal with Christians in the last fucking 100 years plus. Given the influence politically, geopolitically, economically, just how much capital and lobbying power they have, I will fear the Christian Right in America than any fucking singular Muslim.
One has had capital here for a very long time, one hasn't. You can do a lot more damage with old capital. A lot more damage has been done with old capital.
islam is authoritarian, and yes the left is embracing it, or at least promoting it to differentiate itself from the so called new-right.
So is Christianity in America
I personally think fascism can't be defined because it is a radicalized esthetic. It has abstract concepts it loves but hardly concrete ideas.
I'd personally say fascism is the radicalized esthetic of ultra-nationalism and violence, and everything this might entail.
Trans ARE weird. I mean, it's literally a delusion.
remember how all the communists on earth came together and voted on supporting Islam? Me neither.
It's less of a delusion than embracing fascism
what's weird is subjective, dude. Then again, I'm arguing with a dude with a swastika on a gay pride flag so whatever why do I even bother
God forbid those black people don't get their plasma televisions lawdy lawdy lawdy! I thought lefties hated walmart and mega corporations? Don't you know that by giving money to the poor, they're actually just subsidizing walmart's low paid labor, making it possible for them to profit off of the middle class's tax money? All this while simultaneously forcing more of the middle class into the lower class, creating a wider pool of cheap labor, and more demands for low class subsidies? Its a never ending loop of political interest designed to enslave large swaths of the population.
Nobody has to uphold private property laws because nobody in the united states is fucking stupid enough to think we shouldn't have private property.
Yeah thats the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Christians🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 doing that! Us lefties aught to go defecate in the streets and burn buildings like good goyim! Christians are your enemy!!!
I agree, the concepts of borders, self protection, and self autonomy are dangerous! Us leftists aught to move to africa, a leftist paradise, where those things don't exist.
so fucking what? i'm not promoting chisanity and right plays lip service to the evangiles. they don't have any real power and they aren't growing as a demographic. islam is.
Is that not a correct argument? The majority of Muslims support the death penalty for homosexuals and homosexuality is illegal in all Muslim-majority countries, often carrying the death-penalty.
Why should a homosexual be fine with Muslim immigrants?
This is true, but the oppression was far less severe than what Muslims practice today.
The current right is a far superior option to the liberals which want to import people en masse who want homosexual thrown off rooftops. It comes down to people who will angrily shitpost at you vs. foreigners who'll literally murder you.
When you get fucking furious someone called the priest that molested you a dumb shit
Hello liberal.
Jk fuck off Holla Forums
not everyone on the left is a communists. so what's the point?
Yes, they do
yeah ok
no it's not you paranoid lunatic
defending a group of people from abuse isn't "promotion", you're regurgitating rightwing propaganda
You're wearing a nazi flag and pretending to not believe in killing gay people this is rich
When you don't read posts on leftypol but never get banned for shitposting because you act like an angsty teen so you just fit right in
Proving once again that nazis are the ultimate opportunists
Not really. Also the argument that "LITERALLY ALL MUSLIMS ARE WAHHABI" is such shite
If you're not a socialist or a communist in some manner then you're not on the left.
There is nothing angsty about the modern nationalist nativist revival movement.
Nothing at all.
Sorry about your local pederast priest.
The left is clearly every single person who supports civil rights and likes Tesla cars or whatever
more like a secular country
yes, i'm sure all those tolerant people with extreme religious beliefs will thank you for defending their right to prosecute gay people and mutilate genitals. good job comrade
Except they aren't 'defending' anyone, they're attempting to absorb what they see as a free source of labor for their corporations to benefit from, and using taxpayer money to do so. They've stolen from the people while simultaneously displacing them from their homes, and endangering their lives. It genuinely leaves me questioning reality when a so called 'leftist' can ignore this ridiculous abuse because of skin color. You're a hypocrite at least.
The American Christian Right
Two reasons:
A lot of gay men are separate from the rest of the LGBT community. Gay men won't associate with bi men or lesbians or transgender individuals. It has been this way for a while. I'm bi and a lot of gay men say they're going to turn me full on gay with their dick on dating sites. It's really funny.
Also, a lot of gay men have internalized self-hatred. I mean look at Milo when he talks about being a faggot and how he feels it's unnatural. Typical spaces for men such as video games reinforce this hatred since typically trash talk or whatever has to either do with gender, race, or sexuality.
Who cares though. It's identity and they clearly don't care for their own. My identity doesn't push me towards leftism either. Let them dig their own graves and be reactionary pigs
Money to the people isn't stolen. If your argument is never buy a television for being poor, you're fucking ludicrous.
Stop fucking posting arguments you heard on fucking Red Eye you absolute hamspergler
this is why porky keeps winning.
I can't believe someone is actually arguing this
Shadily my brother. You will be welcomed!
You're not going to push people out of their faith that makes it worse. Look at which faith has the most long standing influence and capital, and proven to be able to be politically manipulated, and I'll show you what you should worry about more.
yes the one that most people make jokes about, try doing that with mohamed.
Christianity was sufficiently reconciled with Enlightenment thought over several centuries, so now all the right-wingers get go claim it was always meant to be a peaceful guardian of liberal democracy.
Look, I don't like Islam either, I live in a cultural catholic place, but it's not like the religion is inherently less capable of coexisting with secularism than other monotheistic faiths, this is a very shalllow analysis of extremism.
Christianity in some of its early incarnations was the furthest thing from the status quo you could imagine, but it has changed with historical conditions. I'm sure Paul wasn't imagining the Church as one of the supporting superstructures of feudalism.
Ultimately, if your solution to contemporary problems is retreating to an imaginary state of universal christendom, your political theory is just shit fam.
People haven't changed in twenty years, you're fucking impossible.
I think that gays represent a health hazard because of the unsafe sexual practices in which they engage (promiscuity, unprotected anal sex), but that's it. >muh fun is just pearl-clutching moral panic.
Many of my people are sadly retarded.
I did not say that and that does not change that facts about homosexuality in Muslim-majority countries. In pretty much every Arab country, the penalty for homosexual acts is death, and imprisonment in the other Muslim ones.
Simply facts refute the fantasy of the secular, tolerant Muslim majority.
Did you read fucking anything I wrote? Let me spell it out to you, although this might be wrongthink so you might not even be able to read it.
Try to see the red text, its right below this text.
The EU are using the people's money to import muslims in order to lower the value of people's labor for the benefit of corporations.
Now if you can see that, explain exactly how a leftist is in support of this?
You still haven't explained how you can support the exploitation of millions of workers and call yourself leftist. I guess you can't. Try to see past race, its a spook you know.
Yes you did.
A government represents the ideals of a faith. That's why I can judge Christians on equal footing with who they vote for, I suppose.
…and it's impossible to tell their respective dogmas apart.
They are the working class. Nationalism doesn't matter because the budget that could fund them could be set aside from the military. Everyone deserves to live and roam free of property.
There's only TWO religions with enough capital to influence politics to prevent this goal.
Judaism and Christianity
So why have those governments imposed the death penalty for homosexuality?
Do you now want to claim that Islam has nothing to do with policy of Islamic governments that is perfectly in line with the Quran & Hadith?
Christians aren't throwing gays off buildings.
This entire thread is retarded. Why would being gay affect your political views at all? The only reason i can see being gay affecting someones politcal views is if they play porkies party politics game.
You must live in fucking California
I thought we were talking about the various orgs that march in counterprotests and similar but it seems you're talking about the establishment politicians AKA liberals, who are not leftists.
What you're writing is vague and unreadable because you seem to be hopping from one theme and point to the other with each new post.
If you have a problem with the destruction of the middle east, leftists didn't do that and they didn't support that. If you have a problem with leftists supporting refugee settlement in USA then you're a moron because your argument boils down to "why don't you make a time machine, go back to and stop from starting this whole mess int he first place".
Not an argument.
Of western religions they are the most friendly towards gay people.
Hey everyone, look at the posts between the one that I'm quoting and this one. Now read the one that I'm quoting and tell me why this thread shouldn't be autodeleted along with every other thread like it that ever pops up. You have 5 lines to make your argument.
They have no political influence in America the Christian Right isn't allowing for weapons sales. It's about the money, and most of all, they have the most potential to create reactionaries in America, more than ANY Muslim.
History hasn't vindicated Christianity of its long standing crimes.
Well, I don't, one way or another, but that doesn't negate what I stated.
Muslims hate gays and are willing to kill them whenever they have the power to do so. Don't shoot the messenger.
Rules for radicals. leftists like you do it all the time.
It actually is an argument.
You don't care about free speech.
Exactly. Nazis ideology and SJW ideology are indistinguishable.
Wew, this is your brain on liberalism.
You aren't arguing with what I said, you're distracting.
I'm saying there is nothing stopping the Christian Right from eventually becoming like Saudi Arabia, and yet you want to defend it
Posting a reaction and quoting someone isn't an argument.
No they are not, the population which have worked their lives for their interests and welfare deserve a place for the interests and welfare to exist.
You say this while conveniently ignoring the iron tight correlation between immigrant populations and violent crimes.
Often idealist leftists forget that there is a finite amount of resources on the earth, and that the utopia they hope to achieve cannot exist if the ratio of people to the least common necessary resource is low enough to satiate each and every person's own desires. Thus, by supporting the consumption of successful low fertility societies, you support the extinguishing of each potential for a utopia, and your ideals can never be accomplished. Socialism cannot exist without nationalism. Egalitarianism is poison to your cause.
It's me telling you that you're dumb as shit and wrong on all accounts. Which is an argument.
Show me christians throwing gays off buildings.
The fucking pope even supports gays now.
Thats not an argument though.
Yes they are. How are they not? Because of welfare?
Again, quit spouting off shit you heard on Red Eye as actual argument.
If you think the Right isn't incapable of vigalante violence I don't know what to tell you. White mass shootings have been on the rise.
You also ignored the rest of the points I made.
Yes it is.
how is defunding healthcare programs that stop gays from dying from STDs better than throwing them off buildings
That's the first time you said this, at least to me.
There is no serious chance of this happening. There is no legal framework for this in any Western country and advocating the death penalty for gays is a fringe position in Christianity. You're an idiot.
Christianity is a mental illness and I never said that I "defended it".
Well? Where?
So did christians until they didn't. The tennets of a religion will change to match the morality of the society its adherents find itself in. Religion does not stage morality. Rather it is shaped by it, and morality always favors the established order. This is a classic example of how culture is shaped by the material base.
Years ago, I saw a video of gays being thrown of tall buildings and the music "I believe I can fly" super imposed over. It was both beautiful and horrific at the same time, due to the music and slow motion effects. It was quickly deleted for being anti-religious or anti-islamic.
Why don't gays just stop being ridiculously promiscuous?
There have been recorded instances of Radical Mormon/Radical Christians creating well funded (million dollar range) private compounds throughout the nation for the last one hundred years.
They want to create a private police force as we speak.
You're fucking retarded, just because you're white doesn't make you an innocent doe eyed fool incapable of violence.
no, they have a good grasp of that fact, which is why they want to take thos efinite resources and use them for the good of all
now's the time for you to start spouting on about muh property rights, which directly contradicts your bullshit about finite resources
Why did so many straight men become syphilitic when founding America? Should we trust documents created by syphilitic freemasons?
Why do we keep supporting Islam?
Religion is the opiate of the masses. And it just so happens to be that Muslim opiate causes lots of violence as compared to Christian.
Why do we keep supporting Christianity?
Fuck those imperialist pigs. Gulag!
We must rescue them from American imperialism.
Not in America.
Lol isn't an argument either.
You have no arguments but I can play along with your game.
You are a dumb idiot. I win the argument.
I don't live in those nations and don't support going to war with those nations
It is.
Hi gay ppl of leftypol! We would welcome you to our dubtrack room where you can listen/post music and debate theory at the same time:
Where's that picture of a muscular arm Ben Garrison drew that has "REASON LOGIC, EVIDENCE on it" lmfao
What exactly do you imagine that we are short of? Food, water, housing, and the means of production all exist in abundance.
Well thats because there are way more christians than muslims in America sweetie. That doesn't mean we should take more of them in.
That's exactly my point you fucking retard
I'm pretty socially c.onservative but on the immigration question I'm okay with accepting refugees. Even if they're Muslim. After all, Jesus was a refugee.
That's exactly what he was saying…
Why would you want to grow your country's religious population?
show me these mythical pro-Islam leftists the vast majority of left-wingers are secularists who only "support" muslims in that they want to stop bombing them for no reason
Please, fuck off. If the majority of so-called "socialist" parties support the mass import of Muslims, LGBT people have a good reason to be concerned. And guess what people do when they are told to fuck off all across the polticial spectrum? Guess what, they are going to support the forces which are aiming for a stop of said mass immigration - which at this point is the "sceptics community" or the alt-right.
This might be a hard reality check for some of you, but the Holla Forums leftist anti-IdPol stance is something marginal, it is not relevant whatsoever amongst the contemporary polticial currents - even hardcore tankie parties are supporting open borders. So please don't patronize people.
Because they have no political or social capital, ergo are far less dangerous to a population in the long term than people who can continuously vote for all politicians who want to gut our health care into a nightmarish Mad Max reality
Evidence has shown Christians are violent in America, and vote for their agenda, consistently.
I worry about them more. You should worry about them more.
For the reasons which I just explained. Immigrants do not deserve the resources of the European working class, because they have contributed nothing to its collection or are.
Don't tell me anything, because 'the right' has nothing to do with anything. You're just dodging the fact that immigrants are violent rapists, and there is a quantifiable amount of rapes per amount of immigrants let into the country, enough that you could accurately gauge the effect within a single digit. I'm not going to let you ignore this.
Explain how you are helping the workers by introducing a malevolent element into their homes, an element that only benefits the rich by devaluing labor, and indisputably harms and terrorizes the low wage population EXCLUSIVELY. You are not a leftist, you're a delusional nutjob.
A red herring, but I suppose there's no helping the PTSD-fuelled neurosis you suffered from being to attend church by your mom. You're probably living in some schizo fantasy world in which Christian Sharia police commandos are 5 minutes away from kicking down your door for masturbating on Chatroulette.
There's 0 chance of the the Mormons taking over the government, and even if they did, Mormons don't advocate for the death penalty for gays. Muslims, on the other hand, DO control several governments, and homosexuality is illegal under all of them, without exception. Moreover, vigilante violence against homosexuals is endemic.
I'm all for violence. Not against you, though, don't worry. I see that you're in need of psychotherapy for your paranoid delusions, and maybe some Haloperidol.
Then why are saying immigration from muslim countries isn't a reason for gays to turn right?
if you had ten muslims and ten christians randomly selected in a room with a gay guy, muslims would be more likely to kill the gay.
Muslims are more violent than christians. This is a fact.
So why shouldn't gays turn to the right over this issue?
Like pottery.
Rich coming from an internet neonat
I would argue they really already have.
Because the Right in America is fundamentalist Christian
Who's country? By what standard is a country someone's? And why should anyone be proud of it, if it doesn't represent their class interests?
Read the OP
I'm arguing with one in this very thread:
Literally Muslims wuz gud boiz xtians are just as bad.
I said lefties. Holla Forums isn't a representation of leftists. Most leftists don't hang out on chans, they usually stick to reddit and 9gag.
It doesn't really matter what they think - when the population reaches a large enough share of Arabs, in all likelihood, start to advocate for more Islamic influence in day-to-day life.
The whole idea of "rescuing Muslims from imperialism will work out out fine in the end" is basically contingent on the Revolution actually happening and religion quickly withering away in accordance with historical materialism. Given that the Western Left is nothing if not utterly incompetent, I wouldn't hold out hope for this.
That's Holla Forums
Did I quote the OP? I quoted you.
What's wrong with the idea religion can motivate violence either way? I mean that's historically accurate to say.
there is no such idea
the idea is "holy shit these people are getting bombed and killed why not help them"
And christians are less dangerous to gays then muslims.
You are a gay person. You can side with the guy who gives you mean stares, calls you names and tries to fix you or you can side with the guy charging at you with a knife.
Your choice. Who are you going to pick?
You're missing my point then. I'm arguing in the long term, or even short term, Christians are just as capable of becoming what they hate about Islam.
Who killed the most gays really doesn't matter to my observation.
Absolutely incorrect.
imagine thinking you're smart for regurgitating alt-right self-mythologizing propaganda as a critique of "SJWs"
You know, we have a guy like you on Holla Forums. He talks about the "Midnight Lord" and bugs all the time, whereas you talk about the looming Christian theocracy, but I think you would get along fine overall.
Would be nice if people like quoted their 'evidence'
Even more tactical nihilism.
I forgot that all arabs are a hivemind of terrorists who can never advocate for secularism ever.
There isn't evidence to the contrary, indeed, within the last century alone, I would call much of it evidence
Political decisions that lead to death are violence.
Do you ever leave your moms basement or is that you've never been or seen anything from the middle east or high muslim populations in Asia?
There is nothing wrong with tactical nihilism.
You've been responding to me this whole time.
Tbf most Arabs in European society would probably support mildly Islamic parties if they were a real voting bloc like the Christians and not so reliant on socdems.
both result in people dying. And you can kill a lot more people through healthcare decisions than through straight up murder.
Those countries are around or near the Middle East, Social Capital of Christianity is capable of more death in America than a Muslim population.
Let's stick to the country we're talking about that has a local fundamentalist population
I just entered this thread 15 minutes ago.
correlation =/= causation
Nobody forces you to have more than five sexual partners every year. I've slept with arround four chicks in my life and everytime I made sure I don't catch STDs.
In America Muslims literally have a chance in hell. This is about Christians, within America. Nothing more nothing less.
Good for you?
All the best points made ITT get ignored.
I don't buy that. Muslims who are more integrated to western culture tend to be a lot more secular/moderate.
Even obesity and all that shit is more controllable if you fucking keep it in your pants. You aren't a leftist if you think other people's surplus value going into elaborate medical measures so you can continue to fuck some punk at the train station.
Communist revolution would reflect the populace. Since gays are less than 5% they will obviously be destroyed.
The alt-right is the only actually egalitarian group. They're like liberals except they don't hate white men.
These need more labels.
And all of the men should be a fit and handsome Donald Trump.
why are gays turning right wing?
b-but Christians are mean to gays too
I mean were just going in circles here. I answered OP's question and you didn't like its implications so now your trying to prove some point and failing.
But the Christian death camps are coming any day now, I'm sure. This is for you.
Weird that gays would stand with the enemy of their enemy to avoid getting thrown off a roof or rocked to death.
Nigga wut?
Many of the new Muslims in Europe aren't even fleeing bombing, they just want to earn more money in Euro countries. This sounds innocent enough, but after a few million helps and a few decades, you will have a non-trivial Muslim cohort that wants its values represented.
A lot of said Muslims were fleeing to get away from Actually Existing Islam.
You'd be lining up to defend Franco's Spain
But muslims will have a chance if leftists keep inviting them into this country with open arms which is what gays do not want which is why gays are turning right wing. Stay on topic faggot.
Because liberals and the "far-right" are the exact same thing with the exception that they fellate different identity groups.
I never want to see molymeme's legs again
Idpol tbh
This thread is shit
A lot of said Muslims disagree from the fundamentalist interoperation of Islam, hence why they're fleeing.
"Its values" always change over time to match economic reality.
I'm not saying no healthcare. Im saying to advocate for healthcare not because you are socialist but because you want to be a pig is not leftist, just vulgar nihilist self-interest.
People getting STDs in western countries are totally at their own fault, such behavior is neither good for you mental nor for your physical health, and is a result of alienation.
America does not yet have a non-trivial Muslim population. Give it time - the carnage in the Islamic world is just getting started, and Africa is still due for a population boom.
fuck off
I am more concerned about importing vast amounts of muslims into the country then I am about right wing deathcamps.
I Never liked the left. Growing up I was gay but found the left utterly repulsive. The thought policing the Pretending the lies upon lies.
I Understood evil existed in the world but I knew the left was not immune to corruption it was always plain to see that. I Lack faith or belief in any political ideology or thought. I work based off of. Leaving people the fuck alone to do what they want. Hiring people based upon merits and making sure the population is always armed.
the sickness of our nation is born from lies. Lies of all kinds about What constitutes fun what constitutes right or wrong. Extremism and ideology are the sickness of humanity. And the more you cling to the absolute that you have the perfect solution which so many fucking people have including the right. You are lost. There will always be more to learn and more to know, but the sad fact is people choose ideology because its easier, Its the easiest most rewarding thing in our society, Friendship power and money will flow to you if you choose to profess belief/faith in A approved institution.
People choose what is easy and our society has been designed for over a hundred years to be this way To have institutions to funnel people through of differing ideologies to channel and shape them into the shapes they are supposed to fit into. to fight against the other.
The only freedom is to separate yourself from those institutions from people that believe strongly in a system. A cause or idol is fleeting. Another will always replace it. Look at those that create idols and causes.
Yes, this sounded nice in earlier decades, and now their children and grandchildren feel resentful towards their host societies and find radical Islam appealing, thus the homegrown Islamist phenomenon.
What the fuck? Did you reply to the wrong post?
If one shade of red tries to flee a darker shade of red and each new lighter shade of red does the same, the place they are fleeing to will eventually just be a dark shade of red again.
Well, there's actually some research done on the matter.
Support for Sharia tends high in Islamic countries.
In the US 45 per cent of Muslims wants to discourage Islam. Sounds threatening, until you realize a lot of Christians want to do the same. Still, a lot of Christians want to see Christianity reflected in policy so it supports my point.
"Roughly seven-in-ten U.S. Muslims (69%) say religion is very important in their lives. Virtually all (96%) say they believe in God, nearly two-thirds (65%) report praying at least daily and nearly half (47%) say they attend religious services at least weekly. By all of these traditional measures, Muslims in the U.S. are roughly as religious as U.S. Christians, although they are less religious than Muslims in many other nations.
When it comes to political and social views, Muslims are far more likely to identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party (70%) than the Republican Party (11%) and to say they prefer a bigger government providing more services (68%) over a smaller government providing fewer services (21%). As of 2011, U.S. Muslims were somewhat split between those who said homosexuality should be accepted by society (39%) and those who said it should be discouraged (45%), although the group had grown considerably more accepting of homosexuality since a similar survey was conducted in 2007."
That makes no sense.
Long winded histrionic answer
condoms break all the time. And sometimes you don't have access to proper protection or you're just uneducated due to America's shitty education system.
Many of these homegrown jihadists wouldn't feel so resentful if their host countries stop being imperialist warmongers.
You said nothing of substance. You sound like a useful idiot for neoliberals. Also, this is a board for leftists, not your standard lib who is either unaware of the economic reasons for these refugees "being imported" or is aware because they are porky and want to keep labor cheap.
As a homosexual, I'm skeptical of your sincerity.
It seems to me like the (overblown) rightward shift amongst the gays pretty much lost momentum when Milo fell out. And even before then, it was mostly notable for drama - ie some idiot would spout Nazi bullshit and get a little clique of a couple other gays who liked spouting Nazi bullshit, and then some retarded oppression Olympians would see it and act like all the gay white men were doing it. It became a big show. Milo himself being pedestalized was pointed to by both left and right idpolers as evidence, but in the end he was one guy.
Lets just say you have 4 groups of muslims
light, decent, hardcore and extreme.
Light thinks decent is too extreme so they flee. Decent thinks hardcore is too extreme so they flee. Hardcore thinks extreme is too extreme so they flee.
Now Europe is a mix of lights, decentness and hardcores. This is when extremes go to Europe because they think there is an invasion.
All of this people agree with each other on some things and don't on others.
pic related except instead of getting less close to the original as time goes on it gets closer to the original.
You're making my point for me - Muslims will identify more with the global Ummah than with their host society.
The Left can go on forever about the causes of jihadi attacks, but is too incompetent to solve the warmongering problem and and views obvious solutions to the migration problem as inhumane - to say nothing of whether the Muslim world will ever be able to reconcile itself with the Western world after years of military action. This is the worst of both worlds.
> you have to pick between supporting white ethno-nationalism or a muslim government takeover
>any political option that's not the former is actually pro-muslim, also ethno-nationalists aren't going to destroy your rights because they're nice, trust me!
Oh, are we playing Crusades: Internet edition again?
Please stop getting all your news from Holla Forums.
You can blame identity politics for that. Turning on people for a difference in opinion will only get them to stray as far away from your "side" as possible to spite you.
because they aren't be integrated properly and are thus more open to being radicalized you dumbass.
The obvious solution is no more imperialism and to stop funding terrorists which no leftist views as "inhumane"
I said everything of substance.
Its why I rejected the left just like i do the right.
I voted for Donald trump because he might actually be able to crash the terrible system we have. I did not want another puppet in our Government.
I said Why I do not believe in liberalism. because I only want to stop human suffering and Neocon's of both sides do it when they fund terrorism..wars Woefully inefficient gibs, Obama clinton/bush dick cheney they all did it. They are all guilty as sin of doing terrible awful things while saying they love our country.
The constitution and the bill of rights are what make our country strong and they are being shitted on by them both. Over and over and over again. Obama shited on it just as much as bush did. He expanded the surveillance state put our security at risk and threw americans under the bus because the NSA/CIA/FBI have not followed the rules ever about properly securing american devices against attack They implant vulnerabilities they hold back fixes and they manipulate markets to prevent open source competition from emerging.
the system is sick its been sick for a long time. IF you think that liberalism or or conservatism or that any ism is going to save you and that there is a correct or right way to believe.
Capitalism was working well until it was hijacked by communism in 1913 and we became a centrally controlled society inch by inch they have purchased and controlled every market mine and piece of land of importance. We are not a capitalistic society in the sense that we have a free market. We have a market where people are allowed to produce products they want. until they are gently coerced or blackmailed into selling out to those higher up on the food chain and if they do not follow that will they are destroyed in one way or another.
We do not live in a good world. We live in a paper mache of idols demons angels and causes. Reality is not a variable state…It is a fixed reality that does not change at least as far as i know based upon my perceptions but my understanding of that reality should change based upon new information especially if it says the old information is wrong. People choose isms over information. The belief in the cause is what matters. Its all that matters. True independent thought outside of spheres or bubbles of ideology is forbidden. You must obey and follow exactly these things you must not talk about these things. You must always say what is "correct" and acceptable.
Fuck that Every day of the week IF i want to be a gay gun owning immigration reform gay…fuck you.
and fuck communism and socialism our centrally owned banks are bleeding this country dry with the slave tax we pay for the muh privileged of them printing our fucking money.
Jesus and Trump are alike in both are men who a large number of people want to nail to a wooden pole
gay/pol/ here, so long as they gas the kikes before me I'm down for a new American Reich. In the meantime my side gets the sexiest uniforms and funniest memes, so its a pretty sweet deal.
You are a degenerate perverted megafaggot. You will never be accepted, especially under socialism. Russia is the most antigay country in the world.
I have been against the state building roads for this very reason.
There are just too many highway collisions to justify giving the pettycoats another reason to get their grubby hands on my taxable income.
Not just slave owners, syphilitic slave owners
I mean people have even been theorizing that Thomas Jefferson was on the autism spectrum.
You're absolutely right, public transportation by automation or trained bullet train helmsman is the only real way.
Nobody should own a car.
Weak answer
The right to privacy
the right to unlawful search and seizures.
The right to free speech.
All degraded by both republicans and democrats by the government institutions of America. most of them are paid for by the same people and you pretend that a ism will save you.
They are paid for by the same people that have pushed communism into our schools and pay for antifa and own most of the media.
Is a slave a slave if he does not know he is a slave?
Little homie gay ass
Reported for STD-shaming.
I'm from Uzbekistan. I'm full on with WOTWU!, but that's not going to happen with reactionaries pouring in through every hole. Even back home, I would not be able to operate as I currently do sexually nor politically. Honestly, I don't want more of these people in.
Just to clarify, currently I live in the United States.
This will be great for my Amtrak stock portfolio. Most car manufacturer stock has been too expensive for me to purchase the majority in. Crashing the automotive industry with no survivors is the way to go if you want to be able to afford that new recreational nuke your second wife has been looking at. It would make a great gift for Mises day.
What a worthless argument. If you only look toward hypotheticals of censorship, rather than the reality of trying to find a solution amidst spreading non-hateful beliefs. You're the foll if you cannot recognise the nature of your own deflection.
Ok just stay away from socialist politics because your doing more harm than good.
Cool Markov-chain.
I'm bi and have lived with Muslims and if not wanting importing a reactionary religion lile Islam makes me reactionary then so be it. My disdain is directed at the Faith not the followers or Qur'an the Ibid and Hadith are pretty fucked
was the Poem
"first they came from the blacks…then I was happy
Then they came for the spic illegals …then I was happy
Then they came for the pedophiles … Then I was happy
And then they came for the middle eastern people… And then I was still happy "
Last I checked, we still have that one. ;3
Except this last part never happened.
The Patriot Act happened. The Iraq War and a ton of other invasions happened. "Stop and frisk" and no-knock warrants happened. Communism never came to our schools. Vending machines came to our schools. Unless you want the teachers to all decide what economic ideology the kids take, you don't really have a substantive claim here. The USSR is RIP. You couldn't even trust teachers at my schools not to go on creationist rants, let-alone support Communism.
Also, if you're going the Soros route here, take note that this is a guy who funded the fall of the Berlin wall. His communist credentials are not particularly high.
"First they came" was written by a Lutheran pastor, which is ironic, since it starts thus:
Socialists and Jews were the two people must hostile to Christianity and would've surely fucked the pastor's shit up, had they come to power.
yeah, youre a fascist.
Get the fuck out.
Islamism is shit, but immigration restriction is a naive solution which at best leaves the problem out of sight, out of mind. Its also a historically recent phenomenon, one often aided by the same foreign policy elites which the far-right eagerly defends.
The solution is neither a naive dismissal (i.e. Christians are worse) nor a wall which excludes the victims of jihad as easily as its perpetrators; it is a worldwide socialist revolution, complete with efforts to radicalize the young people being seduced by the empty promises of religion.
Socialists in the middle east have been shooting at Islamists since 1979.
That's not irony, it's (at least with the Socialist line) the point. The people they "come for" get progressively closer to home.
Well yes. The problem is kept away, i.e. away from me. Their problems aren't my problems.
I know that that's what he was trying to say, but he erroneously thought that Socialists and Jews were his friends just because the NSDAP was persecuting them. Socialists and Jews were his enemies too.
Once again, this shows how Christcucks eternally fetishize loving one's enemies.
Ok, yeah. Look, this isn't very convincing, let's start at the beginning with a few policy changes:
1. Stop supporting Saudi Arabia and giving money to extremists.
2. Also, stop intervening in these countries. As a rule. If someone wants to topple a stable government, fuck 'em.
3. Muslims are already here in the west - treat them like citizens. That means criticize it when an Imam publicly says some Fred Phelps shit. Right now, there's a perception of monopoly on that scrutiny - it's coming from people who hate Islam but don't actually give a fuck about "hate speech" unless it's coming from Muslims or directed at white people. Understandably, this does not come across so well.
4. Streamline security. The last British attacks (not including the much more deadly one perpetrated by the London Landlords) have showed that people who are not only on the radar but are publicly-known extremists are perpetrating attacks. Similar case for 9/11. This suggests that these attacks are allowed to occur or there is a profound amount of incompetence. Since many of these attacks are by people born in the countries they attack, restricted migration would accomplish a lot less. We already have to live with these people.
Or - and bear with me here - you could not let any more of them into our countries, and start repatriating the ones already here. Then this whole quagmire of integration would not arise, with the attendant crime, terrorism, and Islamism.
Some things I can agree on.
this. your mental illness has nothing to do with class struggle
Nothing worth reading, tbh. Neither Capitalism or Socialism care whether you're straight, gay, cis, trans, whatever. Identity politics exist mainly to divide the working class, splitting the proletariat into opposing tribes in order to prevent them from forming a united front against the bourgeoisie and to make them act in the interests of the bourgeoisie of 'their tribe'.
In that sense you can say that it is in the interests of capitalists to promote idpol, and in the interests of socialists to be against it.
Basically, just tell them "we're all workers goddamnit" and remind them that the right wing has a colourful history of brutally murdering all kinds of 'degenerate' people such as gays.
Also quit it with the LGBT shit. Just because another person has the same orientation as you doesn't make them your friend.
Of gays fucking eachother in the ass is more likely to give them AIDS and kill them than why the fuck do you want to ban them? Wouldn't it be more advantageous to support homosex since it's more likely to kill the people you hate? Face it, you're just a lowly opportunist with an ideology that holds no substance.
Add to that, unsafe sex is not exclusive to homos, I guess sexual education must be christian-tier where you live. And yes, heterosexuals can get AIDS too. Shocking, isn't it?
Hitler idolized Muslims for a reason, lad. And it wasn't because of their differences.
Vlad stop being a little cuck
Queers shouldn't be allowed in any movement, go join the right faggot
The gay people "joining" the right wing are only subversives looking to transform far right people into moderates then lefties. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice that will never be welcome in the real right wing.
The USSR did nothing wrong.
Masculine gays are gods who have discovered their own power. They are despised and hunted by gynocentrists (everyone) as escaped slaves from the roastie plantation.
Feminine gays are just sterile women.
I could not find much
You could also point them to socialist figures that fought for LGBT rights like Edward Carpenter, Oscar Wilde, Harry Hay, Bayard Rustin, Emma Goldman, Daniel Guérin
Gays arent gods they are weak men who submitted to perversion. Nothing strong about succumbing to perversion. Its a conditioned choice to be gay, no one is born that way. You become gay by either convincing yourself you are or by force (conditioning)
Well, no shit! You saw how the mainstream (i.e. the left) sided with muslim niggers over gay white faggots when the Pulse thing happened.
Nah. Fuck off with your slave morality. Oh, and "enjoy" your wife. All women are the same.
Yeah, wwe should just bomb them all.
A gay guy with a resentful /r9k/ incel mentality, interesting.
Day of the Roastie soon
I'm gay and I don't want anything out of a socialist movement other than for it to not shun me for it. I don't expect gay issues to be central to a party at all and I absolutely believe that class solidarity is a more effective way of fighting homophobia than identity based activism
It's a het thing. You wouldn't understand.
Honestly I respect you for taking MGTOW to its conclusion and just fucking guys. Are you bi? I know a bi guy that just fucks guys because he doesn't like dealing with women.
Yup, that's a pretty good description of me.
Combination of two fables
If women are so fluid in their loyalties doesn't that mean its the responsibility of men to keep them in line? Women are genetically predisposed to betrayal not out of real evil but out of survivability. A females main goal is to create children with a suitable male so regardless of politics or group they will bed the winners. You can be a bitch and get mad about the way our species works or you can be a man and keep your woman in line. Its not like faggots don't cheat and manipulate as well. MTGOW is just a homosexual agenda
Women cheat less than men do. Guys are just obsessed with female infidelity for some reason though.
Glorious communism needs babies. Fags make no baby. Fags go to gulag.
I prefer the fable of The Fox and the Nettles. It goes like this:
There was a fox who was told by his entire den that there were some delicious nettles at the bottom of a ravine. It seemed like a silly idea to eat nettles, but his entire den encouraged him to eat them, claiming that they were delicious. The fox turned off his brain and went into the ravine and ate nettles. He broke a leg and lost an eye navigating the terrain. The nettles made him violently sick. Upon his return, his den continued to chant that it was a great idea to eat nettles from the ravine. The fox realized he had to agree or be exiled. He left the den because it was retarded. THE END
As a heterosexual male I am sick and tired of seeing threads and posts about faggots and mentally ill trans people on this board.
For a leftist space who brags about keeping it real and being about true leftism and economic policies Holla Forums sure does love to give 300+ replies to irrelevant cultural bullshit threads.
It's probably due to the americadumbs and how idpol is an integral part of their culture, so they simply cannot escape discussing and thinking about irrelevant bullshit all day everyday.
You really are completely detached from reality aren't you?
But- we- like- all- like- die anyway user. These gay liberals already had good lives. Let this mass of reactionaries have their chance.
There is literally nothing surprising or dangerous about gays realising that Muslims aren't their biggest fans and wanting to stem the tide, absent any leftist movement with the testicles to tell them to stop being barbarous fuckheads.
I keep seeing Holla Forums claim it's different than SJWs and the like yet they seem to have the exact same views on just about everything. You're all unironically supporting the importation of a group of people who love to kidnap gay people and chuck them off the tops of buildings. No wonder they are jumping ship to the right. No wonder the left is dying.
There are multiple types of Islam. Saudi Islam (i.e. the kind that Trump has openly praised) is pure evil and needs to be destroyed. Every other type is fine.
Neoliberals are the ones importing muslims, not leftists. The Holla Forums position on immigration varies but most people here would agree that mass immigration is a symptom of deeper problems and that you can't just simply let them all in or kick them all out.
The socialist position is no borders, workers come and go as they please. Gays are going right wing because the safety of their group trumps everything else. If I had to choose between some people getting butthurt and not baking me a cake or getting stoned to death I would go with the former, as would everyone else who is sane. Keep being apologists for islam, keep shooting yourself in the foot until you blow the whole thing off, it's a fantastic strategy.
Your lack of understanding of how the real world works and what causes what is honestly saddening, but expected.
All the west has to do is stop funding Saudi Arabia and bombing muslim countries. Then they will be "safe" from Islam. Of course your daddy will never turn against his Saudi and Israeli masters so that's not going to happen Holla Forumstard.
We're not trump supporters fam
Yeah, because closing borders is impossible.
Migration works like Newtonian Laws and instability in the Middle East always caused mass migration into Europe leading to terrorism.
Anything else is crimethink, comrade.
this is literally what's happening right now repeating it sarcastically doesn't make it untrue.
leftism is in a death spiral. Working class whites are leaving, gays are leaving, even blacks are fed up with the bullshit. All you have left is mentally ill neon haired sheltered loonies and people who have no problem killing them. Keep sucking muslim cock. Keep doubling down on your bullshit while everything burns around you. It's hilarious to watch.
Which is why they only migrate to countries offering gibs.
No one here supports Islamism u braindead twat and it was fucking america that funded Islamic extremism in the 70s and 80s as part of their cold war strategy against the soviet union.
name ONE fucking actually existing marxist-leninist country that had open borders. OH wait you can't because none of them had open borders and in fact had much stricter border controls than modern day capitalist countries, open borders = neoliberal porky trash, at least until world communism is achieved. If you have open borders under capitalism where some countries are richer than others people will simply flood from the shit countries to the rich ones.
Lets be honest: no one at their basic level really wants to immigrate. Who the fuck would want to leave the culture, society, family, friends, and everything they have ever known. There will always be a small 'liberal' portion of the population of any country which has a penchant for novelty like current day expatriates from western societies. However the vast majority would want to stay in their own countries, people only immigrate because of the political instability or bad conditions in certain third world countries, which is largely caused by imperialism. Holla Forums always complains about immigration, but its not some jewish plot but in fact the dynamics of *capitalism itself*, military imperialism, vast inequality between countries. In a global socialist system there would be almost no immigration minus the very small percentage of novelty/adventure seeking people who like the experience of moving to a country where they don't speak the language or understand the culture.
So you support muslims coming into someone elses country to kill gays BUT only after world communism is achieved. Thanks, that's way better.
W was such a retarded fundie ranting about Gog and Magog that it single handedly caused the french to back out of supporting Iraq. The fact that christian nations have legitimacy to back up their insane fundamental christian holy wars isn't a fucking argument.
Fucking sick degenerates
Repeat after me:
7.62 for LGBTQ
7.62 for LGBTQ
7.62 for LGBTQ
7.62 for LGBTQ
7.62 for LGBTQ
7.62 for LGBTQ
Did you even read the rest of that post? I said:
After world communism is achieved the world will also be atheist so there won't be any muslims since they will all be converted under socialism to state athiesm. read theory /reckt
Yes, it's true: Christianity and its sects hold disproportionate political power where it and they should not. However, you have to realize that even in the Christian US, during the W era, when the Republicans not only held most state governments, but Congress and the WH as well, with a new appointed justice to the supreme court. Guess what? There were no lynchings of homosexuals. They're odious and reactionary, but they're not the same tier as Muslims. Not nearly.
If you think this is how geopolitics works, you are delusional. France and Germany had little to gain from going into Iraq.
You could replace [christian] with [anything] and that statement would be just as valid. i.e. it's a meaningless statement.
there are other, much more violent, ways to kill people then straight up lynchings. The christian right in America engages in structural violence against the poor which kills far more people than direct murders by fundamentalists.
Hello, Mike-the-cat. Are you using the wrong flag and feeling 'liberated' from having to cope with all the faggots on DeviantArt?
Keep in mind that many of the points made in your infographs (muh gay culture, muh AIDS, muh men = all gays but this is totally not an attack on people) have been BTFO.
>"As a faggot"
Read your bible kiddo.
most of these are crossposters from Holla Forums who are doing cointelpro
You are reaching now. Once again, I say they are odious, but there haven't been systemic executions, beatings, and/or jailing of homosexuals in the US, even under the height of Fundie control.
This is a maddening false equivalence. Even if you were a student of DiaMat you would have to admit that the industrialist (and post) industrialist Capitalist system is able to expand carrying capacity, and at the very least sustain a larger one than the feudal systems still utilized by Fundamentalist Islamists. There was a reason we as Communists and Socialists were supporting their end in the Middle East and Central Asia for decades.
pretty much this. people will hold their nose and go along with shit from political factions they don't like if they get a major issue "right", especially when that issue plays directly on visceral fears (like being beaten, bombed or shot by pious foreigners whose religion says you should be killed because of what you are)
If lefties want to make a serious attempt at assuaging the fears people have after, for instance the Pulse nightclub thing and ISIS executions and offering a solution, not just to gays but all sorts of people, then old fashioned anti-imperialism with, at least in the short term, a stricter immigration policy is probably the way to do it. Make getting the fuck out of those countries and stop bombing them and shitting on them a major policy plank so all those scary, hateful foreigners won't WANT to come here to escape the smoking ruins of their homes. Stop pouring money into Islamist """moderate rebel""" groups, stop selling weapons to Wahabist regimes and stop going on economic and military adventures in those regions and tell people WHY this matters. You can still support accepting humanitarian refugees but you need to tailor the way you talk about it depending on who you're talking to. If you're talking to LGBT groups, make a point of accepting gays and trannies fleeing persecution etc etc.
But disconnecting left-wing politics from it's current image of supporting mass immigration on the thinnest of premises and glossing over or excusing the often deeply reactionary views of prospective migrants needs to be a priority and it can be done WITHOUT indulging reactionary views at home.
Convince me.
t. gayfag Holla Forumsack who's had success under capitalism
stop roleplaying lmao
Wow. Gay AND rich? So fucking BASED!
2 for 2 useless replies lads, keep 'em comin'
Fucking lol
Hint: we're talking about the US and its material conditions
If you want credit for roleplaying as a capitalist faggot whore then go to r/T_D or its imageboard colonies (8 and 4/pol/).
No fucking shit. Do you think Bin Laden hit the towers because of "muh islam" with no geopolitical strategy or goals. Religious justification doesn't preclude geopolitical strategy.
And yet people like you will still take at face value the designation of terrorist vs non-terrorist when the term is explicitly defined in such a way as to never allow the defining entity to be guilty of it.
What a shame, that doesn't seem to be an official MAGA hat.
Less of a shame that I can't get an actual convincing argument from anyone in this thread.
you're not here for a serious discussion
are you sure your old enough to be on this site?
Ironically enough I am, but responces like yours are all I assumed I would get from the likes of this place.
Holla Forums are going to lynch you if you're that sassy and camp when they run American, kiddo.
I don't hate them. My only problem with them is the health hazard they pose.
He idolized them because Islam was warlike, not because it was anti-gay.
t. Baptist who got fiddled
The trad-FIDF is here, I see.
All antisocial acts have their basis in some psychological mechanism: some people were abused and want to relive the trauma, some are just greedy, some think it's for some higher good, etc. Obviously women's chronic disloyalty and conniving nature has a basis in psychology and evolutionary history, but that does not excuse them.
This is an understandable mentality and it may even be useful, but it paradoxically reduces women to innocent victims of their own evil. It might be necessary for us to devise way around the conniving behavior of women, but we should have no illusions about them, nor should we think that it's simply "our responsibility" to compensate for their moral failings.
I'm not an incel/homosexual (as the FIDF will accuse me anyway), but it's clear that women are a necessary evil. The original Fascists despised women, and with good reason: weak, lying, conformist, and parasitic in how they attach themselves to the most high-value men and seek to drag them down.
How our species works is a frame of reference, not an end goal. You can either accept your position as a bitch and try to assemble a catalogue of little tricks on how to be "alpha", or you can try to improve our collective condition by working towards minimizing and eliminating the political power of women. It's a monumental task (thanks, female suffrage), but you can't even attempt it until you recognize that the present situation is undesirable.
OP here. This thread has ben truly terrible. I'm sorry, I thought we could have a discussion about this. I guess I'll have to ask reddit or something.
Thanks to this user for providing probably the single relevant post
Your OP is like an attempt at bait, what did you expect?
Is this serious, are you an ledditor, OP?
Is the state of Holla Forums this bad? Why the fuck do we make fun of Holla Forums again?
The only reason Holla Forums don't have reddit accounts is because they were banned for being spergs m8.
You literally couldn't tell OP was from reddit until he mentioned it. You're an elitist piece of shit.
Holy shit, I will remember this.
Next time don't ever make fun of Holla Forums being leddit, this place is proudly leddit too.
If we extend this to people of German ancestry, then maybe.
It's not gayness that is a health risk it's just anal sex in general that has a higher risk of transmission. Lesbians have the lowest rates of HIV/AIDS of any other sexuality.
I understand your frustration.
Being a "ledditor" =/= admitting that this place isn't really better than other leftist places
I visit multiple socialist sites to see what the discussions are about. This boardan be nice, but it's a collection of Holla Forums rejects who still cling to Holla Forums bullshit, it certainly shows on tjreads like this.
You guys are fucking scums that keep infiltrating this place, m8.
With you lot around, we wouldn't be able to say nigger and faggot without being banned for wrong think.
Fantastic reading comprehension as always, Holla Forums.
Fuck off, leddit.
Stay out.
I see it is drunk time in burgerstan.
Been on imageboards since you were putting your socks on readying yourself for a day of bullying at school, nigger.
Been on the chan since 2007 myself.
I hope that this is not what your argument is. If it is, then people like you are the reasons why the boards have become cancerous. One wonders whether you took ED-esque in-jokes seriously.
why do gays want everyone to like them? It's incredibly childish and they'll throw a tantrum if anyone is mean to them. Makes me despise them even more tbqh
Not being able to have a somewhat civil discussion about gay and trans issues is a clear sign of your immaturity. I can only assume you have never met and held an actual conversation with a gay person and are unable to conceptualize them as human beings. Consider some empathy to replace your memes.
The OP literally says he's going to leddit. He's a fucking ledditor scum.
Fuck off faggot, class first, idpol shit second.
Gays are basically girly men, they are a minority inside a minority so they always feel like a bunch of victimized bunch.
Shit year, can't even bully you for chanology.
Everything in the media has to celebrate gayness. Everyone has to bake them cakes. I just don't get it. Like legally they've won they're the same as everyone else but I guess that was never the goal for them.
I was there for anime, until fucking SJWs happen and ledditors infiltration.
Well, being a victim is king in liberal democracy so.
In actuality, gays would be bullied to suicide in non-liberal democracy.
It's amazing how many replies it took before this thread collapsed. On any other image board a post that starts with as a homosexual would have been met with instant vitriol
We don't embrace idpol here.
You aren't special, faggot.
Everyone is committing suicide though. That's just the reality of late capitalism. Why the fuck are gay suicides so much more valuable than everyone elses and do gays not realize how this fucking looks.
That was like years later you sperg. Place was a fucking shit tip on its own accord by that point.
project chanology and late anonymous were proto-sjws
2007 was like a golden age though.
That's not the viewpoint that is being pushed, though. It's actually "class first, and literally anything related to socialism that is not strictly economic is absolutely out of limits. Also when in doubt, import social views from Holla Forums"
This is an unsustainable political position in the long-term and will get you laughed out of the room. If you can't comment on specific issues from an informed socialist perspective, nobody will listen to you.
I'm a historical materialist and totally agree with the primacy of economic structures. What follows from that to forbid me to think about issues of gender identity exactly?
I think there's some legitimacy to the "social pressure and shittery as cause for suicide" thing. But I also never really agreed wholeassedly with any moral panic over suicide - in my view killing yourself is foremost a right, and most of the time looking for any one particular cause to conclusively blame on someone's suicide is pretty questionable because it's usually a series of events. Which, to be clear, does not rule out economics as a cause for alienation.
Nobody is being laughed out of the room except faggots and feminists.
You can think about it after you win the class war.
First thing first, not everything at the same time.
I'll give you a hint: it wasn't SJWs who brought redditors to 4chan.
This is kind of an abstract sort of room, isn't it?
It's the year Holla Forums started being shitty so no.
I hope the irony is not lost on you
It was ledditors who brought SJW to 4chan though.
The room is Holla Forums.
Or we accept idpolers here?
It's the year before ragecomic becomes prevalent, shit was chill in 2007, the only thing I worried about is not knowing where to download .srt subs, I don't even know about politics except lol Bush is dumb party line.
That's, uh, idpol.
So you didn't have a problem with the OP until he revealed he goes to reddit? That's pathetic, son. Literally feeling identified with some shitty anonymous board.
Is anti-idpolers idpol?
Or we welcome "race realists" here?
Okay, let's think about that logically. In your perspective, should revolutionary agents ever focus on individual freedoms, and generally anything not to do with the economic reorganization of society? In the bourgeois revolutions, should the revolutionaries have abandoned any concept apart from the advancement of capitalism? How exactly does this work?
I was just reading the thread, now it's just fucking trash.
Yes, I'm THAT pathetic, now leave our board alone, ledditor.
Revolutionaries should focus on class issue i.e. Marxist perspective at the foremost.
It can promise any other issue, just that the class issue needs to be solved first. All other things are window dressing because class + economics define society.
we've been stealing your words for a hundred years. why be surprised
Rolled 23, 31, 16, 29, 14, 30, 12, 6, 6, 27, 29, 2, 36, 34, 22, 16, 10, 4, 3, 3, 30, 15, 20, 32, 3, 23, 30, 2, 17, 6, 16, 3, 1, 31, 32 + 43 = 657 (35d36)lol true
Stopped reading here.
Please fuck off from here, just because we do not like idpol doesn't mean we're fucking bigots, you Holla Forums newfags are shitting up this board
I swear memeing the SJWs was a mistake, now I see why everyone thinks this place is some sort of reactionary circle jerk
Dude, I'm sure ledditors and SJWs like you are the ones oughta get the fuck out of this board.
Nah, you don't belong on this board, fucking triggered faggot.
I'm sure the irony is lost on you.
No you didn't.
It's lost on me indeed.
This is the chan, not fucking leddit.
Tumblr is better than reddit, actually it was on tumblr that I heard of 4chan in 2009. I guess you could say I'm an oldfag myself.
So Holla Forums is tumblr and leddit?
Really makes me think.
Why does the Holla Forums subject need the image of the Reddit Other to validate his identity? The narrative according to which the normal functioning of the board can only continue with the removal of this corrupting inflience, this pernicious force that is reddit, is the purest of ideology.
It's because ledditors are cancer and actively try to colonize the chan to be more leddit-like.
As an anti-imperalist, it's imperative we are to stop leddit invasion.
Imagine being this deep in the trashcan,jesus, you sound like a nationalist, no one here gives a single fuck about "muh purity", idpol threads get ignored, and people engage more in theory, this isn't some circle jerk dedicated to shit on idpol 24/7, maybe you're looking for Holla Forums
Yeah, fuck off ledditor.
We must resist the ledditor invasion and spread class consciousness, not more gay shit idpol.
This thread proves otherwise.
That poster ain't real, is it? Weren't the Soviets against homosexuality? Why would they propagandize it?
I'm transgender, and bisexual, but I hold more conservative views. And I prefer not to identify with the LGBT community, purely because of how embarrassing they've become in recent years
You are representative of e-niggers who want to continue to be edgy in ways which our lolberal 'communist' cousins over there won't be. Sure, you are certainly more rebellious then they are but just like Nietzsche in his use of counter-Platonist values, you merely take the other derived position and try to act 'offensive' to try and make yourself distinguished in the eyes of normies. That is typical contrarian Holla Forumsyp behaviour.
And then you anuses have the megalomania to call yourselves 'oldfags', thus ruining that term just like how feminiggers ruined 'rape' as a term. Either you're at the end of a human centipede formed by idiots or you've bought into normies and the CIA's bullshit. Fuck you and your defence of degenerated 'chan culture', one of the most threatening spooks to exist for the spirit of radicalism which once flourished on the boards.
How can you be this dense?
You're either incompetent or a shill. If anything, it would be far more useful to protect the board from the likes of you, newfag.
“The initiative for revocation of antihomosexual legislation, following the Revolution of February 1917, had come, not from the Bolsheviks but from the Cadets (Constitutional democrats) and the anarchists (Karlinsky, 1989). Nevertheless, once the old criminal code had been repealed after the October Revolution, the antihomosexual article also ceased to be valid. The Russian Federation criminal codes for 1922 and 1926 did not mention homosexuality, although the corresponding laws remained in force in places where homosexuality was most prevalent – in the Islamic republics of Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, and Uzbekistan, as well as in Christian Georgia.”
“Soviet medical and legal experts were very proud of the progressive nature of their legislation, ln 1930, the medical expert Sereisky (1930) wrote in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: “Soviet legislation does not recognize so-called crimes against morality. Our laws proceed from the principle of protection of society and therefore countenance punishment only in those instances when juveniles and minors are the objects of homosexual interest” P. 593).
“As Engelstein (1995) justly mentions, the formal decriminalization of sodomy did not mean that such conduct was invulnerable to prosecution. The absence of formal statutes against anal intercourse or lesbianism did not stop the prosecution of homosexual behavior as a form of disorderly conduct. After the 1922 Penal Code was published there were in that same year at least two known trials for homosexual practices. The eminent psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev testified that “public demonstration of such impulses … is socially harmful and cannot be permitted” (Engelstein, 1995, p. 167). The official stance of Soviet medicine and law in the 1920s, as reflected by Sereisky’s encyclopedia article, was that homosexuality was a disease that was difficult, perhaps even impossible, to cure. So “while recognizing the incorrectness of homosexual development … our society combines prophylactic and other therapeutic measures with all the necessary conditions for making the conflicts that afflict homosexuals as painless as possible and for resolving their typical estrangement from society within the collective” (Sereisky, 1930, p. 593).”
tl;dr early on they were more progressive but had prosecutions under Stalin, though medically it's not like the west was any better at ghe time
I'm an oldfag who resists ledditor and feminists invasion though. This is factual.
What the fuck are you talking about?
We do not welcome idpolers here.
The topic is not the existence of God and you are not Richard Swinburne. I don't even think that your testimony even holds up given your mentality.
You have become the mirror image of the ledditors and your ilk are not necessary to hold them back. Deal with it.
Confirmed e-nigger. Fuck off.
If Islam is inherently anti-gay then how was it possible that the biggest islamic country of its time, the Ottoman Empire, decriminalized homosexuality in the 1850s despite the fact that their society/law was heavily influenced by Islam/Sharia?
Virtually all Christian churches welcome Gays. Virtually all Mosques do not welcome Gays and many will kill them outright.